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March 06, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-06

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Auk Ambi..
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VOL. VI. N0. 111.

UNIVE!I'Si'1'Y 0F' ICI-OA'N, FRIDAY, M ITI 61, 196.


e , Not Enough Entries from '98-
' Ve ( ,r 1 ietftir( hhlint "
ptp, t ieL1iwhid f frS AND MANDOLIN CLUBS. __ STEAD OF MARCH I3.
11<Sir sdatidthe tricIii"rfor Itie' Several Netiw Officerit-tsn'-Chan'gft' Meeting of Athletic Board -0, U.
S}t SevO1 n erlonneloffcerbs -P Cha ms Y ttii itttit iiiiiat Wright Elected Track Manager-
lit5 i y lie e- s !lhut 1st 'trtt' t5 F ; I llsrre n,. d-I Pins for Cxtensive fttr i lin' tti(°o ittn. fittitin n lle trtw ast Room in Gymnasiutm to Be
iN et ititis matt itr uhf. trft Western Trip.eni tredI fti, th ii'e (,titn i- litsi d ii Used as Trophy Room.
#1 rtt i 'a' at_____ tt Ii--tfet ii sii a futli At a ilettiit ft liii'Afhi, ' Ifartl
5i B oid-o1-i 31R(' tto jo (i' tilt'( 'ifofntfy tilt' t'.
!i t ltit i l ittlt it~ Ii' e Ili lt'fll ait 'it'(:its-11,laIf sC
d5 5fttila ltIi Ii tittltI in551tt uu ettt'Mtnvi N fi i a k!hittiifur, 2i'(! sitr'e ttf its at mit e iiul 0. XV.
tN THE A sNtheO hestGvaltaa N' 'rif i iti' ii ititn fit ri l e ugi thiiine ixt-ft if.c 111'thgi it l-'rl .t'tIif l l (. I-S . I .
l4#1 sell the - '15h iIC 'tO'f i
itt Ii XX' Stautulatz'lit -PiERtil. id iii' lift -',i' (. illilagr Mu'. Wigli f P is a e'),ott't' i lit'ls
S~ ~ ~ ~~~~~1 breeiiaii o I-lit c 'tItitttir-ala tes 1 It.sGitt li' gyluiaic ' '''ly iiiittui i lr, lt't-stipttl'lf h
apprg fil A iittitt itt i'ij,'':tiiri 1 sort("ti7 l(I tinfor tisrft tn-ts '13fit'a lll itte)O iti lea al tn it, it, rtll
tlt pfi1I 1 31ti ele. II7, W. leii elii, 'it tfftft'i' s fufy Al0n itlti tlt'. 14 tt.ti lln r(,(? lly t
tltil'ltu. y lfir teei' til f or _ltutu 11 1 3,0' buftift iIis ll f fuirib'eeln i' .Citfit
foT h(esn o 56. 1tnt ln llilftft.A 'Ie theI t' -ls'tllt''tislty fiht 1, M 'Es li of is itiri fe-n ti-fitly W
1lOR AN G tJ f th llffflttf i n l A it 'ii
THE' ANtNl IA 53.t(ti ' tltit' d(,(--fluled5'f(2ntfifin f it t o sn-ll fi-ciih il1c.1n.a aftif li'trtt O f i'
See ' idvlr foe' lii' liiiti t'lt'rt'ti fit.iii'98'ullfiuielif
oi~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~u ri es ' tot'il Iiinir te'differents i 00 anifillas'l ot-feuiy'iliute
p i l co1elitti lii tite ( iii oI'Ih o 'f ilit u ni''lllfu 'i1''it ~ ii ti s'Ir ry t't~r; iltisl'm mberifi te.
8"h hl uAuho'ldfifi'ff' fit'all tieir tifilllilt, int-ti

in Sweaters.
Sheehan &Coa,
The Leading Tailor,
:iid only direct Importer in the city.
hai just received his entire stock of
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for
Spring and Summer '116, at
Full Dress Suits a Specialty.
We can show you all the latest
tints, in all the popular sizes,
with envelopes to match, for
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Polite
correspondence. We give special
attention to engraving of wed-
ding invitations, reception and
visiting cards, and making mon-
ograms and address dies. Plate
printing. We take pleasure in
showing you.
UIp Tows, Down Towe,
University Bookstore, Opposite Court House
20 S. State St. 4 N. Male St.

l'' ralfg'te lfirt 'e ietrn trfi pi ( f trd-i
inig stimiea liof i-the lavet autlisirst o li'l'''itsfiat)-ii ei
ft' wtn--aoilt April t10, givifng aI coicert
htanid lfint-ie ui ' ns, ifsit is hoedu
11 lifigu ful1 't''ffffg Flt' if fat ft-Iri taill he ftirty ill'fouity I'l-
ttill behe whai'tfll lifOttst'moe e teitan
f ries ff1 Iftis ('tl, enoieuglhto enisureI
lillyeyt'f attemptedlillbiy (fy tifiversfy t'll of' mofin tritallhtats. 'T'he heirdlen
ilfgtfiflfltifi iindf will ifntludefocts
rtfce'als lit-i-ifs ifflif t'r'fies,
is K-ansas City, Defnrr tindlSalt IlaE"
('fy 5 n'el ICa iifitini o fts tlet Afmofg flue ither eest'15hue runinlg
Cuigyi ,ilsllweIslrt-ia.ennumbelrIoillheifoff01
lluf'ger nnesfdrseritiesspecial nbsntt'iil
la~berweserncites.Theclus wllThe winner of thfis event wtill have lils
rrnrto1 Aim Arhor ihbotAfrfl 24.
____________ lull11 finibtlelfonfife Delt Kappali
The Faculty Concert. Elonefls ilver cunfp, nn'ilItl, affter it lies
heen inscribed fvtiSf1es, is 10 grace
Flue firstI of thte Fiacutly rconeeits f or
the trophfy 1a-se1 of lbe gymnliasiumo.
lie secod seimosfer ntas given last This eveitntill Ihesbe heIle specIil
nighit and drenw an auience waviirfict-elt of thie evenuig andt should huave
filled She entire sealing capacitfy of
a farge sillry hlit
Frieze Memerial fll.Tile programf
wvas a varied ene aiid shionvedthefluabil- A Chemical Society,

e'ast fttttiu efflue ogyuuiifaifffn-fjilifle
liitngeiu, httve'plact' e tlt-if' iliafitisal,
ifs ua troipiy tind miinti irooui.
Thc (lifeeof tflu'ndrolui'nutett-tis
eifhangllfreiiiFridltiy, -Maff'll1.3 fo
Satufrdaty, iilusrl-f14g
Athletic Notes.
FT'eea india for tihe bsatll teamtii
tntre takenouettof doors for pirate
yesfrdaty uafteriuoon. About twntfy
me i wistere sell
All '9th lawvs ais§lifugto enlei' lie
clafss relly andi ofher ivents for the
'nuff-sily induoor melt are asedi to
hand their namies Io G. WF. - FelCes-
Son-eral tmmhers of the fotball
teaim tuined ul t fer sprng pratie


fly of 111055 taking flirt to flue test ad-
vtnfigs '.ieThe ldiclfrk suite in 1It laf1
as played hy Chiarlottes Jaffe anti Her-
mann Zeitz -as enthusiasicfrally re-
coived, as avas flee rioliin solo hy the
latter. FTie songs "A die ferns Ce-
liohle" and. "Iennet du das Land" by
Gardner S. Lamson, averseavarmly ap-
plauded. A feature of Ithe concert
avas the rendtiion of Schumann's
twelve syimphonic studies lay Alberta
Jonas for ths first tims before an Ann1
Arbor audience. All of the slendid
qualities of this piece -wvre fully
bron ht fort and well meritedte en'
core given.

ye-sterday afternoon, twhich cionsisitd
'Pf5Joefrnal Clfib ntas organized last fii putfinig and passing thehell. 'Jibe
tvrree ttith Dr. P' C.tiFre as chtair- moanagemient is dlsirious of having ial
cian. Fhis. club compri ss profssors the freshmnen tvho are nowv fn college
and assistants in lbs study of choin- to come out for at fret days. Among
istiry, wtih an object fn viewv of keep- those on the camupus -see Captain
ing up wthfthlb current literature of Senter, Ifenifuger, lierbert-, Gates and
thie day on cemnistry. Wr-ekly nieet- Brarnum.
ing 'ill be beId 0n each '1 lesday
fleroonat o'lockin too COver thirty candidafes have lauded
Obeir-l lboatoy bildng atuhfohin fbeir names for the '9S L baseball
papers will be read anti discussed by
fls difernt embrs f -I-h clb. Sigma PI, and Zeta Psi bold their
annual binquets in Detroit tonigbt.
Dar. Ward Long, of Ionia, lectures 'The former fraternity will bolh forth
to the homeopathic medical students at the St Clair, while the Zetes go to
today on mentai diseasea. the Russell.

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