, j7:1 VOL. . I.No. 116. UNId~ XEnt. .Ty 01MICHIGAN. T I .IDAYI.AICJT 1. P06s. F ouiz P AG0ES-} CZ'.NTS. A LAR k LiT doF ENR j 1 .i E. LEVIEsD A CLASS TAX. AV jITL BE A /.ST1110{ .9-U ,/CON TEjST itt B CY LIN-lt '96 Makin Arrangernents for Corn- ttt 41SCCSSO T--VAST' I-menceent. ARRANGEMENTS COMFLETE $5 V a a tittlot DOOR MEET ASSURED.____ 51h ertc h ±en o'fe 11 t Twelve Events for Satuarday Night-. iwi- iteotiitaIoxo JdsHveSnSlced N~ D .iYTON 1111-Sexing Meet Next 1 lt Monday A ato 5wa £vid ugsSpaesHaeadBenTer ujcs ISIS Osfy la ~ edes h 0 h aeanedI 5a Large ,Attendanoe Expected - o. (1000Il i 110101) ' Of il:'~ .. '' pekr nd *er Sujcs t l i, P'c i o sowl-ftie I Winner Will Represent Michigan b st Wh el s ely4frte: 503.Ito i' ' Three Rosay Races, it-l tp ue~'~' -- lesfltIat Lhicag~o, ~~1 lion 'a -5 i s i i atl 5' 1l. it its +t1 rej t te tt-c fr-t t i iiThe eodts lid fst o te-tltitit- i gh'ti I t t R i iii ties anidieach ol i or w 1 ill lx e i l- Iiii u-clx t i iilc-s oiithei 1,4. I.. A. }lt hate eenle'n ttietwh h asls p t i oor eiel t iis-- 1 si t-rg r its-er he t5 til proved~ tawe tiIM tmi ktouphi falli'.sis1in(5thesit al-. 'it etof 011 0'lit iteventstlOottod t le auer. ~Its lth bst lv. it "'5cit hS I o- ill" tliii iliAilllslhisis htel. "lifial tlits lcrelns- p n Silt Mlii u a n IPfnd.N i iso 015 jA tnud lits i's itni 'citt litOs li ttislitlttic tt i iin IT HESaNN t AR0 1OR-P PR , a tneC te1e1s4 lc.ll rii I I ttt vsreiisl' tfosts th i l l arrcli Oittiidtn t , voIleoi i _______ i_________________e_______, _____________ casyt lte4inenu al ( l ets oli i l l ilsst ip~tel a dth t efllottingIt olst' 1 Ot pyents. lt I I x ~ l . iq tittict Soy h ortyVS ~ s sss-tl- 1;:l~l K tt o.ti ' Ij ilt1 tt1t'P ;s ishe1founta. in to tsesIc: ivea siu 1100 be ii)It lo I itt i;ii iedi-t, is i st iult~o tac W. tillST% ti'ti11if 11u tofor ies. liii it. ii lforthe!L v 1 0 m ti. w Re . I m itfate lie slos-lisic. After s ______ li-- . u - -- ) t or gee them c everywhere.4 { c sti.1ilsof ithl~s'i .itooll ts hir Pel"wts ilt' t,:' st 5 'ihcl li't IIJits Sist ifilllIlssiscwii ill 1 Is ' runitt f to ci slits Mltietty tlitli 5 tisIiti is oxjto.1 oil toWt ileliii t-d iltl it ttollsim(ts -will lt-' tuu sea%- ih)c e is till a1i-ittiosyI tuilclt. Puss-ie'woti il l i-li itsit hau-ltes.ill bIt iii Ii uctektsisit' sts ilwilth s) Itti)it ts ic1t lii'r i-ti Y Iold s 11 "Altu u itcii111 ill sltir ist sse':,'Itoeist Ittai it i { pt~icion. l tit'ltist t lu-Il issi et utliii feltteiotts ill gill tO. IlI:dt:yst o lit WRINKiLE OUT AGAIN. The Leap Year Number on Sale Today. stilt Btot-'. II.ll ilts,'AttuIi-ilttiltit Istl'. M. Mor/. 'I90-ti Slt -- iilsit t h-si'I-;stAVt e-i' -yfs l.ii-tisls- "No,'11,,"Ar- sazlt-; B. 11. lil1, -liS1,'PItt 11tisit-u Tt' Mush- lk,,s XIWiti aer"; at sid P10. I. ticttlttit. liiiI , itt is" tatisi t-ils17- isttly to-ot lii- tt-1lystistit I F11..&N 2;~e ~l& li(1:11 ill 1111(L 1111s var The Leading Tailor, l 15 151111 ofith li t' hsors Ioz74 3o isMlies, sItS lt'e settilt-, of' Ioust'" satu only diroct Imltporter in thse city,- lass jusl roceiv'ed hiis entire stock of e-enets fist atic-tir'1 111't11t ougcht t itt- iforeigli sod Domestic Woolens for cras ltiOhit protiionl of suit'si ill tii- Sprillg anid Summer '91. at ltettc 15Ii ter watO 115151 tiltot- NO. 2 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN, 1tLill olteir petcto Ichit boing~i olilli.! odtziis iii bill t~tcits 1this liltb l dowel a1is lit'1"41,ctittl etiutlttt Republtcan Club to 'Meet. ['. if' I-NL t'itttllittit l ubtit is lt itt ithelti Fiday t-es'tiu iilNoeeesss-- ill11. Atthueis lls-i-i t e lilttieetso of sio t11 ortefol.il*yorwl I no t(ifist' rklthi itis yoear, iitiolt(t It haviebenstoipIt 110wlorkui 11011w11101- I llkittltI 111 h i' Still i li ttittl'>0i- a15 and pilotern'alOtelit. Nprs litetal-. 511gm f conhl-ltsitlisle htt'ill1511 heldill i'11111tl',Music-11,01, - tsff first lttlee foi-;ti o.sa .'h thrI1 e i Full Dress Suits a Specialty. T11111wil11libe'thliliehtilsy rtElt'sIofll ien,'aunt nlwt111115 rhu' ipit es;oell 'ltlteIwinnelr cf ir.i 1loinusus lie1 * ls~~~ts-, andt alt illutibe tlk hit t i lt'ffttillll'ltdIl"' uit o f is' an oi ea- lti'lt-til lhll ofl' 75l'l anlt thet'ihtiot- Ialutut-t' lit '-ye' BO K T I i jiling, aberall he ilt- r evehis1 'i rtleshnite, ion fColl 00net ,clt'Itserltlt > nis-tu tti'ills' leutsltfIl t ' - We can show you all the latest snitillec betwelenuthe110)Si I. till98 iT., Ilulig~ao, Apl ii3.I lilichgnt itlilsenlt 5'ltatiiltlfosr t-e(sitlia"o tto .sitittqtitil, tints, in all the popuilar sizes, em ~dtetidbtonte(el wills envelopes to instch, for aui, Ct uastrdbtlt tlit ll-111 il ie srtz''tt'sltip of te e11agile 'I'le gliercll utlutuSiesonfet' hts bell Ladies' aitd Gentlemen's Polite lt ital i 'uesllesontelittEach t1ttit of 1and 1 lls tt'e0111delegateOs 1A1'should Ilie I2.i chills. S.it.,A. tickets correspondence..; We give special teteso orwl u n ,1 ato