THE U. OF M. DAILY Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during tho College year, at THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN. OFFsCE: Times building N. Plain st., opposite post office. EDITORS C. D. CARY, Gr. L. W. WV. TisxvEo, '51 L. S. E. KNAPPEN, '98. 0. IIANS, '90. W. W. Ileoucs, '98, E. L. GEISMuEss, '00 L EDITORII-N-CI[EF tG. B.iiARISON, '00L.. PM iNAGING EDITOR . .F. THjOMAS, '9y. IJSINEiS MA.NAGIER L. C. WALKaER, '06. bsy woylaying oil the baniqueters they elassed as: groaduates,. Phi; college THE 0OH1O C ON'iiAL PILEAGZ could discover. Thsere was -alao trouble pro per, 1,199; scicistfic, 58;divinity, TlICKRT betwveen the freshimen osnd soh omores 105; medical, 125; iow', 224; and, the If you travel one thousand miies. duinlg the year you will sove ironcy at Triuity College. reumainider isn the at anld m c by purchasing a thousand iile ticket. Colege students have generally been schools. The best in the market ore those is- quite ssue this yeart up to the presenit Another point, Hairvard°, which cued by agents of Ohio Central Lines. ond it is a iuatter for surprise that oil is conssidered 'and looked upon They are good over all the important thsis trouble soul~lld sprisigsip at the 15s the rich mant's collage, gives systems including the entire B. ,C 0. system west of Pittsburg, the IUig' saiie time. Perhaps tile senory of a iiums cost for one yo ati s Four, etc. See agents of Ohio Central Washingtoin called up visions andl expenses which° is as low as Lines before purchasing. Price $20; therefore iumitations of tile revoluthaoi- either of the aaiiounts phaced by the good one year. ary was'. University of Peisnsylvauia. or Y ale. A few more copies of Vaughan's All the above ineitioned college are. A comuparisou of tile tuition fees af- Physiological Chemistry on hand at denominational and the students aire fords ansother surprise. '1h1"ansnual the Argus Book Bindery. uter iroin-elad rlis. 'Perhiaps a trial tsitttou fee ini the college detstiet of icligaa's plani of celf govermene oft'eusssylvania is $100, with a fee of S.o1L. A. CURSE, would not comic amiss $200 a year for techsuicat courses in UNI'VERSITY HALL, -chsemistry, civil,snechiansicail, electricail - - -- f .r -- ASSOCIATE EDITORS HARVARD, YALE, U. OF P. L. A. Pratt, '96 0. M. IHeath, '000P. S. R. Smjth,'96 L. G. E. Oherman,'99. Interesting Facts Concerning These F. Simonos, '10. 11. it Gammon, '90 M. Institutions. F. A. Fuacik, '93 E. It. IR. Reilly. '09. ____ R, C. Faulds. '5 PM. J. L. walsh, '08 1. [The Pesnsyivanias.l C B. Roe, '98 5D. Susannah Riliardssn, '98. The followinag statistics couceruing G. It. Sims, '09.b the three grealtest unuiversities of the The subscription price of the Daily has eaiot will be of especial interest to stu- been reduced to $1.25 in advance for the rest of the year. Les suhocriptions at the dents here: Dtaily office or with P. C. Mleyer, 0. of Ph. lHarvardi, Yale and thit University of Ness Stasd. ['ennsylvania have jtust issuieid their PMece intler-collegiate debates are be- annual catalogues aiid they are lug, held, this year throughout the stronig evidences of list prosperity and country thoan ever before aiid this is progress of these three great institu- as it should be. Athletics is slot the tions of learning. Tile catilogues only side of college life benefited by themselves are great aworks, as nmnth inter-colltgiate relationis, anti debating caie and. labserliavinsg been taken iiwthi can be sti'eisgtlsencd better isn n other thieim as withi soume famusotlo literary woy thsan by letting representatives of woiks. That of P'ensylvania constaiss different schools of icuirning battle for -fit closely printed pages. When one honor'. conmpares this size catalogue wills the catalogue of fifty years ago, when alt It is to be hoped that in accorda'nce the courses in the Unsiversity, together with the Daily's suggestion of some willh the full list of profe-sors andi timse ogo the Amis Arbor city aittiori- students wcre givenin i a sosall saiipli- ties will find time to inaugurate some let, souse idea niay be gained of the rational systeii of street nuimbci'ing. growtth of universities in Anicricia. Under the present couttitions one mray Htarvard's catalogue contatins 656 findt any riven numiber on too parallel piog, ,es aind Yle's 420 p~iges anit there streects live or six blocks 'iso 'i fromis not a paoge in ally omit of thoomisthaot olisete echic. othie'r. F"or exampotle, 7V couldo be stparedl. What is offered int Hlsroii is cppositc 40 Cotherine. these cataloguecs is a thing that sotiio the examiner first. There are fatili- Stichigan coninuieis to hold ier own ties for instructions in philossohy, di- as regards she number of her aluimnii visity, lasw, ieici'is, the imodiern lats. ;in public life. This time we have a gsgs elgcooy lgncig gov'rns'slil inprspet. . P O~l-physics and iiifaict instruo-tioni is of. bridge, a graduate of the U. of M. fcred iin everything. Later Delpartmlent, will in all probabil- 'flie total nutmbiler of stuodtnts in ity cap~ture the ani-m~iachinie noiisa- these usniversities is 8,0147, of ahicti the tioms for govermior of Missouri. One of University of Pennsylvanoioa los 2.632, the encoura ing signs of the ttmes5 is Vile 2,415, -amid liarvosro 3,600. ''hese the increasing nuisber of University thriee institutions conitaiin ncorly omie- gradnoites who arc going imto the prob- twelfth. of oill college studcnts in thoc lems of putrer politics. Uniitedl States. To look oafteir the us- struction of these studemnts shore an' Aim 'ltt~tnit OftooirgeolisssrBiac s 85professors and instruc-too°s. SIoor- cermos t hae gote ver he ot i) md has 1.771 stuidenits iii its college t'osiorlo'. alistic t-lttit~oi ~ott libermal arts, 540 stusolne s i s Wositmgton's birthtkty. At Wabash, Fctmtteclcl 25gaitt ti ihe frtslsmeu let looeii chapel a dog oldents, 41 in its divinity school, 46 'i deoroatedttwith theiri'otoms andt this h a col 51i h eia theplawosesoskl5e1diiiete miolotirby sohbsosises ihioltio oiiio~ilbyschool, ansd thoe reminmder us thio den- thicoovisiglbooks at it. Ctliptel wvas tal and v'eterinsary schmoos aid LBtusse brotkesiup and550ostutiomtatto's ide JInstitute. 'The Univrsity of Penn-~s college for two dayi~s. Stusdent feeinmg sloso a t tslit it bie even rannionhhightthatuthetstdistribuied evenranso ighthattheautoriiesas follow's: College, S71; lthiosolty. hadi the streets patrolled. At Monet 172; how, 313; medicise, 873; dentistry. iotth, thme fresinteintel~ a banquet, 323, ansd the reinaissoer iia ssinmor le- and the sophsomores lpaticipated in iti partmuiets. And Yale's attemndasice is and cheinicosl entin. ring AltiYle Sa u a . eb' 9t the anmnal tutsiios fee is '$155 in ttse cohh'g e. lorvarhcaskos $151) a yearTIrTfi as time regular 'tumitions fee imi the acadl-TH P E'U R E eimic course. V. M5. C. A. Course. f The V. 3I. C. A. course offers an en. terdtiusnent of rare merit fur Thurs. lay evenimig of this aveek, iiopelmia- tionms of "Ousr Amermicani(Cousimi tind of "Dort-1it Coppterfiekh" by Groen- v'ille Kleiser, the well kisowos readeor andi imiperosoator. 'This is the lass regular numnober ems the comrsc. It will be held in the P'restbyterian church as i uistu~h. The tolloa'\iitg are sosme of the choir. acters that Mr. Illciser wli impolersomi- ate: In "Outr American Cotinm" ir Edward Trenehard1, Lord Dtundtreary, Htarrmy Vernon, Abel Mturcott, Mrs. Monntdhcssiugton; imn "David Cohoper- hield," David Coppertield, Paints Steer. forth, Daiil Peggotty, Mm'. iMitasvber, Uriaio Seep.. Leap year par'ty at.thse Gymsnasium, Saturday, Fetb. 29), 2 to 5 p. in. Tick- cnts to thoe floor $1, to the gallery 21 cents. - of Boston, assisted bmy MISS KATHARINE RIDGEWAY READERO. Admission, - 50 Cents. (Roger & Gahiet). Lich, heavy, lashing, the very latest per- fismes. Usually cold in 11 oz. bottle for $1.'75 per bottle. We offer it in bulk at $1.00 an Ounce. CALKINS' PHARMACY, ,Ellis, T eTailoir, v OF' OHIGAGO, -Ws1VLL BE AT- Week of March 2d., The biggest line of Foreign Novelties in Snitiugs and. Tronseriugs ever displayed. A guaranteed saving of 25 per cent on every purchase.- WALIT FOR HIM.