TfI U. OF M. DAIL0Y. THE~~~~~~~N LATESTFIETSI~0APmeTL STYLES i I NOVELTY IN GENTS' SUITINGS AND FANCY VESTING IN '96 Jos. W. Kollauf, Merchant Tailor, 10 E. Washington St. 2d Semester. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite LAW building. TERMS $3 FOR THE REST OF THE YEA. 91 G Spadig & Bros _ TheNmes a Gar- ate" that the aricle baring it is the bst produced. Uijoform .,y and Spplies of esvery decriptio for lhs- IllsraeCaalou. . The Ani of l'rfrtion- 'PHF Spalding Bicycle FOR 1896. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New York. Chiago, hilaslrphi. Lrget Maufaturer-i of Bicycles ad Ath- letic Good io the world. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR Ogancizod 1SM1 Cpitalc, 5100,000. Surpus cd Prefit, 40,000 Transactoageseral ibcnkig busiss. Foreig.. exchanes boght nd sold Funish letters ofrdit P. BACHI Prs. S WCLARKSONOCshir THE ANN ARBORt SAVINGS DANK Capital Stok, 850,000. Surilus, 150,000. Resources, 1,00,00. Orgiorizd udrthe Genercl Bootlg Lws of this Stcte. Reeie deposits, bys cd sells echange 0n the principl citiec of the United Sttes. Drft cashed upon proper identifictiosn. Safety deposit boxes to rent. OrFCRSeesChristin'lack Prs.; W. . Barrimas. Vice-Prs.; 0ChasE. Hisock, Cashier: M.J.. Frito Assitant Cahier. -Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE,'S, 48 S. State St. Your Gyw Suit Cheapest place to buy it is at M, SARBERS Cyce Emporium1 11 W. Washington t. Bicycles, Sundries, Sport- ing and Athetic Goods. THEISIEN, THE TAILOR, - - - 18 North Fourth Aveone, Arlington Block. - - - BOAarD, BO.ARZD. NEW DINING PARLORS OPENED AT NOe II MAYNARD ST, I Trelyteic BoidislHouselias chaiged hands.Will noswle rn onadifferen n~ II s-verybr t V.50boardiilhe citysti1l be sred. Conseandty it andhbe coniniiced. A special diet tahle only for those who wish it. F. J. RENI-hlicCS, C. W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS DO YOU SIN4O=E"? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - C c 7 Fulli Value Cigars for- - - - - - - 25c 6 Prodigy Cigars for - B-2ce 4 Owl Boquo t Cigars for- - -- - --25Cc 3 Royal Banner Cigars for - - - - 25c Lowest Market Price by the, Box. DEBAN &CO.MPAN-Y. 44 South M1ain Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. I CALRNDAR. Prof. (l I hilt lectusii10to t law'is- F-i., Tar. . 3, 81. i.-TIIii're.siirr,,n claisses today-.. CardfChili ofthoe PalladlniumZFrale rni- 10. A. (Xaigo, 5100 0L, is sidsiti lot his tite 1111545 it Pil Ioppa Isi house.. hionet i iin llclltl. Sat5t.,-hcia 1l, 8 p. in., 'sVaitenuiao A. L..XA tison ha.,; l .l aostr nri- 0'iiimnliuii-Y arsiio-indoor meet. Fri'1-., :tarch'850 Bainiqulet. edl from io aitcs ltip to (licoi;o. Thturs., Apr l--acutly Ai.oiscert lat The Atleftic- Bloardf still meet ill Frieze Memorial Hall. Itioni 1), 0iisrs ify OHil, Ohis evcening. Sat., Apr. 11-Fpriitg recess; betgins,F Prof. Kolton lliwiltlibe unlto 0 LRCTURS ON SOfiOLOGY. mi-etl his blss classe.s tlhis ceeli lie- The lecture of Rabbi Grooioalan cause of his illness. atnouncedi to falke place oin March 4 tliliors lrice, .-105 Ltwotipilyetd has beein poosonied to it later date. lef en onthe'vasit teraaof 94,The first lecture of the series will be lef efct ii fieslroiy flioof 4,by Itev. Wii. Ksnight, of SagilifwonO is pr lctil-llg in Miisoak. ',i. ilAatch 11~ sulkiest"Pces-alent fDoctrine lfnstruictor W. D. Smith hasi reltf.BId as to the Righ-lt Methoods of Hlailing fiom ill;- eaist aiid, osill ri-sfme Oils Deloqeiato wsork in thic lass-deiao~rtsiioi at on1ce. UlIZIC FOft SHOT STOI. Mlosf of flu-eiinibei-sof laust yoaris The '96 0Ites Gestae" Board ofer a o silsily base-ball tram swere - icle-cash prize of $15 for thce best shiort soyon a legal osubject. Conh-iibu- ing iii lie-cage yesleribo lafte-rniooni. oytions from all departmuenits are hin-ited Plan-s aor ieing madthalivie 01S. and the Bolartd reserve the right to. use Nicholas rinill iiNess Vorl opeino-olby fill iafinscript submiltted a Hockey gaeso b etss-en Yale aidsol IORA'1MEIN'I OP DRII). IR1NfS. Prinetoni. ites. Wiii. Knight, of Siginawa, swill PlansO art beifig formlatofed for fbie sheik on this toplic to all inti-restedinil laidui ngf 5lug eiooriotl Hasll, tol be Socioltogy 1 iiithelecture roioiiiat01p.5 built at the univ-ersity Settl-eiint of 10a0 Hall, Wetdnesdasy at lbp. Ii. thie Chicago Uiyeroly ata cool: of THEIREST MILRAGR. $35,000. The Interchangeable 1,000 mile tick- Closing Out We have left a fair stock of all sors of --WRITING TABLETS which can e closed out as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C 0000 RULED TABLETS, 100 PP 3 FOR IO GOOD WRITING TABLET, - B CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15 BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR- LB. This s-ock will not e replaced. Come quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., COINER OF WILLIAM, UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! For the Second Semester, New and Second-Hand shihi they offer At the Lowest Prices. STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING' GiRANG-ER'S You can join our classes sew, or at aniy time coiiveniet to yurelf the iermi startinig whn you do. Offe and Academy i Mayari t. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER PINS:-UI. of., A. A. H. S. Tho finest in the city. ome and see 0Every Week$ We get infesh sppy of lows Chiguoaniels You iCn do pedos fhal being pefetyst A isfp tosy Your moneys woti os $your money ack. PALMEI IS PHARMACY. We atnubesrach office for Iolmes Lvery. All orde promptly attend- ed o. SPECIAL. DTIETAS & SCHANZ sell Suits ad Pats D at prices o suit everybody; we aso dro repirisg, cloning usd resslsg+. Work called for and deivered. N. 48 S. State t., , ecoiid foor. OR . MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth *an dlMealic Casets asd Fie race Coffins. Embaimng a Specialty. No. IT S. Fourth ave. U, O M.SHAINGPARLOR and Bath- roms Al ppoltmensfistclas. Insported asd domestic cigar. Ladies artis- tic hole demsi 3ng asd bathing parlors J.. Trojanuwski a S. State St. W~ HEN TOUl TAN your clothes leaed, prenedreined or rebound go to Me. Figeloer Sheehans boat sto. Lab- oratory apross made to ode CHICO & AUSKERADE COLLARS ODENA & PATOKA CUFFS, LATEST STYLES, t A. I.. Pi-trie, ex-tIS, scho hias beenlat homeniciatk since the Chiristinas vao-a- tion. is much liimprovsed, hiut cwii loot lie able Is ristmefii is syorkshere edur- inig lie liresenct year. A. A. Farland, thie reniowned bafijo play 0er is silflolllcetf to appear, t at the Zolo-erily 0-11001 of Mtusir, March 19, tundtheCiiausplices of tile Golinofrina Mlaidlfil Club, sf this city. At pres- enlt lie is making a tour of the eastelci states. DANCING AT GRANGERRS. $3 to Slay 2nd, any class you care to attend, Single class lessoss50 cents. Single private lesson $1.10. Program evening every Tuesday and. Saturday after April Gth. Office, residence and. acadienoyopposite school of music, No. 6 Maynard st. One front suite, $2.10. One single room 71 cents. Furnace heat, light and bath. 20 S. Ingalls st. 1360 et :issued by thie Ohio Central Lines covers niore important railcway sys- tenis thanl any otlier. It is good over the B. & 0., Big Pour, C., H. & D., etc. Price $20. Gooid one year. There are others in thoe market, hot the Ohiio Central Lines'Picket is the favorile. See agents Ohio Central Lilies, or addtress MOULTON HOUK, G. P. A., Toledo, Ohio. Room to rent, 40 Washtenaw ave., furnace beat, bath, nicely fur- nished, $2, The Daily will be delivered by car- rier or by mail for the remainder of the year for $1.21. The stabionery and engravingd- porbluent of Wright, Kay & Co., of Detroit, is producing the larger part of the finest society stationery that is be- ing uaed. by the various fraternities in the United States. They have also fur- nished many of the most elaborate pro- grams, reception cards. etc., etc., for universities througliout the country.