VOL. VI. No. 9 '. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, NES)A.Y, FEBRFUARY 1f,1l, PiP. FOURt PAGl S-3 CENTS. WEDIl - - t IxT'A z -4 'RI4Q =z-I- a _TT NOW X) luiloruated, lie' silent l'ls'living 'itd- 0 ~ ~ ~ t 00BAooN IS 1 11 1.. Avg_______t RR l'ltd ('lcr(ditslo ro very ('('ely 1 of' ONE UITAR "0STUDENTS WHO STUDY ABROAD (50 ork. Ifi )' ti-onu0s 111h(Ifsll i Is enough for one person to NOT RESTRICTED TO GERMANY, one br-silh 11l- he still has his o- HN play on St one tilne. One 40 metnBchlrsDge i ihsie, while 1three, is lits benI 14 g itt i o eog , o -1 Adrriit to French Faculties of Sci- lrlroi((('(l ((O(i °thi licei'e. If' iu(11t d01 eus.,t' spplhy 3,00live-111once -Conditions Vory Advan- (((1(1(c1 inihis w ((rk 1 beo'oos scur ine, 101g deoiitsiiitly ilswily stock wesevhra(1ve1 4ta-e____ (ldegr((e, 1w(e(sllin hilor.( o (('iiih >o or1 IN N1 dozens ofg)ui tarso(f var1ious10 Ii ( Thefollowino aricleh 10191 1is('lp l ((1(11(1(01(0(11:10foe r t at http inalhes and01prices. Ill ('r fiom 11e ' 101-is Ilitionll -,tiii'o'he \o rk R~ ( 1(' 1n h kirk h l ',o- ol 111 I'lYr c~d ilb fit 0 h i0 BETTER xL031K AT OUR 10hl k I rol. il (01 (Us'5 SU. OF M. GUITAR. li I 101' wiho( (c((1((lllt(' s52IduYog A ((Oli' (1(51of1 ((11(11is olifse' 1 sy It's goodl as0its 111111. lilt i THE ANN A BOR ORGAN MCI till idin l'rol(-ee tdlo-lional (.ttrzili(uns ((1 11104slad 'c(((istry lPrance(' 1(0111h deIcIre( pa1ssed10 th(e1(I ' 1((((1 sn- (-O~o ll s ((((((10(1 '(l (til((or((t1 1w( O1RATORt NEXT SATURDJAY. IHON. BENJAMIN BUTTERWORTH OF OHIO WILL SPEAK. Sketch o1' His Life-Has an Eonvi- able Riecord as an Orator-Exer- Scises to Begin at 2:30-Admission Free. 1'1 hlw delm i'llilt:1(1(01 (111ah (isell {(sy0 5 v I 15t1(i11,"((' 5('o011forl (9 but 1111.1,11 ((y.e(thIi. (t ol (''120, 1 .32. Ills 1(.111(01 biso °, (1jlg10(11 1 S ODNe w a n (] S e c o n d - h a n d will he sold to stu:- dentis at special reduced rates I LAW AN"D tMEO01DAL BOOKS AT _____ ARIJA143 IiroaAN' N07210E. 11(1 -lir; oil ley a(l(( i((10'Olls ('(Ill 0(1' ((1(1 111 (((1" ((1 be ('kl( 1(11(1(1 1Hie Millero 1'1'quelltd 1(1(i11 a"11.1"t vs llioy 1(11(11 oi ielbel l alow, relt.re"(I tts on iteili of, over It):).- Virgini i itiunfer w'ho 1t td frfv(d his 0)0,000fr. slovv:- , 'Ind reiaiovitl". to Ohio bc,(°1>>11c Iii a lottev to All.. 11,1'. y J. l" nrherl. :u :ivo Avith Levi Coif-ill ill ill(' " izndor- Jr., At. Michel l3tre'll, tits well l nonrn ..ror ncl. r:Zilro;id." T'l), .ott wns edti- pltdologist, says: t mplis ing tll(yso reforlll 'Ire 11.{ k sHuh nt nlWlies for a (leyroo. >rr