~IIa VOL. VI. NO. 105. * F ALWai~jj UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1896. Four, PAGES-3 CENTS. 1 f 1 BICYCLES. We deie to give notie that we prpotnmake a bi hil fo bicyclebusis.s ths seasWe have secarced the aency fr the l DTON "a high epatiton as cutef the N vet wites mateaIce $100 We N retain the aecy for the Ni that ixcllet heel, which lha thIlis-seasont h cnasogreatyimi- aa rvd tliat wec shall miake t er ~ eae..It is the et value at$it let pH andal$100 yt can finiduiOttalsa 5 NN sell ihe OIF-PIBR. a iste5 wel $i t t> 0. We a iate ou prices talk. Termcash at easy $ payments. i: STHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO,: S.MANSr heelan & Co. Sweatis 1-4 Off Full line of Baseball Goods for the Season of 1896. See Window for Special Prices! in a few Odds and Ends in Sweaters. Sheehan & Co., STATE ST. IMPORTANT NOTICE. G. H. WILD. The Leading Tailor, and only direct Importer in the city, han just received his entire stock of Foreign and Doietic Woolens for Spring and Summer '9$. at NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN. Full Dress Suits a specialty. WAHRIS__BOOKSTORES.1 We cana spply yea anal at the lowest pice, all Oniersity 1ex1 Books for the Second Semester. Large stock of Secondhand Tet- Books at Special Prices. LAW AND MEDICAL .BOOKS. Writing Paper by the Pound 15c, 2c and 2cSole aget for Water- mans Ideal Fountain Pen. WAHR'S. tp Town, Down Tows, UiversityBoattore, Oppositeortiose 20$,.9tat St. 4 N. Main St. OUR TNEW PROFESSOR. TRIBUTE TO DR. WENLEY BY A GLASGOW PAPER. Well Liked Both en m Student and an Instructor-A Champion or the Higher Education of Women. "The Bailie." if (Glasgow,. for Feb- ruarfy 12, hays the folloswing tribtite to Dr. Wenlcy,unider tielicad.of "tcn You Kinosv": rimoe was wshein interests civic aut acadtemiic were thingslaafslt en the gownsmtaan 110 iiore thtoiighst of altar- lng lils superior leariiing wit his towss-tnan, than id lthtie latter expeeti ao appaeciite thi.sloai of tile class- raoii. Mtut in Glasgoswthiat age wvas ntot yesterihlny, liar the day before, hut fanag sync. The itana of the street tidy still be unfalalihlr with thio ininer 11ys-5 tories. of the theological, moral, mnen- tall. anaitnatoural scienaces, as the lire- side philosopher is stilt unablte to fits- easer lia desltiation oil a eleettlir tra ivay rotate by aiiipptitittltonlof 1110 Hegeliain farmuotac; yet it is thet grostth of otar towna, if list the li- qutently ixparesseod boast, thlian 0n0 other city of the kitagalotathas the iii- flcce of thle Unisersity so tiervadeid tile civic life, is tiowvhere else has the cotmmtercial weailthlof lilt collinty so streingthtened 11a- scholars ianads and iurbedt.at the saiaie litte, tie tenadency that mlares for acaidendtc slioabivslinless. Above tiltldoubit, tic ,Ntai You Knowsv as hatlig cdone mace titan atny oilier iii recent years to ien- sore the permtalnenat harmony of tis healthy actoinatad reacliota through- out the West of Scotlanio is Dr. Wen- icy, whsiose aippoinatmientas seior pro- fessor of the phlilosopial faculty of Mtichtigan Uliversity wssis intittat-ed 00111 teta days or a fo tlaiglit a00, Bieaaring a name svlictt commiandlsri-- speet in alt commtaerocial circles, allo britaging with thtm a uniitte repta- tion anaong university lecturers, lie has been eminently fitter to iticulcate and exemntlify culture as the onea uti- fyhag ,idetal for citizen allo schsolar. The Balilie rejoices to recognise Pro- fessor WYenley as tao tiere bookish phlilesoplaer, hut tie'a into whose early combinattion of sm-cre tudy with. ath- letics gafined, hina a lot-ge reputaltion, and as one who reveals in all Iis work a robust sylupa thy with the hastlin- titan interests, antia wide acquaint- ance withs life and teworld .Moe over', hi- eqlually eaerly extpertence a the most diffilcult suibjects on te plit- farm withiout tile aiod of MS. or notes, 'flitstift tas tundouibtely bea.eiicota- silet-abic factor iin his success as Icc- titter to conniectiotn svthlathe Unaiver- sity Efxtenitonischtemea-a.itovemttit svitlerehy, fttwinics to D~r. Wo-ileys of- ganizeing energy as hiota. s-cretiry, all totay enjoy, in their* respoectiv-e0hirits, lihe escientific tretatmentt of sadjectis lit- erary, philtosphical,' antdimeodical, at 111e landoos of oficial univer'Sity iec- turers. At fiineliteiiary iilllreciiiot. a keen phtilosophtical lataiglat, alotig withi a quick Ipercepationt of lila.hear- ers' odiffictlties, allo a ratre poswer of interpreting to the oriniary maindthe ia results of secliolacalip, tamark Mtntu lt as the bornetcacer-the poplai s- sistanat at Gitmorciit, ando the v-aluieod lecturer eta extra,-itfl l pltformtls. MAil having sauithis, tt the ii l-tits Professor Wenaley 0)ti e otae of ta-e greatest prahcticll elaitaliaits of the highoer oducatiota of wottneo lllasgow- psosseses-anotGlatsgowsvUntivefsity is foremaost inthis respect. Not osiltyat Dleana of the JFacutlty of Arts allo Lec- turcr on Itailosotity anLtieratue at Quteena Mali-garet, hoit 10100as EXteasion Leo-to--rrlucre ando at theo Athieneuomo tie has givena our dlauteora s-cvry fa- cility for fair inlltoultl iis-airy with their svise bthlers. Oils broadolflub (ConttinueiOiottSeconditPagei.) FRESHMAN INDOOR MEET. All Contestarnt Mutt Present Themselves Promptly. Tuefe tiltiua~i nitdoor meetI-fto ic held this afternontastittlibe froi toll wo oehoose to collie, ando freshmentes- tieiall- ahonld tnrn at 0for thaeeent. It will begin promplty ,at 4 ochlock, attiotalleonttcstantts mutst hi- dressedt hid en the floor upttlairs at lise minit- ntes hiefore 4, as there oilIite110ovwaif- itig for aniyone. The list of etrie publislited yest-er- tlay is inot neci-ssarily fiinal, baaftall freshmen wotpIresent themtselves to- day will ho alliowed to comtpete. Freshman laws, medaics and deitst are especially tuged to enter, ast m1sf of thtosc now- In arc literary asnutents. New Freshman Club. Tue freshmninietoters of thte liter- try fraternities, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Zeta Psi, Alphia Deltit Pi,MeteTMeta Pi, Signma. Phi, Phi Kappsa Psi anal Delta Tan Delta h~ve organized a so- cial club under the name of 99 to Iter- THlE SUMMER SCHOOL. ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES TO BE CIVEN. Better Facilities for Summer Work Will Be Offered Than Ever Before -Many New Courses. The followig are the courses otfaeatd in the Summeatr Scool, 19, June 29, til Augiusf 7: (ireek-Mr. Hteader. 1. Prepurafory Greek. 2. Greek Dramta, tso-ffts ci-cdit." Latint-Aseitait Professor Drake and Mir.Rticclot. 1. Preparataory Latin. 2. Selcetioin ft-om Netos, Pitaecotin Mlaa-ial fvo-iftls creoit. 3. 1R501a11Satire. Two-ifts credit. 4. Histarical troselainacy Too- fiths credit. I~reni-1Mr. Levi. 1. higioers too-si. 2. Casic Dramas. Twosofifths creiit. Giermhan-Mr. etset andolDr. Fss. 1. Beginniers Cotrse. 2. Aitierna Prse. Two-iftis creidit. 3. Sientiic er(emhan. TOvo-fiftsa 4. Comlpositioni. Two-ifts credit. 5. tiassic Draanl. Tovw-ifthis oredt. ti. Itistary of til e tormaan Laguage. Tsvo-fifths creidit. English -adtheitoric.tProfs. De- sar Scott. 1. English Litcfrailre. Too-fliths credit. 2. Ataeri-ana Liter-aturet. Two-ifthis crecit. 3. Aniglo-Saxon. Two-fiftliescedi. 4. Htistorical English Gammaar. Two-ifths credit. 5. Chlaucer. To-ifthi crdit. i. Eniglisht Comapoeition. Two-fifts ciedit. 7. Anaalysis of Enilglishi Prose. Twov- fifths-o credit. Elocntion and Oraory-Italof. Tr- blooo. 1. Execsises in vocal clur. Two- fifths credit. 2. Elocntion. Tw-fiftis credit. 3. Slaeeaareana Readings. Too- fiftiat credit. Miusic-Prof. Staley. 1. Methoods of Public School Work. 2. Harmony. 3. History of Msic. Hstory-Mr. Dow. 1. General History. Two-ifths cfredit. 2. American History and Insttu- tions. Two-ifths credit. Philosophy-M4r. Reec. 1. Formial Logic. Two-fifthis credit. 2. General Psychology. Two-fifths redit. (Continued n tird page.) first president of the Students' Ktepre- Featernity Club." Mar. Hailton, Besta. sentative Council, president of the Theta Pi, is president and Mr. Heath, Students' Union, University Liberal Alpha Delta Phi, secretary and irons- Olub,, and various college societies, urer. The first meeting wa-s held laSt must have gone far towards cultivat- Ftiday night at the "iSig"a Oquse and Jog that ease with which he cun- tread willsa pronounced success.