the . a In wft - VOL. VI. No. 99. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1696. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VI. No. 99. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1s96. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. SBICYCLES. ~ We deire to give no~ice that we propose to mkoh o bihd for bitycle basiness ths seo. We II S hae secured the agecy for the tlycieoewhch hasearneda 10,0 reuttioiasonef the 11 het heels ma depre $1010. We 1 eanthe aginy for the 1414 SBEN-HUR 11 thalb t ecllet wheel which has Sthid e aso bieee so greatly im- s, proved that wesehll maetit or p leauer. It i the bet voie at 565 l and $10 yo can lid. We also i cc sli the C~LPPER, a finc whel at 55 to $8.5. Wcnice or 5 pices talk. Trmscah or ay I$N pyments. IW STHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO, 1 144 S. MAIN ST. 11 19 1896. 1896. SECOND SEMESTER ZL UN New and Second-hand will be sold to stu- dents at special reduced rates At: Sheehan's LAW AND MEDICAL GOOKS AT BARGAINS, ID!PORTANT NOTICE. The Leading Tailor, and only direct Importer in the city, has just received Ihis entire stock of Foreign and Domestic Woolens for Spring and Sommer '96, at NO 2 E. WASHINGTON ST, NEA MAIN. Fuill Drese Suits a Specialty. WAH'S__BOOKSTORES. We can spplvyoye and at the lowest prices, all Onivo&sity Text Books for the Second Semester. Large stock of Secondhand Text- Books at Special Prices. LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKS. Writing Paper by the Pondt5c, 20c and 25. Sole aget for Water- mans Ideal Fountain Pen. tiisTown Down Twe Usivbrrety Boostee, Opposite Court House 20S, St ate 5t. 4SNMain &t. FRESHMEN ARE TO SPRILNT. INDOOR MEET OF FIRST-YEAR MEN A WEEK FROM TODAY. Preliminary Competitions for Freshmen in All Departments -Not Enough Entries-Events to Be Run Off. The eventis for tile freshmnan ilbs- mleet next Frittay afternoon are a 40 ylards ilsob, 15 yards hurdle, runninig high jttlippalse svculteliot put antd iine or iuee team, or relay races. As the regulacr 4:13 class in the gymlnla- shum es-ill sot lie set aside fecrCleat afternoon, Ihe valrios,5 evensiswis-ltbe rtun off from, 4 to 4:15 sand bettween tile time of dihe lava afternoon lassesg. The trial heats. in the 40 yards dash asiti inretles cwiii if possibile be run tiff before the 4:15 tcliss isi calls I. Then tile ield evenits: can be tailed olf ini aaiotlier pact of the fleer, asnt after tile class is es-er, tile senil,-Finals aiii fisials its the dash asidlinrilies rile be rusn, as aseil is iny trial heats that praiy be left eves-. The teana races wvill be amiong teams ticked lay Mlanager Attins fromitte freshmnsitiesiesivs-ec.ansifrossithlese tites iii be ticked tile fear mens es-l ielliiisiake tsp the freshisesn teami to rsis against thie sisosnos in the varsity meet Marcha 13. So far not. neairly enongh. freslinesi are shoesile s.i - ossideris_,tiastaithe as at thie freshisien meet. It mutst lie reni-ebereid that theseiseets are slot Ililitell to sophomsaore ssid freshmenii Itrsi year smnof sll its-artifii-its. ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETED. GeneralIinvitation For Tomorrow's Exercises. The sisudesits of liii Lass- Deipartmnst extesnd a coridial isivitartiosi Is the fai- sltieosind stueuets of cltdep:sgtlnents of the Us'ilsersily to jinis the iss the celebratiosa if bWashinsgonssBirthidty. Besnjiain Butterweorthi, of Ohio.,esill delis-er the address of the dlay, ad thie icegrase as a whe-i- is esiexc-elleid by lit of any ipreviosus yeair. lihi exercises swill be 'ieltd isa University Hallt commsencing at a. IH. Y. SAINT. Chbs i titialiesi sm. Doois esill so eath-opesn till 2 is. ini. Ushers swill report 'ina usiversity Hltil at 1:43. The presidens; of the lasw classes are reqnesledi to inert in the ebeisel lit 2:20. The censtral seats oss the losser floor of ther bHalwilii be re- served for 1aev stusdenst All oilier seats svill be oipen to thie ptsblic. All lasvs' ttitents are reqetedt to lissebie at the LstmssBusilding slot liter Ihan 2 p. ini., to rehiearse yells assil in order to seas-eli to thietHall ini a body. TheIpost gsiitsates esill osseli- FIRST WON BY B. I. AMES. JUNIOR LITERARY CONTEST HELD LAST NIGHT. Decision of Judges - Only Two Other Contestants - First Year Law Orators Wil Speak Next Monday Night. At the lasw'lecsresosiilast snigit thie first of the iclss Iaellllinalsies for tue Univessiy oratorical ciiksitasvl heist iy the junsior lieiaray class. There sere butt tiree cositestats fisimithiss class I. I. Emmnsea aisg sisable to ive his elation ossing to a severe cold. Prof. tBgie, Mtr. Jonsosi snd E. C. Lindey orc-il asjuges 051 te- livesy ansd their deiion togeter wvit that of the- judiges osatthusgt adi con- txsltitell resusteid i awalrding irt plc- to B. 11. Asmis. His oatin evis it biograpley of ile noeid Sishl staltesmlani ansi orates, Emisaib atelsr. The otiier cosilestants, H.I. Dasforhs an W. D. Stelisig, hail for their sb- iresIs"Leiins tasbetta' asd"Osr Itopes." The compillete decision of the jsdge evis as fllow-: Mr. Rev. r. Doew Gelton. Iebec R. 11.Ames. --------I a I 1H.1.Danfirth.---_-3 20 2 3 W.1D. Sterlisig.-.--..2 a a Mr. Prof. Mr. Jeiessn. Biyle. Lidly B. H.Asmees-----.-------st a a Hi. t4.Dlasforth.------a. 3 2 I W. i. Sterlisig------ 2 a a Siici of tianhs-Ames 6; Daforth, 1i; Sterling1. The next preininlry conest ewil be hat of Ce firt yeir lies class wvhich sil be heldIlonday night. THIS YEAR'S NEW GREEKS. List of Initiates of the Various Fraternities. [NOEv-This list is iscopiee, owing to its length. The sares of the initiates of the ther fratersiies and sorritiesill e pub- lishied tomoerrow.} Phi Kappa Psi-J.I. F. Beneet, H. N. Hosici, J, T. Noble, H. H. Pin- ney, It. Il. Sisenons, C. B. :Hole, H. L. Htole, W. L. Mack, Tf. L. Neal, E. It. Lewis. Delta Sigsma Deita--Sessiors, Ca- esnee Harvey Baly, Itaynond Lester Wiliams; fseshimaen, EidwvariJeohssAs- tierson, Roy Arecbod, Lymsans Smith Brown, Etdwics Krkiiff Medcr, Car- eec-c Edward Pease, Joseph Bihop Stewart, Thiosmas Butd Aan orne. Delta Gacna-Mise Caroline Tay- lor, Miss Ruth Stmiths, Hss Lara. Dolese, Miss Mary DeXeney, MISS Elizabeths Eberle Kappa Kappa Gannina--Mlis Gort- rue Kennedy, Miss Bertha Wright, Mis Laura inkle. Phi Delta Phi-Warren W, Gtlre, John T. -Harrington, IEansoiss . (Continued on Second Page.) ineet is nosyossly one w eele offanii ble in Rooms 11; seniors, intshCe Lectnre ievarsity smeet onlya few eveees off. J>oos; second year iiien, its the Courst 'Twice as snany sprinters acid hisrilers as-c needed, fof there should be ati least seviral trial heats In eai-hsof these evesits. Pole vaulti-ris shenld shiosltp for lractice anidrepcort te -Trainer Fitzpatrick early ini the after- nioon, before 1:30 or 4 anyway, fot -lfter this the floor gels too crowvieid for them to have a chuance 10 vault Assy one ecvho cannot comne in 1hc afternoon wciii have a still better chance by report-ing to Mir. Fitzatrick in the eveninig. Rtoomi; antd it-ct year slie, intshIeLi- brary. The imarshals of the respectiv e classes seill take chatrge of thie smarchs- ing. Sonvenir programsillii be dis Iibuteti only at the Lass Builisig. All law studenits arc urged not to Ig- nore the abave request. None need have fealr of failing to get a. seat by complying 'as sufficieint seals sil be reserved for all. FI±:D. L. INGRAHAM, P'res. By order of Arransgemeet Coacceittee. J The shot iput has been added to tile Ms oehun afeciowl lest of evcnts beca~use it is felt that sing at thee exercises tosuors'osv after- extra. encouragenuent tinist tue gig etcno i gaut fth e l1 Co ry for thus rvent, as very fewe land Conservatory asud an -artiot cchose haveshon u fo it s yt. raciceability liac bee recognized by tile luae sowu u fa i asyet Pactceleadinug musical critics of the WestL can bc head in tile basement or on the Shee wil sing M1asclactonis 'Thou misn floor wvitih the covereit shict. Reignest its My Hteart." Mhss Gaff- Quite a good nuniber of muen arc ney's voice is a high soprano of re- ,working ,at the :running high jumup, markalbie sweetmuess. bet there ought to he more-. These Sadler In Chicago. comupetitions will be only preliinsary toteoe tte'ast 10C ci- r. Frank P. Sadler leaves for t h na le ~si3 t~e, hn M.Chi- the inur oflid evnt wll avecago today where he will speak before the Knickerbocker public schou;l under his name engraved on the D. K. F. priz cupthme auspices of the Union League prize cupClub. The subject of Mir. Sadler's Ora- Sophomores 'shoauld also 'ha-getting'tiou' will be, "Washinugton, The, Greait into shape for their' meet 'Mare-li°7, Amiulcir." Hon. Sidney Easton, 'TI, -chen the same events will be run oif ; will preside.