THE U. OF M. DAILY. 11 Maynard St. Dininga Parlors. Closinjg OUt LA~ THYGENIC DINNEBR. We have left a fair stock of SUNDAY DINNIER. - - WRITING TABLETS NOVELTY IN GENTS' SUiTINGS{ tSOUP. GreensIlea. Vermacilla. AND FANCY VESTING IN '96. Jos. W. KoIauf, Merchant Tailor, 10 E. Washington St. 2d Semester. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite LAW building. TERMS $4 [OP THE REST OF THE YEAR. Qi G, Spaldig & Bros Thvnueisa tsar- aufe~" that the aeice Yrar isit is the hest assi upples offeery descipions for KCse - fi ed ;lasom i. - illstsatlll Cata gue. 'the Acmie ef Peretisn- 4 THE Spalding Bicycle FOR 1896. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Nesw Porh. Chieag, Phiasi:_rhi. Largest lisfacturers of Biyles asl At- ltcodslsfa the sorl. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. COF ANN ABIO. Crganszed 1I63 Capital, $100,00. Srlus ad Profits, $400N)0 Tassnscia general aig husess. PBACH Pes S.IW.CLAttKSON, Cashie THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital teels~, $'00,000. Piurpls, O10,00. hesusecs, ;0,l0,00. Ore-jiuedss uderthe Generalhanking Las aftii r liie. I:c eires(elssit, hys ad sells esehauge usn the Ipricipail eiles oat'he united SOf ts. lDrffscashedseas prper ldesfificiation. Saety (epsit hoxes ts rut. Orrisissis: Christis a ls l'ePes.; IW, I). -areias, Viwe-les.; CAnts :. lfI soc, Cashier: At. J. Fritz Assistnt Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S. 485S. State St. Cheapest place to buy it is at /MSTSEBLEBVS CycIO Eporium Bcycles, Sundries, Sport- ing and Athletic Goods. o', i t NIEATS. Rouast Chicene. Rouast Be, Brass Cravy. VEGCETAB3LES. Spisl. Slashed Potto. GBeersC Lettsee. JOEVERIAC ES. Java Mues Coffee. Csrameal Cereal Coffee. lSt asd Cold Mfilh. Fruits is Seaso ,asd Sasee. J1tOEADS. White. Grahsams. Rye. Whle Wheat. Grahass Cracekers. Cat Measl Bisesit. Granola and Granose. eef. 0orn. F. J. RENNINGS, G. W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS SDO YOU ETNS? follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC GOOD WRITING TABLET, - 8C CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will net he replaced. ,Come quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. MOORE & WETMORE B S, MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, UNIVERSITY - TEXT - ROOKS! For the Second Senmester, New and Second-Hand wuhiehstheyorfer Fancy Mixed Nuts------- Fancy Mixed Nuts------ Fancy Virginia Peanuts Fancy Virginia Peanuts _ I 44 South Mlain Street. --- --- --- - - --- --1 c per pound ----- ---- ---- ---- --11 lbs for $1 ------------------ ------------------------1tc per pound ------------------ -------------------------- 12 lbs for $1 At the City Churches. ('l flu gf'e 0 l l 0 1111 1 1 tll:Sli 0a. setrvise.. 12 lii., ndoslisli l. z,ject. "Wtil I.tlay?" T' 12ig1., fJuniort. IE. at 4 t Illn, Scnii. At the Lowest Prices. 0'. ITT ~ :. ________________________________ IIIi i li' 0('11h 11 f ieI2 lls kisal .a I 11 10('2-11 ae l'iaiiii a 'd (:lii'i. 'fhi'-( lie. wsil lue as flliow 1. '('hist1ia11 5)111d1the A.1sii'-I I (,Ism,111i11e. eo. P ane"~i 112 ..'1 'iiih-t 1:111111 and Ith' (lre: A ,lcl.i.e.s'l ii' is ~ine. 5. t'z'lidilsosf('III 1s11i1y ii, Ilils STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING GRANGEW'S Vous ean ;juinaur elasses eow, or as ansy timse ceneientt osyosrself, ithe te rns starting swhes yoss da. Offiee ansd Aeademsy G0 aysard st.r OPERA HOUSE JEWELER PINS:-U. of M., A. A. H. S. First ll vlli 1 cllr' Zl 1() f li. c: 1,11~il 5115sf . - Ils 1atlfit21 ,. 1. Y, i tt{i I - - The fittest in the city." Come and se e 11. V'. at (i:>£)f1). -I : I Unty Club Entertainment. ____________________ 01 hills ' sG7ll. 511ill.l e "£; l 1111urnIy' hltiisi" 'THAT TIRED FEELING" ill 11 1111 III lii' I iilil'iil ttat PWitldissaptieir lb yas tahe osur 0i1111-I 1' lisl tt 'I ~. . I {t' iBeef Iron and 'WiTne. 'i ~ ~ ~ ~ e C iel 11 Illi.lil i' 11011 of ( 7'. . . C.h'iildts. Alt Ix- dent'btlfafes. Yus soscyswot Il 11e ' 1 11 ngIi ;s 51t1,1 '1 wilip;i or0 yourtlsmoney bsuks I i WllIs i11" s.' Iill Iii i ii01' gv it lsit PLNiER'S PHARMAdY. aI l4i - ie1';ilsfi i:: "''i}'Pfll( ciii's 1112 lisl 1Ce. 4(1)iS. STATE ST. - 12511il I 1.' '1'stci i i11E. hIssefoa ises. 'tsone fraitsheer. or N I~t (11(,Mus Beievein Iii1,r " tvii i2i1' naltig nof satllightn- IC X'.1 1' ia eise it I Starts I, sit file l' Iit- 1111's ullali". 111 415 It IllblIllsihoolaSPECIAL. lsd lstctlll' ilctli s1 1211f 1'ii0ifgao lfl"'IIETAP 5& SCHANZL sell Sails tnd Pasts Ms. I,. I.. NIPWTII):\. at prices 1o suitaeeybodsy; weeasoisdo 5. ll";ill'l'ctll' 0 repeirine. elessif is nds slpreussg. PWorh TICS s ' , It eI lia ~", {scaled toeradde'-uvrred. INo.Ors S. OStale st., St nrwsCnvl, Dvso t- Al'icossalfloor. artiner uff'"111111'rillIes'. fIic-c lii l itlt M lf'fa 1 ~ " l. MfARITIN, Fuer~al firetor, Cloth 17 1' Nor t Pa fr ooll1 1 lI50. eadMetalecCsaskttssanis n'e Crade 11101,iretlor; Rel's. I2. leachs 311(15 applly' Ia Ii'sw. It:C. flsllill', 7Nr iitl.Csihns. Emhalmsing a S'Recilty. No.+ ft S. Fourths ave. ite'. I,. T. ('llt 1susitalti-/: i{}a. ii., ''Illxst1- A isa-f ells slltt' l is" U. H1oly F S. SII1AVINO PARLOR sald Bsth- ilt'rtlllii riayer; 10):.11 st. tis. cete1s1o- 111' llty l1lf11' tf 'i 1 111 . . roolms. All slppoinitmts ssfirst. cfass, tillf oIf t'e Holy' ('aslslssllttlcltt sj c - ('~ 1. al s 7N I' m ~ porr'teall Idosestihig slr. ILaies' srtiu Mrs. ft.tihalir reussga:isd bhfiig pairlofrs. J. R. tatty'tl'sco;2 . s1.11 fists frntllit ie .0f). s ingle Troj~anoshlti 3lOS. State st.. x o111 511171 is. lturuiaelheatt, light W HrbEN VOC tVANryoursclotflesscleaend, disy Schoo1(l, tBible 'lfSe altu. s t iltl nirw- 11111 0_ I cls t. pressed0, relinrd ur rebundisaogutoDides, tij -eltf;3p iluisiSttli'1 Fiserte, user Steehsan's P1150 store. LaP- Lionleeure 3 1. 11.,Ini ::Ix undy tediesel Stdents-'ClseIbscto 11;et eratsry aprons made to orderr Sti 11115 at ('Itl'- itltl'uc-otet'u 7:301 your tittt of tboket eases 1nail s .or - l). ill., cloral Sd (11v aithotl 'Ia Sertmont. haltrwntthlein Jis-at thre 1rgi,;s Doubt Daily'Serviess siItiL enhstt Iftottoby Bindery. ,.d. lit i:30 If. ill.,P ttI'allly' att 'th. x1., West- Mlessrs. TWr7igit, Kay'C&C(a,.of Do- lids ' t7:131)p.If., ..its t'Uetchitfelltoit, in tsiir illtattfao'ittiitdeptct I- 1 la.y, Fillsy and Saturday' at 51'Itiett, eOtatousthletegt forcue of CHICO & AUSKERADE COLLARS steeted ills any retail i stistllsliiuleit of ODENA & PATOKA CUFFS, tIsis kindthiin tis stale. Itt fraternity lrchtlyieriasitClisscel--tteyfar morsn- tadgeu eseiaIly I hear s ci s slot ex- LATEST STYLES. ilig sere l' a at 1C}:0, Sundtaoy usf10s1at celletd, if equsaletd,iiti tscosuntry. ______________________