THE V. OF M. DAILY Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the 00110gb year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OuFICE: Times building N. Main st., opposite post office. EDITORS W. XW. HUss-ies,"'K, W. X. THAY'ER, '96L. E. L. GissmER,'110 L 0. BANS, '98. J. L, WAI.Sa'00 Al. G. E. SnEooiAs, '55. EDITOi-tN-CIIEF G. B. ihIARisos, '00 L.. Dt tWAGINSO EDITOR J. F. THOMAn, '97. BIUSINESS MANAGER L. C. WALERO, 'SOi. ASSOCIATE EDITORS 'L. A. Pratt, 'tO 0.P. Iteath, '96 P. S. BR. Smith, 'SO L. B. B. Metbeany, '99. F. Slions, '00. 5H. B. Gammon, '97 M. F. A. Facit, '93 E. C B. Roe, '00 1. The subscription priceof0 the holly has been reduced to $1.235in advance for the rest of tie year. Leave sabscrptions at the Daily oio eor with P. C. Melyer, U. of M News Stand. Editor of today's paper: E.. L. GEISMEtR, '9S L. T1he ceditors of t he Itarvalri Advocate for '9)7 assumled chiarge of Itic pubtica- tion withi the last issue. tn aii editor- lialB this iiuiiber thety detfinc the posi- tiont 0114scope of a collegc mnagazille. What the Advocate says oD this siib- ject nl.y hie laketi as froisai ahigh authiority, for this iiagazilie ralnks auiong tie rist in its lass. I1s edi- tors imnpress upaii their coiteibstors the inmportitnce of originatity, and their aditice thai "aihytlillig at first hantd is good" Xwould not toe a lxii motto to plrint oil (lie copy pape-r of every aspiring author iin thc college wo'trld. Less inclitation~ anid greater siii- rere effort will not produc so smoot .:outing an article as "(lint kind of imitatory sixraining for effect, that lroppilly tp of a-Iltodeflioll with! a"lit- tie horrowedl 'tonc' from sonmc classical moedel" which (lie Advocate depre- eaten, hut it Xwiil he honestxaiid iatura. Sincerity is worth-iiiuchtiiore to tse amateur writer and his renders thau any cheap literary varmitshi spreadi over a feehleeimutation of a master's ide-a. The Outlook, in an editorial discus- nov'cl to itosniciiiers as 1o other renders. The .iiorinal life of (lie col- lege, the Xword it is doing, 111e healthy mianhood g.rowing upit)li it, the lessons of ohi'iience, iiianliness,, the sobiriety learneid hy the gloat ililis of etu- deiits, the increase of ciodowineals, thie additions made to knowlcdgc--these thiags aire not "inewvs." 'Nessc-insists iiiainly st repoorts of* college rowvs' Evidently there is dense ig-norance, hnot only of the popiular cry for sonic- thing addressed to te intclligcnce iif hnialnd not io their Xilest curiosity and their mlelanest tasles, hut of the meaning of the Xord "news"; for newv.s toes slot iiieaii simply the ahiiormial and fte scaiidalous." So:giety Programs. The Ail'phl will present the followX- intg program Saturday eveninig: Ora- tion, "Alexandir hlanilton," Wi. 13. tHarrisonl; liii'irotper wily, Go-creasonis by fs-c hachitlors Xvhy lelip 3ear shiould;. coiie every other year; debhasi, "RteslX-ed, Thalt it is f or thle biist in- terests of the U'nited, Stites to strengthen her coast defences rallier tlhan iuild upo a. strong noavy," lillirin- alive, Air. MicSoll and Air. Traverse, ilegalive, Mir. Severlilice alndtAMr. Van- IHook; hlumlorous sketch, "Mly leap yeiar experience" J. McCreary; criti's report. The teltersoiiiaiiSoliely has-c (le folloss-ing pro'igriamslannoun-ed fior 1o- night: Rtciding, Air. Block; declamail- tion, D. B. Chieever; essasy, WV. Ri. Slur- eix; sioeech, Mir. Stranalian; hio- graphoiy, I. X. Hart; imptromiiltulis- culion, affirmalltive, Air. Keponer, neg;- ative, Mr. Aldrich; dehate, "esolvel, ThBat the henefits of party' gov'ernmeiint are greater thiain its eXils" affirmatlive, Mr. Koluout and Air. XWhite, ilegAtive, Mir. Bagley and Mrs. Ryker. The Progranm of the XXester Society for Friday lliglit is as follomvs: leawl- islg, J. Mtlure; essay, F. W. Stoltz; iration, ..E. Llaw-ton; iillromllptuO, J. G. Yont, I+.iR. Slioecraft and J. H. hIcIeovn; ebeate, "Rtesolved. 'Ph it state control of the liquor trallic as adopted io SoxithiCairolinia prevail throughont the United Shites," atlirni- ativ'e, (G. McCusloni and W. C. Dosug- las, negative, .. Jew-ell and C. J. Vert; HOW TO TREAT CRIMINALS. REV. KNIGM''S LECTURE IN TAP- PAN HALL YSTERDAY. Lecturer Furnished by the State Board of Charities and Correc- tions-Fnur Others to Follw. The lirst of the sres ot liv" lecbtues (o e furiishied ty the stale oard of liariies anu corrections was given yesterday afternoon y 1Rev. «r. . Knight, of Saginaw, oii te suihject, "Prev-alet Ideas as to the hest hletl- oil of Handling tDeiillin'lt" Iis lecture XXas of gret interest ad he held thiei' atteintiiioof irs iand- ience throughinit. The foloin~iig s a rief oiitline of his addriss: hle tpenedIthie' iiscssioni of his sb- ject by sdiiding lhe' hisiry sit crim- inology- into four perios 'caracter- ized ty the folowig ideas ofthlei ojecs of luillnilloit vneaio' re- pression, ieforiiatioii anipiieenitin. TurinigOte firt lpeioilllthe osai" hiss, an eye fr ani eye, tooth for a tooh, limib for a Liiii, Xwas carried out. Ii this periotdriniis Xee ot lealluwihi ats offt'nces agaist(te slie, htt as against ti'mersii and liih e unismllent uvls private engeances. 'This washe period of hbyorideal, hb-coiat andiicomipirgalios. 'lThesecoiiilpet- iod co-iced liie time of imiiodeae pui lnents Xwhleu criunis win' firs teattid as wrongs agaist tio'stae. Thethuitdleriod XWhihl inerothec prlesentl time uas tusheri'i in y the estmihlishmxen of pisois as a netod oit p unhishm llet. Orignally piersos ueie not impllrisond for pniismeni'lt hxt to await trial, btlT ubrig this periotd it hoeclile the general iioie of punishment. hmlrsnaliut Xwihari lahorodeeloed roll)thi ialspora- tioh systemo. (riminas usho had coin- Boited graXe offence, were banised to) foreignlcolonis ali, te--" detaned for tens of hard labor, lut as this sy'stemilgaXe way'oreiimrisolilleit Xitihalt laor took its lae. 'Tis period developed the present idea of reformation by prison disipinhe. 'ho fourth system of punisment le sid wan a distinctly mioerl iea, O- piovemuemt of the offender not retribu- ion, The rmeiainder of th-' adri' sYlO devotesd to an explanatiomi of cur ires ent prison sytemno and to the cuseos of, the present increass of cmes. The nixt lecture of the course wil be given next week.1 To Lecture on Hawaii. Those intersled in the Haialm Islands XilIhave an opportniy to enjoy a lecure, illustrated by serop- ticon view-, at the Baptist hurch o- night. The ecturer, IDr. A. B. Lyos, was born on the iland. He came tc the states and graduated at Wilams Cohlege, afterwards graduating in phamacy at Mchigsa.WIsle with oParke, Dais & C., in Detoi, he be- came widely known s the first editor of the PharmaceutclnLrlma For sev- io-al year just hast le has been pro- fessor of cleiistry in the college mt Hionouu and is now- doing sgecl work in thie labortory here. t116 lee- mure Xihh treat of the mamners adhtcs- tomls of the ieople and the recet ps- liticat trotuble XW'hicthas atsedSo mhliditision X i h le Uited Sales usill tb' touchei upoin. le Xill seaohk at the Baptist ciumchi at 8 oclok to- night. A nminiia admnission of 1- cents will hi' charged. Obituary. - Ab~tingdon, Ill., Mrchi l1:-Wsilliamn It. Hardy, a memer of tie seioir class of tel'w uvdelartment, idiedhat his piarents hoiie here yesterdy auter- moomn at 4:1. He uvhs takeii -ick fiteen weeks ago Xhile at (le ni- versity and u-as imnamc iaely ushoemi to liii hospital, where he remaied aboit toil weeks. Ilhs disese Xvaslerdlil- ts, amid uhile' ithe hospaital a liot ditficult operatiloni was pmerforee, but the resumltusas not fuvorable, the woiiud meer' heaing. Ile as brouighithoiiicaid simciiemie los bem Xr. ilaridyXaborsi in Aingion, Mbay 13, 174. liegraduatedl froie hhe Nounal School here Iii 193; atteded the Universiy' of Neraskainill893t-4, aiud usas hbuinimess i managr of this' so ioi' miotly Hlesperlil, nmakimg a most enviable record. le thll cm tered hic hivschool of (le iuersty of Michiigoian iitduwas ilIis senior year. ie uvassof inaffabe mioure aid had a host of friemnis. Iis os is felt muost hemihy y h ie cimmunihity wvheme lewas uselI knwn. THEATEhR TRAIN. The Ann Aror rad uill run a the- ater train to Toledo F'iday night, hav- img here at 5 p. m. standard. Retur- img the train wilt leave 'Toledo IC 11:30. 'The fare for te rounld trip wiii be 73 cemts. The attractions will e: At the Valentine "Souing the Wind," prices 73 cents and $. At the Peope's lilanlom's "Supera," prices 23 ets and 0 cens. Wanted-Ami experienced flute play- er. See Mir. Gillespie at Ann Arbor Organ Co.'s store. The new'et and largest asortment of Carpets, IRugs, .Battings and Drp- erien at HIaler's Furmniture Store. Our 40 Cent Caramel s Are twice as good as any 25 cent Caamels you ever saw. ®CALKINS' PHARMACY.n siomi of the manner in wvhicht editorstI critic's repor't. of great papers look out upomn the ChsToraet world, comnes to the aid of the colleges- ia the following language: Entries for the tonrnamenit of the 'The absemmce of the sensi' of the ChessClubh must be hamided in heoe rehlaive value of new's is strikingly hMonday, h"larcho .it, to XV. D. Herick, shown in the way Ini which most news- C. 0. Palnier or Allan Camnpbell. Thne pmapers treat thme colleges. There are drawings w'ill he made that evening at at few' journals of hight standing which regularly report college new's, but the tecu n h orann eiite vast nmajority of the newspapers, ex- following Thursday. The prizes, which cept t Conmmnmcememnt seasn-e, sun' will he on exhihidomi in Wabir wimi- render spaces to the college only when dow', are donated by Gee. XWahr, 'the there is somne disturhance to report; Chess Club, Jacob Haller and Sheehan and every college otliter knows from sad experience that the slightest in- & Co. Thme club will be pleased to ro- frasuthon of the law, the least outbreak ceive visitors any evening amhdt hope of youthful exuberance, is elaborated that they, will be presenit during the and padedoed until It :ills a. colunon or' tolrnament. columns, and is treated an if it were a mattem' of international importance. Any young lady siudent who wishes The college reads with surprise a re. light work to pay for room and board port which is prmctcally as fresh and1 apply to 'Mrs. H. C. hEamnes, 7 N. State.