THE U. OF M. DAILY. Do you intend toget a Nbe' tar Clothing House. SutOR overcoat. _____oble_______ -CALL ON- Jos. W. Kollauf, The Practical Tailor. My make of Dress Suits pleases the Students. Prices very reasonable. 10 E. "Washington St (Upstairs,) Ann Arbor, Mfich. A./ G. SPALDING & BROS. Football Supplies a Specialty. r Every miuislite for the _ gace oJckets, runtJr- ;y, Sweaters, Shoe. Cas, Blts, Stockings, Moril os e , SRbber Mosth- -; lircie, Shi Guars, Hed Harnoes. Spaldige Oicis' 'Intecollegiae Fotbal must euesed In all Match Come Price, $5 o, Saidisco Official Football ( Cobe-Newic lsePictures Sf oalle ladig Players. rice 10 ots, Ilastlonly tllustr' ted Footballi Catalouesensct Free. StwYork, Chcao., Shhidphl. GRANER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING Twelveeyearseof teching inisAsAbr 'ith a roll of 051puls l slt seasoarca suficiet garantee ,e to orlability to te'ch 'aseigaetelshosldl le. All clsesroare isn- 14e heperoal istrwatio of Nr. sd Mir. KSs e rauecer. Mmbhes of the Americas National Asseociatio of matero of Dncig. For ifomatio roardi~claises" asd tems call at the ofic, grioud flor i Mayard t. Ciclr at Mosic.Storesor Mailed. MOORE & WETMORE 65S. MAIN ST AND STATE ST, CORNER OF WIIAM, UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! New and SecondHand Niote boobs ond ter Stdet' bSupplie Foetais Pes,Fle Statioery, Spotig Gckod, etc., ohichb they ofer at the sowet prices. Call and see us before Purchasing. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stok, 55,000. Srpl%,$10,0D. Reource, S1,100,000. Orfasized undetbe~eeral Bakingf Laws af thlis State. bReceves deposis, bys and selis exchage o(le pricipal cities of tie Uelted States. Daf t cashed 0up00 proper identificatio. Safety depoit bexes to ret. Oromts:l Chritianl Mac, Pres.; W. S. HLari all Vie-Pres. l C. . Slscock, 'ashies . litFite AstatltCashier. UNIVERZSITY SCHOOL FOR DANCING 44 ANDP 16 . STATE ,s. 11. M. Arenev, AMos. NEElti L. Telel, "r TompoSt. 5. 0. B loc. "THE FINEST IN THE LAND" Give it a tial and youI will lways use it. SOLl) ONSLY BY M.fic StW aeblert~t PchSnellN. N8.5 P110ne NoiidoIC.l Every Fair Minded Person will admit lhst cheap merchant tailoring does lnt com- pare with good, ready-made garments. That the best ready-miade Clothling equals the best customo work is j likewise universally aeknowledged. WE HAVE SUITS AND OVERCOATS OF THAT GRADE, Step in and we will show you. ol~d / nsbl Lr.A vl PS That hiave perfect combsistion and do nolt s11oke or 7evcal The New Rochester, The Yale, The New Royal, The Perfection Stu- he .dent, The Princess Student, The Empress Student, all nickel plated, vith latest improvemenit. We sell what eve advertise anld guaranitee -_______ quality of goods, anid are nover unidersold. 8-M~ ( DEAN & COMPANY. __________________ 44 South Xa5 in Street.______________ UNIVERSITY NOTE,. Aloha No Begins, A S I Fronki i bn' iis oacbio ; ,Xodov: .i h fl's(101Inciriliig (of Aipil aNilulli' Bucy all you can afferd, for P111(1lihiprsen lo 10k 1 locv~lrolelf lhe' Iwo lilerry blisocitieiiir (lii' presenit Old future use, at our will be NSeaki e 11 leble l ila year. li''erry il('lillrlt'llwill bay hld in LOW EST PIRI CBS ThlalI'bon'tioryin1t ocicol lhileolegy i eio'ielt' h'oiliie(oille 1111pilor of t'(lnrncnOs'lit odoy ill 11i1-go of a. 1I. We shall be hlere for a few 11(5(1(57. t1 nivreily lHall, Saturday s'eeiinoL days only. A. 1 .. ~ed , '117 51, (his dilcured lie Oit. 12, lblplinilig 01 . 8o'cloc. li'TheCo 11(5111(111siioof eleererd f lte'ay~osifollowrlcing rirlhlos beno liiTuneiild aIlgfai" county hospib]il.lfor 11he ceilliing: Violio solo, M. .11i1- LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. A. _\V. 1Eppinger, '117 75. i4 111 i'nilii1,r ; papercc, Ir. Ili'iliic:ct l'illalin TsCHEE' SsS SA T S.,Ass ily of PlS'nnsylr-uii.Sr.Sili;iilIlili,''col1, M. M1 1ya11io, I a liliince'stuident,'atith1e Iileil Statees "llilld edpl.OEAHUE I TR will rive a lecturec on tIe "I 'bino lop- fr-I' co iae Il a11111atio f 16 to1.,~1'9[~ I ~ ~Vt1.1 re-iel'Will"'ill Newey 11,l 11111rt1" -iclles of other' niilliiii,'' Mi 00(. 1:11- Geineral stnek of wa tches.Jeweclryaid clay t1llliil at 5 p. m. Adolisiecoi 1.iiii1((1 1Nov' eeltiie.llcaiisLof 511ateiew hella11l In lhar in he llinaal~e eliy, GliiYeIns, il cl ian d itclis cets. asp ieeally Cash piid f1010111;oliaid ,rilooflow')T lieeer'i'sjii'cld 10 to iiiipl'i'liiilhtie; tlli, '.. I i'iei, 'c 1lii C. 1 -1 (E"Y' ES. Athe' ext, eoAplbinir.te lorsof Yesterday's Gues The Y . '. ;5.1'. P.of it'he oncgeg- Y 'h f111That's Our Business. tisnal shurech are' liiiili' a virb' Let liuslupply yosr costs in thlat lilisasleaisantI ('i.'lml iforii'enil'll, iefollois : llics'ard 14, Sillilpa ()1lne 71111111, banjo 1(1(1 1111111111i11 llil'byli' t'ilihlyl5lilil 12,(Ci'di'i'lil A. ('. 10. 40 S. Slate St., Ann Arbor, Messrs. Sitcinbasir a111.11Davis, esoproi sonl tessor solos ,In(! recisiiitions-,hasO' 1I CISenars;>.7.i vril r acurrdt 1111)1 f)'-LOwIney's Chocolates. 11, froens7::1()Iso 10o'eloi'k j i'n1he1pal.-ielsudets Wlo 55Av ish1to ' it' ~e Hot Lunches. lois of thi' fon ;re-ationlschiurch''. gilllilig (i('l'Ii1il, Seclion 1Iewill <1____=e1- Law Notes. 'l'lill'(liy iiind 1' r a I 1.1( aTTtS,4 SiSaent Itl li26.i. 1M55'N ('. Il)171i1)171t. ________________________ Friday. '11117 IV1,IISl-'l'V tI'iI1 SrTIA SPECIAL. Re -11,1.llltl 1 secionls Will begiii Will Ifurnish Music fewrri'el(Iiolis, PIANOS TO IRENT by the monti', or fur 4'I itx liicili ~tte: ade ,.ct 11I1ls' seale unesyhterme and losgtime'. 15S, lsals.BConrad. Pratiehtc'ortiic v a rk bigills 111i".aall kinds.cSatrcfac'hio1 glloralhll Igll t .J tek 0 ilo drs F .Acmcr .c cil oi,~ . HVN l TpitePALt 1nd-1cas this adessetnsell' withifourhtll lelc (1 1'Ir., No. 7 S. l"(hirhi le'(., or Cec; oipotted anl ooestit'c cleoco. Ladie' octis- Slip'nce (',S ', lat school (it 11114c. tic hiih dressing and bathing parlos. J. . elic lesi'. 1T!eojanowski, 311S. State st. CaLI7NiI)AILlFOIZt SALEh. Siii~ill woohe~ ater, line' THE1N VOCUSWANT' yoiirclothsscleaned, presedti,ccliieiiior rebiound go tolMrs. Oce. if0. S p. In.. Frie'z S 1.11 slci 101)ll1(11. 1' esWoeodcook sbove..I'Sn Ilingeche, over'Shielan's book eture. Lab- l'055'('ht if CollyCoutrsei. h111i1i'll(w('(elhlig a 11%3 wais'llchouratory apons5 mal~de isocirder, Thlill ', Oct., 1t), <:111. 1n., 1NI'elr'v laye. 1 2 '. bsSCLsio lEe-, Sude5''N Ic ilubof hall--Poliicl l litiy ('hil). Nicely frlhcillildfreist suite at18531/, sed Binds lBsoks fronm 2ecshupdards at 50 S. State st., Fi'., t. 11, i p. in., 111100.: 24-C 1E. Washington t., neacam llipuis, three ahlin.1oinilo(f I lhlidilll('Iforelhee cli uh 111windiowseregister' in each r101111 1O5'(illlond foresae of 1yiiur miothiers S,'al. -,t.,Oct. 12, 8 .51.--F. irsnellehiig R witrheissalm' plirs tohieg ccr, iliheiisld. uHveit-at IS Forest lice' Choice tahle of AlphaNot. 'T''no~r wanted11ill'h~iatllllvfor th i-boaod-$3 p~erideek. Sal.. Oct. 1),181p. l.-"il'5t11 i iiir _,reglhlhmnal, ~eseipidl' aI EEP yourscounait swithi the State Say- Iol Adel~phi. 227:3. Division 1,1 K in s Baiik. O('t. 12.-'Vs'liity vs. h 'Pei A. C.s Gntiluher's Cld ch.,o Candies at A. 1E. (Oct. 16-''arsity s's. OIlivet. SAlllsliseI'y's i~rll; Store, corner Foulrth _____ tin., Oe. 78, 4 1. Ilii., Athletic hFild- ive. iiid Washiington oh, Annaual ffielOd laly. 1ct11. 1i-'Vas'oihy Frtfor utvihgae 4tis hake Fo11'ist. r""°° 1a~i. Ot. 5.8 i 11. 1i nve cty Illroom andllfurnace hletat for rent at l 57- Fii'st fleer. tesvh l 1 , ah - -S-tenahoc I) 13. Ihill, S. 1. A.I'our'se'. Oct. 2--Warsity vs. 'ase School. FineO toilet sDods anid blushes of all \_ r , kiids ate Shnumec 'a Drug Seoe. WVhisk Brooms for leec at Miunm- 'Prude at Schiallerc's Biookstore, 101 1,F- o rr's. Washington st. 237 '