THE U. OF M. DAILY. l C y That piatc means c ou see "them everywhere c t NOTICE-Odd Shirt Sale ! Closing Out _&11cS5 t S1.0 ad S 25We have left a fair stock of Al 17, 15 nd8.5alsorts of Shirts in Our North Window, _ WRITING TABLETS 94809 8 980 which can be closed oot as 980 80 9follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C D, A 1INKFER& SONI 1300 RULED TA8LETS, 100 PP. 3FOR I0C No.9 ouh ai Sret.GOOD WRITING TABLET, - 80 No.9 ouh ~ar Sret.CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 3kC DO 'YOIUJ EA~~'1T' NUJT1S ? WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not he replaced. Fancyl Mixed Nuts---------------- per pound Come quick for firstchoice. Fancy Mixed us--------------lbs for $1 Argus Printing House. Fancy Virginia Peanuts_ ___1c per pound Fancy Virginia Peanuts __12 lbs for $1 MOORE & WETMORE IDEAN & CO MIPANY. 6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., 44 South Main Street. CORNER OF WILLIAM, . p UNIVERSITY NOTES. I The MACDOWELL RECITAL. I HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF 4, G Spalding & Bros, Prof. Drake is absent from his duticst The Eminent Composer Pleases a UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! " Tbe Name is a Guar- on tUtiversity buiniess. Large Audience. tonter" that the article MisFaaMleofPr trn i or the Second Semester, t'raring it is the best \isCaa Mleo otItri,.cA audience quite lairge a'nd veryNeanScodHd - produced. Uilforms All.isvstn.asi'oE ted Supplies of every - i, s i itigMi _('oe.. tippreiittivi' acsenilddin Friree cwhchSte ofe descriptionfttr Isaac.wih hy fe Sall. Tennis c44o1f. C..5). Davis. 't. is teacintg 51l'ii'l- citoriat toll Fridav eveninig to listenti rSnd for ltandsomteAtteL w s Prc . ltuoteatctl Catatrgae. it the .SotIt nse t, Itt igaScitotil. to the ptianofolrte. recitatlliyAM Alex-At heL w s Prc . The AcmeofnI Perfetion- Miss Elizabeth iEberle. '97. has, eit'ler11(1cc ~towell. SRCL COLO ACN 'T'I-LE fieleltto t~ltli 10tealt it he iig iMr. -MacDowell is one of the great- School esf livinug lomnposers, probablly theG R N E ' Spal ing i(-%ycle The Dtelta. Gatina iSottitity will 1;ise gretecst lllllt America Sills ISlsiO. .O 8ff.I it'osuse patrty 1o1 Satuarday evenintgthsAls rorOtietl as e- You can join 005 classes now, or at A.G P L IN R S fter tie, leapiyetir stanlci'. lighted bithtiwithttils cotliiltiolls andtd eem ohtartisng when youS du.Officeand Nen' York, Chircago, Philadielphid I ttvot.hliitol nrltr lis rendition iif tthem, antdtShovsesitits A'dw ~~y tda Largest Mtanufatcturers oh ictycles asd 4th- lhistory' it the Untiversity, stoketiefore 1'Ipprciation tby htearty apSalis 151Itiand. -K~Y ile ods inth ie world. _____________________________________ l'thosswn-tosvn Yosutg M'i's C htishtaittIfrequetenrese.lven lS iati li'tldtton11 FISTNA INA B N . sscatonyctrdtyatenonat s o telstnmer;PRAH U EJEWELER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. o'clock ost the subject "Looking Illek- fl'19 ~s tlillr PR O S OF ANN ARBOR. watrd." 'ITie followitiz pr1ogratlltwavsiltn Org-anized 18633. deceit: PINS:-U'. of MY., A. A. H. S. Cap~s. 505ttS SrI~usandI'e~l, 45.55CALNDR.Second donaalyroica). op.t-50---tlactwll The finest in thse city. Come and see Trosutuacts a general lbanking business.,omo.36_o..44____---------------t Paroe" exchanges bought andusold. h'urnish Posic tO. dngPo.4 - --oI6 N. letters of credit. tell. 2-t.lw lecttlerom, lo 11- - - - Templetos Strong P. BACI Prers. S. tW. CLARKSON, Cashier. lmorle Ortatorical Coteiltst. Paustorale --------Paul Geisler ' ®O^d l1 t~t.2 as et~''IEpiande- - - - aut Geisler TISFIE D Fe.Ih2-awLcueRosii.Sietios'ShadtoswDos es. op. 3,-10.------------No. , -$acoel S A. 1 R B TH ANARORSVIGSBNKh~Idvyll.s'ia (inlst orel, NoS,0. 411, BYoci uitlSever kick if you cot Org ANeuNdARtO VNS eGnrl BAN Lnwn hil~ i° onet.s. I u Wind,sp4N0 ---------achowell Tynbao LW ettne tFO'). 28-Newb-terr'y tHaloic'al andsil l Ea-) 'ol t2, No.tI-----Mc1 wl Capial toc, 55>00. Srplu, $50,00. he1r1, ol02.Noz-------- oetl Plows Chicago Candies. Reutlstocs, $,10,00tIstumSurpluseH>Drl, Read-. T 1''s, p i.No.1- tisores l~0.ts IltSSli'llllSot,110 Dli, li'tDanic, up 4. No. t2, IWe get thems fresh echsoreS. of this State. keceives deposits, bys nd Fb.28r p n.Cotriu n ocert Study.36 sells exchange on the principal ceitiesofutthe tFrLu b ,4up:nWtemn Si:E'SPARAY Unite Stats. Dafts ashe uponpropr g PAL-IMER' iedticatesn. Sarfetdsis xesupunroer ynnst i-.noo letclneitu tap yeiar pasty at the(lyninlasiin, 40 S. STATE ST. $ OIdEitsho rsatyeobusPes.tore.D.OetofrteastdnsialdeSaudyFb.2,2toR p.m iG- r Orneme CrstanBtekPnn; V.I. isn o istysr tdetainal s-Sttu~ay bll I)2toS . I ,c- hhmsasn fSt you out fur thaut sleigh Harrimans, Vice-Pres.; ChssE. Itincuek, 0rd at.Poehmfo ee Clankier: M. J. Pritz Assistant Caahier. lartmnts. - ('Sts to thus floor $1, to thue gaihemy 2 rdt ory.Psn tesfo se _________________ Sat., Feb. 219-Boston Tsmple Quar- cents. _____________________ Lowney's Chocolates.tette in S. L. A. caucs.-_ ___ Lo nys h clae. Sat., Feb. 29.-Lah Year party in FUNNY SKETCHES WANTED. SPECIAL. II ot Lunches. Wtter'tian G(ymnattsiumi. Having decided to omtit abhort, per- ]EA CAIsh o~ n at hebs. 29-tunilarian church, R1ev. snal h;rimnds in this year's book , the at prices to suit everybody; ste also do repairinge, cleasning ,aud pressing. Work Anna Shiaw. Castalian Board is desirous of getting culled for and de'-ivered. No. 48sS. Stahe at., TUTTLE' S, 48 S. State St. Wed, yir. 4--Han. Henry W atter- I as niany humnorous sketches of Untiver- , -n for 1Vson ini5. 1.. A. course. sihy life uas possible. If you knw a 0 BM MARTIN, uea ietr lt Sat, !arc 7,8 p in, Wteranlaughabale incidenit or amsn caa- '"' and MstalliectCankets and Commas ________________________ Sat, Sars T S . m., atensa sn~taugctaTiCCollins. Embalisng a Specialty. No. H2 N. gymnasiumu-Imidoor mteet, couipetition ier about theisvsersity, make, a Wasbington st. open to all second year students in breezy sketch and put it in the Gas-TTOPFOh. SHAVhNG PARLOR and -Bath- every departmnt. tallan cautribution boxes in the mnain U. roomsa. Alt oppoinsesents ist 11555. imparted and domestiscielas. Ladies' ahis- RIEAFri., Maiveh 13, 8 p. m., Wateriuaai. hall. tic hair dressing and bathuing parlors. J. I. t n r n"Neil Suet-hplctogtgymnasumt-'Varsity indoor meet Trojanawski 30tS. Stale oh. uellrun edial Sudets-Te pace o gt tISEN YOU WANT your clothes chruend, Bi~ ceThe place to get notes bound antd die- :youir 'hand of pocket eases miade as ' pressed, relined or reboumidgo to Men. Bicyc f e tianaris's and books of refereuce re- (i youmt thetast ho at the A'gs KBkoraPoingerle. over Sheehan'.s Isest store. Lab- S~aOsosory aprons made ho si-dee TRUEST BEARINGS. paired is atuh he Argus Book Bindes~y. Bindery. MOST RIGID FRAME. A few msore copies of -Vaughan'sI EASIEST RUN4NING. Leap year party Saturday afternoou I'lysiogceu1 Chucuuistry ama band 0t at thus Gylomasiln.I IT enrgus itook tiitr s. 0S Messrs. Wright, Kay & Co.,7 of Dce- IDivtsion at. 101 tmrait, 'in ttueir imuaufacomlrimag ~lettt- .. SOLD AT ment, enmptoy the ltargest force of CHICO & AUSKERADE COLLARS f lue Arg us Book BinderyNo,. 14 ekiised designers and. soroment con- M ,STIBL[H'S 1ysle [mporium, Mason c ak, daewn town. lurched with any retail esh ~bhushnueni of ODENA & PATOKA SCUFFS, UNTIL CS2SMA1ENCIEINT - Thus this kind in this state. In frahetnity ANN ARBOR Swan Linen is net very expensive. celled, if equaled, in Sli. country