Published D~aily (Sunday excepted) during
the Coilegn year, at
OrriEn: Timeu building N. Main st., opposite
post ofiier.
C. D. CAxY, Gr. L. W. IV. THsygo, '50 L.
S. E. Keorros, '08. 0. liANS,'Si
WV. W. ileoems, '0, E. L. GmEio, '08 L
G. B. iloncoso, '9 L.
J. F. TciuooA, 'SI. _
L. O'. WAtosro, 'O.
PL A. Pratt, '106 G. MI. Heath, '06I.
S. R. snith, 'Ol L. G. S. Sherman, 'O.
F. Simono, '18. 11. B. Gamumon,'OS SM.
F. A. Fuoit, '91 E. R. S. Reilly, '99.
Pt, tC. oaulds, '9i M1. J. L. (Vlt, '0 M.
C B. tRoe, 'Os, 17. Susannah Richardson, 'SK
G. Ri. Sims, '00.
The subscription prtic of the Daily hoe
been reduced to 51.25 in advance for else rest
of the year. Peave suhocriptions at the
Daily offiee or with P. C. Meyer, U. of M.
Newes Stand.
All 'wlii piosily c'51 shiotuld atutend
the freshiian, inoosr ieet tisK after-
110011 Interest ill- aitilelie-x, asn, onl-
lisqely'1t, itie beneeit to be derisest
i'roiii the, depsends largely 011101 tile
sucrciss of1 suchl i'oitests ais this.
Theriefore' they shouldl be t'50'llul'iil" .
We notice that the jok-resier
Pi 11s st eition attemipilo to ilsa
msiical n umber. Sntll wee li'ar'oed, ;t
fess PdlIyS sincei, ((t oil 0010'liiollllei
iosir is So be prslocerd s1101 in toll-
veisity tHall, we we're ati a losst o ei-
eover why' lies Wrinlel consideredt
suchi a numiber' apporu priste at thils
tinme' Whieni t"'rro n d ufvoey colle
So ss'ttle sips for Slhe edlitions, we shal11 he
ghlsi 10 rioit for tloe dsstliivtoeic aii
s-rtising we lie receied.
As Pile line of thie Leapi Year Ral
api aP00h00, auiiliatisiis thalt it will bes
one of the socil event's of he year'
grow stronger aind stronsger. The roco-
Blittees tre ha~rdS ait woirk and wilt
spare 110 1100 to maske (lie afterioooi
one of enijoymnit. 'rhe llililllgi'ecll
desires the anniouncemnti mode agiic
that thue boll is not linedi to Univeir-
slly wsoimein, bnt tht all whlo wish
nmny attenid. Let the 'co-os" co-oper-
ate acid nmnke the ocrasioni one long to
hbe censeles. They will, for oce,
Sl'ave on unlimited opplorunity 10 talk
abont theseslves, for tile repiort of,
diche boll will apopear icc the Wonian'
eddtion of thie Daly Monday.
Now thiot the result of thie examinsa-
tions in She law diepartmnct ore out
She greaot eliscogro thatc hae boric mnne
in the conrse are appa~rentt. Sn past
yeacrs it hos been o. ntanding joke
about college that all nludects who
could not keep up willi their work in
other depoartmients of the U~niversitly
would drop into the kiew deparment;
in5 flect the law} course loss for a long
fime boris kowno 000s a"sumopo" anod uabonieebirsss hsose s&-'-i-ote ci' a-
lost plasce if refuge foi' sy goiln; tires bi'oocgiit up1 soutie of the 'fweei, I
Students. '1iiio Oeor, howesri,,there.110011labrlleid "((on" and "t'oiiluili." f
his beirn a comipilete revlutionS aindi,'heis' Daub woldii, oreover, like to s ~ a i
1111100'"slnlp-hting" s'tuents'o tiiie, tell the said be'ies-whatcotmroniiil-I
fisonelit out to thseir cost; altescope of ,cur;se'Scote anid big-pusoceslScotte ore; 31 e
ltse c'ouirse 11110snot oilly be'en insisLt' linming,' buthetsrstso.10tue tim''
brsoadensed boil the sirislooesof dsci- hoinoredl pricks of corencs'sanodtthe
plinie101001the rigor of tiii'ealolsia- di lomlo tedluconnof itie wise, 'Will'I Q
tiolso 11100beino:so iincreased'il iio ooe o'e10come baik 10:0(10.Dr. Iv'rile~p'O
the course ixsewithout a doubt else of
thebes an mst lrooulh o~isc WAN'fED-EX'SItSt)iSTIS.
lpebs ctcootlsisgscisos' 0 oopoc waontedi at AinisAcboir tIhcp
iileog tOelaboschelools of Itie coolotr'. stationo Prislay o's's'iiig, Feb. '28, to tliias
At Sloe iegininiig oiltheeasr swhen iitptap Istrin for 'Toledo, leasving at 5
teats annslouniced that ltie'coutre les'p"i. FaS.lre for roundleltrip 'i5 "cuss,
been lengthensed hothree ytearssit wa seorrl1tritiis tii 'oes
ttrlelitre's "04192" companSIy. At usbe, .
aoiiiripited 1111there' woeclil be a doi- Pol',Hpis rniOencSa
cide faling of in he ttenanc butOtiSee them
elel olci if nOu oteioie',htSlieriolis' Co., best 010 ear !'iSe00the !ve e.
se-heis(ho re'gisrationi esscanouonced lillliiooih pugeoilistic contest. Poipiulaor
it seasbond thrat inosteaid of asic-I pies'.
ceseethoe' eoas a slight btiesi ooonf- R.S. GIlERN'oOl, genot.
ilging ircreoase in numes. I: ideiĀ° 1.itr" SKNP\OR:SI A'f'"1'EN'TOO.
loom'e i'sgiuo eitloan iicei'ssislfocello Dosing to tIla ~rge cnumbller' ot ordi-rs
anod thoeprse't liooraieo-lcoroe eof olreoiSO liaken for tcapse 11010gosse.tlic _________________________
st1d1100' l w10edoepaoctioent l eonolilsraik seill bi' thi' es-e-Isiin shichi toihli-iC-i'1T
thsenotakseno. toiomi9, OMoin SBuild'ing' S.s " 11
withl, if loot aoee tse greoaest loss-fooi 4 1o0 ill. iii., Iton., Feb. 21, 1\cii., IV RST
nscioools ofthe coiolcy.t~i'b. 261, 'ri., Fib. 28. A depiesit of $01A L
(Continued from First Sage.)
iii ssontan' isthocelsret OIiitif-ote'
a,-Xaioost the bancefuol sinmous of ilie
"1005" ,spoecieino. His reserentstircat-
wlentl of lfe s-oh lli-stiroiii'io s-ias
es-er swono for hintIthe desotions of bothl
heaort 101110 eat,.Briefly cislld, the
secet of S'rotes: oe'Weioioeo's oNoei
anod pe'rmanen1'lt vslueila's110 ea eso r, iin
addsition to ss-hat Siai-,liien said, lii's
in bhisclanly inodepenidence of thotogiol,
Isis imethsod of brinsooiog all siltijrs
0111o lie-tng touch ssi theileuo'bitiois of
toida~y, isprinipiles'of leeltIg 5Stp ini-
to'iles'lnally, andit i'pio'i'ally' the tposi-
tise 101011cionstrcteeorof Sils
teachoicog iio (Oils oge of cynicisms Soi
totteilcig idisals.'Toe vig >ooiin inil-
tl-leratlo 00111 ta the loailsoio of lily
piorticelaor school of thsought, hei' 1110
out asewsy for hiimself at (lie age of
thsirty-five010 site of opiposition. goais-
islg thereby thie adsmiations of all
lisinkinog 11001, aondltroving imoself
soeliliiialidied to give to othoers hoses
of lidepenudecot andsttsefeul worlk. Es-
ilohuryl boo recognsizcedthe ability' of
the Mois~z You Knosv by consferrting on
Oin tue Docisroote ini'Mteishol Sciene
(D.Se.), -svhileGtilagosv iss beslon-ed,
in addition to M.A. swithi first lasos,
honors, her newly instituted Doctorate
ini Philosophoy (D. tPiil.). And yetVire
are to booe hun awshile, in order usa1
Amnerica inay have a capable schiolacr
as soenior profesor of her largest state
aided university, acoo that Scotlacnd
may learn to a ppreciate her son's as
wvorthoy of so-inetlllng eveno uore sob
stantial than her best degrees., 'fie
Mallie offer's, on behalf of civic Glias-
gow, lis cordial cocograflattions
Pmingied, however, with uigh of re-
gret at the evident proviacialiocn of'
our uraadomic electoral bodies, wvho
seom proond-to confess to the world
the inability of Scotland to rear such
ssill be riqired.
S.a L. A. Curuse
Wednesday, Narchi 4
-On HN--Wtl~o
"Abraham Lincoln."
Admission, - 60 Conts.
Gibson &Clark,
12 W. HURON ST..
Sa ucdhy, Feb. .2t
of Boston, assisted 1by
Admission, - 50 Cents.
2d Semester.
Opposite r;LAW building.
Leap yreor porly Saturday afternoon
at the Gymooositiiii
Elis, T eTalor,
-a va OP, CHICAGO,
Week of March 2d,
Tide biggest line of Foreign Novelties in
Suitigs and Trottseriugs
ever displayed. A guaranteed saving of 25 per
cent on every purchase.