THE U. OF M. DAILY Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OFriCE: Times building N. Main St. opposite post office. EDITORS W. W. HUGiEs, '98, W. W. THAE, '96 L. E. L. GEsmER,'98 L O. HANS, '98. EDITOR-N-CHIEFO G. B. IARRIsoON,'96 L. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. ToMAS, '197. BUsINESS MANAGER L. C. WALKEa, '96. ASSOCIATE EDITORS L A. Pratt, 'iS . M. Heat, 'Si P. S. R. Smith,'96iL. B. B. Meteany, '(9. F. Simons, '98. H. B. Gammon,'97 M. F. A. Fucik, '98 E. G. E. Sherman, '99. G. R. Sims,'99. J. L. Walsh,'98 M. C B. Roe,'98 D. Susannah Richarson,'98. The subscription price of the Daily has been reduced to $1.2 in advance for the rest of the year. Leave suscriptioss at the Daily office or with P. C. Meyer, U. of M News Stand. Editor of today's paper: E. L. GEISMER, 'S L. The success of Monday's Daily, is- sued by women students, was most gratifying. The edition was quickly exhausted and its purpose, that of ad- vertising what the women students intend to do with the Daily and the Inlander in April, was well accom- plished The editors of the 'G Technic are performing a laudabte work ii lrrang- ing a list of all eugiers who have graduated from ihiritgan. This will be publiished in the Technic and will make a record which has been needed for some time. trom present indca- tions it will be very complete. The Technic this year will be issued under the direction of C. H. Spencer, man- aging editor, and H. W. Merrill, bus- iness manager, to whom any informai- tion regarding the location of engi- neering graduates may be addressed. Outing for March contains an in- teresting discussion on "Faculty Con- trol of Athletics at the English Uni- versities," by J. W. Laing, a forner president of the Oxford U. A. C., and W. W. Bolton, ex-president of the Cambridge U. A. C adculty control of atbetics in England and in Aier- lea is compared as follows: "'Faculty control' exists in no less degree in the old than in the new world, but the iaature of it differs very widely. In the new it is official, in the old it is entirely moral. In the new it controls, in the old it in- fluences." The writers of this article express opinions in regard to faculty control in statements which are decidedly ap- plioable at American institutions. 'They say: "If the Faculty is to enter the field of athletics, let them be there as sportsmen and not as the Facerity. Let the students be free in their games. Throw upon then all the re- sponsibilities. They will return to the lecture room more ready than before to recognize the authority wlhich reigns therein. If a student casts aside his books for sport, tell him he imust recant or quit the college. Never way can be found of instituting a system which I cannot help regarding as far better for the moral standard of the University than that on which we have thus far been obliged to re- ly, but I cannot but be too well aware4 of the difficulties in the way of the proposed change. let it be even suspected that one is "I shall always be very glad of any kept at college (though lie breaks expression of students' opinion from every rule) because he can win fame your University, or elsewhere, as well to the college by his bodily prowess. as from Harvard, which may tend to Thait college is the strongest which throw a light on a question in which netiher discountenances athletics nor we all have a common and very deep ptllows the students at all to break its interest." learning's routine. Let the aihletics of a college afford free play for the From Princeton, where the honor talents of the undergraduates, and as system has been thoroughly tested, the the Faculty stand by and watch the News received the following letter: mighty striuggle on the canapus, they "The 'honor system' in exaininations will not, if they are ready readers of originated with the student body some luman nature, isore quickly than in thiree years since. The proposal to the lecture room, those who will make institute it was promptly and cordial- of their lives a success or be a burden ly met by the faculty and it has prov- to themselves and their fellows." ed with us a most gratifying success. - AMy opinion is that it has raised the been administered by the students with a real sense of their responsi- iility in the matter. And I am nsafe in saying, that it has given us far fairer examinations than we could ever secure by old plan of watching the students. Of course much will depend on the student sentiment. If that is right it seems to me to be the system which on all accounts works best. Very truly yours, JAMES MURRAY, Dean. President Andrews, of Brown, is not so favorably impressed. ie says: "The system of examinations com- monly known as the 'honor system' has not yet been introduced in Brown University. Much discussion upon it his occurred, and it is favorably con- sidered by all, but no plan for execut- ing it has yet been determined upon. My own thought is tliat, while it is desirable to place all students as far as possible upon their honor in exam- inations as well as elsewhere, the presence in every class of a few men lacking in conscience will make it necessary to continue some form of faculty supervision in examinations." Dean George S. Fullerton, of Penn- sylvania, writes as follows: "There is no uniformity regarding OPINIONSON The editors of the Yale News wrote recently to all of the principal col- leges of the country, requesting official opinions regarding the practicability of the honor system of conducting examinations. The News is publish- ing the replies received, and in view of interest .in this system at Michigan, we take the liberty of reprinting some of them. Prof. James M. Peirce, dean of the faculty of Arts and Sciences at Har- vard, writes as follows: "I have much pleasure in answering your letter of inquiry. By the honor system in examinations, I suppose you mean the plan of relying on the mor- ality of students with regard to hon- esty in examinations, in contrast to the plan of employing watchers to prevent or detect dishonesty. The sys- tem of relying on the honor of stu- dents has not been tried at this Uni- versity in the faculty of arts and sei- ences nor, so far as I know, in any other department of the University. We employ officers to insure, so far as possible, the purity of our exam- inations. Our faculty has not as yet seen its way clear to the higher and better system. "A committee of the faculty was ap- pointed early 'in this academical year, to consider the rules relating to exam- inations, and among the questions be- fore that committee that of establish- ing what you call the honor system will, no doubt, have a prominent place. I have no knowledge whatever whait that committee is likely to recommend. You will see, therefore, that I am no' in a position to express an opinion oii the matter in hand-although I hope I may be able to give you the view of our faculty at some later date dlur- ing the current acadenic year. S can only say that personally I entertain a strong hope that some reasonable tone of moral feeling and has obviated serious evils in college admiistra- tion. If it has done no more it has spared good men the annoyance, to use no harsher term, of being under surveillance. Up to this time it has Eis, The Tailor, -IS AT THE- COOK HOUSE E. Huron st., Corner of Fourth ave. .. U. of M. News Depot SOLE AGENT FOR 1he Detroit Moroion Tiiion --AN Chicago Tribune. You can also obtain the Chicago Herald, Detroit Evening News, Chicago Chronicle, Detroit Free Press, Chicago Inter Ocean, New York World, Chicago Record, New York Herald. Also have a first class line of Magazines and comic papers right up to date. Give me a call and satisfaction will be guaranteed or your money refunded. Subscriptions taken for any publications. P. C. MEYER, Prop. IJ CCC L 7 I