THE U. OF M. DAILY. F PADI CS 4 Elducaional iJLT IK!Souvenirs ot TWENTY YEARS IN BUSINESS A cnoll e, opit lBs'eballIi balTni adtCoif p so ad aficyclist wi b sent to at, addresss i tss Unsted States or OCanadas uponsthe eseipt o 10+ A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New Yok Chieagog, 1hsi'nirphi Lams , ' II sfaturisisiof Bicsylesad Ath- heicGs. i(110the wrlnd. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ABiOR. Orgaizedi 168. Cpil, $100,000. SptiusendPoiits, @40,00 Tran-scs a geeral baig basiness. Foreis. ehaeges, boght anuisold Frish ette:;f credit P. BAChI'ses S.W CLAiRKSON Cashier THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital !Socke, V050.0.Srplu, 10,000. tiessseertes, S,1)000. Organised nde the Geerl Basing Laws of this State. Receies deposits, bys ad sells echange o the picipal cities of,the United States. Drafts ashed upon proper idetiication. Safety deosit oes to ret. Oritess: hristata h Fe Pes.; W. . Harrims, Vie-tres. CasaE. Hiscoc, Cashier: at J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TijrTLE'S, 4S S. State St. SRIE AT MIABic yce [pru 11 W. Washington St. ANN ARBOR. Spring Style ats'9 ALL NEW COLORS AND SHAPES IN STIFF HATS, ALL NEW COLORS AND SHAPES IN FEDORAS. You cafl buy all thb is week ouar $1.50 IEBDORZAS AT980. No. 9 South Main Street. I Closing Out We have left a fair stork of all sorts of --WRITING TABLETS which ran be closed out as followvs: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stork will not be replaced. Come qtuick for first choice. Args rinting House. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST,, CORNER OF WILLIAM, UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! NEW DINING PARLORS OPENED AT NO. I11MAYNARD ST.' Tb lylienis II dii Ilo s charmeI s ands.iilVIoweloi l cc sn s ifftrenst pie.Thei:vcrisis t$2bordin s tie eisv sill bc scrved.Csmesrad trisyt asdlli cnicii. A.spiailittsbleconly ftoseswhoishlit. F. J.RENNINGS, C.W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS i i IDO YOU SIVOKIE? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - c 7 Full Value Cigars for- --- ---25c C Prodigy Cigars for - - - - 25c 4 Owl Boquct Cigars for- ------25c 3 Royal Banoer Cigars for - - - - 25c I Lowest Market Price by the Box. For the Second Semester, DE N G OMPAN-Y. New and Second-Hand 44 South Main Street. _____________________________________________________________whirls th~eysitter EtGYPTIAN HIsiROGLiYPHICS. Mid-Winter Circus, At the Lowest Prices. Aid to Their Stcudy Issued by Dr. Thliii isil-itls'sirisis, on eriils tse Budge of Enigland. i ibesssitf liii' A nntiAshes Li i t ii STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING " E 9 that-sc's o(lests:lii isti lilil1nt'Mi expendld s15 ililitime'll G R A N G Piof. lit'gcsliisilliof (.)forsd, po- isinil c'ashlire'c~i'i thisessesssitG R I posesi'o rinalll dit sionsssof lsaii'lo issriteisIThe auien~i'tcei alt each iset'- Fosscan join ouri classes nose, or' at aniytimsecotnvenienst tos yourself, list "Htoryi l'of Egyis" in Araibic.s'xts'ndi-1 fisrisisitilli':l liii'rilk ad soiltrI- terins tairting lien you do. Office and ii; froin 1181 ito14111 A. D., sisrorililipIlthig issisi off silsmtly. Acaidcey 06'ts ayn1 st. to MRIS. ii h1e lIsdlihiiiitra.ry, us'e t'sotsids'rastle ipro sisesl talentil uss Briitcshli lse'iii, aisuithe l)illliothe' l i i151 1 fron1i'i'i' iitie forlit' listsoeei- ~ ' NaileslsS ioii andfillii'is' wiselsice\sr1 exs''lle'iil flD D A Lg flII IJEWELER, W'e hear ftist a ,gesisiliss'Vantsiorl'it thlbslocaltse'r'ol'iss, e'l'dls'tlhleir t Uo-voaeitnii ob.iite Nr ihtebs fterglt .r III MUUUfU.,LJL.H.S Stdo ccI at's' iil egIs:iiis li'isIlt liii'Tihat onle b'giyit('M'essUrfs.AA steib'IfEsysi il liiriglpissois '11 ts'elss'.Tha Isue byMises Ihe fluent in the city. Come and see, s bsssstoI le sssuli'l-l 1)3bya h'lssssklc ot risi's , la~ri' s and iSesitielt 'canis es-__________________________ entitleid "First Sltps ii Eyiifkil" lie Ps'ially gisosi. F. IF. Miyers, 'hI)L, l 1.. . : e,®^ lDr, E. A. 'Wi'allis Bdsge, kc'etper 5 ens'a- tesr) osf ssiriii sasisi EgypiiuiiAntli- quties ills'efBritishi Museumis, wcc'h is to be issiuedsdurinug use next fe'cc wceekcs. We iunaderstanid lthatlit scill consist of as sketchi of the commisonest andsimost tisefutO fairsct siieectd'vitii ft writinig and grassmsiar, short lists of (iso comnst sighs aind deternA-i natives, a list of about 500 comoissoi wcords, a series of texfs slid extracts, w'ithliniterliiiear trailebstious, fromn about It, C. 4200-200, anl a few' uss- lraiistits'cat'd slnd uiitraisslafs'd texfs, wcith fish glossary, to lie wsorkedl out indelpenldcently. Every Egytplian c'ordl sansi passage in the books is traslifer- stted, ansi nunmerouo retercinces cviii giditi the beginner to usore aedvaneds wvorks on the .subject. LEARtN TO DA-NCE. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger Cor'dially' invite those wishiing to lear to dunce Is callt atGrauger's Acudemsy.Ile offiee is on (lie ground dloor and just a step from State at. We run a school snVIletly, No hops given, Visitors, ex- cepxting parents and chaperones are not admitted. You can Join at any time. Miss Lou La Tourett, 194, of Fenton, Micli., is visitings friends st the Uni- versity. wasse ll' siig mnisliof the slssc' CALENDAR. Mon., 0'sb. 17-Second Semesater be- nine. Frit, Fsb. 28, 4 1p. 10., Viatermiian gyiuiilisisii-Iindoior meet, compe~titiont spin to first yealr studlents ia all Os- partmlento. Sat., Feb. 29-Ponton Temple Quar- (site in S. L. A. course. Sat., Marcel 7, S p. in., 5Aats'siatn gymnasitum-Iindooir meet, comspetitioni opon to alt secoind year sttisents in every departiient. Fri., Mlarcl 13, 5Sti. in., Watermar gymanasim-'Vsii'eity indoor meet. The matny patrons of Elli1s, the tailor, will be pleased to notice his ad. ina thissiue statling that hes dcill soonl be here again Mtr. Ellis did a+ large amiount of busineso here last ye-ins, and wve have yct to hear of the first Coii- plaint:. 95 IF YOU EVER VISIT DETROIT. And what studciit does notyen make a mistake if you fail to look through the allow rooms of Messrs. Wright, Ray & Co., on Woodward avenue, adjoining the opera house. For twenty-four yeat-s this house has been a synonym for everything fine in the line, of Precious Stones, Watch- en, etc., etc. Subscribe for the Daily. A BRICK $ illude but ine of our ihotwa ter bottles will heep ysoir feet sare-ire theseessld sn itstaid Tcirhaps pre-] centsa serios illness. A ood one for 165 cents, the best seamoless for A '1.00.! SPALMER'S ]PHARMACY. 0 Holmes nmahkeaspneecsalty of party0 orders. 'Phone him from hine. 0 SPECIAL. D TETAS & SCHiANI nell Salts and Pants at prices to suit everybsody; we also do repairing, csanng and presslsg. Worh nailed for and delivered. Nto. 4atS. Statdsat., second floor. 0 tY. MARTIN, Fueral Director, Cloth V.adMetallic Cantets and Common Coffins. Embalming a Specialty. No. 12 S. Washington st. UOF M. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- 1 0'ooms. All cppointsnenls fSent clas. imported and dommsticcsigars. Laih' artis- tic hair dressing and hatiing parlors. J. R. Trojasowski 80OS. State St. ITHEN YOtU WANTr your elothses cleaend, Spressrd, rrlined or rebounnd go to M~rs. Fingeri e, over Sheehan's bssot store. Lab- oratory aprons made to ordor CHICO & AUSKERADE COLLARS ODENA & PATOKA CUFFS, LATEST STYLES,