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February 25, 1896 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1896-02-25

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A G GA L T + + + T E S O E + + C A I 19.ES.WS..PM.Time Table (Revised) Nov.24 185L ap Y arP.t Shirt W it .ME
EAST.T WEST Yea Part W aist 8.I M.y
Mall and Ex..... 3 50 Mall - ______ s8 100) Dozen received today. The Swellest Styles. Extra Large T.0- .B. .&M y
N. Y. Special..-. 5 00 N. Y. Special.. --- 0 S'leeve', Newest, Daintiest Fabrics, White and Inlaid Collars and Solid through. train, between Toledo, Ohio
Easters EX...15 H N. S. Limaited.... 9 5 23 f.Nt tl hsbe missed ourlieyto call for oi need. and Charleston, W. Va., Viat Columbus, the
A. M. P. M., of.Ntasyehsbe o'elkl short and only direct route.
Atlantic Es.___7 301 Pacific Es.--_12 i5BTWE
D. N. Express.... 1 40 Wesners Es...2(00 iii ~ 0 EETWEE ToldoE
43. R. Express ...i 05 Chi. Nt. Es. itt_1 28 Toldo 0
G.REs.-----557 56, 58 and 60 S. Nain St. 'Phone 164. Findlny, 0.
0. W. RuonEn, H. W. HATES,
43. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor B______________________________ enltonl, 0.
t ,.', ( Hve arrived. The largest aind fiest assortment ever shown in Ann Arbor. Suins Athens, 0.
SWe k~now tihat we casn please you and 'twill please 7002to look at oar samoples before Ndlpr,0
serig laniohsesPt. Pleasant, W. Va.
- .J. Glen, The State St. Tailor, Richmond. Va. Pmr,0
"-205S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. Petersburg, Va.
RAILROAD. Old Point Comfort, Va.
Time Table, Jan. 1t, 158. Williamisburg, Va.
sNO. SOUTH. Chicogo Gets Dr. Coultor. Baseball Candidates. Newport News, Vn.
7:22a. m. 2:40 ai.____
*2:25 pm. ii:40 a. m. Iforfork, Va.
4:35 p.m in :21 p. a. President John 11. Coulter. of Lucke All candidates for thie 'Varsity bill And all southeastern points. Elegant
Alltrains runl bet Aunndra d~ e oes Ilie y has resigiactt the teanm must report at the Gyni at 430i drawing room carn on aii throsgh trains.
AlTtrains dail bteept Sn oa d Told or iiesli Fee farther information rail on your locai
R.ly S.CoNOO) g nritrol of liat itistituion, to her"oline esvery afteriooon. If unlable to attend. Ticket Agent or write.
S. GEEN OO P A.Toleo 0.Agen SIOULTON HOGUE, enl Pas. Aen..P
W. . ENETT0.P.A. oldoO~ head professor of hotanty at (1be Tel- let this hour (hey iiist slate reasons V.A. PETERIS, Michigan Pans. Agent,
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. BY. versity of Cliltag o. 1o the iatptaiti or roach. Detroit. ich
Dr. Coulter was5 teindered. tlie post It is the intention of lie mniiage- Or~d
ion hy Presidtent Harper, of Cicago me101t to oirganiet tWO ee.nuis, vicancies O ea H ue
Time Table, Oct. 27, 18435.
Leave Ypsilanti from Congresu st., 7:10, 8:452 University, Several w5eeks ago, blitt so to he filledt directly froui the: seron1d
and 11:05a. m.; 12:d5, 2:i5, 5:00, i:45, 9:15 and Strong waos theo effort onit psart of teaii. It is itopod (ihat thei imaierial THUJRSIDAY, FEB. 27.
10:43 p. m. developed, for (lie seroind teaml wsill he-
Leave Ann Arbor Junetion, 7:d5, 9:15 and L;tke Ioleut to retaini hiii, that lie "Casnot Fail to Conquer.'-Chicago
1130 a. in.; 1:15, 1:45, 5:30, 7:15, 9:45 and 11:10 comeit a, nucleus for next year's team-lo Tribune,
p. M. DYTM. del it'ed his dlecisioln for souse tilli('. Batrcaddeswlrpoti1lx JAEAHRESEUTFLPY
Leatve Ypsilanti groin Congressust.,l:30,3:10 Dr. t'oiaiter's transfer hits revived ii. ilo the e~tge. W. F. llTl.I S. JAE .HRESBA~FLPA,
:00, 0:and 9:nArp.mi.
F' Leave orA Arbor Junction, 2:0,4:00,5:30, the report tha~t thie I ac Forest ill-
7:00 an :0pm ttSt 2 h re A cr s
Cn p n ttto ia obemre notePYIS1 ars rsn on city time Fare: single trip 15 tt~i~ ii nb aegd310ii There will he an1 exattlt. 'a f::r tile
centsW; F.un Prptik ts nS 2 u5 t cets iversily of Chicago. Dr. 5G0(11 ri'uiioval of coition:is tl1ii is s , On Presented wths ere ew Scenery and
WH. F PARER, upt.Novel 181eehan~rcal lecit'. and Pop-
ATspeedi, of thic Chircago University fair- Satuirdauy, Feb. 2), inthle ti-seral Labo- erluta. tinder the direction of
STU.DENTS T tiy, sltted todaiy, liosyrver. that Dr. oraitory', at 9:30 a. n. Henry C. Minier.
Ifyuwn odrlal feiuaran:ce tall t'ouller's action 1:ad3 Do 010in 210heJ O 2, D Phit FS- '"e W~; First Thre'e itoits i. C St,
on tFred T. SicOmber, office No. 1, S. Balatce' 7e; P'arquetil.
Fourth ave. qunestion. I SENIORS? Aff EN~tON.
Dr. Coaulter ii~ts been presidenlt of: Owing 1 toile In.rge niumb:er of orders THE K[NDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL
NEWT MTACHINE SHOP La:ke Forest Universtity attie line, lalrceady t::kent for rcaps and gowns, this
S. 13prirxtn to wich'1 lie ti is prs-wl i u :s vr i it'it :aeRAILROAD TICKET BROKERS
HUNTER BROS., 9 E, LIBERTY ST huesm bike::. ito:::: 9 Maini Ililluinig,
Skats Cncaed.dent of ihe Indiana,: Stite Ilniveratty. froni 4 1o Giop ill., Aton. Feb. 21, Wed., MIONEY To L.OAN ON FEiSONhAL,
Sut from, 8Ptkr t,"c rbF-1. 26i Frtl., Feb. 28. A depst of $1 iEIEtY
Experimental 'Work. Sieo oii,2 ati: tgs vl erqie.____________________
bathroom hatand oldwillbe rquird. holiesale Cigars. Tobaccos and Cigrete.
__________________________ ooi :oi itat od atr, .54 per _____________
RENTSCHLER, wveek. No helter roams in lassn foir Secure your tickets for thie leaop yeair K S
the: mhoney. 102 pariy.=
TLhis Case has0 EnanI' The new styles have
ANTlI ARBOR. MICH. arrived. Opera Crooks
e\e are the thing. See our
-AT-- A UFR 0F bg
__ __ _ __ _ __ _ ,,JU Y & 00'S AN SIDES HA G
200S. Snate St. Sager lock.Ti l Elah
Large Liner nf Finn Pipes. 'Tobaccos andThsOdRlae
Cigarsa Oak Sevsand Top, PERFECTION
and is substantial andSTDN LAP .
-- ornamental. Holds 20 'H:a never been equa I-
1 - ed Ted for ureruedi,:e ring' r;
P hotographer Volumnes size Chamnbers an nd olicrePupo.
aroirel fiom: the oil
l5 Washington Block. = tetnte lcru-sacsIyueel
t --. ,-Dictionary on2 adjust. e~dor. nfookpahem"
2 ca 1 TATF: 1 Lpoill: rec etpta of3 5(8
0 - Itop hichi4~ elmjuant Nikel-'
TUO1 r CO PHL * } t' ''betp31G alb tte ap nl
W P SlTAIP " iegt sLa:dt and -hun'
- p laced at any angle or icy, sillbie entC to any address bythle
Callion them for j3 s1 d1 m stoufaues c, Mtanhattan Biraes Co., 3;10
Fane Lunches, I. v .+OlI J gt 1, 2 8th: St. N .Y.
Fine Chocolates, j t_ ! tr r
and Baked Goods. f + Thousands of co0m~ oo-as a~ Tu.C.
TyOrLnhsplimeniary letters re Cincinnati, O
n I east my cot. for the 'nivershy of
COTRELL &71 LEONARD, iI( rcPee attest its popuI. 0 elhkin, Ann Arbor Mich, it, tie cos-
- t,' _> " ,ltst for the $,00 lthe, awhich: you ofer
Alan N Yi scoo reelvleg the greatest numbnaer
Mlakers of ofaaou ades 0 votes.
I -~ ity-------------uu-h .
Caps~ 69 fl G ns Marsh M aichi S, teet No _
} _ fotY she'Oh itrvard /l 28'.u'hioont; ~tesmist he at leant fifteen: ye-r
t ~~ ~~ -~ 232 W'. Was-n'if nmgtl St,,l _.. old La3,dies cannot vote ht ma~y old inu

may we nut audd M'iichigan '00? t li {Chicago. Ilkl.culugvts

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