THE U. OF M. DAILY. IVIJGHIGAN CJLNA We Are Looking for a Manw. ID .g LbTime Table (Revised) Nev. 24 1813. ES.WEST. Whio (an suggest an inllprorement ally Where ill tileconl- P..AN.trlt~ rlie ftl T. 0. & . B y. K. & M. By., N.i Y. E___ Spcil...0 MiN._Y._Special__I838Solid through trains Vetoweon Toledo, Ohio Easer E.152 .SLismited._- 025 VE R JO HKNISOIN.Y] 1 .tE .i o Vsclo VV.astlsle h AM. P. M. .short andonly direct roote. Atlantic Ex____1 30 Pacific Ex--.--12 15 m1stodoiel totsts EWE 0. N. Expresso---_ 5 40 Wealten Ex____. 2 00 o hmai fohr r G. R. Express ___11 05 Chi. Nt. Es.---10 28 rooms. Toledo, 0. 0. W. RUGGLES, IH.XW. IHAYES, E C g Finay, . G. P. & T. Act., Chicago. Act.. Aon Arbor 56, 58 and 60 S. Msain 8t. 'Phone 164. Columbus, 0. _ {Athens,O0. : F .( .I U NE S P RING S1A MPLE,,S KiddleportO. -- hav aived.l Thd lest an1d fiest assortmen~tleeb sha nAnnoArbor. Soito Pomery, O« I -1:- 01 ro 84 t 5as atSfom$ t 124 Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. ~' ~buyin iafun hi-.Richmond., Va. F. J. Glen, The State St. Tailo r, Petersburg, Va. RAILROAD.' Old Point Comfort, Vs. Tinmr Table, .Tau. 12, 1596. 20 S. STATE STREET, ATN ARBOR, MICH. Williamsburg,Ve Va. NORTH. 50000. Newport NwV. 7.22 a. as. *7:40 a. as. _________________________________________ *12:20 p. as, '11:40 a. nm. _ Norfork, Va. 4:1p~m 9:0 p j 1313) 'T1U (Y T~H~t? RELIEF FOR ARMENIANS. Ad111sobara cli.Eesb All trains daily eacept Sunday 1 o)asma7 ..3drslawing room cars ce all throgs trains. *Traina ran betecn AnArbor and Taledo - Sum of $125 Subscribed at For furthser inforematicn casll ass yorcalcc: only. IDO ETO IS ERTicket, Agent sr wrile, R. S. GREENWOOD), AgentINORME OFISTYA Yale. MIOULTON 110CR,OGer i'll-. Agt., W. H. BENNETT tG, P. A. Toledo 0. MEN IS A SUCCESS. 'VI.l TIOMcoia as.Aed, [Yale 'Vcrs.] iDetro:it. Mich, ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. 1Hegeler, '9M, andl Fdning.198 L,; Yale: 1iniaciy lhis 31stslio«31 I: by Derntal Team -Spooea ibteresi wh'lichill tosudets 1t11ke1inteGrand Opera House. Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Nest Saturday. "Armitinli~ Qll0iiesl" iiI it lill Leave Ypsilanti from tCnss ast., 1:10, 8:45) Avay. News lately c ca oINI-al ofii i and 11:05. a.; 12:45,2:15,500, 6:43, 9:135 and Thic treslmiai iidooer a'el : c(:ti:layA U 'RDAY, 'F E. 29. 10:45ap. M. theoii thas) lie isiosily ofl one of thli Leave Ann Arbar. Junsction, 7:40,90:13 and .afternooneo::ii clllleiiis Toli li I I ii::' The Season's Event, 11:30 a. as.; 1:13, 2:40, 0:14, 1:13. 9:43 and 11:153; : tinlrili 0(0 5110110:E0al3)13 511is1cbelieil P. M. and. now te(le111:IIo s soe4 ill line to : SUNDAY TIME. t ly eed withlthwnlih(eiis ini eof, Leave Ypsilanti from Congressast.. 1:3,3:30,,1:the re(ent111111 it asex: 013(:lel::3 liter- I j am es J. 0 :0adCorbettheAnAbrJucin :04.053,Mo. Sels e;lc l,'\'1iWt Leave AsobAreadJoftiall1853h4:03)5:0 nPo.eTenting hies:::111w951layi 7:011 and 0:30 p. as. 1):.1 o l:l : il (eill1 110 f-c51111( :s 1111(19 Cars run on city time Fsre: single trip 135 liesscalbyt i 1:i E'C1 ol, tihe l:ce cents; round trip tickets 2; coals Vi ilel A .il3::, 3 1 L~eainieg l:st relieft 1-1 1 a)to O A T WM. 5. PRE, Supt. bil iilel.«,fe;ee7 J 1 iiillul al u erees tlii: 1C(1 1 wa3s 11:1e 011151115.'of 1the da, sllOe iilg::sssded 1by a great r ny including i. fi(ileer of lie AiIoeiol i 111:ard2 a1stub- 31: iss I1111 111 uder.1 17e11111 .1 i..y splendi form at1tlee 1(101111.:11 ofen1 Iiwn.(A.cBrady If you wantl good reliabVle life i'lsallcc call soeilias spliing;l1 ailll"Dol S. , - f(~ ~l:Acel iotaetoa tPrices, - 35r, 50c, 75c and $1. en 1Frel T 31cOmber, officeNa. 1of.thisale_____________st__de____a__at Fourthbavr. F. . \1iint , (ti 5-1,is 1410,0l10r'solso shole epe'a p vin~ebyhisV~rkj EWMA HIE IT0P 511111 sof $125 waos sub :sble (frhis 5 NEW D~ACHINE S~lOin tlbs bfrtgy yirti s.lITCE reflief. ______ RAILROAD TCKTBROKERS' HUNTER BROS., 9BE. LIBERTY ST. is llesu1Ctaxy eslit 3 led ther SktsCnae.9ll~si nl~e:Ian.Maclharon 01 Yale, MONkY TO LO1A ON aI E~ NWAL Experimaental Work. Pa'rtyyarn010s(lash--bliesttria~l befs) (Y::lc N::v.] slBot (21 . 013 tiedclee, <)3 M, i11 1 -; e,.., la-ill- i . 111 Y:isle ivinity Sch::s l is to isbe ~ p- 7 0 0 1 : MTsoiln15 ,1;S .Thtri a 1K31llib(15 519111by 111he .y.1Joh1111 VS,asofs Th 'le T 11 iw 01tyles have ANX ARBOR. sICH. 1 orbes, '982D, inl 11-5 z e; .:slOWC, '(ds 100r10)1l, Idsngllsl. Mi. Iv toll, ariived.Ups ra, (rooks ar1le h in