THE U. OF" M. D)AILY. 1XJGHIGANGCENThLG Thee Table (Revised)t March 1, 1896. MaliandlEx-__3 50 Mall -----88 N. Y. Special--. 5 00 N. Y. Special---. 7 0 Eastern Ex---10 12 N. S. Limited.... 5 23 Atlantic Ex-___7 30 Pacific Ex---12 15 ON. Express.-.. 1 40 Western Es.1 _ 200 G. R. Express __11 05 Chi. Ni. Exn.--10 1V GREx ._____557 0. W. ReoosLes, H. W. HlATES, G. P. & T. Agt.. Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor )od Tailoring I 11 O CENTRAL LANES No lottery schemes. You pay for what you get acid T .&C y .&M y Solid ithrough Isiac betaeen Toledoi, olio CASH saves you 25 per cent. Every garment fitted cnd thaIf tesics: W. V'a.'svi a Ci~ls abr a~ ctiuate. anil guaranteed. Thousands of studentsar amongst ourshrardonyiretE customers. The largest line in the state to select Toledo, 0. from. Full liue of samples at the Cook House every Findadiy, 0. Tuesday. It will wvill pay you to see the line. Benton, 0. Columbus, 0. s_ ITHE GOLDEN EAG4LE LG , ULIlUII, ankiddleport, 0 Pomery, 0. JSociety of Sigma Xi. AT 'THE GRAND OPERIA HOUSE.Pt. PesnW a _____Richmond. Vs. I:tllcn'ax Univ'. Weckly.] P'erhilips -ihe cuatiesict, and certainly Petersburg, Vs. RAILROAD. The society cc Sigiia.;i is yoniic otie funcieat actress ci lii:' Ilut-rit-ai Old Point Comfort, Va.. NOTmeTaleSJn.1 UTH0. enoughi to ha the great grancltlauglctcr stage is F ailny Sice. Only oens oilierWilasugv. 7:21 a. m. *7:40 a. m. sofliar elder ister Pi LBe ta Kappac. Tile actress, the IaImnited Ilosina AoeNorporke, V. 4:15 p. a, 11:246 . .p.. M oit as one yMebr fCucic ompiiiare wills lir as natairal 0:1 p~. SIip n. scler- sasfoaicicd c~ isiio:55And .xll. souteastern paints. Flerast- All trains daily except Sunday I provaker of nierriniecit; iic far1,thleraecdrawing ream cost, on alltbtreo-i transa. *Trains run between Anu Arbor and Toledo the Cornell Lunivecotity ini18,1lt. Theae1Frfrhr nomto alo li. re ucainy points sshere lte twciw- Ticoefth er nfomtincilcyour local R. S. GREENWVOOD, Agent Cciitral idea in the iiids oftefoutdsiic- 11en1 ere grea<1tly stIiirlin bt Miss MOULTON hOUlt, GCni aso. At., W. Hi. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0.Tioledo,0. pppp__________________________eras was tc establiislh inithe leadlingItile'is ifinitelythceiac:' vec-rastie. IW. A. PETERS, Michigan lass. Agent. AA RB {u iOR &06YPSIL.ANTI ST. ly etloicticicl cclites of tieeot'ilry a Theeis attilietig abuihert lt-ctitis iDetroit. lMich saceity whcihsiolntandiu.ito scienlti- hard to tefinin iicold Isict t ticut accutns Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. ic. inse-t:igain soewheatithtiim acue ts hericthearditir; thisis ttiit- cCx.d O ea H s Leave Ypsilanti from Congeso t., 7ii0,:45 relation :10 11cr'Phi IBeiEtcitta npas-lacrly- swith scaitc1:s1ccii i tr: tONE NIGHT ONLY. 15pand 11:00 a. m.; 12:45,2:15,5:00, 6:45, :115 and eiety ataicds to sexcellentiie iii genteral wills thact so'reintitttifos ttli: c FRIDA , M U 1 3. E Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40,9:15 and aciitlsrsltl. Tiis itlca tosset forh ill ssr s os lcd jud:gmentiiof7 ]man, IS:3S a. i.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:20, 7:15, :05 and 11:1., e Iii ty sl:te lns ie fs: ~ ~ Apteitcc iaCf rit P. m. (liehedollowinog pasragraph icfeottle tall.- . SUNDAY TIME. is Ot'ie eof ft'isfres -tt: tanid Leave Ypoilanti from Cosgresst..1:30, 3:30, stititiciothe cie: tay:'utre. 11:-c fini ise:liinsz ,:. c. iant :00, :20 and 9:00 p. m. scttshae Leave Ann Arbor Junction, :00, 4:00, 5:30, '-rut'ttltf Hdlits 5 sais' stt-yiaIshallt- bue ' 7:00 and 95301 p.ii-lns'm.'t Cars run on city time Pace: single trip 151 iet:-,t:encouarerginl e'i( rtilti in hi nvnr h.Sei cents; round trip tickets 25 Centis. tloi tsi5cs:s i .wt.'I: s xIser Great Nse YorekcTrtiumh, TMy. F. PARKER, Supt. inicse, 1purecantiaplied: hy iiiet- iti'Stltan intnsetly fsii ope'raic iig for the dcltsisonl f sienutie subCit-t:sea:y tisa son tCall ed:l"'ancy cat VELN iLa VVW lNN . STUDENTS'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~h Freniyi:: sii~~st~io ci(i'1uchc-sB1:l1,'' It givessis:-:he(tc.' isiti- Preceded isate one set toisediniis, If yen waistgcoed retibtelife insurancee Cali settnttt ic 11tetizso way liteideeimed it:ers ettvsens tltts :ultitni~ltc't~ti- Prices, - 35c, 50c, 75c and $1, onnPred T McOmbser, olee No. 1, S.1 Foorth ave. ceit atie; iby esiabishing frateinailit'-esIls. It is as tinclit novty. ill its hrti n ~isg invc-stipatslinhis tIst'cisric-iosli, tiss . , lit- illliks- :tnyting t a w.i 1-( A. N IE S NEW MACHINE SHOP ".eif cne;anby