THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGANGETfL~ We Are Looking for a Man Time Table (Revised) Nov. 24 1895. EASeT. WEST. who can suggest an improvement any where in the con-r P.lae~- M. A. M struction or tines Of the N.Y. SpdExa..... 350 Mi N p....ei.... 83 M V R J H SO H E S Eastern Ex-..15 12 N.S. Limioted_. a5°I E Z J HN O H E S Atlantic Exs-715 s Pacific Ex---12 15 Sm>t D. N. F preee.... 5 40 Western Ex-2-_02S0mples of theii and of othe good wheels at our sales-7 G. R. Exprese ---11 05 0h1. Nt. Ex....10 28 rooms. 0.WGuo~e . wx.... 5A 57 LCAOH ek COMPANY, O.WC InLS .W AEYS . P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor 56, 58 and 60 S. Main St. 'Phone 164. 1 A B OURZ NEW SPRING SAMPLI-ES (Hafeve arrived. The largest end fieset assoitment rver showe Ie An Arbor. Salle tx _I from$i4 to *i'O Pants from $4 to0$12. I We know tbhit we can please you end 'twill please yoe to lolk at our samples before - :_ buying spring, furniskings. RAILROAD. F. J. Gilen, The State St. Tailor, Time Table, Iien. 12, jsc 20 S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. xNOnT. SOUTH. 7:22 a. m. "7:40 a.m. +1220 pm 12:40 am. 4:15 p.m. 9:21 p. m. honor exariua~lltions ait tile Uaiversity Answers to Faculty Petitions, All trains daily except Sunday ___ eTrain run between Ann Arbor send Toledo of Pensyvnia-aia Certajin of our pro Tile answers to requsests lald peti. a,.S. REENWOOO, Agent Lesr leotidtl yt~l sdtions presented to te faculty of the W. B. BENNETT 0.5P. A. Toledo 0. Hlve found it a desirable thing. Sty ltreyeeunn r oflos ANN ARDOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY( Owii feeling ablotit it is thsat in tile Comnmlittee ont hours, at iateting. existinlg state of plublic opinion inl 0o11 Ma:rch 2, grainted: H. B. Ale-xandler, Time Table, Oct. 27, 2895. colleges, it is tdesirable to try it lb Heaa M2. Anderson, Miay Mt. Bticr, Leave Ypsilanti from Congrems et., 7:1t0,8:45 to a certain p:oint; for instance. I do F. E. i rst, Emilly A. TI arper, George' and 11:00 a. in.: 12:05, 2:15, 5:00, 6:45, 9:15 and inot makile an2y attemplt to watch liy n 2srs gl' eie,..A ., 10:4.5 p. m. D ariAnsrner .A e Leave Ann Arbur Junction, 740:5 and se gniors, setting thleir paper for und Se,1.5.LollA~ssSut:Si 11:90 a. in.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:50, 7:i5, 9:45 and 11:15 Ry ' .LotS nu mt n P.m. TN.leaviing thlem to thiemiselves. t hasrdly Jelreret tUNDAY 1IE shoih likell toeryeherred, to ai cotmilitt:'e. W Leave Ypsilanti from Congreseest.. i:3,5:30, tikIsollkeoLryhean Comml~littee oil stslstitition, ;it het. :00, 6:3 and 9:00 p m.thnwihtefsmnbcua- Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, tiig wihtl rslel e~u:, ii-, i\ 2:11h 2,graintedl: Err.: Iletfel- CareCun on ciytmp an:snl.rp though I think tlhey, too, would tee in- bower. genie;ar runnociytm Taesigerp15und trip tickets 25 cents. cletocthnrbyI do no tin Colinitlee onl 'advanaceolCer at WMe. F. PARKER, Supt. clleit c ~tt~by+ o OlsIclrr it io desirable to sulbject a younlg moanmetn Mac 2 grtd: Wl STUDIENTS T to tem:ptahions too stroisg for himl be- calle :st Mal o ct ilpartely If youi wst good reliable life insu rance call fore lie ha:s acqusired s0101 fixity of- on od r k avrne. officero. 1,rS AT THE GRtAND OPERIA HOUSE. 'AH N I halve no dioubt my5self thlat pulblic The organizationi presentinlg "The NEW A HI ESHOP opinsionl will suipport thlis lllor:'lm:'1 Fencing Mastir," whiceh will be the at HUNTER BROS,, 9 E. LIBERTY ST. and~ I shlouldl favor its graduai~l intro. trackion at tle Grand otpera house next Skates Concaved. dslction. As public opinilon (1000 sup- tFriday evening, is ai large anod proli- ,OOrt it 11101 ande mlore, :and: as a new5 orienlt one, a1111 spsecial iliterext is lat. Experimental 'Work. hiehed to thlis season's tousr of Mils ___________________________________ tmloslolhere of hlonor is created, 1 be- Kthleriine Germlaine a1s iFratnce'scai. RENTSCHLER, sieve it will be more and( nmore easy Miss Gcrimaine, it will be relnembered, for all stuldelits to resist ihe' tellIlta- wao the chsoice of Sir. DeKovenl as 1110 PHOT OCr FAPHEZr ! lion to chest." successor of Miarie Temlpest, who olrig- ANNr ARBOR. MICH. --- iatedi theo role and woi h~er present Th~e registraur of Tufts presents a famle th~rou~gh the greait hit theO o1pra HOT LNCHESAT AL1HOUSmae. Silos (Germuaie was soon at ATStrong testimonial for the Sys1011, sy h edo h ~teneGran isng: "W'e eslalsllosher thse lhonor sus- Operat Co. ini "Aiuoritat" a season or so Choco0lates3 and Candies tell so 00110 n1 years ago and hauve ilgo. Sh~e is supportedl by It. W. Tic - --seeis no 'l:5on fosr discontinusinig it. Deilnick, Nelist Bergen, Arthulr Ethler- JOLLY & 0O's. Wve are quite wvell satisfied wills hle !lgto"s, Harry Scarborough, H. Arthlur NO . Stale St., Sager Block, results so fair." Thle systemn hais been Lioblee, Ma:ron L~ailgdon, Hiars'y Do Large Line of F'ine Pipen, Tobarces and ILorsme, Eniily Nichols, Estello Mtorton, Cgr.On trial at We'sleyan~, an1d( President EIwil Jaclkn::n allo Joh~n W. Dodge Ralymlond diiys regarding its i'l''2 (formierly of Ypsilanti). Th~e mnusical NA ' D L it works wvell. It is yet anu exp('ri- Signor A. Tomas!. mienit, hsowever. The besi tll:200t5 say5 P hotographer there Is far' less dishlonesty ill ese:liin THlE OHtO CENTRAL 1lILEAGE attiolis than uiider 1110 old schemue. TIC IiI.T. 15 Washington Block. The studenht booty hlas Just adoptie'd a If you travel one thousanld miles constitution for wvorking thie sysitesi. during thse year you will save muoney 1 tihinki liy oavn opuinionis 15 retlsldo I'l by purchasing a thousand 11111 t1icket. TOO & COl S. STATE whlen I say if eve 11a( not euterod 1:11 The best in the market arn tbose is- TOOP & CO. fBaET.nts onthm or on it i ollosild favor tlse adoion~l of eued by nEto of Ohio Central Lines. Call onuthemeCu the system." They are good over all the important Fin unc, es systems Including thse entire 1. & . FiechclaeThe DaIily hase beenl delivered for system west of Pittsburg, the Big and Baked Goods. several weeks to all members of thse Four, etc. See agents of Ohio Central Try Our Lunches. University faculties-wvho are not regu- Lines before purchasing. Price $20; OTnRmLL$LENR lar subscs'ibers. Thlts has bee~n done good on year. C U~fLLL LEOARD, without any expeseo to theml iia order Albany. N. Y~. to show theni the value -Ot thse Daitly Wanted-An experienced flute play- as a Univers'toy neevopaper. A- solici- or. See Mr. Gillespie at Ann Arbor Makers of orwlcaluneihprfsrhoOrgan Co.'s store Ca~ e desire to b'enm regular subscribers One,-, Apply Mon ay, Mar be 2d only. p a~ wn be given an Opplortunity to sub- Mrs. H. C. Eaines, 7 N. Slate S. for Yae91,Harvard scribe. Otherwise, the pper will be Tbe Daily will be delivese by ear- '3Princeton '96 and discontinued witliout any charge for noer or by mail for thle remainder of mnay We not add Michigan'96? the numbers deuivered. the year for $.25. T.OQ.&dC. Ry. K. &M. Ry. Solid threough train between Toledo, Ohio and Carleston, W. Va., via Coleshus, the short end only direct route. Toledo, . Findlay, . Benton, . Columbus, . Athens. 0. Middleport, . Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. PmrO Richmond. Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va. Williamsburg, Va. Newport News, Va. Norfork, Va. And all southester points. Elegant drawing room cars on all through trains. For frther information call on your local Ticket Agent or write, MIOULTON flOUK, e'l Pass. Agt. Toledo, . W. A. PETERS, Michigan Pss. Agent, tDetroit, ich Grand Opera House. FRIDAY, MNARCH 6. The most sccesful, ie nmostIpolsaar the most picturesue of Comic eras, THE FENCING MASTER A brilliant cnetibef Operaic Artiss, inclading, KATHERINE GERMAINE. NV. H. Tiedenick, Ha~rry DeLorme, Arthr Eiherlngton, ells Bergeni, Marion Laingdsn, Louise Bryanit. Chorus o1 40 voices. PRICES-$I1Cfor tiny eat down sair; 75e for reserved seat in gallery, remander We. GRAND AEOLIAN CONCERT. The Fariced & Vtey Arolin attachment will be plated oil the Colamban Organ. FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 6TH ORLA D. ALLEN, Detroit, Harmoniste. You will hear the Organ pl:yed an you never ave heard it efore. Tickets, - 50C. Tickets on sae at Stoliet' and XWahs, downi town., and at Sioelans talkn ansi Palnmer's o State St. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE ORGAN FUND. a'= KANES. I-_ Thin new styles have arrived. Opera Crooks are the thing. tSe or window. WM, ARNOLD'S JEWER' STORE. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS MON2sEY TO LOAN ON PEISONAL FhoRTY, Whoesale Cigars, Tobacos and Cgrete r rn CATERER, HANCSTE~RFER, 20 F.'Waehng HOSIESERERR' WEXCURISIONS VIA OHIO CENTRAL LINES. To Virginia, and the South, Mrh 10. Onse fare for round trip. See agents Ohio Cenral alines or address, W. A. Peters,;S. P. A., Detroit, Midi.; John Moores, T. P. A., IFidlay, Oho, Medical Students-The plce to get 1your hond of pocket cases made as YOU want them IS at the Argus ook Bindery.