VOL. VI. No. 101. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, PsH. FouR PAES-3 CENTS. ~ AT UNIVERSITY MALL. the ciiraeocer of our lws ad their TO BE PRESENTED SOON. (N ________ dntiiestration i the future, anti the 1 CL , Q7. EXERCISES HELD BY THE LAW time lrs come when a areful stuy ARRANGEMENTS FOR "JULIUS 4I We desire to give noice that we 1 ypriclsse to maea big bid for StM CLASSES SATURDAY. of the conditions confronting usiholi CAESAR" PROGRESSING, H bicyolebtio ss'tbIs e a-o. e ol hav e secured the a eey fo the ORWshington Duly Honored-Address e tote iiiarier to est see l-1 th The Final Cst-The Trip to be 'AYPQ Iby Hon. Benjamin Butterworthof country and ter interests. Tken-Aid for the Women's Gym Bitycestiiehihti eariel he Ohio~ on Dutes of Citizenship. "'\lit lre liii dat isriewicheanol- -To Be Given Apri 6. ihrepttioiasee ratfite 5__ bswhesmd;pie10Werelanteagecy fo ttie JI 5tivi'tsty 14t,1ials sscrw hcd satili- rot us? Certaitly lhre sItis Wil hickteisbinsad wr B Et i'N'HU H"1 Lyaferon Fa s of exercises of ptatoist, hikoloe f Jttyofetiotleclient - isiroorssisicquitte; rpiidlyantilhsit t ht xelet rheicas t onditedit by lw tstudnts ill colm- ollnttty, Io ack of eitotl-tg tixiittii' tts it- 'u ".oii5 1iiso getyin-Iply "uiuat~l str" lt i epeliisnttedi moe tat- lie sele i touy 'nr tof the irittho W'soslthg- or tltercticttil torality. tBit tee' *uitrte slicsorteerooi aitdl$1t0 yo cn indIiu. We 00so Iton Ti atetiit- nulnot tall t.tt isilecessry. Te (riks HHH a e he LII-P R. 1 in e -'tisws ie ltl-sxl tll~i-Association. The (ast f ertttrs is priela ) oft etaikT e ciiouay srs-tieifftedo.a l unosi tii all thiee tnd yet fll obevneo h a.nwpiestielk Termi~iesi aiorea00sy ohMowcohilete, nit tii tnerstoliitare pates l twsth s n plctino okn it errian iihgfor thti'exercises sie siert ss ti tt-lotittwetking tardlitomke it n'affair as STHE ANN ARDOR ORGAN CO., year the diffterent classes were ict- these pincile ald theories tatgrtietce.Tieoeisaftlw: S. MAIN ST. stuedt witti a deteriiiatiii tt ~tthis t;weii' ite-esaryalto ad wiul litteernd yAiilj- - -..\.. Hlli ohseranice should e noliiss a stccess sii tltdetiiantdlare necessary for is aetic- - - -. I. Qsales 1896 thin iit, ihad i'iienreiotsty, au it ifwe wosld. aisititheir fate" trutuls- - - .I. Msy- s18k9i6el.lti1ity96iii.t ie C he speker- tienitdi. 5fintritltue G('tiit.i.li .........I. '. Sttdler xxiti tulsuti rliiltiii a ct iri-tWahinigtet,andi to ltii'fotuder (tn iti- - - - -t)..:i...0 H.tHan ofiotti' natioinal ripitatitit 1iealut otis' Csc's - -' .t aiiil lii a d tiiii n. ' tir~airi f urcius .. .. .. .. .. .. A. tOlesott S ECO ND0 SEM ESTER sttireoitofOiove; . e d daus sit grating unisesal sffr-g tava. ....eH .El n 111ii j nu is taddressshoiiwi'.tha~tie'co-tii lth'ignor-ant tiindsuesttsitiousi, v-teir. frebolis.o- - --.... . . ('sit' hdene o th clsse cold ot ave "'vie foest'of our gitvierimet' lititis- - --..... . IJ. Wirful Cbee~ iini itat erla e ctsitoihtstowed.sillusruri - Aln.....UeI.1Vnt'eiri I h ithall, whiile' nolt lboratlyhs- -sought to gatirtagistsiibe t -i-I iisss - -I.I'sesi iNewv and Second-hand.pcln, wais nealy aiditatstfully di- lsinig tasystm of fr estsctsiio loii----ill.......ZenoTompsonl itioried Lirgetpiiitinigs of Washinig- Osr systei f tiffsfee is 1st t n tttizn..ii..... ..an will be sold to stu- toin iiiilWebtser tieti-pIrintiit'likely to desroy tit swhich-it iwas --ndi Citiens..i ..- - - -..A. (Olesn dets at spcil tites cii the sage whlicitwasuslil inis'a'tenedt plditt. It is gustd te 'hties siris of 'ri. E.Wizl dns a spca aly iiesiooewithi hexiiitiii'naml clseti i-iilly,hbuitracticaliy mty Baiii.tmasitgiriof le DtrititC'otey Club; rediuced rates ndt i'yelliow -ailblist. Olur aheecritlithiof grest mnisses of.rae lets- Ielilise, sitthat tiin'pthy fTeioittei (fiexercsesws tmucnish theigq antrignesomlikss l teuigrsmayibiv iuit poesus'tr sl itgi ,allut.is Ifsormerily, liithiss cituilesea 'Itul realer, andtheisonc-int'rationofitt"uinestis' atndhsitigs. tt'ii'lrss~ A h l 5 xi nblins. it Ihe lawe. ueilin tatnd u ppulatoni i irlan entuis 01ly hivei'beesniihlsdiiin hel'lst miutiih maitislng, about 71111sitillngltoilt- addus itth.Ireguillry trteUnisItr sweeskTu'Is BOOS Av5isiit tiail, swher' s itsoi.ute iin i "Self-ghusernmei It his _somciiiii5sy andthi'rsdsy nighiaSaauStlr- LWANRIDUMEICAIL BOKSATfloii thad'beersreservedt'othe.e iiii len'ia ifaiir. T'flis Ioinig l5the dy lmorinige, antlthis'resutif stthis BARGAINS. Tiesricttuus ofthe lee ic'alit banjo lckt of ssisdomtitoniite isltittfte fI-s'ut pshrctic' sil slie isef whei clus swhiii hdbeellotSfsssii'sihtas siea- tpiopleieto knuoss sehat all iieedt, tiidtithle fiitsiedlprouttsioniiisstagiud for IMPORTANT NOTICE. Lirs oh i't e iexerc'seisweredisut'hts't knownshlieire i iistery silwaysashettithis'tpuli. withs oiithutis-uccsion besctuss' of tliii' li uutlicl itegrity- tillhnetuiy ti tie iiititrf rhilihc illcus i t-r H .iexpense, the nmist'l part of thuelpno- ealct the huw e itctsstr. tehiuf for about Aril (it ill iitilesrani Otera G - I.1i J1Du ii, gnuibeui u thertclby tro. stah- the esuntry srves tlutenasuntie CsCose. Shouslthis bus' siti-iulce ith The Leading Tailor, iy antitbiss Josephiie(Gffney. ladser for parisan ambitin. sc cess a srig vacationeitri is coi- and only direct Importer in tihe city, Dean htlshis presided'shas shir- "'list'stcsiiisiatii of iiint'tf tenihtlet. Mantger Elatniius is iii has just received his entire stock of itianiand initroucedh air. SButterorth, weaslthi I s-iinstai tlecCuti lt- creshtnet'istihi Dsrit outd('ii- Foreign and Domestic Wtoolens for sehits iulke oer cit hitusr on"Th' _tsitil purity. Moiey is crirsittthe ciago alumnhii, atnd shiouldhle receie the Spring and Summer 96, at fits of Ciit'ishiph." v-sry heaiihstoniie, ans5the sin--nh of preir chursgeneien these cities sill NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MAIN 'rlit'oiect of his address, air. Btut- legisatiot is erruted i a uis very see "Juits Casesar" as prstieidiub'a Fut Dress Suits a Specialty. terwotrhisaid,eouil e h idscnisiun source." csio elleigt huh snsIwosetni. Jisck- at etii' islifhor cutry, is cnditlion, its neeids, 'Cu'. ssterssrfhi soeeloqui'etlyiicsrtii Sgtinwshnt Lansiig eoerhi WU AHR BD' LOOKSTORE S.