N TfIlE U. OF M. DAILY. NOTICE-Odd Shirt Sale !IClosing Ott THE VICTOR League Ball will bat further and last longer than any other make. It contains the beat materials and shows the finest construction throughout. Every 1"official" league ball offered to the public is an imitation of the VICTOR. Demand the Victor in all cases. Our trade marks is a guarantee of finest quality. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. MakersofsiVictrBiycles All SBI.7h S1"50 and WS1J25 Shirts in Our North window, 980 980 980 A TINKRNo. 9 SouthiBlain Street. Fancy MixedNuts--------------10lc per pound Fancy Mixed Nuts--------------------------- -11 lbs for $1 Fancy Virginia Peanuts-- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - ---1c per pound. Fancy Virginia Peanuts- ------------12 lbs for $1 DEAN &COMVPANY. 44 South Fain Street. ______________ UNIVERSITY NOTES. The Bible Chairs. A. G.Spalding & 8"08 Prosf. Chamtplain a tstitit, to 111lt toss The btible (hairs coilttnt telby Pro". "Th)e Ne isa Gar- ctosses four stays tiis week. Gt. P. Color offer the foltten g cuessre nnee" that the artitle lise eiiigFb't' 7 n'oring it is the best seither the Astiphi ntirIhe Alplit tsr listsesrtrbgsiigFl sy produced. Uniformss 3 and Suppties at es-try Nsu societies held ifleettigs this weekI.' 17, 1896: I description fsrW se- / f bal.soirs l iftso tesstl s of esxatttsinits illts s ' I wl1. Ten Lectutres oCttris tin Ittlite. ttmAztatrd Carat teue. lDeptntttillas i tie ovlenst NS ix ectres onslt' Ptt ilttsoltft Th tAmeo rPrfrrtisou- befosrehrsa.of tRetigeoti tbr Arse ts Ttttr3.tsy. 4 etLes sasill the (terpel of 'T-ETiht tEntyclopaediat of M;issitits IIttitss ~~i A olIs) his beets atlttttto the Oshelvet' 4. Three t tettrs on the lt arMinig of S ld ic c e o 'MtMllaBallibtrary. Dt he B itble. f.Tetn Lectreottttee Itt-sat It'- FOR iaee. 1 tesesftets'Worldt it I'.tlotsto taartstiet as t e lenttorttaletl. 11 A. G. SPALDING & BROS,, Chlsrisstnty. Ne York, Chicsgo, Philatdelphia. rettular work is bhrl'- dtet thIts (>t.Fist teettiĀ°0,sanotthie Eptets'o Largest Oaattrers at Bcycles ad Alt- (t~sss te Iesiasts. leftc Goads to the wtrt-t._______ Prof. R'usset's New Book. TFive Let'tirts o Jteusadaq FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Teac-lert. Soettitsnetrttof. tsrot'tC. Itls- 1S."ITite ssatts uitt Oldti ftstanttt't OF ANN ARBOOR. hso Orgaaieed ~. selistted a little beetscuttesd, "Th'le tflt Capital, $100,00. Surplutasad Profits, $40,000 Lakes of Norths Asseri.'Tue 'fat- lrtf(otr ee51settstttltt- Ti; asarts a general hankleing siests.cri teoussinIom1N-w Fori-.ehages bhgit and said. Furntf itis s t, rtf cipitnssg fromsesat tftilt ersis itteteeiikeis1 ea letters at credit. Atsssri'stanoutrstal, of Srhence far Dc- betry I-loll, sty we-tic say eaftertnoon P. BACH Pres. S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. fo :0t :0 ____________________________________coembler, 1b1):r, histsa cy abotestit: fot :1 031 THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK TilsiilIie asrsiselssTE 010 CNIT.L MIEG Capital Sleek,S 00115. Serpltts, $15,00. nIftkyou rslls 't reaonistteosusafed milesf Rlesources,$I,100i,000. stodens. of geegrelphiy .tndtgetlogy," frs rs'ieattsaif ie Organized under the General Casting Laws dluring thse year yost sill savse montey of this State. Recrees deposits, hays anad is mosre thaossa gelogicall ttsttisteta by purchasig a tlsossattos tule tit-ket. sells eachsange on the priacipaltcties at the t United States. Drafts cashed upon peeper te nstutre anti igsiicoucc of lake The beat in the market ore these is- identification. Safety deposit hoer to real OrFICERSt ChriatianI-tack Prest .; .o. in thesosurface to1'7apgtoti ofatthe sued by agents ef Ohie Centrtsl Lisits. Haranr Vi.e- ries.:asnEuat Ocahier ntryt. While it larks nothintg of They are good ever alt the inmportant Casher:M. . FitzAssitan Cahie. systes including the entire 13. & .C. wm scientific preriasess, and the orderly at- systema west at Pittsburg, the Big .Lo'wney's Chocolates. rongesoent of liestuabertDmaler 0 C one, etc. See agents of Ohio Censtral Hot unch'i ll thsat a specialiht couldlstisi, tere Lines before purechasiug. Price $S21), is, also, somseithig of thsat indactib- goad out year. able literary flavor found inItusm- Secure y-our tickets for list leap year TUTJTLE'S., 48 S. State St. hboldt's "Atsihtenttder Natur" whici Party. lotiatetlittasyer edge 'andi attpreciaiooitfst details party, Scilurdoy at tise Gysm. Iof the topography, but ott estlittit A fewe nore colies of Vaughi'so sttOfUha cnsitte fitbesii-the Argus Beak Bindery. Gy Suit______Leap year party at the Gymtnasiumt placeto by it All candidates for the 'taS Track ots toft fleer $2, to the gallery 25 Team, ar requnested to report to me cents. Cheapestpaebuit at the Gynanasium any dlay this sseek The place to get notes bound and die- is at from 4:30 to 5:30 p. m. Mets are tionaries and bookts of reference re- needed for all flit events and especial. paired is ;at the Argus Book Bindery. ly for the relay racto. Lot every Mi SIAEL 'S uyIde Emporium sophonsiore turn out as the nitt will Messrs. Wergt, Kiayr&Co of De- Ilbt held on Friday, ?Marchs 6th. ftruit, in* thei anfacluiring deport- 11 W. Vaahington at. rsent, employ the largest force of I H.T. IEALD Trak ~ skilled designers and workmen cons- Bicycles, Sundries, Sport- your hand of poecet cases moade as this. kind in the state. In fraternity ing and Athletic {goods. you want them is at the Argus Book badges especially ftstir work is not ex- Bindery,_celled,_ifequaled,_inthiscoBntif We have left a fair stock of all sorts of wlariBITING TABLETS wihcan be closed out as follow's: MAMMOTH 210 PAGE TABLET, 50 GOOD RULED TABLETS, 110 PP. 3 FIR IOC 0000 WRITING TABLET, - IC CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C l EST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR L.B. Thsis stock -sill not be replaced. Cotnequick for first choice. Argus Printing couse. I S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, HAVt A costIPETEaSTCOFo UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! roeo the Second Semester, New and Second-Hanid ehici they otter At the Lowest Prices. F STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING G RATNG ER'9S Ytt anssjin ssr classes rawe r at anyhtime conveientlt tto yourself, stse trmsosttrintg wen you do- Office ottd OPtrE H4A HO0USE JE ELER PINS:-U. of X., A. A. H. S. Ifie Gunestite isty.lvCome atid see 2T ~OWLADS $ a its youirItirntee do lie grated. You at ati liltanualetibelt. Yesettle't ' linedlany sesinices rtie trap Yes-itt Partsy. Iis Iliets end you cans gi;tit ontly at PALMER' S PHARMACY. rdryourtcariage her1stoathlmes' Lier send elte sure'to get the best 0 SPECIAL. D IETAS .& SCHANZ .sell Sailssad alts at peltces to salteverybodty; we also do repairing, cleeaisngsied pretssing. Work caedord eeand deliered. No. 46S. State at., consdiiloor. M BAITIN, Fueral Director, Cloth .anMetallic tasketsanatd Flat Grade CoIffnQ. Embalmnag a Specialty. No. 19 S. Fourth ave. TTOF Mt. SUIAVING PARLOR adBthe oom retes.All sipotintmnt irscltaissa. Imported and domestic clears. Leadies' artis- tic YIseir Oresalig andbhinlg porlors. J. It. Trotanowaski ao S. State S1. V TIlES YOU WASP year clothses clearnd, pressed, relined or rebotnd ge ts Mrs. Fla~igerle, seer SheehansCoot store. Lab- oratory sprsas made to sirder CHICO & AUSKERADE COLLARS ODENA & PATOKA CUFFS, 1LATEST STYLES, 'I