Alk VOL.' VI. NO. 10. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1895. FOUR 'AGES-3 CENTS. R-1I EZZM M= t 7 ilit lP BAIRLD IS BACK. " FRESHMAN NUMBER." 1 Wrinkle Made Its First Appearance SONE GUITAR 1 LAST YEAR'S CAPTAIN HERE Yesterday. Oilj liAGAIN.enuhfroeproto11 -_ ~ Is noug forone arso to 'The daiy oiisehieh Wrinkle :ippewii's ll pla on at one time. One y 4 as Out for Practice Yesterday-N1~~antbe n ntell goit s oteio^h,1 Work of the Eleven a Little Loose 110 ever, to supply 3,000 stn-11 More Men at the Training Table. v(1 ol ye'ii. 1111 lirstn. iilos-ci' o 1 dents. That's why wea have 9 Volume Ill made its la'lerllce Ib1is 111 constantly in stoclt severl 'IThere Nw"asnii ilpartint dditioli to Irlloeullif. Illollcil hgitself. 15s011e' dozens of guitars of varinous 111 the fotstal 11 11 yeti'iiliy. It ('110' «1e;lnion Noilr' fakSand prices, .inl the is'rsoi of Jl lii e 10.-ti- 1 i a na ea were-rthi sn BETTER LOOK AT -OUR r14 ill coolfront ( 'hiergand 1( leolileda poe, rnke c'iseca11o tU. O .G IaR Il141 Senior elltllleci' yestertday flo n111. s5111111 til.111, 1 (I1110 1' heel 11111111'1' i 11 It's good as its name. lt l 'l i 1) t' lt 11yella)111rlS w i1111 l i lll51 1 ~1. Ex- IlTHE ANN ARDOR ORGAN C' 111Oat1Il taetil-lKneeliilaa f '1100 emlyi 11"'1101 11011011 lind l aof1tos 5: Ipal -Inee, tile c-oer de cili 1)(in1 by 1 .411SI. 11thel' o~'5 111 lii favoirite lartist, 1R. 1.. I agite. ~ lii'1'111'ii 1 1'. DiekI1'ewordis "lbniveroity oi 'diehiga1i" Villa . t. ). -lohlnooi' S T UlD EIN' v~ 1. Jhnson . g. i1enbe 0ti~11i11 ail lt110 on01e1oer atF YOt) WANT . -Henninger 1r. g. Biker Tile l-lllle-pliecel 511a 111010 1111 A B argairs '1rhhol-o l b1. e. clilne icig"Vi Irshl1 Lf.t OBERLIN iNOVEMBERI 16. SCHEDULE FOR THE SEASON IS NOW COMPLETED. Six More Good Home Games on the List - Detroit Athletic Club Here Saturday Instead of Albion -The Schedule. 111 11:111<1 ' ill :111101(will51nots1 t h 11 Aliion. ill 4li«2'5Sitirslly l zlis E i 20111d1 lvl il~le" aofth sot 111101 W l~lsi('1 t Aillal eolis. es2oho ilot b~~t. AT TI~~t' 1111 011 10 11111 b. 11 ot ilg l~lil il 010 Asllll ('Illflilt 1 l l ' 1e ls1ell 11 STU DENTS' BOO KSTORE Iva.141pt ill foIcetro n thiil~g enc?;: (,I ~'Thicr 011' xit heplro( Law ,inl AModicts] Book-, Greek ,iltllie''lI'11 011 ii 1(l155 i 11 illil ul111 11 lih'lP legoe Text Books at redued rates file ogiiiiainstll 111 i ll 4,111 11 tbrll 1xpress1- tilel' t it l (liiil. tol stuldents. Dr'awing lIastromnents 1e101'heitei1r''1feenc(if 11itIler 1(1111 '111'elIrl'stllall I'ait"' is a ii ll( andi E11(gineI's' Stipplies. 001was1 0 111 ot lilllnd f 11ili 1111 w11,llli'eCIiill f'.lio'lli 011111' it 5110 sfioundediti'i 11 VVIiLA..IE . fLail-i, B5'. fau ~alt 1E-t!'aiiuyall it' h fiii 11o1 U1 0 Il e0111rle lid it.- It 'NE FIA\I[ WFA.T MY W 1T Field DayAppoaching. gil-i'lltoi"eto-urage plillt ltn(:I, t 1 lis Il by thelii till'f11111 lil15 l li0 1 1 01 t'ill' aTisyear'O-ber-lnisl-tlainelii byllt 1111ilE 111.11 11 1' i'lla , h 'lir i 0111 1111s11113 11113i'll'' liiave telll 11t 111h' theaistance of). A .1',Mt. ichards,1111 e Y'l srinter). lake tlistii ll l .X bsalar 'Iel.(211.t('isoA.SC.iot, t.-A 11t as' "pnto.2. laeoetimeion ti ovel. hi -'000'.ill. Ilioleehill, t111. best1 ililI - oo-e. I)'l'uuil. Coo-.e 2e-e.Ktillilny11101Helyailthe11 way of text-books, supplies, etc., n00 01111 It 111'he tllk~i' i Oid "ugett ingit '(101' 11111an1d111111' , FrtMeig fAe matter what your class or depart- Frs'eeig f.dlpi ment, st either of ouf stores, and we ova'11110forlte ill 111fie'lud 11e1' next i0'i'97 have the right Bind at tile ribght Piiy.:erl l hee otn Bible Institute Over. T11e1 sbil111i 1iucietyuf the1 literary-3 price. Bring arond a list of your11113N'uiIoallu'llillitcs_____ wants; a trial purchlase is thea best aIenew studt,,,,li , 11111oave1of the illd liTlhelIileIni iistituteilos(A- tsiu s--I ~~iill'Crtlel'il 111o11111h'-; fiest naeiilg trade ali thelearll. We buy, sell and exehanga second-uentieus c11101't11 T'u'iili"-ull ith 111As- tte's Ivu'e'faily wue 11'IlI 111ll«'boh 1111y icoV'Iillg 111t 8iaSlo(°k0. 1111' pro- hand hooks in large quantities, cad 5sui zt Cillitiill 8C11111atlth1111'iUip- 113'studentsllo111111 tow n11015oiut ' ' gelllll 10 isi t olloowo: Olpeniilgf;ei'l-lik, can offer youl special hargains in I'lls. (Oborn;111111111 i'S vot 11',F- this line. W~e are sole ag-ants for silosulllose 01' Manlage'r BRcllld iat laot Ii'ICnu' ill till'sirius 551s5givoli n -.iii,;iilolu,3151.C'u thle celebrated Watermall fountainA.Ster;bzjdu, I i Nw pens-ever'yone gularanteed. You'll 111e Alpha Della tPlii 11011se. Ally 1Distnight by iProif. Willett1, andi f1'''-ton11nd 11111 '111 iscs-s115115l1i- f 'lzi~riIt, also ind the hesttUniver'sity Station- u-s-litl-loutt asulalbl-o~ttl uiIbll' of it 00'11Sovsr till't«oui lehill'Irs opiinedhi'lI ;i; 111ro111111111 bbali',%''lllsovvt, crNoery osDafigNuopistuetiu' BooksO 'lil Draftoui)0ng uiS'1111 110111111i00e'i 1111-'us liiil lltihlial ufiIleTil Sweaters, ,atsecalrte t _t etcoenue.opeito at b 11 special ad nwee nn) ratesihr i,, at m- f ernn I-iuht'110ff ' tepo aginl. 'lio uhueries aloung their ' u'o le sh~oulllildibe siiuuu'd iiy till'statu',''311. W H t S1110W ill embruy3ology' oill 111100be I I----'I11111l15inIte 1,1 ,1u'.i-(,: volll solo1111 tip Tiwn, Dolla Tasn. conducte'Ld by Dr)1.IHube inp111ce0of Di'. lulberl' 1111ret11unhd frlomn3:1r. C('i'gill; git'llll 610'5i1111 lo, lii taU ie yilot lare, Oppouie fmtai.Tus 2U5.1tae11.4 at. IDr. - 'tomrricli. Europile. by 'Mr. fLoisoli'Y.