THE U. OF M. DAILY. jRIGHIGAN GNT TimeS Table (Revised) March 1, 186. P.M .1Mail and Es-11 5 Mall -5____ 2 N. Y. Special... 5 00 N. Y. Special--_ 7 30 Easters Es-iS. 1 12 N. S. Limited...- 0 2 Atlantic Es-__7150 Pacific.Es-__12 1 D. N. Epress .... 540S Westera Es.__,'W 0 G,.1R. Epres 55 Chi. Nt. Es----S10 0. W. RUmmLES, H. W. HAYES,- G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. At., Ann Abor -NA )..B,7 RAILROAD. Tine Taice,tan. 1,1896i. 7:2 am. "7:0ain.m *2:0 p. m. 1.6ia. m. 4:5 p a, :21 pm, All trains daily ecept Sunday *TrainsEran btwea Ann Arbor asdToldo only. 1.. GREENWOOI, Agnt W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. Y. Time Table, Oct. 27, 185. Leave Ypilanti from Cogrss St., 7:1(1. 8:4 and 11:0a. m.; 12:45, 2:1, 5:00, 6:4, :1 an:d 10:15 p. to. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40,9:1 asnd 11:30 a. i.; 1:15, 2:4, 5:0,7:1, :4 anI 11:11 p. m SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsiant from Congresat..l:;, 3:30, :0, :0and 9:0p.m.J WLeave Ann Arbor Jnction, 2:00,4:0,5:0, 7:06 and :0 p. m. taraeuns on city time Fare: single tip i5 cents; round trip tickets 20 cens. W. F. PAKEnnRSt. STUDENTS T If yon waant good reliable life inorasce cal l sn F'ed T Memer, office No. 1, S. Forth ae. NEW MACHINE SHOP BUNTER BROS., 9 E. LIBERTY ST Skates Concaved. Experimental Work. RENTSCHLER, PHOTCCRAFIHER! ANNr ARBOR. MICH. HOT LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS * Chocolates and Candies -AT-- JOLLY & CO'S. 208S. State St., Sager Block. Large Line of Fie Pipes. Toacos and Cigr. RANDALL photographer 15 Washington Block. T~o & 01ISTREET. b- Calai on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. COTRELL & LEONARD, Albany. N. Y. Makers of Caps -2 Gowns for Yale '96,Harvard 'l96l Princeton '96 and may we not add Michigan '96? i When a Man Says the Best Wheel, He Means OE THrfE 0IV-SiR tJOH-NSONUIU UY All thse too l ooi::ls on ail th~elhigh: grade wheel aorodmodied in this wheel. Other t.;,o iv : t, -aul: as Majestic,ORoad Kin~g and Mal:scot owheels isn stot-k. 1:-i: o righ~t. T. 0. & C. Ry. K. &LM. Ry-. Solid th~rough: trsios betwreen Toledo, Ohio 9~H& C ~ A~ ond Ch~arlesto:n, I9. Va:., via Coiomli~os, the 56, 58 and 60 S. Xabn St. Furniture, short asnd only direct rounte. i OUFa NEW SPRZING SAMPLES lla - arrivd. Thelarest andlfittet assortmntlev-eslhowsn fitAnn:Arbor. Suitn 1::::: $141:o ,50. Pansf-l:n $4Soi$12. We know thaI: t woc.:::pleas-c you asnd 'twiii plea:se you to look at sue samples before F.J. Glenm, The State St. Tailor, 205S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. i. Toledo, 0. Findlay, 0. Renton, 0. Columbus, 0. Athens, 0. Middleport, 0. Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Pmr,0 Richmond. Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point Comfort, Vn. Williamnburg, Va. Bequent to Urnivernity. University oP Indianapolin, ((o:iinuedl fro11mIFirst Irage.) lb ltltselth:esof utle:-(lAte:-:r-)' will was:1 - :1 ision orde :r:ig, tihatlCollegie, lte tedica:llCollege of Inl- Newport eOws, Va., i ! te n . °f orfork, Va. after deaothl her1biody shloullie oentjoilna. lheiitinaoi iDe-ntal Cull: get, lhl And all southieastern: points. Elegant --drawngeroomcars on all th~roghtrains. to 1110-h::nl:.l:lllio e:ll:-:at:nt i thet- Intliana lLaw Schlool :recentlilye- F1- or::fcrther inf7ormation call os: your local, Arb:or for:: isset-iiotn. Th'011:1-~:s: ',tat-l-Itd ati lillof (testilist itition l Tic011 MOULt ONwritIe, stPu-Ag, e(1 ha,11(1" olelmgse os-t(1Dril il(aillNeriy t pl. Oh6e)11 titlll W.OA. PETERIS, M~iciigan Pass. Ag'es, O nal1:l. ll:non-s:-:ltrilO grounllds is proo:sedl:10CrBdaOpnd.H ,.. 110t b:tdy to A-ninI:rbo1ws i en(111 mit cl:lose-r ilio ,l :1 (1(:::rlt:-lil QNE NIGHT ONLY. . lx 5 H is :l1 b:1-111:01 of li theep.115:. dle 121.11'- s-l 11::1:1 WEDNESDAY, MARCH II196 hly i.iob-:td to lilthmeicatl eolle"; tudecntsil. GEORGE P. STETSON' S -i11 Dltivtrfoir(is:lti:u. fioieollay 1150 SPECTACULAR1 Ti iv ritisiy of Sti s-olsi1210 eI- eseii, 1:-b. 1 o i she iws stricken n :1d0: birles Nestman11, of 11 -1):- TflAE I' CPI ll wsi pa~ isanldhuslul id:nt tit ft;: octthii:v 01:15 (1:1oia- ~IL UV~ L1I fuliliu te cndt~on ofth wllTh~e Barnum 1Sof thsem all. lUnder- the folllllg is- osdi-oisoflii silThe liesslt 11:111 l;igs tasoritilst-nt mansagcment of 10111..banks. aind (teiottly is notishelri:;i iisselt-d of tai~vllltts :gs. 2u111111 and Drt)1:- 50 Men, Women and Children, sit (t-etColorado tte 11unl~ivsi5ty-. (eries at IHa:ller, I. ::nii:t- eSItre. -Any younig laidy studenst swhwswishesco ,mi-;S AS -JS-T-AMP. IOO2052SI1EEIS' ENC'110)0000) VIA light osork gt oiayfor roomo:antI board ___________________ 01010 CE4NTRtAL LINES. apply 0o Mrs. 11. C. Enames, 7 N. itc.a~e, GRAND AEOLIAN CONCERT. To Virginlia andthek: Southl, Marc-h 10. Wntl -A-neitrei--lOst u- One fsare fo- roundltip11. See( agensi-115 xprece lt pay Ohilo Centil:-iLines or addlressXV. A. Oal (oe .Glspior tAn.Ar o i epae ltIttlnha:tea: Petter-s; M. P. A., Dell-oil, Mid:.;JohnOri a C SATUR wllbepldA -eCoubinOmn 1loorco, T1. I.A., Finla~y, Ohio. Dton t msiss seem:ig laller n ew sloplt T URDY VING, MI~l ARH 7I :Medica t- u ~dcnts-'The pisice to geltidesigns. of the, seaisoni litoll . ORLA. . ALLEN. you:r band of pot-kct cascs a de as0 Te Daily ssill bceideliseredt by car- yon swant thecmi is at the Argns Moole rier or biy nail for thie remoaintder of Dttroit, Hnemctte. Bindery5. tile year for $1.5. You sill htar the Orgau played as you never , base hetard it befose. Tickets, - 25c. Tickets on s-aIc at Stotlet'sarid Wahrs, dowti town, and at Stteisanis, Calkin's U . o M . ews epot and Palmer'soon Slate st. t IJ.o '1.I e s D p t FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE ORGAN FUND. SOLE AGENT I]OR o~in ~n i unU Take your odak Work tte 1h I~toi roo~Trh B ERRYMAN, THE POORPE, Satisfactiots guaranteed. FGE. iHuron st. ANID s Chc g ribune. Tenwsye hv oarve.OpraCooks You can also obtain the WNM, ARDNO0LD'S JEWELRta STORE.. Chicago Herald, Detroit Evening Ne wn,________________ Chicago Chronicle, Detroit Free Press, - Chicago Inter Ocean, Ne w York World, TEKNEGRE ILADHL Chicago Record, New York Herald. TEKNEGRE ILADHL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS Also have a first class line of Magazines and c- mic papers MONET TO LOAN ON PERRONAL right up to daita. Give me a call anti satisfaction will be PROPERTY. guaranteed or your money refunded. Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos and Cigarettes, Sulbscriptions taken for any publications. aho P41 C* MEYE~iHANGSTERFER, sPR Prop. he Da ily will be delivered by car- _____________________________...~,,, rie or by mail for thse renmadnder of the year for $2.25.,