VOL. VI. No. 104. UNIVERSITY OF M\ICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1896. Fours PAGES-3 CENTS. _ i I .5-T-,EFACTS*.JN T _E-CASE. tent, law tudents were $23,340. The ! BICYCLEOS. sPalAGaries SATSTCS of law teachers were $23, 750. Wdesire to five notisci hate e ON FOREIGN STUDENTS. Total amount prospoaeeto make a bigi'bid for ______of fees ---------- ;. i th1biyole to-iness tloseasons WeXn - o sose1haescuedteda the o te heFeenTeyPyd-hfoeier-theIiy eThe 4,00FeesTei ATheya N. fPaid-Thetuens ---Univers- m -" liscsleerthih tsea redela 14$tendance-Tahle Giving Interest- ,_ 1 hg e puteaio s o ne150 oftheit 41 Ing Comparisons, Fees paid by non- o ro, IT best wteei-.mae;ie, e$1IN. We _ ___residenttatadents---- reai i , 14or1fr1he During the recent sheeting of tbe thteseelueoe seheel, swhiceh has t 1