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March 09, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-09

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t e . a


V~OL. VI. NO. 113.


We desire to give notice that we S
bcerepose to makze a big bid for
S lylebusiness this season. iWe I
N+ have secured tbe agency for thse
S Bicycles,, hich has earned a S
hillsreutation s soeof the 9N
best swheels ide;price 51511 We 9
retinisthe agenicy forthe
S that excellent wheel, wehiclilasa
this seaisoni been so greatly ins-
proved that we shall maize it oar 1
leader. It is the best value at $55
S and Sits you can rind. Weils
aell the GLII-PER. a ine
wela t $5 to $5.cWe sails our !NW
prices talk. Tessms, cash or easyf
S. MAIN °Sr.
Sheehan& Co.
twto"atus 1-4 Off
Full line of Baseball Goods
for the Season of 1896.
See Window for
Special1 rices!
in a few Odds and Ends
in Sweaters.
Sheehan &Co.,
G. H. WmsILiD.
The Leading Tailor,
and only direct Importer in the city,
has just received his entire stock of
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for
Spring and Summer '96, at
Full Dress Suits n Specialty.
We can show you all the latest
tints, in all the popular sizes,
with envelopes to match, for
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Polite
correspondence. We give special
attenion to engraving of wed-
ding invitations. reception and

Membership Increasing - Contest
for Championship March 19-Pur-
due Has Also Organized-Match
With Bay City Club.
'T'he foiunsdinig here of a tunisversity


ihess clb this year ma~rks a nosy ore
ini thse history of college chiess iii Ann
Arbor. Sihall c11bs0 larse been forineid
ini oter ,years', but they never could
sclasm to ho collegeoerganizations. This
your so niesch interest eves showsn theai
it periealnenit club eves decidled oniaintl
irgansized. with 'i. D. ilerick, presi-
(lent; Allen Zusolariuss, cice presidesit;
Stanedishs.Backuis, secretary ande treas-
urer; and 111 exocutive board ceinsist-
i og f the tiresicdent C. G'. Pl'umier anti
Alluh: Camipbell. Fromlstihirteeniat
thie first nmeceting, the cltib 11a1 in-
creseid to nearly forty, anti the at-
tendaince oi lubi nighits-Mondauys anti
'T'hursdalys-halis boon corresponidingly
Soeisdifiticulty eves met with isn got-
hing t suiitalbiOle laceotfnectisig, but
bsy the kinidness of the Eniginieerinig
Socioty, the club nosy has thio use of
their libirairy, which is at slice con-
s-cutout anid coimtertible.
Fllwiniuthe exaimple of thisclub
hie're, Purieo has just orgessizeel a
simillilu itb end it is likely that Chi-
rageoccil do the saiie 1tuite aso11, 50
thit, althoughi for thiis year it is list
feaseible for the chiampionis of tile clubs
Ill 11100 iiiaeliniiter-collegiaeematch~e,
it is quit likely that a series of gamiies
wciii be condeuicctdliymeail. andrt per-
hass next year an intercollegiate asso-
clationl may be formeti which will con-
tdict astouetrniamesit for the liamplioin-
shipliof the wcestern colleges.
TEies Oyst annual toturneinent for tile
champiiioship of ties University lies
beens announced In begin Tiusiay,
Maceli 19, and the entries, wvhich may
be snadle cith the executive commnit-
tee, close thie Monidny before and. en
this day the draccings evill ho made.
'The match, although under the charge
of the chess club, is tdisinctiv-ely a
college affair, intl is otieii to all memn-
hers of the University. Three or four
prizes will he awarded and insaloddi-
tion, the eceiners will be appointed to~
carry on the correspondence games
which are being played wviths the Bay
City Chess Club.

Ediitor U. of Al. Daily:
It seis to ise that the iersons who
ruslied into prist several days age
xvithi a slist unidignifiedl antI feebly
mirthlful attack pon a st of hard
working and courteous yong1m1e1,
made a gret nisteke.
tHed there been the slightfest fouid-
tiosa of fact upniswhici to base so
serieous a calrge 1s that of icivility
end the neglect of dtsy, upon01 Illsplrt
of the litray atteisdtnts, tiele-ngr
cwit in wchil the attack cvas clothed
could still have been inexelsble.
1111evmuch smoe', ses tie cril-er
of that article to blame, cvhei the
chaiges are totally untrue.
I lie-ulsedt the librry exesicely
tsr nearly fotr years, acd almost
chily dusring thatt time anin i all thise
stays I lieinles-i- seen the sligtest
inisltlly, tdiscriminalition, or esen slw--
iess on the pat of aiy of the attend-
Whenivowedeflct that these young
iien are 'toiinig ii the litrary at tues
whenli they really cceli ued rest anldi
ope air recretion. thalt tiey lre
carrying tdotble cork, s it wesre, ce
cullsaffordi to overlook sieiie ocasional
cweaciness 515 their prt.
Jniigisig fronIslliy 0cc-11 -reliVTce
there is nohinug to be overloked.Buti
at aiiy rate, lt tillre hi- soiiithiig
mo~re substantial then cagueoaiiltil-
derhandstitaclks, coucediitin it most
dreery attemtt htumsiior octef lestst
fiormi. Let h99 t" sebstaltite his
chiusges aiid os-rInhs ownisame; or
else let this stuident boiy hiave teae
And it is cwli to riiimbr that
eselijestineg awvay the gooid reutla-
thou of our fellows is, ee- esha
thing pssible, anost as seios as
the funeral gloom of this cossiisniess-
lien referred to. STUDENT.
Editor U. of I. Daily:
I aiia sory to learn from your col-
umnsfl that cndidates for this base-
beall team are showing indifference in
this matter of prelimeissary prctice.
'T'his is a tangerus andl ilseretitalc
shil-it and is in siarked contrast to
this enthusasni and "do or die" spirit
showvn by the Chicago University
team, in its practice wvhici has been
vigorous end 'sysesmaic for several
weeks. It also bodes ill for the out-
come of our series of genes with the
lather team. Cannot someting e
done to work a deange in this re-
spect? Our record in the pst has
been too good to pemit it to e
spoiled now by indifference; and CI-
cag, as she proved last year, hastoo
good a teamn for us to hope to beat
unless we put forward our best ef-
forts. ALUIN US.

The Aeolian Attachment Again Ex-
The sceond coucert 015 the ieze
organ given ithvitiihissAeolin attach-
mnt wsls ltteilert by-a good stil-
ienite. All thisnumbliers iplay e vr
eseli ieceic-i-t,lit the "tPolkase Co-
cert" by Bartlett, Souas's KBing Cot-
ton Muarh," Kioitskl's "Awalkeing of
this Lion," anid this "Gracteful Dance,"
from thei iemiy I. mic oby fP.
Germean were this'favorlites.
The other uniers rendered seres
as follows:
Thiblel Overhiri," hic Bach; Juntr-
mezzo," Molszow~sski; "Hulngariaet
Danee," Ilceiuls; "Dece of this
Nymphs," Stlliv-ai; "Pelisi Daic-,"
Scherweeka; "Light Cavalry Ovr-
tulr," Supip; ''Diniorah, Uslse," Jaell;
"C. G. V. Ihirchi' Vttir; "'Weddisg
ibtesel," Benttossobn; "Itoneymnoons
Alirch," tRosey; "Ovcerture, Znp'
THeireid; "Loe-'s Dreaii," (zibulk;
"Luast Snile," Woleuiiapt; "Ocirture,
'Struidela,'" 1Flotoe.
'T'he Aeolion uttcnent cill tic
teken ldownl by Air. Allen today.
Members of "Julius Caesar"s Com-
pany Get Instruction.
The University "Julius Caesar"
tienpoec-ciet to Dtrit 051 Stusrasy
to ceitness this pelt riiiliice of that
playys given by this Haunord, Spescr
& O'tBriiei Co. at .this Dtroit Oera
Itouse. T'heeOrtrircl Associutin is
evorking hrd to iiieo this a scess.
Pruactice ciii take llacs for times a
wee5k, begisinsg toduy, n it is thoped
to presest the plaly 51 a 111sf credit-
athle lmaniner shortly before the sliing
vutcation. Mlanager Weitzel, of De-
troit, is sill directing the stge "busi-
ness,"50ofithtthis hlay ewill ho pre-
sented with fulslest stage detals.
'04 Committee Meets.
At 'a eeting of the '94 sen In Ann
Arbor, heldin i thei ucin bilding Sat-
urdasy, arrangements were sude for a
classbunuet on Mrchs 28. .
J. Otte-way will act as tostmaster.
The following coinsittees were elect-
Arrangements-. (G. Italaplain,
chairmen; J. Q. Adasms, W. W. Drew
and N. G. Martindale.
'Invitation-'A. A. Pierson, chairmas;
R. . Woodruff and W.NV. Wed-
This '98 Palladium fraernity con-
mittee delegates met at the Chi Psi
house yesterday, but transacted no
business. The Annual Ball question
was to have been considered.

visiting cards, arid making mon- Judging from tile number already
ograms and address dies. 'Plate
printing. We take pleasure in entered, flee mathb-sill proc-s decided-
showing you. hy interesting both to players and to
TxT Tu R , g.S epectators.
M~.t1LI1ITX- * Manager. Shields, of thae baseball
the Tewn, Dews Tows team was in Detroit on business Sat-
Vsiversity Bookstere, Opposite Cquntiteuse .,
20S. State St. 4 N. Main St. urday.

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