TSHE U. OF M. DAILY Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the Clleg year, at THE UNIVERSITY F MICHIGAN Geie: Times building N. Main fit., oppoite put office. F DITOES C. D. CAnY, Gr. L. W. W. ToAE, 'Si . S. E. KArrE, 'P. . lbSnn, '3. . 'N. V..tIsOne, '8, E. L. Gonsuan, 'PS L SUITORI-N-CIg[IF G. B. Iisoso, 'Pt L. 5[s [NAGING EDITOR J. F . TOMA, 'P7. Ilf&itNEJSS MANAER L. C. XWALKa, 'S. ASSOCIATE EDITORS I. A. Pratt, '6 G. A1.1. ilt, 'i P. S. R. Smith, 'Si L. G. i. Sherman, 'P. . Simons,'S. IH. I. Gammon, 'PS A. . A. Pcitc, '9S ?. R. i. teilly, 'P9. it, C. aulin, '(IllM. J. L. SWuih, 'Pt P. G B. tRoe, 'P8tD. Sunsaahichardon, 'p., G. R. Sims, 'P. The subscription price of the Daily han heen reduced tu$1.25isndance for the ret of the year. [euve subscription at the D~aly offiCe r with P. 0. Meyer, U. ut M. NewsuStand. Dr. Cares Eliot Norton, profeno" of the History ot' Art t Harvard, c'n- tributes ans article to the current F~ortm nnoi "Soimi Aspects of Civilia- tion in Anneric," in which le seerely scores till average college stdent. After coilneniingupnnlni the lak of genunine cortey amniilig Auericau.' anit the imipertiilence whilh in his onnion in llrat'ristie of Amenican children, Prof. Norioni dineuese collge students as follow: Tie spirt of unilieed innielped ence antof slisiwilfulness pernit- ted in childhood ndn'velops int yot- ful lawlessnuesi nusd rsitace to re- strlslnt. The hooilunm of the street corner and the rough liafer of lie vil- lage fnntneir nmates amnong tie tu- dents of our colege, Te ifernc hetween them is only sne of circumn- stance ant of segree. 'fhe mnner. andi mornlsndiplayet i intrcolegiate contets iiilaalletic Sports in ol pats of tie countny fal little short of a national dsgrace, for they result non only fnomn the chiarater of the con- testants, ut fnonm that of the con- ,munity at large fronu which they aire ora-sei, and which encourages the br- hantle instincts of youth by its indif- ference to fair play, and y the ex- cess of its hysteric applause of vitry won hy any means, fair or foul. The itmellegiarte gamue has beconme an evil not only in college life, ut in the life of tse nation itself; for there in nothing of higher inport in tht life thm thecieisn of tie seno of honor anid of to.sanctity of honesty'in nl competitiona. 'flip wholesone nd honorabie pracftice of athletic sports is one of tie ost importntlensets in the education of youth. The prctic of tnpe, not for the sake of their lrue ends, the developont of meanly and vigorous hetalth, ut for the sae of unhealthy ecritesent, and of getting the advantage of oplponnts by con- cealunent, fraud or violence if it cannot bes won by legtimate means, is s coo~ly a source of moral corruption. Prof. Norton quotes Caspar Whitney in support of his statements and then proceeds to fall upon the newppers of the land for abetting college men in producing tlints dreadfunl, slate of n on.,AMiss Houwe, P1lsso Itowiet,AMiens affainr'. Several colunmns of refutation nmight be witteni in answer to Prof. Norton's views, but theis iha~rdly necessry. The rapid growth of colegine aii- let es during the last decade has per- htaps been acomlutuied by some un- healthy symptomns, but cerany not in te degree claimed in the article in tie tforman. lProf. Nortol, whomntie Critic stieaks Of as "a gentlemna of nie oln school," lias evinently ben'llimpnoset unpon. THIS YEARS NEW GREEKS. (Continued front First Page. George, Edward Fi. Wehre, Claire i. Stearln, Errol I. Sicer, Franiis E. Stevenls, Linman W. Goodenough, A. L. C'. Atkinoson, Orestes tH. Wright. t'hi Delt'['eta tt t. 'i'iyr, I. D. Steel, tF. Chestont (t), I. 1ont Suiti (), T. Polock (), J. I. Gornllont (t). D~eltna Tan Deta--George' Fores tiretone, iLy'n llSmith iBrown, M'narke Brewer Ieattie, Jon W. Mie- Ewban, Dougas Btuce Bnrnett, Witl- liamn Everett iBesancon, tHogi Maon, toliffe Mnlhero. lPlilta Phi-hniss Flornnce Riche- ards, bliss tFlorence 'Wenmore. Phi Ci-Artldn Green. Harry Sld- dlard, George W. Ieiel, F. .1. Austin, P. Sciunlpren. Zeta Psi-Robnert W. Norriuglon, Ed- arN. Chnnrchi. Waler i. Leavey, Wiliamn A. Conmsok, iRobnrt Grinnll, W. J. Gilcrist. Deltn ta atppa Epsilonl --Dnnley tPneps Bounlel, '97, iFrank Colagi C'ondon, Firetderick Agusus bLels, Joni Charles Bradfel, toert Bliss Ptten, Btarry Barnet IPotter, rvin, i lc7oull- lough Bea, Ernest Frenerick iilaing- ton, Julius Hlarrinigon Tonson, tRud- olph Ransnsonin Reilly. Bela Theta tPi-Guy Brewster Ciay Htarold ThoulnlnGriswold, Josn'tph Goi- ton Hlallhin, jr., Harry Roger Husrl- but, Louis Satoni Ramsdelel, tHarry, Scott Vernon, Riobert Bfacfiled, Up- hin,(Transfers) Sanmuel Iana Bon- den, '97, William Backso Puitteal, 'tn7, Johni Steeple, Saulding ', ames Rubert Skilman, '9G L, Bayard 'Taylor Riley, '97 L, Max Weini~gtolnnabb, ' L, Ed~win Rucher Sitet, 'S L, 'Thlomas Buddl VanHone, 'PS8ID. Nu Siglma u-D. D. Perkins, W. H.l Lake. Park Howell, Dr. C. D. A'- Wright, George Walker. Alpha Delta Phi-Willis B. Snow, Fred H. Skinner, Fenry 1t. tiati, Coo. E. Sierlman, Eugene B. .Tone, Harry A. Smih, Dan,.. Wesses and Benj. B. Metheany. Psi Usilon-williamt Cooper, Stan- dish Backus, Ed Quarrels, W. it. Weeks, Paul Oliver and Gus Fy. CGammsa Phri Beta-AM'mn Baletine, Miss Godman, Miss Banker iss Fiintsmman, Miss Hubbell, Miss Young. Chil Psi-Chester Benedict, T. M. Duffy, Cha. Snyder-and H . ILBde., Alpha Phi1-Miss Banker, Miss MS,. ttctinber, Miss Bantley. Soroi-htiss Turner and Mlissbela Tunrnn'r; MissIiegeler, Miss Fanlnie Cooley, Iti!s itnoaNitun, AMiststPatten- gill, Mi ss'l'rnneblood, Ahils oLnni ansi Miss Tbayer. Stenunt Pthi-tred Carpenter, James ['eli, will Mettee, Waiter Boyntonu, Alex., Boyd, Duanse WageranduuRlph t'age, BeltAdntniis. Dilta t'piliin-Donld tFulnlenr, An'- elixr.Johinn Fnarmner, Allin Howard'n EZncliannias, Jmhn Itotcs't Bronnoc, '97,. Frank Seynnour Eliot,'lThonnas Gray, Arthur Mnstick HydcvJameslP A. tLe- Roy, '9Gt. Tineta D~elt.cChi-I'ranbu B. Smckct At. ('ialcs ttsngeft, Char's Morey, CALENDAR. "Fri., Feb. 21.-Gradnl ating exercises of School for Nurses, auntiitlileatre of univensity Iospital, '7:45IS. it. Sat., IFeb. 22--ItIon. Besijasmin But- terwvorth in tniversity Hail, 2:30 p. 191. Fri., Feb. 28, 4 p. 1m., Watermn gymnasium-Indoor meet, competition, open to 'frst year students in all de- partmentn. Sat., Feb. 21-Boston 'Temple Q.uar- tette in S. L. A. course. Sabt, Fob. 29.-Leap Year party in Waterman Gynmnasiusm. Wed., -Atar. 4.-IHos. Henry Watter- non in S. tL. A. course. Sat., tarchli7, 8 p. in., Waterman gymnasium-tndoor meet, counpetition open to all second year students in. every departmntb Cutrl GreesietFrmankeArbunckle. TtiE Ot3ItoCEF 'hILAL MILEAGE++ Tt 0,tttT. tf you travesl0110 thiousnsdnilies tdnring tile year yams wiiilsnsve mtoiey phr by purchasing a tltoaui nile ticket. The bent in the mnarket are those is- sued by agents of Ohio Centraltinles. They are good over all tine important < ' Q systemns including the entire Bi. & .CO system wvest of tPittsburg, the tug Four, etc. See agents of Ohio Central Lhnes before purchnasing. Price $20: good one year. Men WAaSHINGT'ON BIRITHDA. V The "University School of Daiin'sg"1 NN'i11 give a o-a i ns pryto111)h ndorfion Vnntrdy n int;ihryvere t arny -22. c itt.ot e Ishiall giv(eall. my cosnnsen ill lie vrwhrc chnape'l thissnenneser writhth ~e excelS- tion of C.onrse1Pb tRoonn 24. anult',nnrse 111b (Mhusical Cniticisni, cntlinunation o1f i11i) Tapipasn Hall, Rtoomii 12. Applei- easnts fnornadnmission to Vesper ('ourse ,.Iii 'apply anithebChnapel atI3 p. nn., A. A. ST ANLEY. j & p c 1ark The place to get notes bounid and dire- POORPES tiouniries anndIIboks of reference re- paired is :at the Argus Book tBindery. 12 W'. H URON ST. EllisTh e Tailor, vKvKOP CHICOAG.OO -WILL BE AT- THE 'COOK HOUSB Week of March 2d, The big ge t ]ine of Foreign Novelties in Stiltius and Trouserings. ever displayed. A guaranteed saving of 25 per cent on every purchase. WAI'T F'OR H IM..e