THE U. OF M. DAILY. NOVELTY IN GENTS' SjTINGS AND FANCY VESTING IN '96, Jos. . ollauf, Merchant Tailor, 10 E. Washington St. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite LAW building. TERMS $3 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. kAG, Spading & Bros "The Nameis a (oor- Ate that the artiele > 1eatiy t s he blst p od .ed. lUnformso y ndSu ples of everoy d f ds rion for 11150- H [SI SDIII~S LATET-ESISJ [5Cl oi u ___for Spring0a(1 Sumimer Suit o-_---We hove loft a fair stock of - - all sorts of TH EISN, THE TAILOR - - ITNTALS ---18 North Fourth Avenue, Arlington Block. TwhIhcNGb coedT aBEs follows: BSO A RZ D. BOAF_ . MAMMOTH4 200 PAGE TABLET, 9 50 NEW DIN ING PARLORS OPEm' ED AT NO, 11 rA YMARD ST. GOOD WITING TAGLET, -PP BFO C .hflIeiiic BAr 00 dueIi)r l~n,~ hns wl m b u il rlrt OPIA3ELINEN ABET - - 15c coninc~i.A~s cildittfble~iY fe'tios wio 1iti) i.BEST' CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C F. Jl. RENNINGS, C. W. P0100CC_, PROPRIETORS yiTING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LBA. , LThi stck will set be replaced. U Come quick for (trot choice. 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - r - - c r usFrint in ose 7 Full Value Cigars for- - -- - --25c 6 Prodigy Cigars for t- - - - 25c i Qt, 4 Owl boqur t Cigars for - - --- --O25cMO R & W T R 3 Royal Banner Cigars for - P - 2c S ANsADSAE5 Lowest Market Price by the Pox. 65 ANS.ADSAES. DEAB N &COMP>AN-Y. CORNER OF WILLIAM, 44 South M-in Stroet. 1H0AVE(A COPLETE.STOCK Or EXPEDITION TO PATAGONIA. Now Record of Hammer Throw, UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! Princeton Ha-sScont Oct One fr too ilofro Ih-gorir of 0' i(' lrr0" iil' of For the Second Semester, Fossils. ( ,tlfaifr ,,o(01 o1(ray lfire1'v (01111si0- New and Second-Rand 100 (001111 1110 r01 fel >;Ir l -irog lio ir il l r aill ,101(1cc 0 oli- l l oof lI oithcre oS0111"r oln-1 I 1rl7((a, 11 eio h i-At.f-h t, Pic.irp h.L illto lct~d Carol:le. ((('11'101 lI(l( l i.Almeof01P1rfecon- :1di111tloi°i i~o'tin f 't of" 11 111( ou ollBli e sownrO tvr li(rI S pcanl d i fl i Cyclev '1x0001s0 ((is-of 1111 in wl rit1r'-b (r11ki° F0'OPC 00096.l .11tl ild(1bi' rsI 11111111rroll A. G. SPALDING' & BROS., sois .111 lltfe frrol .'If)ri~oiNuNor:1h Nrw York,. ChicagoI, Philalllria al 0 11O.wi .weest ~tel1t Largest Mossufrcrtrerof (1Bicycles orrd At- 111 oli 101. 01 110111 letic;Goods in11thre world. .l sett, the al(0111(11-t.,itoil 1 f r'1.1 FIRST INATIONAL BANK. iroltAlsor 1111lrll of110 ri AOOI((li-lr( OF ANN A~RBOR. type Ilareur' roll frrlllr( (1111i r 10111(1 lrr Capital, $100,00. Surplrso and refits, $40000 31 Cror' 11111100'111(111. 1 c llltet °tnlt r 01 Trnsacts1a general bair ng bruhoiness. -\1111lrrol 1 l ulla.1Illd(11 Arr 11Alm11- iforiit echaslolroolt andold, Furonishr letters ofcdit, irrr. P. BACHl Pres. 0.0W.OLAiIICON. Cashler. '11 '1111(1 rilior 1:0 101101 001113rrf 111'i1(irwill makel a111101 THNE A NN ARBORSAVIN~GS BANK 1(11(1 1(111101 'he 01111(1011 01(1 lllr olr (I Capital Stor, 0,0000 Surplus, $1100000 Resources0, $1,10,000. 111e frssils rIlo,1r 'ofllml thre~ 0. ColI- 0rganizedunder tireOGeeraI HaskingfLas lo(no Sr'ill 1(1501)lIiiE 11(11 1t0111'11111- o this Sate.lReceies-.depo-ito, boys and follil11 er rrr I o'rrheld(1 1.' 5 irr.Il-lI(If lE t~N. IY.. A ., 111(11 ir(,r-rth111t11 STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING CACLNDARC.501 lsr o0 111.l. 110 rh casia~nt term0strtingsheou1)1do.OOic ie Sat1. AI 1l ,.S11p.11 Acadmr irAiy r rr.rrdl or .Y11111111ln 'VooIlasy 11111001 11100. Iii.. I-r 1a1 11101.,. rrl 1 C Ii. }(E'ofBS. forl., arho~.11. l orllly c a -OPERA HOUSE JEWELER 'I~lnrs, Ar. 3-fault Cocer at PINS:-IU. of IC., A. A. HL. 5. 'rice ' illrli-'l Fall. rit., Alr. 1 S 1 1 1.- ri rces hC ns Fh iest in tile city. Come and see 3 i ASlEi3A~L, NOICE,(1. 't"Ila folo~t~ug te 'roill roitlrrrro( f111l 1 1 1(111 11l lor-l r 1 111 he 0G(m. orll Mr-K11r, 1 4::>0ir 1.rll.: .rf(1, 1. 'o. 00111, W 1). Lorey, C. I. 111111cr, E. 11.((1-- ('o-(lo'y.errrlrr'y 1111 11011010 of 1:010,sf10 011' c10111r11110 1111iolliflrrltf ~ -. HOW ABOUT THAT COUGH? 3Ietle -torI) it.- Whe ll111kinds rf Cron; lr'uyp00, rche and Llo- of ''ar 11n1d 00151 21.Clry, it A touchres tire sprot.,25cenlt bottles. 1 P AT, s-rar S ln PHrARMACY.V 4 sells excarl rionos triifpall rities-of the United Strtes Drfts crasfhed 0p05 proper identificatiosn.Sfety deerrusIt hoses to rest, OFFRonli risOtian Tm01100 Pres.; IV. 50 Harriman.Vice-Pres.; Chras E.Hiscocko, Cashier: 0. J. Fritz Assistanlt Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE', 48 S. State St. ~Cheapest place to buy it 1is at 11 W WahntnSt. Bcycles, Sundries, Sport- ing'and Athletic Goods. oniaforthc Irt i ncctonintt .nil50 ivrecy. All ordels promptly attend- - --__ - 0' oo00'lrif 10 fl-iiioe will b(10 .ir 111' t e ot Id to. Revisron of Football Rules. 110(ot fi owroi'yleo010 Atl thero r'o.troof 1i11001111, ITolr. I ol r r ldllaye((('espcallyt1 to110 foo 1001(0 (feir' 11rf(01(l11o'of (his lpreparat.(ory0SPECIAL. l'fltllllia, 0Pr1cet oton 111011 rtofi h work and ifreprft t tat.fimoro. a collllli(101' for llrr' O-Olioll of ftI. " OOLl'1 IETAS.& OCIANZ sell Suits and Pasts AV. . I013IES -st prices to sit everybodoy; we also do l'ooorflll01110 for 11n1xt010:lr)n las- repairing~, eleannrr anlf od pressing. Work j (. FIl. If IlliI,0(IIAI.SOIE lY caleod for aord delio-eoed. , Statenst., (((''lltolooltry b" 0 frloflc r011111 heo;r Il1110letighi~s 00(1111 half ioee of theor' i'toi ocsty AftofrI 10 -ilot, of 11sM.01, Mfl~l .fr - A BOARITIN, Funeral Dirrector, Cloth l~z.4 ev~n htrp IC't11 I. I 111el4oty \1 Old OMetrllic Crskets and tFide Grade New York. . -Yal(,11rennsylvanria, 111'-1a~ll. "1011(0e-0lt'01110100of flCxrloli)h- I('olinos. Embaloming a Speialty. No. Of S. tira.o, lPrince-t'onl10101Crncefl Will for' looeneol 0 1on Ann1'e) ili Schrorols rondl___________________________ Cflos'lr0 i ll c01 '0li0 010fLeairnli," 1Prof. llillsdleo. iT.OFomrAl.SAVING l1ARLfiit and Hath- rc iies n{-, a. hi cout rrc 1c. A01ih-_ I oos.All qpoplotments fCst elss. oriIl r' lr'ol ciroy ll ooltro-k, Nrricr-Ooftoirll 0111-sf~lf, 00010'-Imprtedrandl domstiecolalo. Ladies' artis- Wvil b hed Fidy i Ne Yok. ;oieoOraorlal onestnts drw-tic(10110drossina ndobahooiing parloors. J. R. Thle revifsion-will irollfly f'ollowo' (b' (h ot'folrl-os .00 2 p. 11 011101 frot~ly 10Toroi sriSnlaert Maorilrl-l'~icilr-lro ,0t of ulrsn ibs 11110'hforoi24. WHE~lN YOU IVANTyour clothres clearsd hiltC Seloili l moref (c1(ose' ly r 111hManCooll 0 loegneY pressed, relined orfround ge tsMrs. _lli~s harott O. tov, gnerl Fingerle, over Sheihans booS store. Loab- 0(11eC set. 1010oloelorlif os oyoratory aprons made to order Siv0n011 neleOO rtter 110001, rtuled r'iIcc r'gagelimns satisfactorily 1fleh. Aod- 1p111n. 116i drsc No. 48 S. Oliversity' 010. Th ttoeyadegaig.e Oefotsie $.0 n igeICIarelat of W righlt, Kay & Co., or room 7 cents. Furnace heat, light Detroit, is producing tile larger part o and bath. 20 S. Inalls . 130 the finest society stationery that is hou- The Doily will be delivered by car- _CHICO & AUSKERADE COLLARS ing used by the various fraternities inorir or by mail for the remainder of the United States. They have also fur- the year for $1.23. ODENA & PATOKA CUFFS, nialhed many of She most elaborate pro- Rtoom to rent, 40 Walsbotensow ave. ;rams, reception cards, etc., etc., for furnace heat, bath, nicely for- LATEST STYLES. universities throughout the country. nbd. $2.