THE U- OF M. DAILY., R ]C I A E TTime Table (Revised) Nov. 24 1895. Mail and Es-1_ 350 Mail ------- 8 N. Y. Special:... 5 00 N. Y. Special... 7130 Eastern Eax-.----.10 12 N. S. Limited.... 9 25 Atlantic Es 7 30 Pacific Ex..12 15 D. N. Exprmn..._ 5 40 Western Es.___2 00 0l. R. Express ___1i 05 Chi. Nt. Ex.--10 28 (R}. ---5 57 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HiATES, 0. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor .11' RAILROAD. Timne Table, Jan. 014, t1896. NOova. S0UTH. 7:22 a. m. *7:40 am. "12:20 p. m. 11:46 a. m. 4:15 p.m . 9:28 p. M. All trains daily except Sunday 0Trains rnn between Ann Arbor and Toledo .ay. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR.& YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. -Leave Ypsilanti from Congress t., 7:10, 8:45 and 11:00 a.m.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00, :45, 9:15 and 10:45 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40, 9:15 and 11:30 a. in.: 1:15, 2:45, 5:50, 7:15, 9:45 and 11:15 e. M. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypslanti from Congressunt., 1:30,3:30, :00, 4:An=60 and 9:0pm.J Leave An ro unction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, 1100 and 9:300p. m. Cars ran on city time Fare: single trip 15 rental round trip tickets 25 rents. Was. F. PARKERn, SUPt. STUTDENTS T If you want good reliable life insurance call on F+red T Mic~mber, office No. 1, S. Fourth are. NEW MVACHINE SHOP HUNTER BROS., 9 E. LIBERTY ST, Skates Concaved. Experimental Work. RENTSCITLER, ANN ARBOR. ,MICH0. HOT LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS Chocolates and Candies -AT-- JOLLY &t CO'S. 228S. State St., Sager Block. Large Line of Fine Pipes, Tobaecos and 'Cigars. RANDALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. TOOP & CO ST 26g TATE Call on them for Fine Lunches, Finn Chocolates, and Bsaked Goods. Try Our Lunches. COTRELL & LEONARD, Albany. N. VY. Makers of CaPS i Gowns for Yale'OfIHarvard '06, Princeton '06 anid may we not add Michigan '90? Good Tailoring At Moderate Prices. That's the hasis of our hus- 1008s. No hotter Garments than ours. Nlo larger stock to select from. Our Spring Stock is UnusuallyLarge. Mr. A. E. Rose wil be pleased to show you oiur samples at the Cook House every Tuesday. Suits to Order from $20.00 Up. DEN EAGLE CO, DETROIT. THE COL I Roentgen Photography at Toronto.f Whi1l1 exp~erimlenlting with tile ca-tll- 011' 10ays011 opaque bies F'eboiruary 11, Miessrs. MeLellail sndWright, de1- mlonlstrators 1at Toronlto Unr'ilis-ly, 11ade1 a.lmost valuable 1115:1)501y by 11101119of Wrieh it 10slpossibleto)taike i10:0:1i0:1110015 phoograph~ls by 1110 ll(W p~rocess. Hthllerto it 11:16been foundl~ 111115055ble to foculs the:'rays wbvb E riot oaly 19a.9011 dirct-ly 110111 119e11eg- ative 1po10 perplendiculalrly to thelIc-1 (ctiolnSs -litl Yvaryinlg intenlsty. 1B1y c0velllg tlhe(Tooke- 191b)1-aill a class Bell jar.,0110 rays (are lire: tol doIIwnwrdI a11:1reflectionllobtalinled, prllal~ly foculsinig 1110 110s5 id giv- 110g anf ins~tnltanleousO' 11101rat19h. T1)e va1101 of thisoicovery 0011 readilty be tErnest W. (osl~itig, of Plula, 11., 11:1, 110011-c1hose1 to repreenlt IKnox College in1 t110Unio011leag:e)117 0:1011 i11on'110 Birthdaiy celebraionl:t1C(i- eago7. THE OHIO CENTIiAL: MILEAGE Tfi c J -l. If you irave: oesthlousatnd miles duiring the year you waill osive honoy by purchasing a thoutsatndnidle ticket. The best in the miarket are thlose is- stued by agenta of Oio Centratl Lines. They arc good over all the important systems incitidiog tile entire 13. &O. system west of ttittsburg, the Big 1Four, etc. See agents of Ohio Central Lines before purchasing. Price $20; good one year. PRIZE P01R SHORT STOtRY. The '96"lRes (iestoe" Beard offer a cash prize of $15 for the best 9110r1 story on a legal stibjeet. Conhribu- tions froio all departmenlts are invited a:nd 0111 Board reserve the right to use oll manuscript subnmitted. During the second semester tile labt- oratory of general chlernistry will lbe open to students bothl forenoon 0111 afternoon. Those wiho wish to se'cure tables should apply early. P. C. FREERt. Latin Course it),IRoitan Arehatroh- cry, wiii be given at 10 oclock Tues. day, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- day, second semester. F. W. KELSEY. 16,100 MILES. Always a. leader, the Ohio Central Lines mileage ticket, with latest addi- tions to the beat. Covering the Big Four, B. & 0., C., H. & D., Ohio Con- tral sod innumerable ether systems, It' Is the favorite Travelera' Companion. Fountd on State st., Friday. Fetb. 14, at purse. Ownuer can have same by clling at 9 E. University ave., and identifying the property. 95 FUNNY SKETCHES WANTED. Having decided to oiit short, per. sonal grinds in Ohis years book, the Castalian Board is desirous of getting; as moainy humllorouis sketches of Univer- sity life as posoible. If you know a laughtable inceident or amutsinig charac- tcr about tihe University, nmake a breezy sketch andl put it inth le Coo- t011:10 contribution boxes in tile main hll. O'NTIL COAIMxEN(EMENT. Te Daily fot $1.25. THE VICTOR -League 'Ball will bat further and. last longer than any other make. It contain:- s the best materials and shows the finest construction throughout. Every 1"official" league ball offered to the public is an imitation of the VIC'TOR. Demand the Victor in all cases. Otur trade mark is a gumarantee of finest quality. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. -Matkrsso itorBytls. f350. E;RK DTROT DNVE a- The modern stand. 1ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the 12 common every-day ills of humanity. Gibson & Clark, PHOTOGRAPHERS, 12 W. HUROCNST. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite LAWT building. TERMS $4 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. T. O. &C.Ry. K. &X. Ry. Solid th rougth trains btwre-eo Toledo, Ohio and Calestc~on, W. Va., ea tColambus, the short aid only diret route, Toledo, . Findlay,O. Keton, . Columbus, . Athens, 0. MiWddleport, . Pomery, . Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Rtithmond. Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va. Williamsburg, Va. Newport News, Va. Nforfork, Va. And alouteasern pins. Elegan drawinc roam cars on: all thrugh: trains. For further Information cll on your local Ticket Aet or wrte MOULTON HOU, Ge'l Ps. At., Toledo . W.' A PETEEtSicians Pss. Aget, iDet rt, Mic b Grand Opera House. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19. FROeNT? Tue Wittirt. ri nest, t::ecerrt of 'em all. AISA BOTONEIAS FI:Isx ,:ad a Ciev:r Conpany o Conedi::ss in HOYT'& A Bunch of Keys OR THE HOTEL. its fun ttle. its it flaser, its rnovety- catch~es. its the rearld'thng. Gret in its ntes So:ngs. in its n:e Dances. In its new Laughs. Provoking Situationrs. is its nis ut.,Ian ira tes lines and Situations. Prices, - - 35c, 50c and 75c THE KINDERSAROEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS MOS YTO LOt IN N ES~ONAL PHOPERTY. Wtholresale Cigars, Tobccos and Cigrettcs- This Old Rsthsbl - PERFECTION STUDENT LAMP hfas tenr tbrrn etual ed for reiding, seig anrd alhtec purpos-s The burner binc tp- fount, t is at soaly safe us icr a]aiorr: - statiets. Ifyordea:- edoes nt eep 00:them spun rece itt01 $3.5 thin elegant Nicel- Plated Lanmp, ioclud- - sha:dceaid chimery, wil be Bent to any adidress by theicree manc factorers, Miahattan, Brass Cr.,1M5 . 2tb St. N. Y. The new styles hve arrived. Opera. (rooks are the thing. Sot our witdow. WM. ARNOLD'S JEWELR'STORE IlHNGSTnRR, CAE Rai , LOnon-DAvis SlAcoman ToLr.Co. Cininnat, 0 I cat my vote for the tUnirsroty of Michigan, Ann Aror, Mich., it: the con- tet fr the $,003 lathe, which you oter to presents on March, 1, 10,10on techni- cal nchool receiving the greatest number of vote. Voter- Full Name. . ..------ Street Na------ --......... City------------ State . -- (Voters must be an least fifteen yearn otl. Ladles cannot vote ut aray aid in securng ete.