THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN GLrNT AI1 Time Table (Revised) Nov. 24 1895. Malland Ex-1__350 Maili-____-8 38 N. Y. Special--. 5 N N. Y. Special---- 7 30 Eastern Ex---10 12 N. S. Limited.--. 9 23 Atlantic Es-___7 30 Pacific Ex---12 15 D.N.Express....- 5 40 Western Ma-__2 0N G. R. Express =__1l 05 Chii. Nt. Ex---10 28 G.REs -_____5 57 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor -- "° ( RAILROAD. Time Tale, Tan, 12, 1896. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:22 a.m. *7:40 a.m. *1220 pm. 11:40a.m. 4:15 p. m.9:21 p. m. All trains daily except Snday *Trains ronlibersee Ann Arbor snd Toledo only. R. S. GREENWOOD), Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY, Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Cosgress st., 7:10.,0:45 and 11:00 a.m.: 12:45, 2:15, 5:00, 0:45, 0:12 asd 10:45 p. m Leave Ann Arbor Jsnctios, 7:40,9:15 asd t1:11) a. in.: 1:15, 2:45, 5:20, 7:15, 9:45 and 11:15 pM. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 1:00,13:30, :00, 6:30 andS9:00 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Jsnction, 1:00,4:00,5:30, 7:00 and 9:30p. m. Cars ran on city time Fare: single trip 15 cents; round trip tickets 25 cens. WM. F. PARKER, Supt. We Are Looking f who can sulggest an i ml struction or lines of the IVER ZJOHNSON Samples of them andc rooms. 56, 58 and 60 S. Main St. for a Man I PTTP1~M~AT. TUR prorement any where in the eon- WHEELS. of other good wheels at or sales- ,.Hn& OOL PAMTY, 'Phone 164. RING SATVTF'LE8]I T.o. & C.By. K. &M.RBy. Solid thirough traiss betweesn Toledo, Ohio and Chiorleston, NV. Va., via Columbus, the short asnd only direct route. Toledo, 0. Findlay, 0. Kenton, 0. Columbus, 0. Athens, 0. Middleport, 0. STUDENTS T tf you wnstgood reliable life inssrssce call on Fred T MlcOmb~er, toice No. 1, 5. NEWMliACHIN1"E SHOP HUNTER BROS., 9 E. LIBERTY ST. Skates Concaved. Experimental Work. RENTSCHLER, PHO:.TOORAWHEZ:! ANN ARBOR. MICH. HNOT LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS Chocolates and Candies -AT-- JOLL-Y & CO'S. 29 S. Slate St., Sager Block. Large Line of Fie Pipes, Tobaccoss and Cigarn. RANDALL photographer 15 Washington Block. TOOP & Cog;26, STATE Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolaten, ° and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. COTRELL & LEONARD, -- Albany. N. Y., Makers of Caps a owos for Yale 'fidHarvard '93,Princeton'196soid may we not ard, N11higa4~'90?, Ilave arrived. The lareset aodfineutossrtment ever uhowna is Ain Arbo:r. Situ Pomery, 0. from:i$14 to '.50. Paul forisi$4 to $12. Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. We kniow that we cia: please you and 'tweill please yos to look at osr samples before' boo:::g sprngs, ishkios.Richmond. Vn. F. J. Glen, The State St. Tailor , PetrsburgoV t 20$S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. Williamsburg, Va. Newport News, Va. Honor System at Williams. The Trouble at Wabash. As al orforkVa. An nl otheasters points. Elegant ______ -drawing room ears on all throusgh trains. i~al Nes.]Preidet Br~i'tz~il~, o Waash For fuote iInformation cull osi yosr local Thie studoentsofo Witlialis College College, on Tlirudl ly aniiouniced Ike MOULTON 1100K, Cml' Pass.Agt., actopteldan honor Sys'[0101orfeXaliii- exsosn of a numiiber 01 freslholen W. A. PETERS, Michigan laos.TAgen,0 tions r'cenlfy by :10n2111lost iliitO1 : -who 1participatled th le rowdoylim listOtri, lc vote. Tile 0sy(t1m ldotlcdembreiiiesweeok. TIhe freshmei:n lten et and1: Grand Opera House. Ike beost features of [lie honor kyStenils passedl resolutionsofooro:gy 1o,011:' nowe iii ose inAnoerican college's, anol faculty andolptesentedol 2 iltioii ask- 1c will unoubtheodly prove Suoccssful. It lug thie'reills:(:ll'oo'iit of the c oxl::ii ot TUESDAY, DIARCII 3. will be submoittedl to the faloly for imemniers. The s: -st: ed a lo:reoolu- The Greut New York and Loundou appcoval onok will go 110 oeffeot ct s iiotdeclaring dathii le ebbi=s woldlOCES soon11a00 thatlbody has toated up1101it., withdraw fi'::ii: osile: i a, hady n T oro gh re The cono~itulti::io oitliniilg th~e system loss (lie membhers lisilliuel v ce re- Orlo5:e 1ili0:o:k AI:i requlires that in ortder to muakce10 ex- Yieaeled. claiss Comeidy, presentedlby a rekneded llil~lliih~ valil i:'utoioli 1111Sfcompsaey:of recogenieed artists. Record~ aiito ai h tdn utSIli 0::n' yea::'s, run is: London::s1:0 NigI::, in tale followinig elatlation at the endl~CN KThS WNE. No ,eo ug~sgii 11:Ae of lilp. 1m:0:c "1I1h:vec Iciltlre i< 05 Hav1ng decidledlto omiit short, 1pcr- - sial ;rinds ill Ohis years book, the Prices, 35c, 50c and 75C. 1101 receiveud aid in1:this eiiliiatioll." Cautuaii Us Bard is desirouis of g:'ttizng ' ' Wh:it is iiea:nt by "fra"in'ilox uiilini- : 1las many humliooul5skelelies of Univer-1 itioli is state tl t hugh. Th~e conllt- ily life 1aslpossible. If 3011 know a i . L .A . C o rs t te poidsthtth a~tlt aghbe nidn o muig hraIter about th~e University, niake a UNIVERSITY HALL, s1h:l1 dispenlse with pro:ctors inu exoilo- breezy sketch and put1 it in the Coos.s inlai0110, a1nd lothat toldenitsushll 1ave50alilillcontlribuitionibogies in tilemin:'W ednesday, DM arch 4 bo:'ifet liberty o~f conversatlioni aid ac-121111. '(ionoduriag examnat::io oi: io~bs. It ITIST OIY OF THE IZIENAISSANCE. fl -- atso jprocidesiltiha1 comitee of tll The class in (ilie Ilistory of [:letRc- ~ff iPfi W 1lrn Stuident lo ukoll ceal witiall: 1c :aes ~in iissaiiewill joe Iiiiiitedlto twe-he.uK uI iUuI IUL LUI volihg violationl of (lie hone:' systemi, Applicaitioins forc ioenbersiip lsoild (hat studen~its onily shall be Wtili:'05cs be h~andledin ia110eaorly a1s possible. The ON~ li~tlellgwill lie oii Wiednescbiy, f~~alt 'n om1 ~-.1Araa~ ino~ in such casos, anidtflint tie accooSel IFib. fis 19, eat t 2] o'clock, i ton2 tp ~oln -,hall tie r tilold oilalexlhaustiv eexogoa lOiilPan 11.Fonther .arrangements will A msin 0Cns ili:ationi before[liey lire concic-ted. 'T:'hoe 111:Athu.miissionyis -tme________60______________________ penau~lties, for brech- of hionlor 10r: of meieting thereaofter. sitatedl, ando it is iasode obligatory u11101 EAItLEXW. 2)OW. reiry stiuent to 1cnd his :ill. in imfoiio- taing th~e constitultionl. Diuring tke second semester the tol: , Soratory of general chiemiistry wiiibe PI'..IZE 10011 SHOt'1fSTORY. 01pe11to studenlts otfo~l renon and:1 Theo196 'Ies Gestaie" 1200101 offer a afternoon. 't'hose who wish to securce cash psrize of $15 for the best shoorIt:tlbles skouldlapply eairly. / al story on a legal subject. Contribu- I'. C. FIllE R. tions frombtall departnlts are invitedl adteBadrsretergttus1600MLSall mainscript subiiitted. Always ?. leader, the Ohio Central ' < ,i l 4 Any youla~bdy stuident whii: wishies ligh~t work to psay for rosii:andloariood apply to Mirs. I1. C. Eioics, 7 N. State'. ZXainto: I-A firsot cloo, s stew--iril :t on1ce. Apptly Slily. Ma rid oly13. S[rs. IH. C. Eaiies, 7 N. Slate st. Ihe best 1:1:1cc yin the city to be: books bound, cardl cas(,, ueodie-ll es's , psoc'ket booksos:r leondl bags is at lbh' Argus Book Bindery. Mledical Stuidents-The place to get your biand of pockoet cases snade ns you want itiem is 'at thue Argus Book Bindery. The place to gel notes bound and dic- tionaries and bookos of reference re- paired is nt the Argus Book Biadm'y. The Argus Book Bindel'y, No. 14 Sias~nal Block, down town. tltIies mileage ticket, Xith latest addi- lions is the best. Covering the Big, - Fou~r, B. & 0., C., H. & D., Ohito Cen- tral and innum~ierable oilier systemus, It is the favorite Travelers' Conipanion. T en Theo Argus Booko Bindlery Xwil keep; 013011eveninlgs to licomilioditstu ~- r-4 dents comling to the' pest office. Brngl your work along anid sac:' money. 110011 to rent, 40 Washtoloaw ave., ou00gSee them furniacoe het, biathi, nicely fur- (j vrwhr~ nislied. $2. T' A fewv more copies of Vaughan's Physiological C'henmistry on hand at the Argus Book Bindery. The Daily will be delivered by sar- nrie. or by 010i1 for the remnder 01 the year for $1.25. H N S E F R AEE Subscribe for the Daily. HANOSTERFER, l R