THE U. OF M. DAILY. IJGHIGANGENTI LI! 7 Good Tailo'ringdsac~~~i Time Table (Revised) Nov 24 185, Mail and En-__ 310M5 Mali -8______18 At Moderate Prices. That's the basis of our bou T.0.&-. y. K.&M. N. Y. Speial,.... 5 00 N. Y. Secial.... 7 3 ms.1obetr Solidtanors o aera trooh les n"between Toledo, Ohio Eastern En-15 5IO 2 N. S. Limited.-...HmssAobttrGrenst2nor.5olre and Chreso, XW. Va., via Coumbusa, the A. M. PacificMEnstock to select from,1 short and only direct route. Atiantic Ex --- 7 35 aii E --- 12 1i)S D. N. Express.... 5 40' Western En.3 5250 7 BETWEEN GR.Express 11.u0soChi. Nt. En._-10 28 \ Our Spring Stock is Unusually Large. Toledo, . e.ttEx....5 572idaO 0. W. macTGen. H. W. Hives, , r. A. E. Rose will beplad to show you our Rntn0 e. . & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor I 5l at ple a tteCol o seder TesentSit o ______ les he ook ous evey Tesda. 5itsColumbu, . to Order from $20.00 Up. Athenn,. I T ~GLENrri flETflIT KMiddimeo. 2)u Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Richmond. Va. v AT' THE GRIAND) OPEIIA HOUSE. I AME1RICAN HISTORY. Ptrbrg a ALRA.Sudens electing leading csesO wll Old Point Comfort, Va. Time Table, Jan. 12, men. No class f men eorsoiini hae a iniet iie 11n E+at Semliary Rtom Sat-WilasugV. NORTH, SOUTH. mlore~ thorough deesation foe the coi- urdy t S:0 o'clock. Those electing wiamsbur, Va. :21 a. m. -7:40 a. m. ventienal Irish coiedlywihlit(s imllp4iS-emillary (ore11accqect.t epr es a 4'12:21 p. m. 1:0 a. m. Norfork, V. 4:15 p. in, 9:1p m si'le Irishmiien, aind counterfeit Irish meet at. sme lailce 'fhtrdiy even- And all sotheaters points. Elegans Aul trains daily except Snday W;olilli, Ithans (le Irishi peple thir-inlg at 7:0. drawing room crn on all throghi trains. Trains ran between Ann Arbor and Toledo For further information call on your local only. selves, and they ap~precite a pay be- A. C. M1cLAT'trILIN. Ticl~et Agent or wrle, I. S. GREENWOOD, Agent -- ______ MOULTON HOUK, enI Ps. At.. W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo .' reft of1these'anidcloheitin a dress (AlVS AND GMVW\S. ~ .PTRShnPs. Toledo, 0. tht rt niinis themn of Irelalnd as it in W .PTR, ihgnPs.Aeti, Orders and iectisremeus lfor Caps Otrot ichI ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY . 111I"lin'ins llii'y are. So.veii::iil(oinwilh'tiki d hiiiPGan pr -....e such a lorait of Irishlife 15as5ii4 Ire- 3111Iliilg.foi4isip.i., ed senied Bby Buldiglroi4itoF.n inenuani Grninpe"TiH us, Time Table, Ot. 27, 1895. liie'Tihker,"i its recetionl is sure to hebne sday, F-eruary 19, and tFriday, Fel- anLeave Ypilat from Congress t., 7:10.8:43s'lma (i oi nimk inry 21. A depoit of 61.001) will b'F II.i.F B ~nd 11:00 a.m.; 12:45, 2:1, 5:00, 0:45, 9:13 and required. "S 45 p. a. ili. lBreninan's lprsentatlionlof tliii- Te Oiginal New or icomp.ny Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7409:il and laig)r fteyugIihfa r, 1500ML'.peetn 11:30 a. a.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:30,7:t5, 9:45 and 11:15 1:.ligpc f(ie7inn rs ikr .3.0 IE .peetn p~n' 1scerainy arevlaton layand Always s, lader, the Olli Central P. . SNDAY TIMEsa aerl1pu1 rev eanl'itiii lti dLinen mileage ticket, wih iniinar adi- C areys Auint Leave Ypsilanti from Congress s., 1:30,320, str :c pue cliuisr cie ann :11, :30 and 9:00 p. to na~tur; -el -,vii lw as rec- Lion in the best. Covering :,lie Big" Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00,4:00,5:30, i-ilie i iesuF~c. tli'Iour, B. & ., C., H., & D., ai nub Cei- Mnagermrn of Cas. rolinan. 7:00 and 9:30 p. m. mebripesatfaeMh earn run on city time Fare: single tri 15OGiannd iperaihnnus, Satlurdaiy, telt. 22 tral andl innumlerlable oler c alduis, it PLAYED cents; round trip tickets 25 cents. _________ Wr. F. lPAaE, Sspt. is tie favorite Travelers' Cou loanins. 500 Nights in New York, M1AfIEMATICS 2a. S'5D NP - Aniv section (XI of Course 2a in Tnlent-LO Wasbienaw ave., single 100 Nights in Philadelphia, S'riUm::ti]Dril i- oNTSl iirTin.roon, snuth exposure, furna~ce het, 150 Nights in Boton. If yoo want good reliable life inunranie call Sldbahoeal Mrihe 22, e on red T SMCOobe, officecNo. 1, S. to .A1r.:111 ot 2 p. in. on3Min., Tis.ei_ l hrilnes,-n3tycfernislc7i.$2and ii: Foorth Rive. ~ n. iur. i oi2. week. If occlaut takes cre f ii Pice, 35, 0, 7cad$1 WW..AA IEIA. $2 per week. NEW' 1M ACHINE SOP -eiiSueisTn uaet e To Rtent Chepe-Two-sroms, 30o S. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL HUNTER BRCS~, 9 E LIBERTY ST ouuchandunonitpocet c ices nIlie a Diiin At5itii. n2c o140 RAILROAD ICKETBROKER you waint thien is t lie ArgusIBookl:Th AtusLok BndryNo 1 Skates Concaved. pidinery. D3fuooic Block, dtowsn tosswnI MOEY TO LOAN ON FE5SONAI. Experimental Work. Suitetf rosous, (Sa'Packar:1s., c:.IOn agsul srusealou oi 1,IRY bathlnrniinm, lit andi cod svrier, -$4 ;icr, nt ,$2.25. No. 20 S. IngANl~ st. 99l Whonsale Cigars, Tobacco and cigretes. RENTSCHLER, week. No betr roomnns in towsn for UNTIL COMMAENCEMVENT. ThnOdelae PHO0TOCRAPHE.! rolineye. h2 Tihe Daily for $.25.ThsOdRlae ANN ARBOR. MICH. This Case has Enam- led STUDENT LAMP- HOT LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS i s neer been eqsal- eforndanih- naose. j andboten' bpu posep- Chocolates and Candiesradfothoi -AT-- (METAL BASE Inunitnis biluel r ~sfg nder all eicum- T T' s _D S umit u..If yur dea- tiJ D 111111& 001$, erds nnok eelthemu, 20 S. State St., S-gerlBlock,. NDI'a1IIamU Uud Large Linerpioe PipeTobacos andi-inban. and cimney, Cigar. Oak SevsadTp wl be un to any adrss by tie sole ea n- Shle n of fctouresialatan 1Iass Co..L38 h.2th AN AL and is substantial and St N Y RAND L- .ornamental. Holds 20 Ks5 IANES. volums sie ChabersThe new styles have P hotog apherarrived. Opera Creks 15 Washington Block. Encyclopedia. Also are the thiig. See our pp =..sDictionary on adjust- WM.ANLDf'S EWLR STORE. TQO ~r C1; 2~ nr- ;.able top which canl he lO P&Co StrEE :i placed at any angle or HANOSTER ER 2 . ashi Fine Lunches,1 toe, Fine Chocolates, height. and Baked Gocods. Tosnso o-LDEDVSMCIETO O Try Our Lunches. - hosad oIcrn o -DMSM cann TouC -plimentary letters re I cat my ste for the University of COTRELL & LEONARD, ceived attest its popu Michigan Ann Arbo Mic.ini the con- test f the St 50 late which yes offer Ala . larity. For price and to preent on MarchA1 1sm0tlthe tebi- - V a ~cal schoil recling the greatst number. Mfakers of catalogue address ovtsm otera Full Name__ S .. ~ ~Street No-----_ c~p Z O~nS MarshMantuladuri 6011 city-----------State------ (oters must be an least fifteen years fraineto 96,avar 232 W. Washington et., o ld. Ladies cannot vote but may in! i '94;Prineton98an . - - securing voes.a may we not add Michigan 96? Chicago, Ill. ______________