- . .__._. . .. ._._. __._,.e ., _y
VOMEN 1 IS,1'tc o '1 giil lie th o 'atiootl Pfoal-
H HAVAINEi) Dityoll. osee 110Iit fni
.J'~~F(SSNE1 00. Whiltll1I' l olte .01e1' !re11ore
FURTHER FAVORS EVERY \1101111 11. wi lh 110 (01(jpt. ol f 11
YEAR,.k1 ll 1111ill Illilotto.1111 to8 ol c 00110141,
(OllO0-oioll. twhic'h earries Ithemithro0ugh
00(1 11100011s;lind tin t 1101and Il~en
sht(l-o Slat-e ale-laI. 'l11r11 itei ;1i!e
11111 111as 1x 11 lo lO"Inlite sit illy
.'o lt It' g111111111' 1111(1andl, "does1
T 11e01renchelword for satos. 11-t
1111111011 alsoI01.l'' w o 11,i 11i
e 1111111 1111111il 11of 1O 1 10i 1110111.
Mt. Holyoke and Oberlin First in
This Country-- Western Col-
leges More Liberal Than
Those in the ast.
Eureope bicme greater0. 11141111(11.
doors1' i o, nlbei l in011 11fact-i, (1
Ilillo't eery(coliy (olliellilwIly l 1b-
lianry 11, ilivers011. (degree. ii As-
tria, 1R0ss11, 111(1 11111111 1111 a111p1si-
ti1v10decre(es1 aga'.nst; I their:il1lit'1111
deore of leidelbei-g. he firt tooa1(11
ielit wom(1111e11, opened l11ill( i91
Here11also, (1101 1111 11(1 1.10 1111 (1)111
althouhi ler011111 but111few illl . pci~l
mtowitrrias reqiredrioll ll e.'10
110011s1,11Norwayii, e Flea1n(c.,u11l1
linee.Romia, Ic1'elandAthey tlan
admit(1women'hlhirn',s Rlgmi
nIlal te hllled 01to100 (ll' 1(11-bt tf
ali tlemltoCalltll(ivl [tycouresel
ofxcollegtes lrieay fdeLoan
landh 10010111 to 4100e11 (0 01(11n40upon(to
been.[lelilde foraIdlIre M.laloahe
a offg[11111 r the lily 1110 2liin ll11de'
a animl'roi.yOPlgi(- has two l Me1ic11
1111l1g00 ont lnanided"1 Ir(11 eeld
te. Inlor.' 14111110e('olei',[uilled
111 10.1-r1o11essional slyloig :11in to
'Iayiant'11 Ic 10110 he I'iethlereI
Un1ivers'ity 'eduation for 11(1(1men11
of taepentury.ll ltfoolldill 11the01oo1?
ooil legidyes llee. Iy foun1d1d, 100v.
be1en110enedltolwome1n llra oleo-e "ha-e
ben fou-inlndedYfo forem.lit(.1lyoke(111
Ll as ftanfd 1forbanh Ch iago.
ent, l~on M 10 en 111011101' -.1 i
the111111111 1 Stilts1 (((111tint1(ivey Ibr
t- 11(1 111 ((11 1 ~y leI 11111
('(1o11te i111about.1001otlit'owe111111010
b.as8ed on11 00111'10,11 It s' to i0 1141
iiinoliol 0111111t11011-111111' 11(101' ioll(i1:'o
trortks 1in 1111 and. the ri'Oiiist's0 1110110
or liforal tre. BltbI{ho lee dtil'11-
art iodeedaTto' 1111iII II 1is to{(lit;-
Iltolo Haab'' il 05. 'az{'n~in t
''1eIll. 01111-i i'itynis ill ai- lil It l'
sosi oflit'l 1-Ia.,Ibut il 1 Wa11ili~l
0M111 is, t5110000 11i, to 1w,''.and1 iled
to cI< Invillber"llip :Iml -i olf'111 the dull;; (erllls lac;urd, froill strident; avo:
pitvilolos of the coul"s:'s esc"ep't _li the lulu," ille.lllin ,' to lbAlit olles s;-1f'
113.0ior of delgrees" f°roill it rcclt lOioll williold due reu4oll,
1 Nature of Slang.
I~hro chtl~a~trt~ tiv' of 0d11111l
11111 ll 'i 'tPto 11-1(11-1 1 i) ll hi
' ((11(111n nc'1o ti(d (s M he -lv -
r~l1* 1 1(1 ( 1111111 lIv lt 11(1 ' 1"r
lisod t dellot spoll ito ti "lit ' ro
tiltas; sla;;ito'4tt
Itootit. tttt 11'il(k1111(1111101r~i
( 0 111. 1111 is uss
''011111 14' ti o (' ('1lo is t', 11(1111111o-
o rlIs".t' 1::22~lo1;; 1(1-1 '11)1121, ol,'
'I lwr11'!'i1 4.(11 l1(1d.1111(111,1i- rItt l
fttrf "('stt1111144"iri11(1 ,w 11wso" file
Ilut11111;lItrE all ut.I Itt fne~oillt- tllo
ga 4i-11114'i1eellm-allititol Ii 1
titti 1(111' 1 il"1111ot31 t 1'1 1 dspoc,111 i'uii"kilie(or 11,1 lt'(tt'0I
"flllll" , 21oa llil f) f'tit I111 .L 1' ', ll
1- A it ~ t 'tt t. u:,S 11 \lIt' C 1 CIt to'u' iil to--V
12i1 'tre It 111; 1, 1 l u-I tti-t oll Ito-u u t1 1111 ll 1E '(h . T e " l .() Iilt1
1 111tute li} 'It'111e ' of ill I Itlt et' 11 1 '' Exl.or etoos 'Usrco by tris 1at
"Ix2111 " 1 e10 11110 il' ihotti11111! hel i n t I l ue l*o ta 11l l i i' .11di'-t ltfitt . 11
o tit t'tulIet111'11(1 n:iousue ooutuilnl atot 111141 11 1 c14
IIeat-olottAkinutouthesetteS-jlie 111111 11111
E l is ie T aiet heh1il o r 11n; ,
1.Thir le iggltest1;win of'W"11 Fore 11iNot is I
ite~ile] arl Idy. "It is lie vay inl
ever displayed. A giarallteed savirng of 2" per
(hiding alil e'aut- tt'Iliitginlhis-io cenlton every purclhase.
lt'ir I'oll1el's'llti ." The11001.' il th110p1r-
huaubit of Ilnl1.ltnn-o'; a kind of yeustyl11WAIT FOR HLIN