THE U. OF M. DAILY. w MICHIGAN GENThAI A MAN WITH MONE-Y TOUR Time Table (Revised) March 1_1806. EAST. PM WEST.A VE O N ON W E L Mail and Ex - I IS3 50 Maill--------- a lienteis..the 51 cotic the super~ior of mny -so ci le i gh Ii wheels, N. Y. Special- 00 N. Y. Special...731 loRa lieadbiaso h esa EasternsE a-_10 12 N. S. Limited...- 9 L cR25iKigsilia o vici Atlantic Mx-___7 300Pacific E---.-12 i1:LCCC1P N 9 U.NExpress----.5 40 Westerne-___2 00 G. R. Ex pressa__11 05 Cihi. Nt. Ex----- 10i1?53, 58 and 60 S. M~ain St. Furniture. 0. W. RUGGEnS, it. W. 11AYEn, _____________________________ G. P. &T.Agt., Chicago. Agt. AntsArbor N W S RN A P E T.Od. &C.By. K. &MBERy. SoliditiriiughlirineleltweniiToeido, Ohsio and Clilioc, W. Va., cia t'oloxu, tie ilorttaiicoelyiwi-tiroiite. Toledo, 0. Findlay, 0. Renton, 0. Columbus, 0. Athens, 0. IMiddleport, 0. Pomiery, 0. RAILROAD. Tme rTable,la. 1, 195. 7:2a. m. 7:40 a. m. *12:20 p. m. 11:0a. n. 4:5p. m. 9:21 p. n.. All trains daily xcept Srnday Train rn between Ann Arbor ad'Poldo only. R. S. GREENWOI, Aget W. 11. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypilati frm Congrens st., 7:10.8:45 ad I1:00a. m; i2:45, :15, 5IwO. :45, 9:1 ad 10:45 p.A Le neAs Arbor Jnctiion, 7:40,:15 aii 11:0a. m. :15, 2:4, 530, 7:5, :45 and 11:13 SUNDIAY TIME. 'Leave Ypnlatl from Cogrest.. :30,13:30, nda 900 pm I e A ss"9i Arbor Jastio, :00,4:00,5:30, 00 adS lpm Cire s ras onity time F-re: sngle triple5 nsa ond telpticts 2,5cent. Was. I. PAaKE, Supt. If yo ant god relimible liftinratce cal: oa Fred T Mcimsiier, ofice No. , S. Furth ave. NEW MACHINE SHOP HUNTER BROS., 9RE LIBERTY ST Skates Concaved. Experimental Work. RENTSCHLER, PHOTCO~H~Eal( ANtN ARBOR. MICH. 4RT LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS Chocolates and Candies -AT-- JOLLY & CO>'S. 20 S. State St. Sager Blck. Large Lies ofNie Pipes, Tbacs ad Cigars. RANDALL.. Photographer 15 Washington Block. ~ &Co 6 0. STTE TOOP C01ISTEET.++ Call as them for Fine Lunches, Fins Chocolates, and Baked Gfoods. Try Our Lunches. COTRELL & LEONAR, * Albany. N. Y. Makers of .raps t Gowns fisr Yale 91,Harvard -- i, Princeton 9and may we not add Michigan'9? lls:iecairived. TIhiilirgcst medi ii oct;aso::tiinn escliiiiiniiAliniiArbor. bitt fiirol$14tio. i50 ats.firom:$fitoi0$'. We knoi i hii Iiel tau i:plceicc youinitili el ::0ccyou:it10look -at one samiplcc bforc bunyiing c, rineliirihn P.aJ. uien, ilie ~ate -re i uior, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. 20 S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. Richmond. Va. __________________________________________________ Petersburg, Va. -______ --__________________________ Old Point Comfort, Va. CHANGE IN RiEGULATIONbI. Women in Athletics, Williamsburg, Va. Newport News, Va. Freshman Play Be Pledged at Chi- Aithlleiare receiixi:17gceat, ittenl- Iorork,.Va. sago After Sin Months. 11011 in ill lie lnitelill icollegcs 0for And ll csnutheasti-rn: minix. Fli-gant drwnroorei caisxen ill [lie faiculycitheIUi::I' l-cui7o(:1'clii- W'oi il. At Cornelill a1 .tl'::lc ei' ifrt TPcer firltoowrmit7:etii ~ i ci ca clgaio li-s:iboilislie l110ts freshmaniiiiclt'xxasieratleP- tii:it- :ia lilfex :i::o11i mulch SMOUlTO)N IlOItiC, Ce'il to-c. Act., Toliedo, 0,. a il Ini ies sead it ii clli-iilulea rte v1: iolie sew. i'd::x' l : llhI W"i .A. PETERISSliciiein lies. Ageiii, iloose iicliilii rt 1iernitlis tro:1one1 as no15 tie) e d:, it s 10 iucct:-d a. . le-ille Iica tl 1th1Ieylhave c li-ill-ha1lut t:111!: waill be a1firsot cl,-lisic cx'. Crand. Opera H1cuee. rolledl as s;tilieis tfor _six ll::ilillls At 1'e5:~eilsl~i' :c :ceONE NI(211t 'ONLY. boith cieured foi- lulitlii tlt-xallcllwhichll will lie a:iillue forc tenn~is :111:1 S turday, M arch .4t., in vilatin ofthe rle, nd a a l e llI lilclelic iiulil(s ii sucixlale, a:1 ciii 'l ile -suiEut t :7 r tue c~r is ,o er ciii : tlly- eioli l f r111 t i, 1:1 no:0 1y be011- ditoa.sktnIrikiawi-ii: c0:i:n iitacgAec. oftepegdle eoent ~im-ter,1Elen ithe f~tvi 1-11(11 i i- i":n ice~c ltic 1: ici s illjs)tiias tas i 1(1111t A i&'\Le . Sliecxiii ,dixluellsut:tn ll rhi't 1:1 irill ape arci i froin.ithis :1 1.. I sl - A - Oct11 ranict l~i 'd I )511:1 -ill eipiy11 to9' 1:achilledesentlbi t I:; 1w oxxii NANCY AT THE FRENCH BALL'' eo:s~ of Iwo frcoliiitiell uis 1i'setinlei 1)(l. I111 lull ofl -~xiy t Ii-i Ilim -I:: rmitclmly s mmd: :-: em m' ivmclmx;i atiithe I i si tcs15of I :iliif1nli : Yiumeill Laugh:-Yoiumciin'tiI lit.-1Evern if is tilici' li ors 1111th: e e m 1:1 li) ):1 l:ne I110: Prices, - 35c, 50c, 75c and $1, uotil n11101 c(e ir. Noll-mng tois ul :aic l uicl- 1 xlliOI, ____________________________ in~vlci~ ese W ae ilii tolilty-ct 1-A S fl [1117 ii leil~ii flmi:' J l-1 rg ar t0 thli ely i o: t-eru xx 1(li~i1-i ie s l 1 >m iil n d.i ICII'e''Si.i 1-ln h v tiemeemI(':lliluil7 It I~ 'i~, :11t1s:) ilmy mit easl frt a ere itolli g ineIet-il $i :. pc':_C ,k lmlmIlifm fulxilg 1mm-111:no iil 11.1)c-,sifI Ii- 1:1mg' Se 0( cub~n min 1)111 x1iii :181.lilt:- luisiier sIll(,new sty es av i n - d aeui m ti ell 1ir eio n w hio.hi teit emmi 1 : 1 me i n I m c-il ' g e- i i '- - M R N L ' E E L Y S O E ililsied con tmirymtoim'theiir le, -aId sl ) areeIithelitiging.e 1.00 nbour this0011-iliin willOhioCentrl ti TE KINDRGARTN BsUADQHAL ml imliimimiI1m:itxii 111I-sveareth iicO lmial-tnt clxv1iy nyu-RAIL R O D TlflV[T STRE .polte b i exto 'It itsil i ill7. i lls 11:TH EOl B lE T .M It isGuEt x I I I R- p l it edavthiiiscl c lo ithe 7ll.till uirl ene 0'cc- i1icf~vrc Moliuy it411 . i::P.1111cP.e issebyte Ohio enral ines TH, or Rn Rrn ll BL oftcttenci, i11-uis iices mHANGSTrtaCATalwRysR, I).~th t13.xl& OC..,BigictFour,2 Ci, 10117ec. MO EY T LN ON i P IV a~in Price $l"2'0.x- Gorodle odnC.eib-Teo, Ohio. itd. Allacaicldmiee ot ilelioeY. presen iieni iiteirlie s tm it 01 etrl ie' kti tathe.eNN KIT fIt avote2.DO Y U FA Mcsie ie , itic t ming xx-ll le L V e a si f llvili clecleml o2cilE.siWithi-c Sti ti. taisinewll tbey Iitc atsll3 ::mmin'mdcided muouci'I ueshr, t per- 21 1. far the old 111m7crisesiallyi.17to citlize C':stll aneBoarcd is desicousl iftgetting' thle iimilortaileof tislprepara~itory s m0any humltinorous osechies of tUniter- woclc sld report at thiat timle. si ty life ansliossibile. If you knoxw a W.V. 0-.tlIMI-S. laughalble inicidettoccamuinlg clini-ac- il-iccI- ti-c abouttthe- Uiversity, maikc a The Dily hs bee deliered ior breezy sketch atid pot it in the Cas"- neveral weeks Ino11lnmclber-; of the toalion contribultionl bomxes in the 111ain Unliversity faculties xxlo ore clot regu- halt. lar scubscribers. Tils lies beeni donle witout lily 0epense to them in order Student miemebers of thie Political to shio-vtileli the value of the Daily Science Association can gelt1the p11)- Is a Unierity nexwstaper. A- soliid- ]!catiotis as thel e on-ouit Oby callin~g for xwill cnll uponl eaehlprofesorl who at rooml 11, Tappati hall, at 11 a. i. 111 benleitlie I~l0~Mi ttoc 1-10on any clay except Saturdaiy. F+ive desire to beconee regular anbet-ibers nutibers ate nowv oil)ail a sixth, Cue- wsill be given all oportu~nity to sob- voted 10 city governmient, is prilxiilg. acrihbe. Oclierxvioe, the paper will be IMembershlip, which includes the pub- discotitinued without any cluarge for I ications, is open 10 all students a~t $1 tile nunibers delivered. a year. CIIARLES H. COlfLtEY, Tice-te% for the indoor meet can be Treasurer. putrchas~edl from any moembe-r of the The Daily 'sill be delivered by oar- Atletice Mardt.rier or by mail for the remainder of Subscribe for the Dailyv the year for $3 .25. -, We Furnish the best Bicycle C rds FOIR $1.80. lHandoome embossed poker chips (or couniters). f65c per 100 Ntoiseles pokier chips (or coilritcrsl. $1.10 cper 1011. Extra qtiality 1i011hi 1105, 25c per seta T. B. Rayl Co., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE. All candidates for thi freshman bacoball team will hand their names and positions to the lna neger at once. HARRY 00. POTTER, 319 S. 11Thayer st.