THE U. OF M. DAILY. A 6G SPALDING & BROS. Football Supplies a specialty. T' Eery requisite for the ga6me Jacket, asts. Jer- sys, Sweaters, Shoes. aps, Belts, Stocigs, Merril's ra Nose Mi,I:I RaIth~r Moth- ~ es Shin Gards, Head Iarsess. Spaleig's Gfiheill Itersollegiate rootall mst b used in all Match Games. Price, $5 00. SSalding's tllcial ootlell Gnle Ness ttaes-Pictures : o lthe LadigPlayers. * Prise 10 ts.lHadsomely "lIAstted Footal Catalogue sent ree. +New- York, Chicago, Pbldcplaa. ORANER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING =Twelve arssfteehfing IsIAsAlo' "Wsth.Istaolof uiiipspilt as sasares 'Fulss'en arat~ee sas to ourabaility tteach dancing as iatsi u em ( . All classes ae3n sle tie' poi'-~alIistructiosaf Mr. sd Mrs. Sis tresger. Mlembers oft the National Ass'iaios of Mastersf Dacing. Fr i f isi oa rgarsil sos'lasses fn em callttl(ie e~li='., gsoundflinr f0Sayard st. Cirular;at Mutsis. Stosor Milsed. MOORE & WETMORE S S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS ! New and Second-and. Note iboks and other Sudents' Supplies. Fountain Pins, in Sttinery, Sporting ,moods, etc., sshich they offer at the lowest prices. 'Gall and se us before Purchasing. THE BOOK OF ATHETICS AND OUTOFDOOR SPORTS, NORMdAN 'W. BINtlHAM, JR., Captan of the Mtt Stvere Tean, 195. Thisaniqui' buok is in athletic symposim contraibtd to lie well-tsowamateiurs,.e- esta d s ci olire e na-captais. Ilass isrl, Yale, ndoisseriedis.,'coleges are repre- sented. rootbllbaeseali." tesni, golf, ecicet, hutrdling ad takselsetics, ychti- in, skating, biycling, etc., are practialliy asusggestiive'iytreaed. IOne ol., cloth, Scs., prfusely ilstrated, $150. Pr sale iy all bokslles. THE LOTHROP PUBLISHING COMPANY, 2 Parl Stee, Boston. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stork, 459,00. Surplus, $150,00. tRosoarues, $1,100,00. Organized undr the General Sankng Lawn oDf this Sane. lee 'ies depmsits, hys and sells exchanage on te priacipl cities of tnt United States.. Irafsts casied pes proper identification. Safety depsit osm to rent. OrrIatas Ciristales M xs Prs' W1) Harrimtan, Vice-es.: Chas. P. tkscoc, "cahier: t. J.1.Fritz Assistant Castaer, U.NIVEBRSITY SCHOOL FOR DANCING 44 AND 41) . STATIC ST. B. 11. Atussr, As. Nns j in L. Tri, 2 Thompson t. P1.0. Block. " aTHE FINEST IN THE LAND" Babylon, Coal1 Give it a trial and you will alvays use it. SOLD ONLY BY M. Stabler Olien St1'W. Wasingtn st. Phone No. S. Yards M. C. . . Phone No. 97. Noble's star Clothing Houise* Ever y Fair Minded Person wtill admsit tihat cheep merchant tailoring does net com- pare with good, ready-made garments. That she best ready-made Clothing equals the best custom work is likewise utniversally acknowledged. WE HAVE SUITS AND OVERCOATS OF THAI GRADE, Step in atad we will show you. L.A.MIPS That have perfect combustion andI do not sttokeo or smell: The New Rochester, The Yale, The New Royal, The Perfection Stu- dent, The Princess Student, The Empresn Student, all nickel plated. with latest improvtemenat. We sell what we advertise and guarasitee quality of goods, and are never usidersold. DEAN & COMPANY. 44 South Xain Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Credit for Outside Work. Laske fories t ws betento' rtiiiii tuussliatitiJotison. ilasliarftollowtintg liociilir hs' a scoesio'fii1to5{)1 M'sii' inosay iofscredit gis't'nfor wiiork nsalsoi- C'anattests lfor'thes' le. B Ianjotand tes ililiiie ' las'srsiiy ')tsig'ssgiias'fori tnightiatii 7o'c'lock u in iioim 24. "'T'eii'rea'ensttagitatnlios ntaghes O'isci'nt-usi's footbal sc'iit'ui'las'oitililt'i'radtiles stf oursi' estlisstoiobi Oti. '(;, Illinoiis iitSMadisoin; Nnv. ? boouaks if thieir lp'ofessirs lior worssk aisi solutalltMinnetaipodis. lpitili'iihtiil5.istb'iing are t ne E7. '1. Oit.ass'ey, '1)4, fuus'tt'sla 5iilillli ' ut5fl iiaol l pi'ori'ltitothelimas- ligied'torii'oft'e I~ails-, lass ipi l 1uraceofthesA'vsoi-R. '11'11y, ihe'clu's- his itiliitil switill(Anni .111:.A'isrti'.agssLtinarist's.shioiiltd a slileisii']i'(Ter trollt1 'reetr st haf'is'i't' vok. liiace hif 5'tiiiil andl' ho1norarytidtt'l' iets! .erlrit'i'tinlg 'rtt' «'ill bei'tlat lto Yt t'e acutieas sissil ispostedl tt bei i'iis lay spiairsr'slsi'u'uit Iw- l i" t'dhi; theii'ii't't'ty tif W'Iiscost'inlais i55't't'l iluts as'lsssas' tf l)tia decidedt, nive' s'i's'ifotr'Nt'ork doness linltist' ilaif ills'ss'sttld's i (5551 aof 135 l list'eiuniv'e'sity' nrcheustra. 'fravsy } A Look !! ' erviceable 6 N MAIN ST LAW BOOKS! Boy all you can aford, for present ag'd future use, at our LOWEST PRICES We shall be here for a few days only. Callaghan &Co. LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. AT SCNEEE'S, 50 S. STATE ST., A or OPERA HOUSE JEfENV( STORE Gt'eals stark of waces, Jesery and Nvelties. iReparieg f lWtie. Jew- elry, Golsd PasasRiligs andeti co asiaciaty. Caspaid forold gel.l and C. H. KEYES. DR~UGS That's Our Business. Let us supply yourswant iu tatt line. Palnmer's Phar~aoy 40 S. Stats' St. Ann sArbor. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUJTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. SPECIAL. Pl INOS TO 1, FNT hby this mnthl, or tsr Csale on easy ternss ad lngftime.185S. tugallueLat..J.Cttarad. U F OPM. SBAVIaNG PARLOtR adBSteel- sni.All sppehtmens firt class. Imported suit domesic altars. Lades' artis- ticeahairdressinagand ibtatig parlors. :J.R. Trjanwki, l0S. State s. Tl lagRlllN YOCUtAN'tyoueiatlheaned, F'pressed, relinaed or rbound ta to Mrs. h iugere, ever Sheaus ook stre. La- oratory aprons nmadet ester. J. SCILEEISE makes a specilyot .L'.ou tIna ie-, Studeuts' Note Sleeks, slnd IRinds Books front 2c upwards at 50OS, State st.' DOYUlose for sel of yer mosthers eat sat,,.l Every mal is prepard and situn the same pais taking care, sie wold ive it-uttw Poes ave. Chhce table hoaiel per week. ljZEP your account with the Stats Say- .IA ings ank secandslfori thehiia' lcs lhdia's, tai Shawiss, RiltutI's iaesltti'Ilu'a'l. 'l'laa races issat t i rn ioi anetas rzcek. Michigan Man to the Front. A g;aute oftifhit' Vnive'rshy ofii Muic'higan ila, schioaal thas hthuoniaraash of thu Nosrat'tCaraoliaHotuase'of Rap- rssu'ahtivs'ai n thirty yearis. Ilet is tion. ZeNamia''Walsesr, '86 LI, asonta ,,rautit'of lisael'nivesrsity uof Nt'hi C'aroina. Ite wss'a ut 115151t't'oflt'e \Vebttser hSoc'iu'y hysililhe'. ltt'St'IANS IWANT El). I tisa, 'culto sal suioaltiayurs, fia t tte Unliversity'I'Orchestra. AplytoInJ. J. l~e(lellanu, udirechor, at.Seitotiof liii- sir. x1 FOR ttSALE. -asaall wtood. healer, ina' lutst' bursner', utla'etNvsoodtcotokcsioves. In quirhanyiu 'evenisug St 44t/_,'Itateaes sss'e. 1 ? Nicety furanihed frontl anile St 851/> Si. Wasiinglta st., near canapus, three souithtinidos.', register in eachromn. 39l Tenuor w'aanted S ilsil'liatrty for Cast- ,,regathotitl cihurchl. Please apply at 22 S. Divisionists. Gunthaer's Chicago Candies St A. Ei. Mlummery's Drug Shore, corner Fourth ave. and Waulainjuton st. Trade at Schiatter's Bookstore, 19 Ei. Washngton s1. 23 'Whisk Brooms fec 10c at Mum- mery's. of hravstoie's? At laslt's' at's'per'- militt'ed ho disc'e''nsthus' giaauauis'ri a wnasi uf slitet' ''iilth enthury'. 'Wh'enlt'e ift' tpla'irlan atum litsjustof-ea'collegs' huasndl sill ptras besa' ei' wiha thl twso hourlas litrlmore' iln 51'iittiit'0. Unity Club Courne. Blelow ss- givt-eu lir sogamiof liar oplenuita(7entertinmenit'a oaf lt'elUniity C hla ubcour s vhiml still hb' gis'nuinahat ea Un'tifarians church nBut Muatnlay setan- ins hby thie Ypiati Orcherstr'ai society- tasater tse sdirechion, of Mr. Olscar G'aureisseu: 1. 'War March oaf liarPriestls," Mendetlt'ohn, Orcahestrsal .Soetyl5. ). "'ollili' tIbo' the tye a',rtmh.ulgeal by hoot. Tiha'Misses Jiane 1. Fuin- luuuiu, Mollit' I'Iise, IMarie' L. (la'eisseni and5Mr lm. tiit' Ciuluuliuiloalga'. i. "llo'ius'aellamnhuru," 1t. l lenu- hurg, "La l'oni," S. VI. Blalfour, "'rl'atrtcislsMarchl," Bee'thoen.,'au "'Se'me- siuade of ttoe tMandolinets," SL. C. Des- 4. '"Break, Break,SBresak," 0. 11. (1ait'ssell, 5. tOverture, Mozart. G., 'Fising," F, 11..SPease, "Winter in Spuring," Jessie L. P'easeo, Master Fred Ellis, 7. Andante fr. Surprise-Syniphony, toass-ni. 8. "Lsgunen 'Ialtz," "Synmposia WAaltzes," Straus'. I First fleer suite wih grate, bath room and furnace haeat for rent at 37 Forest mite. a35