THE U. OF M. DAILY. BOARID, BEO AD. THE VICTOR League Ball will bat further and last longer than any other make. It contains the beat materials and shows the finest construction throughout. Every " official " league ball offered to the public is an imitation of the VICTOR. Demand the Victor in all cases. Our trade mark is a guarantee of finest quality. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Maces of Victor lcy I-s 'SPALDING'S Educa]ional Souersar ol . TWENTY YEARS IN BUSINESS A compete set,competlog Baseball, Foot - ba1lI Tsnnes aod Golf players an d a Bicyclist swil lt bscot to any address in the' United Sltatcs or Gnads upon the receipt of 10 A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York. Chicago, O'ilasitplia. Largest ¢Idsoolato er of Bicycles and Ath- 1dtb Goods in the world. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. GOF ANN ARBOR: - Organized 003. Gapital, $100,000. Sarphins and Preflt, 40,000 Trcannocts a general banking business. Ps res exchanges houghtandnsold. Frnsh letters of credit. P. BAGH Pros. S. W. CLARKBSON. ahier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, 550.00. Surplns, 100,000. Rtesorces, $1,100,000. Organized under the General Banhing Lawn of ths State. IReceives deposits, boys and sells excbange on the principal citen of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper Identification. Safety deposit oses to ret. Oresceeso: GChristian Mlack Preos~ W. D. Barrimans, Vice=Pres.: Gbas E. flllncsck, Cashier: M. .J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S. 48 S. State St. RIDE A "Gendron Bicycle TRUEST BEARINGS. MOST RIGID FRAME. EASIEST RUNNING BOL1D AT M SIAFBLERS Erile [ETporlM, 11 W. washiugtsgn St. ATIN ARBOR. NEW DINING PARLORS. OPENED AT NO. II MAYNARD ST. The 11y..eae i~oadieg louso has chaoged hasods. Will now be ran on a different pian. e heeybes.t0d.5~0boasrd i the cere well be served. Come and try it. andbee convioced. A special diet table only for those who wisb it. F. J. RENNINCS, C. W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS DO YO0U EAT ] NUT S? Fancy Mixed Nuts------------------0ceper pound Fancy Mixed Nus--------------1bsfor$11 Fancy Virginia Peanuts------------------0cper poundi Fancy 'Virginia Peanuts------------1 lbs for $1 DEBAN & CO M PAN-Y. 44 South Main street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. 'ta'irdiSeiletly, "98, lieae rettretoi college'. Dr. Cejeroest was callec totee ay Cily lt'eerly 1pa11t ef this wct'e. Dr. Naecerede lets bee'll eciiliol to lhe'h11u100for she Ipast few tliys cii acott ofl 01illnless. lesf. tRusscliletas fitedetillt cIII" is '11111101' diplays, of ironliand1copptter oes ec'sieived froeleethe 5vll'ttlleIiheS, (It teliehlegaIl. Book one Football. [Harevard Crimson.] A sseook011 fooctbalis lecimgpepartle'd by Lorin 1". Drielnd, roleele of ihllliu- vardelcev-enleer the ILst fouii'years, iandt 'et tlttran, ('teliellofttOurYale fotbacttll teeni forthIla bst ,d eencl yeaeis. 'T'ebote:cwillte by feelrst'e moest ecoieifeterwoerkttlonfootball ever'l peublishetd. It still cotisct ef thre'e vol- uie~its., Thelicrst is enil~ed, "Focr the Slettao'." ft'e secoiitd 'Fort'hsit Plaeru'" ead It'e thirtd "Forth'ter 'Tleept'etblieenels(subliert lasttelln- Coachl." im-g end 'lectetd I'C. Lintdley, 119 lL, CALENDAR. and 0. iltcllilg, '961L, first 11nd1seceolil yellmiaedters, eliose yells, order'ed Fri., F~e't. 21.-(Gradtlsing exeiclis badges snd rle iseel $600forbilmediate of Schiool fori' Nirse', llamphlithet're et t'1ies'ily bIlptal, 7:45 it. in. expenses. Sell., Feb. 22- Ili.lBt'njamlinliBill- The Cleelllletle'oll or'e'li.strt a l etstrlwothlin UGiev ersily Haell, 2:.34p. li. kiiidly tendterted its sersvicestto thle 1 i .,Feb. 28, 4 p. mi., Waecrmnan clt's iit'charge of tile Leape tee rt I gymnas'ium-h'Indoor meet, comipetitionl fotr ticat event, and1 they hlaatcepeltetdopecn to fitst year studelnts iln all ede- pautntents. il eout~y 'lefl ricsea sl Sat.,lob. 29-Boston Temple Quar- tee present. tetin lS. L. A. csurse. LawntNotes..9.-LeapltYear par'ty ill leof. Kirchier elctulre's to thelaw. W'ed1, 1'a'. 4.-t-ten. lHelry5' 'X 501r- classes eet'''illdy thits week. s1111i111.'L.1A.course'. .1 F 5' 'ii I IC7dl~~llt. Silt., Starch 7, 8 p. ms., Waterman c~t~li .1 . . . gymne~asiuim-Indcoor meet, complleti'tion msemlbers of tilefirst year lasw cleess, opesi Io all seceond year studen~ts in have ciscnililed hire woark i tile every departiplent. University. Fri., tlarch 13, 8 p. mo., 1Waterman The enrsohlment in theo law depelart- gymnlasiu-'Varsity indoor nmeL anint Ineluoive of thosr e tkng wt.rtc THlE 01100 CEf;NlIITAL ITLEAGE ill othler de'partmentlsstill neearly rechrl T'tftNlI. +7., --4--AA, -AIf you travel sac thlousn~d miles Closing Out We have left a fair stok of all sorts of - - WITING TABLETS which can be cloed 01t115 folows, MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FIR IC GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not be replaced. Comle quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. MOORE & WETMORE 61S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM,- UNIVERSITY - TEXT . BOOKS! For the Second Semetr, New and Second-Hanr which they offer At the Lowest Fric_ STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING GRANGER'S You can join or classes now, or at any time convenient to yourself, lhen term sortig whese you do. Office and Academy 6I ay eterd St. c. H. KEYES. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER PINS:-U. of M., A. A. H. S. Tbe finest in the ity. Come andsee. A ABIRICIK $ wi do bnt se of our hot watr bttles ill ep your feet warmer teecold nighetssed erhaps pr- vet a serious illness. A good one fr(5cents, the et seamless for PAL$EER'S PHARMACY. S Holmes mahes a specialty of party orders. 'Phone 1im from here.4 SPECIAL. T'HIFTAS & cSCIIA'I5selliSunts and Pants 1IJ at prices tosit eerybody; we also do repairing. cesing and premlig. Work called fo and deireed. No 4&.S. State t., tecosdisor. 0. St. MARTIN, Funeral Diector, Cloth" ad SMetallic Caskets and Common - Co00na. Embalming a Specialty. No. 12 . Wusiengtonst. U.O 4.SI SAVING PARLOR asd ath- sines. All appoitmetaSenirt clans." Imported'nd domestui cons. Ladls' ati- tic air dressing ad batleu parlors. ' . 0. Trojanowokl 0,0.State t. - WHEN YOU WANT your clothes cleend, p esed, reined or rebound go to Mrs. Fingerle, seer Sheehan's bootk store. Lab- oratory aprons made to cder HIC & AUSKERADE COLLARS ODENA & PATOKA CUFFS, LATEST STYLES. The grediiatelasowihl ltater the Seirxie Of FIn~inee to Pro'f. Adaems tis semester in place )fthelc 'reins- por-tition IProbleinas05 iinlllI1ede i the cetelogoc. The lasw'ficulty stilt 11o1(1 atimeeting dunring tho year yoll sill save money, by purchasing a tlasus'.inet nile ticket.' The bent in the market are thoe is- sued by. agents of Ohio Centrl Liues. They are good over all the important systemus including the entire 13. & 0. nystem wsta of, Pittsburg, the Big Four, etc. See agents of Ohio Central hFridasy n-it bnid the 1103111. of tile Lines before purchasing. Price $20; exttinateos till, bedete'riiurie',litngood one year.. nouneemuentsa ot which ss'ilh beoet sent u flue "University School of, Dting" nlext week. will give a prograls mparty to papil% To ten-40Wasuteaw ave, s~leaned other friends Satturdayy rveningo, ToRn-4 ahtnw -v. tsnl ebruah7 22. 0:K3 rsom, :south expsure, furnace heat, and bath. Neatly furnished. $+2.23 per Suite set rosms, 58 Packard st., gds, week. If occupant takes care of it batha room, hot end cold wter, $4 per' $2 per week. week, No belier roonts in town for the luoney. 102 SPEAKING OF DIAMONDS. One lrge, well furnished front suite If you have any "idea of Imaking a1 at $2.25. No. 20 S. Ingalls at. 159 purchase you shosuld by all mteans call upon Mesrs Wright, Kay & Co., of.Argus Bindery does prompt 0011 ttor- Detroit, before mlaking your chtoice. oughly up-to-date wyork. Their assortment-and they are the To Bent Cltenp-Two rooins, 10 5, only direct importers of these goods Division at. 101 in the stale-can hardly fail to aui the Swan Linen Papec will not wiear moat fastidious, out 97