THDE U. OF M. DAILY. MICTGNGEALGood Taiorin ac Mall and En-___so5 Mail--------838 At Moderate Prices. That's the basis of our but .0 .fl. K - y N. Y. Special--. 5 00 N. Y. Special--- 780 - ~ S. N etrCa'leIt hnor. N a -T Solid throughi tralns between Toledo, Ohio Eastern Ex--10 12 N. S. Limited.--- 925 es obetrGrensta ur ore and Charlest'on. W. Va., ia Colombonls h A. M. P. M. stock to select from. short and only direct route. Atlantic Ex____. 7 30l Pacific En---12 15 D. N. Expreon....- 5 40 Western Ex..-2 00 . UnsualyWTEod GR.Epes--10Ch.N.Ex---10 18 \ Our Srig to s U usalyLarge. Tl 0o . Exrss G1. t. En.181 j Spring isFindlay, 0. 0. W. ReUGUEn, . W. HATES, Mr. A. E. Rose will be pleased- to show you our Kno,0 0P.&TAg.Cban.AnAnAbr samples at tile Cook House every Tuesday. Suits Columbus, 0. Sto Order from $20.00 Up. Ahn,0 RR 1 P 'fiE VrIn ltffI iddleport, O ~\ IfiLUUL LMUIUU1~ U iflUII.Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Pmr,0 Ferur-Bletn Richmond. Va. Women's Gym Fund, The FPetnrryurglleVa. RAILROAD. Tile follewili.' Hilseriplioiis fo theThe . CA.Bulletin atpmro sfor Old Point Comfort, Va. Tise Table, Jan. 12, 1896.WilasugV. NRHSOT. WmnsGnnamnhv nnnet-7:22 a. m. e7:40a.m. Newport News, Va. *12:20 p. m. 11:40 a: M. ecalved sncecthe laol list ,v-as lilbilob leor. C. D. Thomiponi, '961I, has beeii Norfork, Va. 4:15 p. m. 9:24 p. m. ed: electedl tohf that poitbiion rice L. A. And all soutbeantern Cm. lgn All trains daily except Ssnday drnawing room cars on all through trains. eTrains ran between Ann Arbor and Toledo Mlack & *,Co... .2:5.01) trat, '9(i, who was coimpelled to re- For furtber information call on you o be only. d Ticete Agent or write. R. B.BENET G REENWOOD, Agent 1P. L. Shieruian- - --.r..) sigh owing to o)resos of work. The MIOULTON UOUK, Gen'l Pos-. Age.. W.H 0ENT . P. A. Toledo O. oldo B____________________ Sel~n&C- -~~ ullelti for the licilmonth, cns 21aXW. A. PETERS, Ilicbit n Pass. A, et l!'. 1. C~lkills . . . . . . .. . lii t:)Detroit,. Mich ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY4 XXnit'ioidyear ...ZObrief extracet of Dr. Vs ool-Allen's ad- d___ /5 sress 011 "Tie N ew W ooan." S i iGan pea Hos Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. 11. St. Jamiies .. ....till... eu.01)J nie P. tWhite giv-i's oiie Su gst-- Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st.,7:10,08:40 rlirr& Mlella i boiri xiii iln and 11:00 a. m.; 12:d5, 2:15, 1:00, 0:4590:15 and 11.o.1. Brown-----.the0bTHUeSDAYiFEB. e- 1Leave Ann Arbnr Junction, 7.40. 0.11 and Maritii alaler-----00v elltel 1 ple ter Rihie Study17by sil CnotPaltoCo:~."Cicg 11:30 a. a.; 1:15, :45, 5:30, 7:15, 1:45 and 11:18 .dns cg P. m, Edg ar Iierie .... ...... 20.00 iis.Tribaune, SUDYTIE " ."ii U1)xTTIJ RADORI s lRSE JAMES A. HERNE'S BEAUTIFUL PLAY, Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., 1:0,3:30,1 Al::so ilc r sslocriiptio'l - -intng"____ :00, 0:30 and 0:00 p. m Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, to $4.t0" The -idleasl enuedy of Aincst-a ifht 7:00 andl9:30 p. m. ______ Carsrun oncity time Pare: single tripilitldrc-aracer, 'Sliore Acre. "Silo be rents; rosnd trip tickets 18 cnts. p. Chapter of Delta Sigma Delta, 01 i a Rile secl irednet 'ii at the Presented witbhetire rem Scenery and WM P Pnno Sp. ___ Novel Mlechanical Efacets and Prop- Ilrt lialiler of Dill-i . S:ii Deli-i.1Grand operailhosei, Fett. 27. ecies. Under the direction of S-'U D ESNIT"S j 00el llriit 1ii: ir t ol.ePlicollsof the ltieater ewho hlve Henry C.IMinr. :ceti 'c 1)1:1 tllticsticl," will f1i PICnde 2c is TreRwsP .0 If yenuowant good reliabtle life insuransce call ot MedlicilleSatitnlr,}' 0 cillifoteen :'0 c.2JrPRIC11ES1117is:l3olliog s50:a c Fie: st Tet ow51.C $ on Peed T MlcOmb~er, office No. 1, S. -Al' cr_' lyflya hr i s Blne7e aqe l Fourth: aye.chiarrter umeiibers, IllItey ilillg :a 111:11 Newt- n: tigha ilyh:17-i. XX1111:1De01 hj glbnqspirA00.isheld t. 1tIe Itel St. Hess-olls says: "'Ti'e 1)11, Shoieit jbsoni & Clamr + C 1 SH ' airo, at Ovlicll Profo.N. S. Mori, y«- Acrec'l::ihaseuen a ind'ria50 111of fr HUNTER BROS., 9 E, LIBERTY ST. It. 1)lrncte 1111.. XX Iaitlt 111 d le n otry ini t."Denmau~n I hunultoll PHOTOGRAPHERS Skates Concaved. 11.1 .1:1 tl lllgli th -11le t eil 1o seeItlle ueoli12W 11U-O14 I Experimental Work. ssll:JdiiiR toIc ztass. Ahlilri ('haptler ~lontwek.b'or is proctonliniltIis _______________________ __________________________________ was5015rt'itlsellil by7-C.I1. Titilley, b'. P ity 1117 Short'Acres" toill ive ec ill y RENTSCIILER, 1lltlt''I' 11011.1., , ui' t f l ' " 110eliiwa- d Sen etr PHO0TOG~tAPHF 1 T 111 tit . 8 'lll~: llpcs UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCINIf ANN ARBOR. MICH. ...Phis Case has Itflmlfl' eledOppositeC LAW building. NOT LUNOHES AT ALL HOURS TEM$4ORHEESOFHEYA Chocolates and Candies METAL BASE THE KINOEROARDEN BILLIARD HALL J L Y &cO'.0" k~lCfE RAILROAD TIOKET BROKERS, 200S.State St.,Saner Block.liNU OIULO M$ONIEY TO LOAN ON PELSONAL Large Lisne ofniIne Pipes, Tobaccros and RBOPER Y. Cigar. Oak Shelves and Top, Whbol sale Cigars, Tobaccos and Cigarettes Iand is substantial. and SS RA DALL _ ornamental. Holds 20 ' A E e t. it al h " " I a G S m Photographer 15 Washington Block. lOOP & UsCO IS SAT Call en tbeom for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. COTRELL & LEONARD, Albany. N. Y~, Makero of Caps ~ owns for Yale '96,Harvard '1, Princeton '96 antd may we not add Michigan '96? 4 volumes size Chambers. Encyclopedia. Also Dictionary on adjust- able top which can be placed at any angle or height. T1housands of com- plimentary letters re ceived attest its popu- larity. For price and catalogue address MarshManUfacluring Coq 232 W. Washington St., Chicago, Ill. The new otyles have arrivetd. Opera Crooks are Ihe thing. See our window. WMARNOLD'S JEWELAT' STORE. HANGISU,3I FlU Rf, 20 E ~shaln LODtGE-DAVlISlMACHIsNETOtOL CO., Ciocinnati, 0: I cant my v-ote for the University oc 1liltign Ann Arbor, Mich., in Ilhs con- test for tbe 01,500 latbe, whichb you oiter to piesersl on Maorch, 1, 1090, to tbe techni- cal sch~ool receiving the greatest number of votes. Voters Psull Nlme---------------. Street No-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City------------OState.------- (Voters moot be at least fiftleen yearn old. Ladies cannot vote but may aId in securing votes.