THIE U. OF M. DAILY. NOVELTY IN GENTS' SUiTINGS NOTICE-Odd Shirt Sale ! Closing Out All 81.75, 81.50 and 81.25 Shirts in Our North Window, AND FANCY VESTING IN'96. 980 980 980 Jos. W. ollauf, Merchant Tailor, 10 E. Washington St. 2d Semester. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite LAW building. TERMS $4 FOP THE REST OF THE YEAR. A G, pading & Bos "The NamesuGuar- a nte" tat the article 11oaitg it is the best produced. Uniforms and Supplies of every descriptio for bae- Sn for 1 somet IllustratedCatal, gee. The Acme of Perfection- THE Spalding Bicycle FOR 1896. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New York, Chicago, Phiiadelphia. Largest Manufacturers of Bicycles and Ath- leticGoodstintheworld. FIRsT NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Orgaied i8i3. Capital, $100,000. Surpis and Proits, i40,000 Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchanges bought and sold. Furnish letters of credit. P. BACH Pres. S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stok, 00.f Surplus, $150,000. Rsources, $1,00,00. Organized underthefGeneral Banking Laws of this State. Recees depssits, buys and sells excange on the principal cities of the uited States. Drafts cashed son proper idetification. Safety desit boxes to rent. OFFlsE Christian lack Pres.; .W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pres. Chas E. Hiscock, Cashier: it. . Fritz Assistant Cashier, Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 4S S. State St. RIDE A "Geudron" Bicycle TRUEST BEARING. MrOST RICKD FRAME. ESIEST RUNNING SOLtD AT K STIRFBEW'S ~CjtIemporim, - 11 W. Washington St ANN ARBOR" D. A TINKER & SON, No. 9 South Main Street. BOARD BOARD. NEW DINING PARLORS OPENED AT NO, II MAYNARD ST, The 1y1 enic Boarding House has changed hands. Will now be run on a different plan. The very best $2.50 board i tshe cit will he served. Come and try it and be convinced. A special diet table only for those who wiusiit. F. J. RENNINGS, C. W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS DO YOU EAT NUTS? Fancy Mixed Nuts__..... Fancy Mixed Nuts....... Fancy Virginia Peanuts. Fancy Virginia Peanuts. 4 44 south Main Street. ----10-cper pound -.-.----- .-- ...---- ----lllbs for $1 -----------.-.. -------- -10c per pound .-------- . - - .. . .2 lbs for $1 DEAN & COMPANY. ;I RECITAL TON IGHT. Alex. MacDowell. the Great Com- poser, in Frieze Hall. Wednesday's Chicago Tribune said of Mr. Alexander MacDowell, who gives a recital in Frieze Memorial Hall this evening: After an absence) of almost t;o seasons, Mr. E. A. MacDowell made his reappearance in the concert room yes- terday afternoon at Steinway Hall. The prograt, made up mainly of ori- ginal compositions, opened with Mr. MacDowell's Sonata opus 50, desig- nated the "Eroica." Upon the ocea- sion of his l'ast appearance here with the Chicago Orchestra Mr. MacDowell played his first concerto, which, at the same time his first serious effort in composition, bore strong trace of the German influence under which it was written. Other examples of his eminent talent in the field of orchestral writing, in which both the Old World and the New have afforded him high acknowl- edgement, have been heard under Mr. Thomas' direction. In his recital be- fore the Amateur Musical club two seasons ago Mr. MacDowell allowed a juster aid more intimate appreciate tion of his minor pianoforte composi- tions. In the "Eroica" of yesterday after- noon there was presented forcible ii- lustraition of the greait striidesi made by Mr. MacDowell in his art. Partie- ularly when contrasted with the most serious pianoforte work, his first con- certo, in which he.was last heard here. The breadth and power of this opus MQ are of a dignity that place the Sonalta in the foremost rank of com- positionsof its class. With the ex- ception of Brahms there is not readily recaled any conhtemporaneous com- poser likely to accomplish its equal in value. The "Eroica" is found in a way on Tennyson's Passing of Arthur, but an introspective study and not upon the program plan so frequently' pursued by Mr. MacDowell. Beyond this the work is marked by fervid im- agination, a trait so thoroughly evi- denced in the smaller comnotsitions played yesterday. of these "The March Wind" and "The Eagle," the latter founded on Tennyson's poem, must be regarded as iliprossionlist pictures. In these illustrations of poemiis in his lesser writings; the inu- sic overlies the text almost as closely as though purposed for the singinii voice. In appropriateness there is never hesitation of the meaning to be conveyed. In the interpretations of yesterday afternoon a. grateful and an unusual thing was granted to forget the pian- ist in the composition. The audience, not 1'rge but enthusiastic, prolonged the program by an encore upon its conclusion. George W. uller, '95 L, is a mem- ber of the law firm of Claflin & Fuller, at Norwood, N. Y. A meeting of the first yeatr law class was held yesterday afternoon to re- ceive the reports of committees on Washington's Blirthday celebration and to make arrangements for a clas . yell. A few more copies of Vaughan's Physiological Chemistry on hand at the Argus Book Bindery. SPEAKING OF DIAMONDS. If you have any idea of making a purchase you should by all means call upon Messrs. Wright, Kay ,& Co., of Detroit, before malting your choice. Their assortment-and they are the only direct importers of these goods in the state-can hardly fail to suIt the most fastidious. We have left a fair stock of all sorts of WRITING TABLETS which can be closed ut as foiows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR OC GOOD WRITING TABLET, - 8C CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This slack will not be replaced. Come quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. MOORE & WETMORE "S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, HAVE A COMPLETE STOK OF UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS' For the Second Semester, New and Second-Hand which they offer At the Lowest Prices. STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING GRANGER'S You can join our classes now, or at any time convenient to yourself, the term starting when you do. Office and Academy 0 Mayintrd St. C. H. KEYES. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER PINS:-U. of M., A. A. H. S. The finest in the city. Come and see. $SATISFIED! T touslnever ick if you get Plows Chicago Candies. We get them fresh each week. Try a box of PLOWS next time. PALMER'S PHARMACY. 4S. STATE ST. Homes can St you out for that sleigh ride party. Phone him from here. SPECIAL. D IETAS & SCHANZ sell Suits and Pants at prices to suit everybody; we also do repairing, cleaning and pressing. Wok called for and delivered. o. 48S. State st., econdfloor. .M. MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth Colisand Metallic Caskets and Common Co .Embalming a Specialty. No. 12 E. Wshingto St. U OF M. 'HAVING PARLOR and Bath- roomo. All %ppointments first class. Imported and domestic cigars. Ladies' artis- tic hair dressing and bathing parlors. J. R. Trojanowski 30 S. State st. W HEN YOU WANET your clothes cleand n pressed. reusned or rebound go to Mrs. Fingerle, over Sheehan's book store Lab- oratory aprons made to order j4P 4 CHICO & AUSKERADE COLLARS DENA & PATOKA.CUFFS, I LATEST STYLES.