THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the Coileosa year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Oimmcs Times building N. Main st., opposite post office. W. W. HlUGHES, '98, W. W. THAYER, 196L. E. L. Gmss Ism19 L 0. IIANS, '98. J. L. WALSg, '08M. EDITOR-ITT-CIPW0 G. B. HAnIsON, '00 L. 1M1 lADiING EDITOR .1. F. THOMAS, '97. BUSINESS MANAGER L. C. WALKER, '90. ASSOCIATE EDITORS L A. Pratt, 'P6 G. 10.Heath, '96 P. S. R. SmitisOO6 L. B. B. Metheany, '99. F. Simons,'98.' H. B. Gammon, '97 M. F. A. Facik, '03 E. C B. Roe, '08 D. The subscription price of the Daily has been reduced to $1.25 in advasce for the rost of the yeaer.ILoave subscriptionso at the Daily oe or with P. Ci. Meyer, U. of Mv News Stand. Intications sonoelisues seeold how iiiat tile days wvhlen correct spelling was it not unheard, of accouiplisohoeilt hatve ended. For instance, when stu- denits iiiakiug out slips foi booko at the iibrai spell lisythologry, "skcol- ogy,' geology, "giolgy," and encyclo- SCHOfOLMASTERS' CLUB. (Continued ftrom First Pace.) er? (b)? by thte class? Are annototod texts desirabie?" "Is it advisable to di- vide tiletbooits assigned into twvo ciass, es-one for cursory readiiig and one for minute criticai study?" The discussion in tisotory wiil be bold in the Taippan Hali Lecture Rtoom aiid the program is as folitvws: "The Stchool Library;" "Its Uses," paper by Supt. E. L. Briggs-, of Codwater, "Whavt shnali it contain?" " (a) In the liine of Auiericani History," Prof. A. C. ItLaugliii, l'niversity of Mieligan; "(b) In the liue of Europveant'History," Mr. Earle W. Dow, 'University of Michigan. A generai discussion of tile foregoing topics wilt foilosv. 'rie jprogramin OlMatheniatics xwili tve Iittooni 1,'Tatppansa tl, ith: Prisf. W. W. Beilian chiairnian. The papters to he read Ire: "Arithmnetic ill thie Iligli School, What anti When?' P'rin. W. N. Ferris, Big Rtapids, xitii discussion by Supt. F. It. Hatlivay, of Flint, Suit. It. C. Ely, of Alma, anld Mi'. E. C. tloditard, of the 'niv'ersity; "Riewx of tRecent Books on Aritinue- tic'," Supt. 01. A. Whitney, of Ypsilanti, wiftidiscussioin ty Miss A. A'. Hedrick, Saginaav, E. S.; "Suggestions for a wiietiuer higher education ineloirs all IHg colLbayi.Mteai:, Dr. David i. Smoithi.'Michigan Stat'- that t miht Ositiace.Norumal Schooi. A Conifereuce -iii Phys ics xiii be. held The tItdoor Meet of Saturday night' alssanother to the list of successful in the P'hysical iLatboratory at wich thiers' wiiiltbe an cxibitioniof appa- sttlietie events that the gynnasinni isas witnessed. Whlile iio records wvererau.Pps ilbeedasflo : brokn th geeralaveage f I"Whiting's Expserimnit for Free Fall workdun ava god. ore nteestof Bodies." Prin. A. 1I. C'uris, Adrian; in these mieet~s sholditb e taken by stI Avcllisfo'ltsrstjgIiesr dents generally for it is such, contests o ae, i.D~rs os ts lailti tHigh School: "Repiort of t'1ii0 i as these that determilnexvhat the gen-111it eralatllticspiit f a nierstele oii the Ten Staindarod Latboratory sitai he .Experiments in Nleclianics for higha Schiools," MIr. It. N. t'hute, Ann Arbar; Last wveek there camnetinasteiita- "tRoentgens halitogi'liili," Prof. Ht. S. tiouisly into University circes a man Caihart, Uiver'sity of Mieti:ig~i: "Il- xvii', although he xorked quietly and te'rferelltial Refractometer," h'rof. A. wittout sesisational maethods probabiy A. Mii'helsou, University of Chicir!oa. accomiplished more tasting good amng All addruess oil "The Valule ands Pos- tile men of ihe University thani many sihilities of Hlistorical Study" wciii he whose coming has beeii heirildedt by delivered by P'ies. .hoiiies H. Casafield. tile blare of trunipets. Possihly there~ of Glio Slate UnIzivesoity. are students xvho arc not aware that- Saturday's lrog-rau hegins ,at h9:00ia. Mr. Sayfuord conduc'ted uneetiigs in iii. with a conference oi "History 'iii Newberry Bali, hut the good effe'cts of the Schiooilh'rogrami;" "Htistory in lie his xvork are becouming more aiid iiore Gtrades," Mr. Earle AV'. Doxv, Univer- apparent. E specially xva his "Coniti- sity of Michiigain; "Piace of Amiericain dentiat Taik to Young MenI," ailongtile History iii the Iligh School," t'rof. lite of sociai purity a maovemnivit in Chias. Mleiteuny, Olivet College; "Gen- tile right direction. We need more of vrai History in the Highb School," Mliss titis sort of practicai agitation united Elieli Dean, Grand tRtpidis High with religion as Mr. Sayford presented School; "Sequence of Historical Stint- it. Tiele ack of muachlinery for pro- ies in the ttighi Sciiool," Prof. Itichiard ducing eiaotioinal effects and the tone '0.00 p. no__L Historical Sketel, of of earnest thiougiltfuiness xxhiicii per- Hudson, University of Michigan. vadied tile meetings mark them as Englisii Graoannvr Teacinog, Pt'of. F;. efforts that sholond be repeated. We A. Manbour, Michigan Stale Norimai hlope to see Mfr. Sayford in Ann Arbor Schiool. It is huoped thaot the paper again. wiii call out a general interchange of - views in tile club on tile followlung Prof. F. M. Taylor has an article In topics: The educational value of tile the Marci, Political Science Quarterly study of Gramiuar; its relations to on "Do we want an elastic Currency?" literature and composition; its place in tile curriculut;rsults to be ain- ed at; iaethlods of presenting the sub- ject. The discussion will be by Prof. B. A. Hinsdae, University of Mids- gan; Supt. W. F. t'erry, Ann Arbor; Prin. . T. Wright, Jackson,hPrin. W. A. Greeson, Graiid atids. All meetings xiii be held in the Frieze Memorial Hall unless otherwise noted. FIRST YEAR ALUMNI. '95 Holds a Successful Clss Ban- quet The first alumni banquiet of 95)xas held Friday night at lagsrfer's, and it was most successful iii every detai. Of the large numiiter of miem- bers of the closs xvho re still in the University pursuinig giaduate or pro- fessionali studies, considerably over hiaif oere ini atenanice. Mr. J. . tone oitditdhimslf in the ,a-olciy of toastmaster, ad to his efforts and those f the committee oii amiang- ients, Messrs. Murfin, Block ado Green is du(, imtih. of the success of the ev-cuig. Aftr the ireglariro- graial of toasts had. tein gone through each iaeiiber of the class was caled. uvponori fi a stool'? or soiiieronal reainiseence. The orer of toasts osas ais folowxs: "The (lass of '1)," by L1 B. Broosk; "'95 and thie' 'oiiiodo' Rays," ty . . Rtose'ibtauiii:"'The Fault," C. i. Gray; "Class IPoliics," ty J. . t.lur- in; "C'ollego' Frie'ndshipi," by h. . Lintdley; "huti the i o'rvv'ld," by B. D. Htorton; "t90,-Otur First Iteio," tby? it.I.. Lyster; "Our Almat Matei," to? Dmavid Leaavotur. Amloug thio'others presnt xwer MessĀ°rs. Mtarshiall Hoadey, Iutcing, W'illiams, SatbintBlock, Thayer, bos- ter, Tifany, Dancer, Bodecker, Downs, hRualol, tGreen and MtcDonald. Greetod by a Lrge Audience. Normial H. iHacket, x-, wvho is a nmember of thie troupe' sualolortig Rhea thaus season, apleare woith that actress at thie Granmd.Otoeraiotse Fridlay evening. Mll.tRhiea is oie of the faxorites of Annm Arbor tlioato'- goers, but she was comipeled to stre tile atplause witii Sr. Hackett, whose Unixersity frtgnds xere out isa full force. lite acquitted himself veiy creditably, especially in tie curtaim- raiser, "Into It amd Out," in vlh'i he took tile leading Ihart. Isa the inter- val preceding ble first at of "ell Giwynn" Mr. Hackett xvs called be- fore the curtains aid conmilbohed te favor his friends xith a short speeh. While iii Anun Arbr Mr. Haketi xas entertained by Theta Detas Ci, of xhitceh fraterniy ie is a member. An infornmal reception was tedered iim at the chapter-house Friday fter- noon, "Nell Gwyn" aas oinessd by .at party of txvesy-five of Mr. Hackett's Detrit friends. Tile newest and largest assormxen of Carpets, Rugs, Mattings and .Dra- onles at Hailer's Furniture Store. prof. Edwin Truebiood to Read. Edwin B. Trueblood, 'S7, brothaer of Prof. Trueblood and Professor of Gra,- tom'y at Eauulhau College, Indiana, will_ read tomorroxv afternoons at 5 o'clock. in the Laxv Lecture Room. Gratoricat. tickets o-danit holders. General atis- sion 10 cents. PRIZE FOiR SHOtRT STORIY. Tile '0(1 "Res Giestas' Board offer a. cash prize of $10 for tile best short story on a legal sumbject Contribu- tions from all departmenmts are invited and tile Board reserve the right to use all manuscript submitted CHESS TGURNAMIENT. Entries for the chess tourniamnent for the chlanmpionship of the 'nix'ei'sity close today, Monday, at 7 p. us., at xwhichltitme the draxwinigs wiii be madie at the chub room. The tournamuent wvill begini Thursday eveninig. CHARLES G. PALME4R. Miss Charlotte 0. Stowe, generat. pianist and accompanist. Htouse party engagemnents satisfactorily filled. Ad- dress INo. 48 S. University ave.. Washburn Guiar for sale, Arg us- office. 128 Subscribe for the Daily. 2d Semester., UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCINU) Opposite LAW building. TERM'S $3 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. 0. H. KEYES. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER~t PINS-U. of M., A. A. H. S. The finest in tile city. Come and see closing Out We have left a fair stock of all sorts of --WRITING TABLETS which can be closed out as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C: GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100. PP. 3 FOR IOC, GOOD WRITING TABLET, - 8K CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C, BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET,- 35G{ WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock with not be replaced. Come quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. fL WI 0. RI"PA"NS The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity.