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March 07, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-07

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Clourtesy of Farraud & V,)t ey.

a4, f&K a U
Published Doily (Sooday excepted) doring
the Coliege your, at
DO'C: Times buildingo N. Main ot., opposite
pst office.
W. W.lHUooES, '98, IV.XW. THAYER, '96 L.
E. L. GmusmER, '10 L 0. HRiSo, '98.
G. B. IiARSOato, '90 L.
J.y. THOMtAS, 'i7.
L. C. WA.KIO, 'it.
Editor tof todays paper:
J. L. WALSH, '98S1.
No worthier object than .the liidat-
taion of ihe aitounitt still Jue onl the
greait organ couldi le found. Students
should retoember this funud and flli
University Hall tonight to hear the
second acoihn conccrt. The tproccedts
go to ttte organ fund.
President Thwiiig, of Western He-
serve, contributes att inlere Aing arti-
cle to the 91. relt Forum on "Tile hest
fihing College does for a Sian," whichi
iso worthy of close readting by every
tundergiadtuate. The opinions of sev-
eral leading educators aid of a nuni-
her of prominent college graduates are
presented. The consensus of these
seems to be that the best things aimn~a
takes out of Ihis college life are ttz.'
ability, acquired to determine and dis-
crtrainate and a knowledge of the
saecessify of hard work in order to
acquire succesa. This is well express.
ed by what President Andrews says

of trowni. I Ie is quoed, by Dr
Tltoviig iis follows:
''it taught in' to think logictlly,-
by whitchl I loran loot so mnuchl the
powerci of close and clear antalystss I
do fltttof careful generalization, and
the tiropeordenering ot tanthi otuglits
aiccoriito itbtoirmtual reltiios.
It gave lilt the tibility to wvtoi atuiy
giventme, whether with mind or
witht body, antd also liii ability oii oc-
casions to keep up mtatximumtiioaplica,
tion totr maximuoin time. I coitnt this
loiw-r for hattd work ationg the v-ery
be'st results of a liberal education."
It is exti)ert testimony that te coii-
tegeimaitti t slow andt even buiiglintg
whein first tplaced its compitiion ithi
mteti whlose training htas been lootnited
ii practical expecrietoce ini a certinti
title of work. It liii beeti farther
shownv, and just as conclustvely, that
the college mani will greatly outstript
liii opptonetit intohle course of a fewv
years, other fitiigs being equlal. It is
pterhlaps because of this quickness ot
tierceeption antd recognition of the tid-
vantages of continued applicaotion ob-
tained in college that this is so. Cot-
loge life Is apt to bring to the younog
luau a clearer conception of his abil-
hies aand to show thieno to bhtt in a.
better light than any othier sit aaioit
in wiith he mtay be placeth Alour-
roundinig itnfluences strive towvard tis
As President Thwing says, "floe amaz
of the Anoercan college has been and is
to imake thinkers rather than scholaira,"
aned this is but the natural effect of
the Ainericani mainer oh living. The
in. II ition whid et teat irs a ottn
howv to tintk and wvhoe itofluenc
guides his thoughts to truer trends wilt
always have good eause to be proud
of its graduates.

Abuso of Degree Granting.
tYale Alumnti Weetkty]
Tue 'News of XNTtmitttoi, Del., romt-
oitis Alr. Gaorfield, son of "he late
te sidetnt, otto is ti Stite Sentlor in
Ohioh, tote liis Xottkii in ehlfofteit ca-o
ttotn, itoa hilt aimtocd at dimitinistintg
thet e totit t i oof tmnfocitoeof ito-
grees ito that state. We ire tiolo thtt
there tire thirty-five itnstitutioins in the
limits of Oito that have the powerw to
ceofer degi-ees. 1-oywnmany of thiem
stooldi be alte to gist' the samtiton or
oandotrotlto ii a the go-o'oit coniic;tosticid
tiniver~sittes. of ihis country, it is tell
for the rea:der to surmise. A greolt
miany of ilhese colleges hatve bieti dis-
respecetfutlly tertoed "tdegree foactortes."
Mli. Gorield's piroposition is that all
of -these itistitutions shall be tidied uti
anit examitoeolasto thteit' itimoss tn
conter degrees. is bill conttemlailtes
the creatiotn of a State College aod
UivXersity Counicil of ten mtemboeirs;
appointed by the Governor, wohlo shalt
tpass uon tithe fiitess ofieachi college
to rotator degrees. Utontihtieir repor-t
Ite stanading of the initIthitti must
The, Neova highly commntds Mrt.

tGarfield'ttbill, intl ttoelat lengtht
11toothot' abutst'of the itegree-g-ottt-
110g. it huddsitle cattierrtin-itent re-
watork wvheti it soays titt the degree
titsis tw so-fold. It contitues: "Cot-
lt'gos thoatoaroerebuottble aust he oir
ptowters, 01101ditointhtete are seekers
titter the dtegree. Often a college,
merely to niake a, frieind, will confer
at ihegree. htoinmg it woil pr~ove intdi-
rectly a piecttniary betiefit. Ofteit the
seekers for hotiorairy degrees conduct
at ,regutltr pl~itical ctanvass to iteetom-
plish their entt." 'These tatter re-
inarks tare not tltogeter wide ofithemie
All former footllu players and aill
those in the University Who expect to,
beconme candidlates for the team next
fall are retluested to report on time
cattpus neat- the gytmnaisium Mlonday,.
91ourci 9, at 4 p. in., and every day
thereafter until furthter noice. The
regular work of spiting practieb will
he goune through, 'punting being the
chief feature.
H. 91. SENTERI, Captain.
Just received, a fine line of Furni-
ture Coverings,. Hiler's Furniture

Ellis, The Ta1ir.,
E. Huron at., Corner of Fourth ave.

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