l e .off' , . 1a l n. VOL. L I No. 11 7. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1696. Fouat PAGES-3 CENTS. BICYCLES. ~fWe desire to give notice that we 00 LPosto make afig bOi for to ycle hotness this season. We havesecuretd the ogency for the #11 iticyeies, ohich has eorned a M iigh reputation as otto of the 0 bent weelo mode;, price $100. We OR retain the agency for the 4 SBEN-HUR 00t that excellent weheel. which has OR thio seasoa h-eto so greatly im- 00proved that weshl make it onr jj and $tilt you can tied. Weatso $ n1 eil te GLII-'PER. a lhoe y0 whe-l at $1 to M0. We imake our '0 prices talk. Terms, cash or eany payments. THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO.e S. MAIN ST. :, i .( Tn see them. eerywhere~si,1Y i N N N i! N N k h R 1 D ti WILL BE A GREAT SUCCESS THE 'VARSITY INDOOR MEET TOMtORROW NIGHT. All Arrangements Made-Competi- tions Wilt Be Sharp -Complete Lint of Entries. Tihere soldlble an uiiinually large attendance at the tnidoor Meet in the Watermain a yinlaiiini tomiorrow night. Ax tilt appendied lists will showv, the numitberof entrico in cxcehitioiliy large anecacti event shotutli e shrp- ly contested anthe tirefiire very itetr- estinig from tile sipectatorts point of view. Every arrangemetlpossiblteihax been niade for the coitfort of te ott- lookers. ("lhiris will be placedi on the floor andt also itt the runinig track, for their nccotnoisiaiiou. Let cv eryolic turin otut -andiake tis evenit as insch asuccecs inanciily Ito it tostiure tot bc its an athletic way. Followiing1is itic liaf of events anditetntrico: trty Yalrds Dash. -1 W. C. Bryant, 0.2 J. It. Ititilisfl, '9S Ia. 3 1k. N. toibecs, '98 D. 4 L. Marlin, '96l L. 3It. Felvet', '98. . lLiet'ont. 7 D).1B. Stnart, '9d. S J. AT. Titoutas , '9S. P 11. 'fP. Healtd, 'PS. 10 Thomnpson, 'PP. 11 C. 11. Green, '99. 12 It. B. Otto, 'lil. 13 W. A. Ely. ')7. 14 «t. E. Stowe, 983 L. 15 C'. B. P'orte'r, '98S.12t. 1ll M. Btary, '97. 17 S. A. Stein, 'PP E. 18 C. E. Catter, '90 L. 1l9 W. 0. Mat' titews, '95 Ta. 31)A. L. tagler, 'PP 'I. 2t I. Vt. Duffy, '98 17D. 22 J. It. Moore, 'P0 D. 23 11. C. Meining, '98t L. 24 N. F. 'MW1inton, 'PS 11. 25 XW. J. Merril, 19) WX. 0 . ittews, 'PS L. 21$A. La. itigIer. 'li9)'M. 21 1. IM. Duiffy, 'PS D. 201 C. '. Adamts, 'Pl). 3t C. (G. Plilr, 'll. 30 A. It. Wren, 'PS. ISCl. tH. Si. ('lair, 39 N. Aycrs, 'PP E. 41) C. F. Chubbil, '97T. P'otato tDaci.-1 18'. (. Bryant, 'lil. 2 J. It. Hudnison, 'PS8Ia. 3 It. N. Fiiibe'o,t 17 D. HI. Felvert'98. 1) .1. T Hlealdl, PS. 12 It. I. Otis, '90. 14:IIW. IN. Stoswe, 'P8. 17 S. A. Stein, 'PP. 19 IX. 0.. Mat1tews, 'P11 L. 23 1t. C. Heic-. itig, 'P8 L. 28 C. S. lGor',line, 'PP. Relay hiacee iitsveeinMedic'al abid Denttal 'taiots--lteciical 'Ti'ain, C. 1t. P'orter, 11. F. tc(/linton, L. Haler, I11. M ulticron. Dental Tein,0 1. H Ditty, A. Kititnonil, N. Forbies, . Burke. Rielay hate bsetsveen Selior atid Freshitilait Lawos-Seniors,(G. IX'.lie. 'askrii, TI. XM. eMi'Ckii, D. It. IWil- itnts. ('. E. Cartir. Freshinen, It.0' Motting, lW. 0. Matthews, J. Pt. Hlud- soil, J. T. Skillinit. Reclay htce b'twx'en Sophiomiore's and E. B. CooulkItto, .. ThIomas.J.. i-iel. Fcre'shmnuii, . B. Pell, C. Mt. Grecel, N. Ayer's, C. S. Borslinie. BASEBALL CANDIDATES. Old Men Out and Some Promining New Ones. (buit' a nu-mbieri'ott 11011 hase been pii'ii'iciilg for the 'v