THE U. OF M. DAILY Published Daily (Snday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OrestE: Times building N. Main st., opposite post office. - EDITORS C. D. ARYa, Gr. L. W. XW. TsAYR, '6 L. S. E. KAsrrr, 'S.O .0 iAS, '3. W. X. HlissES, '8, E. L. Gssues, '80L EDITOR-IN-CI-IIIF . B. HAolsslON, '01 L. 1Mt WAGING EDITOR J. . TooMSo, 'o. B JStNE3SS IANAER L. C. WXV,sssn,'0. ASSOCATE EDITORS L A. Pratt, '00 G. M. Heat, '00 P. S. R. Smitl,'i0 . . E. Sherman, '0. FP.sions,'O. H. B. Gamssn,'OS M. . A. Pauci, '00E. I.b. teily, '0. R, C. aulds. '00I. J. L. Walsh, '030M. C B. bo, '051. Susanah iichardo, '0. The subscription pice of the Daily has been reduced to $1.20 is advance for the rest of the year. Leave subcritiss at the Daily office or with P. C. Mlye, . of M. News Stand. The entire abseice uf anyting lkc a bittr beeliig btwce o esIO'i oetc andstssiseitsowas well sow t ilthe mid-iwiiter circus. Mcir' was5 boreset. ed every otpoootuloY'f oi'a collct, since torc affair wsiaiagcd uilo' by citizens of Aiis Arbor andsisiXO lrgly ateiided by stdoets. X'ihe waS'05 liiig oflt'So, foo'theireXwas noiing to lpromptl it, ainid it is evidet fhaf.oily 'a friendly siit prevails loc. IXweell ihe citizcs of Ann Arbor ad the stuiietis of thic unisiersity. For an ifant of bui six semersters XWrikle is certaiily a prociouss cildlt, but isest0splreocious, cilrei li is occasionally a gooi iea f t niuisanlce. Xe cai bear wifi him andt his terms of edearmnt, hoeveri, for we't hope thait le swill grew wiser as le grows older, in eite of his eiirouiis appeie foi' ciestnuts. Manwih'il. we respectfully suggest Is the Curt Jester flint e substitute "Along here ando about this tiime look out for squasis," XWithOrololer aiologies tO lRe. In I. IHicko, for tienmotto sot' run- ning uaove the Xwaffligs knlo s 0 Wrinkle's editorials. The followisg eitioial from the Yae esss is equally apllicable at Michigan: We are incliied to 111111k tha there aie a goodly numiber of iieii at ale -who hiave a ey false idea of thie ti'o relationi of cubintre to deiocracy. They senm- to be so belt on lavig the lt-. ter, Ithat . man is tog.litlllsthe less of for extrmee areleoless in ciultire. E~achb shotldol, on the cooitrary, Ie~co ilop to Oaid assist ft'eother. If a maini'5s't'e oieeit bliel5591mi-ko'dit 'is boit liaturatl that lieOsh oli-iso' sitnoth- inig of. the sisob aboutItim, itiatlie iso considleraiteInlissdealinigs;twithi all menh, 1noatter lieu linnible intlptor 1hey meay be. In fact tlls is the vs- senice of .deiiorracy. Whlile osi tbe oilier hiandb the coniverse is eqsially true --the iian wh'lo mingles freely waitih his fi'lliowt'meni irrespecfiv'e of their caii- ita~l or social poositionicoin, if 110 li stiilsh anythinig at all, get somle good from eaeh'l-somlethiing flintsill makze Wuninure ofa gentlemnan. (Our pooit then is that,0 all mienl youngiiieiiat I-heuniv'essitis.--Count A. Bernsotf in ('lii ago oRbecordl. AT As for the nmodemn OXFORD. sindergratduate, as a rule lie is thle noost quiet and ieaceabhle of iioi'tals iiidI ha~s long sinice gli'eii sp such Vio- lenit deligiits 0asXXrenclilug off sloor- kiterkeis. . nasetiisg police'Inei's or 001u501ilg up to bargees. Not float lip- is tiie least dleficient ill spirit or cour-1 age, is those wh'lo have watched the footbaill mnitteles in the' parkisXill readiltis e:St's' ,bet. excest _s o - Chicago's Basehohl Schedule, 'T'elcbiaseball seiedle of th c i'iitor ,0ty of ('liicago,0as arrangoti to (laiv is 00 folios's: .Apriil 21, blilsil Medical School at 'Varsity; April 2.8, Rbsli Medical. Scrhoob at League grounids; Maly 0, Noritiiwesterii at Evanstoni; May 1), Mlichrigan at 'Varsity; May, 13, Michi- gani at 'Varsity; May 20, Ahchigan at Ann Arbor; May 22, 'ornell at Ithaea; Mlay 23, Oreiige Athiletit'slit (Orange, N. J.; May 25, Penssyl'aoiia, at l'lb- deiphia; May 27, Yale at New! taveni; sliould try to develop both of these I ' ~ ' ~ " May 20, Itarvaid at ('anibridge; May echaracteristics: ansd this lime ounr sug- liceiisetd saturnalia as a. college "rag" tMctgi a csot gesfiolis are especially i iecteol to or alobuiiposulpiber, hle keeps his totce Aole'dt tl eaine wt tbose wh'lo make utp the more maorkledtand tinmper under iperfect coiitriol aliln ord setriatOagti ilb ileiocraie eeineit i eac ellss. tivtates a digniied repose of manner 'J'lesy enisate quiifemisitakten if te hc playedl wih the ('hilcigo Leagu~te teamsal think that altheye mo'eilthi X'stl oulddo creodit to as inenuloer perinl tppetancftemoreittol oetoo fortnllpoirn(,altl oor' of XWhite's esor Arthur's. Anythiing like ISTOltY OF THE fINAISSANCEF. fortin i acquirinig out. siowilog to'-lit loudneitssor ostentation is vettoed as The class in tilettistoi'y of ItelRe- hie worold calls "polish," is isnconsitent badb taste oanobit miay be' aiddedl that -is ewilb iiedt wle taith the truest Yale Spirit. O i' sih ll ,s odess is as quiet a10his deloorlt-llt. Apoplicntions for' menmbershit shlouild loot 10050ensomrate ii~'be handeid in as early' as possible. 'fhle noloseueat n artii'lllr Notiiig, ideetd, is mhor'eimarkalel'first sneetisngstill be cin XXenesdaiy, aloc, lout shlli conent ourselvs w~ithi simpibly riinbg the questiontwe than1bi the contrast betwoeeiilt'e cos-1 Feb. 1D, at 1 o'clock, in Rloono 7, T'Ii hiaiv' introducred aboe: 8110101 swe of ftlie of tile undergi'aduoate of half a psan Hal. 1 urthuer erranogemnt-,,Xiii he moaode then, particuhiarhy as to timte Yale loot 1p0y'just ai lithle miore altenz- entury ago, asodepictedibyLo'feech.. orofietgthrae. fion to the external evideiics of reline- ('ofbetmeeie.aninglt o hshliereaber X.. O Y znn2 _cissors of thle pre'seiit da~y. '~T's''h- FEATURES OF FOREIGN STUDSENT vii coats, the gaudy selarfs, tillsm-itidentScience AssociatiofctnhelPoietiub- LIFE. lroioreel ossis-coaIs anti the tiroh0si'ls lications as thiey come out by coohihog "Woith poatt'rnis of oriental gorgeous- at r'oomi 11, Tappan IHall, at 11 a, in. INe rct i'm-hss" taornby otie insuii'ertitsle co enany dy ecpt Saturday. Five GE IANY. tosses of stoilnco f hyer1 numibers are sowotyumt anti a sixthi, do- lEMN ifeoiis f010 1a 845 b-avte bitlono'" Ifmpirint their voted to city government, is printing, chrce ntee er.Theooeis Ohnt yassuettith lliil'Memobership, sw'hicho includes floe pub' characer on llese eolrs.Norfolk jacket to thie boots and0t gait- lcafions, is openi ho all students at $1 theeicssivedrnkig o ber.a~e ryirs, ftatsober aiidlcai'efully blendled. a year. st-hoisntidtte soodtleliutse ofior light bee-r an ollossei rerrvlitiodh, luit lre- gr'ot fuss yountg ieiishiosild hlithle tisndency 0o learno to think fifteen or twsenty glasses of beer a00 iiglil- ot for thi saskie of enjoymoent, lout for thle honor of boeisog able to drinik so mullch. 'This takes 101acce-very night. :and0 the isiiiutal has difficulty too stitholnast' imlself 'froutwhti all his rontiat-_'s thinik secesaury. Miany histudtll takes fromlithio, habit the gernl of ill hieathoisofo his laiter life. Thle seconsdo odark bointit.touslinisg. It is true thlat these duels are nof of a very dailgor- 0555 character. The placessshereoh stotiuol. miht becomie fatool arecacooe- fully bandtaged. It is also trsue tliait they do lost resuslf from real elioify. 'They are, iii truthi, hiardly nmore thiani ans athletic sport. Thbe younng man whio trields tioeswvord, strenigthiesits arm and learns to keep a firsom verve iii danger, In thitvastsiiajority of cases tile conseqsseices" are only slight cuts, wvhicho disfigure the face, bsutlre considei'ed as okens of honor. A de- rision of our supremoe court of jusfice hironsinllgray or bi'owsnIt tsonoly to-len lie hoits Ohoi a lsmokinhg suit (iflihe has osoe) os'eqhusioshimiiseif for liii river that the underradle -o to ieak-iushos iifo color. 'l'lleinis- deeid, it is a caose of quot honines, lot cshlores.-Mhoickss'oot'o Mlagazine, Dr. It. J. Frost, 'S9 ' anidt'94i-M, 'io boacticing at Itockford, Ill. CHARLES II. COOf EY, Treasurer. NOTICE. It svould f t & great accommodation to hear from all of the senior its waho ilave nut repliedl in regard to caps and gowns XV. C. BORST, Chairman. UNTIL('OMIMENCEMENT. 'hue Daily for $1.25. Els, The Tailor, vvaOR CH ICAGO.O, -WhLL BE AT- THE COOK HOUSIE Week of March 2d, The biggest line of Foreign Novelties in Stiltiugs and 'Tronsering s ever displayed. A guaranteed saving of 25 per cent on every purchase. WA I T FOR HIM dress and niannier alit conversaissi alt Leipzig, Ithtiese studensts' duets and muany other things. NotAv the last are real duels, taas strongly criticiscd thing 'in the Xorld for us Io coh:hlDn.-teGra alaetls itr Is thy democratic spirit of Yalc. Just as :long as it hasts the uniqlue chains- N otvitissiandiug this, st-cc'aninot con- Or of Yale life taill remain the lit-- cider these duels quite so hearmiess. cious ioossstoo of all sundergraduaites Dueling is, alas, not abolisihed yet in --and the noose genuine ant. real it he- Germany, and duels in after life, then oines, the better fur the Uivesity.geralexctdwhmoeedy But to us it seems as though theregeeoly xcudwtinoseeay should be no clash, lao conflict, no sveapouns, are natural so long as such friction betoveen thishertage and true views ao'e held as honoble by Ihe