THE U. OF M. DAILY ~J + 4~fl.hd+i Published Daily(Sunday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OrarE: Times building N. Main st., opposite post office. EDITORS W. W. HU05,'98, W. W. THAYER,'95 L. E. L. GEIsMEa, '9L O. HANs, '98. EDITOR-IN-CRI[ EF G. B. HARRisoN, '96 L. - MANAQING EDITOR J. F. TnoMAs, '97. BUSINESS MANAER L. U. WALIER, '96. ASSOCIATE EDITORS L A. Pratt, '96 G. M. Heath, '9 P. S. R. Smith,'9 L. B. B. Metheany, '99. F. Simons,'9. H. B. Gammo, '97 M. F. A. Fucik, '8 E. G. E. Serma, '99. G. R. Sims, '9. J. L. Walsh, '98 M. C B. Roe,'98 D. Susannah Richardson, '98. The subscription price of the Daily has been reduced to $1.25min advance for the rest of the year. Leave subscriptions at the Daily office or with P. U. Meyer, U. of M News Stand. Editor of today's paper: 0. H. HANS, '98. The sweaster habit has developed into a craze along ines strongly sug- gestive of Aubrey Beardsley or Will H. Bradley, and the fin de siele fresh- man has become a walking poster design. A modest sweater is in no way offensive and the possession of one bearing the 'varsity "l" is a dis- tinctive honor, but those with the glar- ing stripe and broad collar are not for public places. Their owners should keep them out of the class-room or be marked down on deportment. The debaters who represet the University in contests with other in- stitutions have received little if any support in preparing their speeches. They have found members of the fac- ulties ready to assist them, but no especial aid is offered them at the library or by University organizations in any particular way. It would be an easy matter to place on a special shelf in the general library, such books of reference as would be valu- able to the debaters, as is done at other institutions. There are other courtesies which the men have a right to suggest and which would aid them mate'ially, while causing no one any inconvenience. The college world is to have a new book, a treatise on football which will be a high authority among all admirers of that sport as it is played in this country. It is announced that Messrs. Walter Camp, of Yale, and Lorin F. Deland, of Harvard, are en- gaged in preparing a work on football which is to go much forther than a mere guide of the game. It will treat of this game as it is now played, and no two persons are better qualified to do this than these collaborators., Proper space will be devoted to foot- ball as a science and to football from the popular standpoint, but the most interesting reading in the book will be the chapters in which the authors pre- sent the ideal of amateur sport on the gridiron-showing clearly the advan- tage of sport for its own sake. That this book will have a noticeable influence on the football world is most obvious. The Yale Alumni Weekly1 suggests that it may prove to be a means of establishiing friendlier ath- letic relations between Yale and Har- vard, and this seems very probable. At any rate, it will prove a great aid to player and spectator, and will un- doubtedly be full of statements by wviiech a cleck can be put uponh e annual wholesale slaughter of foot- ball players,-after the latter have broken training,-by Mr. Edward W. Bok and others. MORE ON HONOR SYSTEM (Yale News.] The following letters from Colum- bia. and Cornell, are as muchi i favor of the honor system as any yet re- ceived, and particularly as it is con- ducted at the University of Virginia. As will be seen, Columbia's letter is more unofficial, Dean Va Amringe not having had any personal exper- ience with this plan for examinations. At Columbia. Dear Sir-In reply to your note of inquiry, I have to say that the "Honor System in Examinations" is not used here. I have had no experience as to the operation of such a system. Our Professor Price, however, who was graduated at the University of Vir- ginia, and subsequently was a pro- fessor there for some years, has had experience in such a systen. I asked him to give me his views upon it, whih he did in a letter, a copy of whieh I enclose you. Respectfully, J. H. VAN AMtIINGtE, Dean. Dear Sir--The "Honor System" of the University of Virginia, about which you ask my opinion, was that under which, as a student, I stood my own examinations, and as a Professor, examined any classes. From both points of view is shows itself, in its practical workiing, entirely simple and effective. It reposes, of course, upon the settled resolve of the students that the degrees, whicis they are seeking, must be kept free from any suspicion or taint of fraud, and that they will not tolerate any fraudulent conduct in the examinations that lead to.those degrees. As it is imposible, as I b ielieve. for any method of cheating at examination to escape detection by the students, the examinations held under the "Honor System" seem, so far as I can judge, to reach this pur- pose completely. The punishment of the guilty man, under the system, is his banishment from the University and his personal dishonor, is indeed very terrible; but that very punish- ment acts upon the students' own minds so as to make such crime al- most umknown. In my knowledge of the University, from 186 till now, I know of only one case in which the crime was attempted. Yours most truly, Signed, THOS. I. PRICE. At Cornell. My Dear Sir-The "Honor System' to which you refer was introduced here two or three years ago on the initiative and at the request of the students themselves. Several large mass meetiigs were held, at which the matter was thoroughly discussed and the faculty acceded to the desire expressed at this meetnig and intro- duced the system provisionally. We have seen no occasion to discontinue it since. I forward you te outside cover of the regulation examination book, from which you can see what .the form of the statement is which each student appends at the end of his examination paper.* As to the working of the system, my impres- sion is that it is on the whole suc- cessful. There are many students whose peculiar notions of student honor as distinct from personal honor, would permit thea .to cheat in exam- inations where they assumed that they were under inspection. viewing the matter as a sort of game between them and their insItructors. The ma- jority of these men would scorn to take advantage of the opportunity available under the present system. I am told thatt our - studets refrain from attempts at fraud in examinas tions largely in proportion as the te- tempts to detect them diminish. In general I should say that the system is an adsmirable one, and I hope that it will in the long run supercede the old way of dealing with the under- graduates as compared with the more recent modifications which ive been introduced in a great number of insti tutions. I consider that the highest standard in this matter has been at- tained by the University of Virginia, at which the sense of personal honor in the students is so keen that they praeticaliy administer such matters themselves, and the man who is guilty of fraud incurs danger of being ostra- cised by his fellows quite as much as of being eliminated by his instructors. That no frauds are comusitteed under the new system would be too much to expect from the frailty of human nature, but I believe thait the system, when voluntarily suggested by the stu- dent body and adopted at their re- quest, will succeed. At least that is my personal opinion, based upon strong faith in the good sense and rectitude of purpose of the great ma- jority of college students here and elsewhere. I rema n, meanwhle, Yours very truly, H S. WHITE, Dean of the General Faculty. * The rule referred to reads: "Eaci student must, in order to make his ex- amiation valid, append the following declaration 1st the close of the examin- ation with his signature: I have neither given nor received aid in this examination.'" ELECTION NOTICE. Republicans of the University of Michigan and of the Ann Arbor High School are notified that the annual election of officers of the University Republican Club will be held Friday at 7 p. m. in Newberry Hal; that del- egates to the American College Repub- lican League will be chosen according to the enrollment of the Republican Club; that one delegate will be chosen to the Nattional Republican League; that none say vote who have not reg- istered with the Club, and that the convention will consider such other matters as may properly come before it. C. LINCOLN MCGUIRE, FRED L. INGRA HAM, Secretary. President, CALENDAR. Sat., Mtarch 14, 8 p. is., Waternan gymnasium-'Varsity indoor meet. Fri., Mareh 15--'5 Banquet. Thurs., Apr. '-Faculty concert at Frieze Memorial Hall. Sat., Apr. 11-Spriag recess begins, DO YOU PLAY " Whist? We Furnish the best i Cards FOR $1.80. Handsome embossed poker chips (or counters), tile per 100 Noiseless poker chips (or counters), $1.50 per 100.sExtra quality Dominos, 25c per set. T. B. Rayl 'Co., Detroit, Mich. cce -4 7\ everyw'heres t Gibson & Clark, PHOTOGRAPHERS 12 W.H HRON $T.