I THLE U. OF M. DAILY'. THE LA~onSUITINES A LEST SILEl.S' TII~ LARS'I' FNEST _-for Springan Summer Suits--- NOVELTY IN GENTS' SUiTINGS AND FANCY VESTING IN '96, Jos.*.Kollauf, M~erchiant Tailor, 10 E. Washington St. 2d Semester. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite LAW building. TERMS $3 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. THSETHE TAILOR, - - - 18 North Fourth Avenue, Arlington Block. - - - IBOAIFZD, OAFD. NEW DINING PARLORS OPENED AT NO, II1MAYNARD ST, The Ily-enc lBudi, lHouse hasoch id hbaods. Wil1 now be run on a different plsn. fheer ybest $2 Ibdi thedlitywilol bce evd. Come cnd try it and bc convinced. A special diet table only for those who wish it. F. J. RENNINGS, 0. W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS ]DO -YOU SMAOKJ3? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - C c 7 Full Value Cigars for------ ---- ---- ----25c 8 Prodigy Cigare for - - - - 25c 4 Owl Boquet Cigars for----- ---- ---- -----25c 8 Royal Banner Cigars for------ ---- --------c Lowest Market Price hy the Box. 44 South Main Street. Closing Out We have left a fair stock of all sorts of --WRITING TABLETS which can be closed out as follows:i MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C GOOD RULED TABLETS, 1O0 PP. 3 FOR IOC GOOD-WRITING TABLET, - B C CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This clock will net he replsced. Coinmequick for first choice. A rgus Printing House. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST,, CORNER OF WILLIAM, ! I A, G.Spalding & Bros. " ThbeName Is aGuar-I antee" that the article bearig it i the beet r, produced, Uniforms and Supplies of every decription forae - is1il.'IricsGoif. 1 0 5 Seed for hnsm Slilootrated Catalogue. TheAcrne of Perfeefcti- ITHE Spalding icycle FOOR 1896. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New York. Chicasgo, hiladelphia. Largest Manufacturers of Blicycles and Ath- letie Goods inathe world. FIRST NATIONAL BANvK. OF ANN ARBlORl. Organised 1003. Capltal, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, W,000O Tres sacts a general banking busiess. Fereigerechanges hought anddsold. Furnish lettees of credit. P. BACh beres. S. W. CLAIRSON. Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, 5.0,05. Surplusc, $150,000. bffsoarces, $1,i1,000. Organised under the General Blanking Laws of this State. Rleceives deposi to, bays ad sells exchange os the principal citiecsof the iUsited States. Drafts cashed upon proper identitication. Safety deposit boxes to rest. OrFICEiRS: Christian Ciack Pres.l;5W. D. Hiarrimn, Vies-tees.: Chas E. idiscock, Cashier: M..1. Frito Asistast Cashier.' Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S. 48 S. State St ~Cheapest place to buy it is at STAR E'S ccl[mpoik, icycles, Sundries, Sport- ing and Athletic Goods. GIVES HIS VIEWS. pasrent soreised to be in Ielinile xill( UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! Prec. Angell Talks on Cuban gel- seteld1(0 lecliflaliollof ino ((lier vsil tl e For the Second Semester, ligerency. t_)ilt. If wo ecos''gnize thill, AC evadScodHn sold Juielly enount111er11(1 hostlity (of 'Thl'eleroitlFee essII0-ices t0110 ofill.WoildIoll 1(111Cc e 110a ("i' twhich Obey offer ((Wrinlg r(11(11of lDe. Anl' iise ro(llil 'lail0(Sled1il for (Jain'wsg doneItoill our 11 A~t the Low~est Prices. 1111 (lll' lililOf 'I'0g11oi~. li bll iliis ill((Ilel sllid «Wolld leniov oil nrlily (f tl ie'1(u1roye 010 ifll '1)I. It0o11 vesseIi.llllil('to seeli f1(11' 0011101 STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING woo wNritteisby tio lemobee of the c111(00redto "President Am-loll, i in ,14l;t oinr lo his claes oil 1Ihe 11],1story(Iflt''ea1t's to- daly-,look occas1ionlito refertioi the' (lieolioil ((1 ieotllizin;gtill b ,1i-i -ceenily. Ileai'tlthat(11lie' did1t1((1 10101 lonf o ilir ls'('ib~e ~e111 ( 1 'J G E DR ' S "fTe he ll- 0111 ('loivents, Di'. Aliglil VYoss casn.(osiouces nowor at aey timeconenienst to yourselfithe t1hinks. 111e'als apllsic'aIlin 11the lII(, 5 terna starting when you do. Office asd e'it ease,. applliedlltIn1110 01101' (f the Acadeny 06iMaynardlIst. oH. KEYES. - der 111 th'ielllln1e5, 11h11. 111' 00011 1 consideri' (ls' Olitledeso bothl of l 10'nnrnA i inr urwari rn 1110 sr"d"e 11 11 iid O l' ~ II.1 1111' 1 It1 SldL71 All)l11t.l l . T e fn s in tl ct. Co a n se opis.inion il m lierl y 001 tert~lu s dieel(1odlofeeltollhrapsidoiplOs UNIVESITYNOTES lI, Seis odCX., A. wslH.be thePritoithefas. loiterit i nllaot 1 w of01i'nter __atio5nal0,lofwou AAndoe froton padi aleay ofeyst . Te per- ileClo ') et Illnds tnioeniis efintoc wistoth e at Cm n e "All e utallg n1aCtin i eaid, ie c fils- is~rt iligilt efoa r e she wlld accsofd Tri loe lle' iey chowi r oruerillawse-rn e igetein-bllierent liiroi ty fM diieiu eugnPerhabp1015eog 0 tigr, tCer~sl li.sPyu'eCIAL. orli right,:k e co sl a to1 it1 g wne nti e e stseiteooohard, feel Glfalller'n'CfotneesOor fo UN15 IsV bEReIvN TEBeda0IF t',&SInatsellwSilslsdm asts ofpsesn ' oll fog lgi~l if it isn'tuclt ri y body;t waales da pimoarr fs pty.Olg en~~ll Telcipresr 111he lary. Tlls'14iswttis inert'frrg repiring, wI'entotl cdes ae s or