TILE U. OF M. DAILY Published Dully (Sunday excepted) during the Colleg,veur, ut THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, OFrIEn: Times building N. Main st., opposite post office. EDILTORtS W. XV. IIFJGeS, 'o, XV. XV. Tssxvto, '01 L. E. L Gesosn.'9iS L 0. IIANS, '93. J..XVALSRx'93 1I. tG. E. S MNssn, '9i9. EI)ITORt-gN-CHsIEF G. B. llRXoIsSOx, '9ll L. Is: VNAGINGI EDITOR .1. F. TnsOuXnS, '97. I5USgNEiS MA.NAGER~ Lt. C. XALKE.05,'01. ASSOCIATE EDITORtS L A. Pratt, 'T6 G. M. heath, '96 P. S. 1R. Smitbil itL. B. B. iletbeany, '99. F. Simons, '93. Ii. B. Gammon, 'ill M. F. A. locust, '93 E. C H. tRoc, '05 ). YALE'S LAW SCHOOL. Two Important Elective Cournes Added. [Yale Newn. The Yale Lawv School faculty havc nleidcd Ito odd twvo new clective courses to the etunricunlumnieDxlyear. Dine, a courei in New York Practie andi Pro- cedsure, is espccimlly deeigned to pro- vide for members of fhe school iu'tcntl- iilg to practice ill New York. Ills coturse Xilcompiirehendii.aithoilroulgh study of such portions of tine Codle and rsueli work i Practice as Xwiltlfit sin- denits to take tine New Yank Butr cx- oniinatlons, mitt prepare. tihemn for otfice oud court Iractice 01)0n1 ;ratnua- tioD. It will he conducteit by a Yule moan, who is a New York lawyer in J ativie itrative, mitdinho will lectu-o ahlavet'recitations diring line great- The nub crihutioiisprice of tine Daily han er part of tin eiiiic year. bees reduced to $1.125in advance foe the re it of the yeanr. Leave nubscriptioins at tine The other course will he in (,oni- Daily offie or with P. C. lMeye, U. of Mii lecticut Imcflee and Procedure.,,iii- News Stuntl. brac'ing at study of tine Pranetice Act, Editor of todlay's paper: nsofC rtantsilloroisf WV. W. TIAYERt, '96 L. Rlso oradsc ~rioSo tine sttites ins refer to the condulct of Caspar Whitney's viewsh 00 -tali. faxes. letic reforminiin tine middttle west (tre Both courses wnill Iseoipein to till wrhe nowv being pinbisheil in his idepatr- elect tilnen, anid wilt offier an new .anti wnst in llarier'.m Weekly, ;giting ilhevitttieidiioiotnetrrtliiu resutits of it visits to points in tbis In this connectionthnere seents- to be tart of tine coutntry where athletic in- same misunderstandinuf is to tine new terest is nuaintuined. Mfr. Whitiney rules rispietLimni tihe timrncyinjr' shout a few hoxrs inn Anin Armor, and course, whiichi:go into effect tnext falli. wha heleaine ni nx i snninuou ~ It is tine intenit of the authoriies to us followvs: t(epermit stnintns to taken tine three The athletie ct vei'ty it =these largeryer'Xrlinto easifinln' Weotrinuniersiieswoud. sirpiseopinnion of Die faulty, theny lie'snilli. most Eastern Jnon, I un Olsiies:n udsure. It knot srrse leintly iireparcd ant mave thei' ennuis- I wlas surtirised tit see so mnany menie nhtity to ito so. Gantuates, of Yaile wino have stuield nunier Crofes- at workt in tne gp'nia-iuiii01ot ici- gann, at Ann Arbor, of tCnicago, asid of j1115stPhelps tnad tui'hlaindilii, i tis al those wino have aided in tie pas- ELECTION NOTICE. age of this hrilt-professors, sitents. Republicans of tie Univesiity 01 senatto's representatives anti friends, Michigan and. of tie Ann Aror Iigh tre doff otr hats and tender tinre most Sciool are notiend that tie annual sincere ihanks. Ant ere's Xising. election of officers of tie Univers-My thxat these kindn friends iiay lie Ito'iRepublican Cub Xwill bit held Friday see tinetday when tie tUniX'erity f at 7 ,p. in.in Nembery Hall; 'that di- Olio Xiii stand as the retresentative egaes go the Americn College Repub- instituttion of its kindt in tie U'nitid ian League Xwiii be chosen according Sates." to tie enrolnent of tie epubican Club; that one delegate will be chosen Clubn Photographed. to te National' Republican League; The 'varsity Glee, Banjo anit Mall- tntnn a vote who hve sot reg- iseredt with tie Club, and that te dolm Clubs were plotograplieu at convention Xiii consider such other Glibson & (lark's yesterday. This matters s may properly come before group wans takeo~n for lie purm~ose of it. C. LINCOLN MGUIRE, preparing a ;snianl engraving ni the 'FEED L. I NGRAHIAM, Secretary. ilubls to be emnbodied in tie daity president. newm programsn which are being de- TIIEATERI TRAIN. sigeilfo tie wstrn rip ''ln clbs The Ann Arbor road will run a the- signd fo th weserntrip Th clus eter train to Toledo Friday night, leav- will give their concert iiiAnin Arbor lg here at 5 p. m. stannard. Return iin ir about April S. It will hi' givenin hg the, train will leave Toledo at fr iii' beneit of tie Athletic Also 11:30. Tie fare for the round trip wil ciatirli anit so shouil e wmlciiend be 7 fents. Tie attractions wiii be: At tie Valestie "Sowing tie'Wind," iii by all stdent.re' 3cnsad 1 ttePoic > rcsi et n 1 ttePoi'Debate on Pacific Coast. Hlalon's "Sperba," prices 2 cenns and 5G cents. [U of Pen. fourie.t 'fine reman~rkabe wave of poplanrity N'anteti-Ann experienced fute play. c. See Mfr. Gillespie at Ann Abor wicteiniiterc'ollegiate ndebaiing ios til- OgnC.ssoe iterginlli this winiter as re'achend tie Tienewest and largest assrmient iPaciftc toast.'Those inveterate rivals, of Carpiets, Rutgs, Mattings dd tDrap Lebtind Stanifordl ani Berkeley, arc to cries a tunaller's Furnilture Storm. icontest ill aidebate, antmunch ilti tu Any youtng lady studet who 'wishe hnas beein rotised. titeui Stins light work to pay' for room and board Simar IPerkins, of ('aliforinia,. bas app to Mtss. II. C. Eames, 7 N. Sate.. giveni'a ideeided ietus to tbe debe ty ofering two annnual prizes of 1-100 2d Semfester. eacihl, to le givuen to thie best 'pouker'. on eitiher side iii tine contest UNIVERSITY SCHOOL Of ANCIN PIZlE FOil SHORtT STORY. Opposite LAW building. The '911"lReustiestac" Board offer a casih prize of $15 for the best shor TERMS $3 FOR THE EST OF THE YEAR storp' on a legal subject. Contribu- tions from al departmntms are invited Gibson & Clark, and the Board reserve the right to us all mtanuscript subnmitted. POORPES Washburn Guitar fr slAgsoe.its Ai W.HU ON ST The Daily will be delivered by carrier in Ann Arbor jor by mail to any address in this country until Commencement for $1. 25. if, after the lat nnmberl'or this 'year his issued, you feel that we have not earned'$1.25 this amount will be refunded to you. Your attention is called to the fact that the Daily is the only paper publishing complete re- ports of University events. It is the only medium by which you can obtain a record of each Univer- sity organization. Subscription.cinay be left with any editor of the ,;:Daily, at the Daily office or at Meyer's News Stand. Subscriptions. sentI bry aail should be addressed to the busi- ness manager. Wisco0nsin. Michnigami has close to 3,- 000 stutienuts, a. tii)r: of 'vinoino, I be- lieve, arc wme~nei. It bams a hu