THE U. OF M. DAILY. 4 MICHIGAN EGEN L Time Table (Reised) Nev. 24 185. Mal and E ----- ii3I5 l Mall-_______8 38 N. Y. Special--. 5 (0 N. Y. Special--. 7 30 Eastern Es-- 1 12 N. S. Limited... 25 Atlantic Es.---7 305Paific Es---- 2 15 1. N. Expesa.--. 5 40 Western Es---2 N -R I. Epess .11105 Ch. Nt. E-lb1028 G. it. Es----- 5 ot ., Rcaisis, 11. . I.laen, . RP.r& T. Ag., Chic0ago. Agt., As Abor RAILROAD Time, Tabe, Jan. 12, 1W961. NRtT. SUTHti. :22 a.m. 74 . n. 4:15 p.. 90:2p.D, Alt tans daily except Sunday Trainsen lbeten Ati Arbor adToledo -a ly. R. S. GEEN W0011, Agent b.1. I BNNETT 1G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST RY Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypsilati from Congress St., 7:0 8:45 and 11:011 ai.; 12:4, 2:15, 50,:45, :1 and 10:45 pi. Leave Ann Arbor Jnction, 7:0, 9:15 and 11:30 a. i.; 11, 2:4, 5:30, 7:15, (:45 and i1;15 SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypilati from Congrss St.,i1:30,3:30, :00, :30 and 53:00 p. M. Leave Ann Arbor .Jncton, 2:00, 4:00, 5:0, ?;(0) and 9 :0 p. m Cars run ton city time Ihar: single rip 5 cents; rond trip tiket 25 cents. W. I. PAKEnR, Sp. STUDENTS T f younwant odrlal i nuaecl ol rd 0 0 ~broficN1,S NEW M~ACHINE SHOP HUNTER BROS., 9 E, LIBERTY ST Skates Concaved. Experimental Work. RENTSCHLER, PHOTOCRA~HEM.! ANN ARBOR. MICH. HOT LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS Chocolates and Candies -AT-- JOLLY & CO'S. 20. State St., Sager Bllock. Larg Line o Sine Pips,.'Tuobncco and Ciar. RANDALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. TooP & Co 1. S R.T TET Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Cocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunche. COTRELL & LEONARD, Albany N Y. Maker of CapsIGowns for Yale 96,avard 911,Princeton 13 and may we not add Michigan '99 GoodTIaloring INOTA IE At Mootoderate Price. flit's the basis of hourlos- T0&.y . .y 11e.s. No bel1'.teo (aroi2enlo tan ours. Nit lbltCr Slid tto ugh: itttis btwie Tledo, Ohi I stott- to select front. A.otand:i t oly dirt-t rute., -Our Spring Stock is Unusually Large. Toledo, . rrwM I E.Rus tril s 1 ytti~r Findlay, . Mr.All A. Ds ilbpleie[to shitos-ouou Kentonn O. to Order from $20.00 Up. Ahn,0 THE GOLDEN EAGLE CO.DElROIT,. erey,0 LOOKING t ii tie~ll o, a og toc u Ptrburg, V. T jKWi, DAvrRtil::r r e:7.I ol:rl , i 11-Old Point Comfort, Va. OtttdaI) lI lA T re, so -isthe:ou:t"ito 5 (:ho l 0We.t. Wllianm burg, V. TWE1'NTY11-F!YE YEARti11S. t1e:1oA-ii rileli-lr'tl. debit-lt o ini g-iNewport News; Va O ii:- it it-tirit~ i: ts ::lt:isai~::.Norfork, V. WHAT WOMEN HAVE ACCOM- And:) ill ::Il:tle t-t : pin:ts:. Elgtttt PLISHED AT THE UNIVERS- ~r1 lh~lg I~itl tllltO:l i: :t::. it:::: m::a:t.,, e1ll ioti yn oa ITVOFMIHIAN biuene i aou pobalyqts.Lo1it i101, 1-iita g. oilwa s1o: desever : i pals IN'ltl, O0 Miss Alice Boise Was First to Re- I.A g. tlttete ittot:i. llt ceive Instruction Here-Six Wo- mhen in Attendance in 170-71 0olnw tjieei o ttt-iie ~ l -Present Number in 583. yotts, lt:::rdolwe 05: s::: ttlY I 1:115bet L0A DI ES' it is iiia-oil for list tiCf us Tw-i::G1,:Ittt ha(t 111Ois, year. :tlil::: o- l:11: IC1JB ANF HA HiH PRL l wet are fowiittnillnObe -l 1s1m) ti51115,or toi Or einilato inCo dOie s.fot red yeatrsl~t Se:oi: toitye ses IgoiiiOwnt6iii niomen Vit lli,( ii Otti-sluind-otisitr. 11(Nair DrosMR 0(1110 15tosily tlt1115lil oytm:tto thelit rtittl 011(1 21(1 (ii l1l 1 H T R]I h11}OJNOWSK wo10 re undin the ss ii stilis oilt-s:I O,-T A A R (itiiik oC OlioveIloppressed the ttlitri selio 32 S.MT -,ay ;ToREET, U STAxIS. the10campus011foritti-eisimpole reosoin that((t- ti~' 11011e ('len.loiC lien-c.o!1:fr ioisOtonl--u:-1115t it:tit IeOars:illo t llt~O -sii othei 1:-5110d1 o j s O:R. &1 a1dl aivtt eigh:to5 Osloi l (h o (0:0:::: d- thin 00o11 theC (lie oio o Iooussi o ol1: osI1:01 :1:3~:it001.:0 : 2 . AT US R O N, PSTIS. tO 11-0 I-til the sosoist ~loi::xiilon o lice or i(:teiawsi , i n,0001 (15 At.olont Ott 50-tlll~ig oodtis (1:0 ho o leg,so ne 0 in 0011ie (1510(I of:i b s n C a 050(10:. 121:- and itwoin oCte o: 0:1-in Clmi:- ti-ofo- l en05 o thegu orlli Ilio tol lPH-iOTOGRAwtiPH10 10E1:0RS, 01: Ociofels-c Cran ils;;atolao e sliis sssse ot-kab go m mr s ol: he. ; rot- Trd 4 C TERSTO TH YA. bersine 111101eI morens-Cs so-o. l but lls eho.saehtoe :,0of 2 W i l O T it mt it h Mis lialosee t oppsiivollof ilthe k :10 ; ie isngis, obut l we lVF Ssona h reeie nsuoitionher- ol Chian.. The maorityof tueiotilw10 o- fortion clictCos-n egual tro-taftie e ligt:oival:-s, Snia t 11ril.Petl UNVESIT-A.OO i NING s1wt r-a toesn i rnt.itoemher. 10 t1i,1 Autdtsl inoC - ibc: r, g NS ol:1 -Js hi-etay o-ers1aeteltnit bilrstoed ol:oesttesMssfir stei s ollo w= r: O ppoite LAio- uil dn.enevsfraiiao othsI--NivY k olt;Oilie1T a-ER $4FR HE ES OFT H 15E YEARe uns'ityolsndoloor e refu-so-os Thn i,- to 010:1 i s 1110;InA na. thooee;ItltoisotoIl: ho- e n IhC io 1211 o:thio-:;a too oisyl v ro 1iid bot oxe Wo -os ined lee his-oste, dtw;Al::oo , uoo1uoioui ih;olorado. o;I THE WM, CHOLS E W LR HSTORE i n oi th e en a s er o fot nd asa i to toth e h l ries S ioot o ne010 1 i eo n ou i o t o l :: o e ; R I R A w m n lhsA i e o s , d n g t t o e n lc y n ; h t s I , o r ; C l - M T I _ _____ _____ ___ us. ix I en ut aitals ii Oho Ytos r ubai o ne;ttlu t asloii D I:tilt .-weandio p87071;sso(Io Gsrek latoghutotiveultNE s-ca:-. CATNERSO R, m d he wa inosverlofte W dy poakto one ca( ie 2 olve.-::o - 20 5cy . wahn Foankclae indiiew aw hi.te irtst, t~o:- gyt::lsilsillli. iand51:10rettet llttasAuss~dul Safert1 inst o mautbovsit-at d i ~till Ce (ob 1: : PRFETIO w1~toof pbsreceiv e 5 i ssixn e teia 1:10f105e omen-i n olthis oC 11:: tm.nt rie :0 Co andthttcryditpjorn. Tilti latuir fore. lo-ilv i r Idatess itiou iaol0r s ,. r t UDET KA R S wa o.oe ohm 1 D al t i o aunouuiOwofli eli ng o oC lui itsto -o lev-Os~ leeiet lgreslio 0110 5AI-1113 ~tC iic soka l s ,0n 1 nnllilt a llri t - oil Oooe-newostyoesehave The ersaer e tim87, Ms lovhad lo yclli ltt~: ooaomeEi artovly:Opera Caook wel tkig . . 113 lia utc 3.who ol d 1 ~s oln tOA nd It 11 -ooo'.x:froomt 01 Os itleeliteeth ng S e- u an S e d os w r ho n o e t hrooi l e tOU o oi i :0 aloil Otase o swtiondo llv o w. Iotsbe.Wen oeere thlis-,asn e, , do- ba heiron ldeno iylexo 'oh lrIt0s r de itie in in. Six w men af~tnded inmileoyforittorer-:Chinn.,hndtboilsii a sefEn.,llas and0-he;ict1tor ofce-dnepartmont.SaS r.lmenAOT28hRER.Y r'