THE U. 0OF M. DAILY f and coach hrave lone their bvtst to Thirkield, P. G. Yale; Frank K~auke,. 1 +. f start the ball rolling, lbut the in ®I WHERE TO FIND '95 L Freso, Cal.; J. P. and L. E. Molten, not come ont and tlcerecfare notihing urektaCl.;E. E.GardnerLos Anl- P'ublished Dally (Sunday excepted) duringcnbeacnihld. nth lrs Secretary W. C. Michaels, of '95 L, - the College year, at has prepared a list of the members of THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, place, tice new ccecc who would like to Ca ;E .Wlc, cgow ii. Oeee ie uidn pMl a. poieilay baseball seenm to think that tihere i-n scnb er ~oz.I s W. A.. Keerns, 'Terre Haute, Ind.;. pact office. cre so mniy old players hack this a olns Isaac Tamner, Terre Haute, tad.; W. EDITORS year ready to take ticeir places on the Al .Arn .O od .A e W. Patter, Htastings, Itich.; WV. P. teain hatit s n ue fr a ousidr ite . .ariddenP.I0. KFord, s . tNorth, JolietIll.: 1I. It. Athertan, W. W. Haoccs, '9s, W. xv. ToIAvEnR, txnItti sn s o notie icoe,9.6 L.tcclc, t K aie E. L. Ocasimn, .00 L 0. itAS,'05. ico try at all. This spirit wil he fatal ! dteL .Or L ry .Mp' . ih. t .'a yke a EDITOR-IN-CI[EF to baseball icere, surely next year if C ity, Michi.; W. L. Hint, Brighotniptoic, G.0. IHiAcRSsN, .00 L. not this. Noan hias a sure ihold Mon cn .Wiio cc .S Rgr!N.Y.; T. F. Dye ta l li. . J _ are in ChIicagbo. P. L. Allor, F. C. N~~~l(5EIO is old pcositioni,hut will hiasve to xvock Bishop, Fart Tobwnisend, Waish.; A. C. M.1.F. ToNG EDI'01. fri.Ac vni ocewr uoo Cook, C. Wc. Curtis, J. W. Hunmphrey, J. F TIanA,'9. fr i. Ad evn i sae wre ureoit. G. Lthtraoc, G. S. Field, W. S. Bartels, Denver, Col.; F. M. . Tociesoti, IIUSINE3SS MANA(SER tir positionls, ticat is 110 reasoic for Cak, P. P. B. Cl arc' inar Webbc City, Ark.; S. L. F. iteece, L. C. 'cALaot,'9so heginicers hceing is PUicn, Ias.; C. A. Brayton, Hlowell, cis licilertan ''v~l~ Detroit. J. II. Macys, C. M. Siccwatle,t 'i. . s. '" tc; ASSOCIATE EDITORtS js sipratthis year todelo J. J. Noon, 0. K-cs'vr J. S. IPearl . c. ; .. Danc, Allo an, ii. L A. Pratt, '00 G. B. IHeath, '00 P. good second niaterial for ccexi years'If. Murray, G. E. Blande, lMrs. A. B. Ae.SeatRc sad l. .lr S. R. Smith,'SO L. n. B. Oetheaccy, '99. nine as to niake this years a wininicg Buttler, C. B. Ilenderson, L. Jonces, Mcl- Morris, Illitsenra, IlIL; A. E. Davis, F. Simcons, '00. 11. n. Oammon, '01 B, one. Alniost, if stat quite, withcout ex-Iniapls Id.W.B Stog iF. A. Fucik,'50 E. 0. E. Shcermcan,;t'5ilsie0.S udo adC R . Faulds, 's9 B. J. L. WIalsh, '9030. cetotion, allthtie plcyers cow on the luic iteice P . tdonnai C nlaitois. Ici.: .I.Srcg C n. Hoe, 5 P. Osxacccah tllcicrdoon, 05.D. Cary lire takiing the pttgraodate loelosIl C B Ro, 98 . usanahRiharso, '8.tecamc will heoualt of tice iiversity next 0.11. Sims, 't. daada hl e en utb course lt thcis tiiverrsity. Miss W at. LECTURIES ON SOCIOLOGY. The subscription price of the Daily has sn l ilr .I.Lay .G h etr fRbiGosa been reduced to Sil25icc advancce for the rest d'cip'.Tctcocitrti cn'sob aIi. A. 1iller, W. I. ccN. 1 h lcueoflabrGoyni of the year. Leavesubcriptions at the ontclt to lbo enouigh, to bring atntewcxvhaS been pcosticonedl to a later date. Daily aiS e or retS P.ait secyndnC.eatill e ltlitbigi ls .C iThe ist lecture of the series wilt be Ness Stand. 1101 "Argicrscod1i'viib . I'. Michaaels, J. N. Davisy are let by R1ev. Wni. Knight, of Saginaw on organized tubs yetar simitlar to the Editor of tocdt' alr:fobl eere idKiaitie anisais City, Mo. C. C. Bt'shiopc,L. S. Mctcvc 11, subject "P'revalent Doctrine G. E. SItIM tN, '99. ,Laiiry, F. Landisanaicc J. A. Cotncer aret is to the Ilightct Methods of Hanceling lice sanme basitk, anco it xiii be no ic- Tat Loigansport,hId.Deiqnt. The poaitraitis of thce headers of lice coniderable honor to xin a plce on" this teanm. As far ms cniIe ascec-tm~in d ltce NOTCE. fraternity factiomsisnvxolved in tile an-ohemebrof(9LarlctdaTeewileameinof-l n7- nulball~h xoe octnedb Cc' sslrtiiorin eore, thiht old pilayer's ete.are Lenot e the cioeo0,5L e octo esTerTesdl a metngofal egb- clisplciyallgfigce reret slairit either. ttkofoloxvs: IV. IL tcciriley, tGoshecn, elsTismy, ilarclc 3, at thce Emigii- Detroit patplers Icst wceek with good ern uidnat 4:15 p. in., to inake' sonc'of heicxv 1111 thy ~Ind..; JoinClat'~rksoin, 1I'inielol, Ka>s.;errBidn effect nfitceocnaewimenoftileySlite Y.t' i' oxarrangements for a staig social. think that be'cause they iaceplcayed; ' ' pltnWs;A I L. L NEWT ON, M. C. A. concventioniatcit alaiccaoo. Cxet -iodccfAtl.PI.i.roo. Hsiirimgccit' ___________ onldhtce aumlast year, their poslits(,CvrScolaf 1geing oity 'The snggestion of a "return larty" ire assured to tiemutis yeaa' and they Dwi ,DneCl. .J ui i, . cnb needn bu okn ithrKn. .L yr tlGAD AOIN CNET in 'a stailt of reciprocity in reglird t a eiiecieectcboi vt- 'ttI ocrg, K'cii;s.;.Hvbn d'\. D1 S.GAD RfhAJ ffhf~ tileLecld eartoctyuccoletcythe''biiis -ao on tuolorcoteca t iiisal be Iois t. 1 c a-ai, ls INMUII JNJf vtre'ceeeap'corecte thesootr5te' ltiiclelbLaFthy'ti, Icnd.; ..W. Fcc The Farras d & otey Ad'oliancatchenct ecloittrs ofy eslterdhy'o Dmaily might be very speedilyheop1ecmedoccedicent'oinmbiacc Organ. adtte oeimtalg iciber htelette'r for all coincerneod Yesterday lice trier, Counihl Bldffs, ac.; C. F. imibill, ilbepadolthe(CluinOrg. U r.:esiyfau- They shauld be icen xveroe takeen outdoors by Coach Csuneoii Bluffs, Ia.; WV. II. CoolykLoan-FIA VNNMRH6H anietorei a rguseco fos.h Sextain for lice lirst baittig ldc'1.ticO t7, Booine, Ia.;I'. 1'. CrlvesBenitonm R A .AL E -nd aboeut focir old players aind a like Harbor, iiri; P. D. Durit, tCatuic- O IA T L E , fuindlfar ltce II'aiemmces Btuildng by Deri-arose a aryhi mc Ciin"tmi niuimber ofcnesv layalers odaleirel. buns, II'is.: D. I.Lyoons, Duluitho, iinn.; DtotHrasse gig a prtlndheGyns V on wiii hear dice Org an ptoled as yoouccever ___________1here is iaowv but two- or thiree xvekps C.'. Hlenodersonm, Bloomfiieled,Idc.; I'. heard ithbefore. Vestel-lay's I1cahtenaxv vHeoubag of gyininasiciovork loft, mmcld both old S.ltHirris, Adeii, ha.; .1. F. Kaiss, Lec Tickets, 0S C. Tinesmade lice'fohioxeng cammnent of1 Ilayers smeincel ness altoaes slcoutl lget ioi5 c. ' i icifhe' rii Ticiceds on socieat Sitet x xsCa0 Iihe City ll.; '). . Eans, Ovd ooich;ca dose. ccc o0 datet c statl time eoditioin of tile Daily issued by daxvn to xxork mt oicre in the plo r~orCtio;i.I.Ivic.Oii hei. c~ 'io' c ttx avomneicstueets: aciit. I). B. \NineeI+Ft. I\cyce, Iho; Today's P. of iA. Daily waaissued C .lre' hhake ~a;B .i ~ 1 IA N I S Communication. lideves0 lRockpoort, io.; J. PVan I. Has- entirely under' the control of the vona- .ems of Oheiovnxersity, anod is tprelim- Edtora' T o f . al :enccailse, u itlinii.;F.D.Ada Thse new styles have tO. f i. Ddocd-: ~ D.arrived, Opera Crooks in-sly to a larger edition to be issued Far the'lacst yecr or too the s1t110 Duluthc, Aiin.; H . H. Slto, Ciaretomi, are thie thing. See our lay the sauce editors aibdodmtApcril 1. It ' nr 's enCt. windowv. is a most creditable numbter and 'are'ihighc schiols have held aim athlettc Ir.; it1. La itTMr. 's-laaCd. than favorably conapares saitli the regicmeeting, inclung a fielod day and H.. M-'ahi, Oamkland, Cal.; It. it. WM. ~dD J EWELR( STORE. ular daily edition of the paper. basebalt tournaiment. It seemcs to ane Zimucermnan, iMarine City, itli ___________________________ thanc it wvold be xvell if this neat Chaas. Zlbuger. Itope, ihichi.; C. S. THE KINOERGAROEN BILLIARD HALL The uceeting called far this even- could be irelot at Ann Acbar just be- Sippc~y, II7'aterlo, Ia.; S. C. Huibbelli j TCE lug to orgaize a local civil seric-le re- fore or afte'r the 'Varsity hoeld dacy. I ilosheic, Ind.; WV. It. lhiieic, Deca' HAILROAD-TCE BROKERS form club appears to have aroused thanck it wvoulcldda muchtowaxard des-el- tur', 11.; J. IL. IL Deek, Decatur, Il. MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSOMAL cosiidlvbl iteest nditisprb-opineg track athletics iii our hig;h J. A- CotnrtLganspoort,hId.; 'NI. lE. PROPERTY. nble thmimt lice club xvi lhave a good schools. There mre a numiber of highi ttgerald, Aaiderson, Indo.; NV. H., Wbocale Cigars, Tobaccos and Olgarettesh aembersicip. h'residlest Aidgel xvill acddlress the mdee-ting, xxhaiciawxiii la held in the old chapel room in the mamin builoding. Thcis organhocatialn should rec eice cordial support of the student body, for it develops av commnsdable spirit iii muchcgreater0 measure Ilean any can ever be drone by any partisan poitical club. It is not a pleacsant task to call at- tention ho the fact thaat the right spirit is no yet being nsan-felted on the part of lameehall ment here. The cauptain secools xvhicht do scat at presxctmtlk part in thcese mceets whovighns~t be in- duced to do so, athics would tend to l s, T e T ailor draw more athlotes to this Univesix cmxi I believe this plan Mas been introduced im Iltinais sadithere is noa reasons wvhy -IS AT TlE- it shsould no be, thiiMichiana. I f time Atleltic Assacleltiola tool: lice initiative, 1 'elieve there wxould be lttlle a ition-it is certinily wxorth Ar~kg fo96rePhsilgialOhniK H OhIUSE in' g.e oePyioo-el Oheoi tries on hand at the Aras Book Binder, E. Huron-st., Coiner, of Fourth ave. E