THE U. OF M. DAILY. BOARDn, BOAR1D. Closing out 6sNEW DINING PARLORS OPENED AT NO. 11 MAYNARD ST. We have left a fair stock of 1The flygep ledi In lo asicagd had. Will flaw be run n a dileent all sorts of o umbia pl~~an. Tevrey best0badindthe ietlywill be served. Ceaiandtyi andble covne.A special dit table aly for tose who iish it. -AfI~~f A LT F J. RENNINGS, . W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS. _- WRTNGT BLT n © Y Li M OK which cani be closed out as DO YO SVL K? follows: 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - - - 5c MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5 Y7 Full Value Cigars for----- ---- ---- -----25c GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR 100 6 Prodigy Cigars for - - - - 25c ODWIIGTBE, - 8 43w ou~ Cgr o - - - -25 CRANE LI NEN TABLET, - - 150 3Royal Bancer Cigar for- - - - 25c BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, 350 dS ~Lowest Market Price by the Box.s- DEAN & C-0MPA -V-.WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. h44 South Main Street. TEN & C viP N . qhis stocIk will not be replaced. Come quick for first choice. re heeeUy[ iNVERSiTY NOTES. Subscriptions to Women'a Gym, Argus Printing House. Ott. se the I htFat: erinig -baily will har Duigte tli wool 2lla1. (,bbeenIa i eo veeiryIbs ee. nrt ii iisaYil o ipias l O RE & WETM6ORE ll l i rgnlmllii orlih l , llllelkretl(,! IA in is i sni rii o ns11 a1nd sealter iili e Shool of llis ill le-1 Vi aHerz, /$_ 6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., gi nstiee. e. Blahi.iii;-. CORNER OF WILLIAM, Thliii' lieparenitlel Was1 11ca-lledt is E .Nihlsa. $" RAVE A COMPLEE SOC or tl l '12 r, tis e I, h- 11111 Dr. ..lB.Fitzgerald, $,. UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! X91 LDI G S ittfatenttled loml ae 1111 lilelitlee, 511s.A. I.I teatat, :$111 i was e (illiashldIbtforie myl ditiel- li-tnk Show $_i.New and Second-Hand. vo1eiws donet."l. Taylor. $t. Nte bals ad oiler Stdent' Spplies. Educaional i uli ltll-- med tXf iA I hNl~'. Funtain PnsFine Statioey, Sprtig TT tr (! [ff(() C Ai iporantchage s nnoneed TONGHTAT price'. sGodalofeewicathetofer t lawelwet T (E! 1 JE i i teat, fole IUi]ext two iiileretut I-s will 11111et S o'cockaloni - Suveirs01 ~ 5 in teS. 1. A. cetise. altis 111111li cteeli-li ga, V t lia lixtileil Call and see us before Purchasing. eovnr o + s will setak Ii ittr y r 1 i d Ih11111-- 111111 ll -itili leftri-l iitheio11551 TWETYYERSINBUSNES attleirttii will i-anie lrci 4. tltileng cotiece". [Ie eas iarii, THE ANN ARBOR LIGHT INFANTRY [le1 ltasselid a siort netci in lregii ue henaio ixi l A n i oecwP .igBsbl.I"t i~tball, Tennhils ind Volf phay riana i a lisit e slerday lyter1thier afternoon le- for untextTesdtiy eCvnrilI i 11111 Stlltes r et aada apn theirer nt at 10 lulls Ia lsteni iia relot fioiiithe Shol 0of ans-ugmi~iiiollisiteShuollof Feb. 12 to 15 A.. (3- SALTIIN(3- & IROS. senior01 1 tiluine Ikaralg ieils for1,lii- inc11luitee Aleuir iprofessina1 lis to NeSi lnc, hluejll. Viaslliniconls iii-lyltty telelsto 1 lily iie the term iti llii so li i bi Ieliaii the Saudar iatine. NwYr.Ciao ildpa they (1. ________________________ Largest Ala~ttsfterrx 01 iiiyles aitdAtist aItx of ily cenills oti5oei:ti leic Goads a in the old. Studb ilsiaililt i althe lir i- C.IH. KEY ES. help______1111meel 1111 exenses~. liln nett week soilli ltdii' l n iiii olu FISTrNATIONAL BA. . I lulet otcsille hltlauii le- oiol b, ei-l tuo the n (Ia it iil ii lDER A HUSIE J WELER cont otlize sotifhe ctams in in eltoiis 1111111 esc-ry-word aiii ti l I~I iIUL-I OF ANN ARBORil. ii bliai Iii bI i ita oille riliedl ilnithigh-IlamPs.5-UofMA.A3 Orgait.iO a~l hei yProrse1,th bsswiiltiNS:U.oxM..A Ill S Capilalit,, tbt. Surplts indroit~ 40,001 be diidroisiit iit o setio. tie ietii- Tt-E OHIO CEN~iRAL M1ILEAGETlefnsintecy.Cmadse Ta tatue to a geettealbankig bsiness. ing run4 toi IoitiMondatly 11ith to- The finest_____ in__t_____city.___Come___and___see._ Itoeic , siit iitges boghtttsdsold. Furiish II 1 letter-itf Credit. oheri tn Thirsiat-fiomitito in Ii f you tavloeavesndmle av ella tliottaPe.suid RKO. ahir.Roaih.Cemcleslhnioy d rig h ya yuwilsaemoe CALENDAR. y pulrhasig a thiouiiiit iileit A Vaenine THE ANN ARBOR1 SAVINGS DANK Thit bet in the makit ae tose is Irate shape f nof er Capital Stci, it Wt spluus,$15,(t. Sat. Fib. 8, 70) . Iio. ,io. sued hy agents of Ohio Ceiii IIL1n1110 fluxs f PLOWS1CHICAGOi ltesris i~, olhtIOItk )t(ttge5 rin-(,eitee,77 Wulentuo, They ure good ver all the importinI (CHOCOLATS woill be Intte C Viganzed underetite nertalBtanking Lawn n -igof(~drlO ..rb ysema inchldiog the entire I. - O. peper thing. thank oret it. of this State. heeires idepoits, bays andMitgifCltll(hb& sells excantige oentliiripcipelal ciies of the Tues..IFeb. i11, S8u p i., Unuoeriy system oet of Pittbug, tio ig PALMER'S PHARMACY.# United Sttiosesftrtihisted spon prperForet.SeansofhiCnrl ~Identiicatian CR Stfety deposit bxsse o rnt. Hatll, (hiool tUiionlSeries, 'i. Alil-Fur t. e get0e hoHetal oBlmes maes "a seeialty f party 7 lamtn. Cheelstaa Itre.;Iis.c, Ilivrlvoi L 5.Aui aeii ies before Ipurhasing. Price $0 uieo Paehitfanhr tarrimnti-rsl aitltkrst W ol Tfda iliit IAu Le Lines; dodrs Ponli rokee Cashiert M . Fritz AssstantCahier. pianlist. good one year q tiri. ltirt 13,. s p. im., 1 WalliliISTLOIIY OF THlE RI SS ANE. SEIL Lowney's Chocolates. gyuiltuiuuuuu 'tritiy iindorut.. ll-el. I~~ot Lunches. ~ Thurs., Fel. 13, 8 p. 1. Y. A. C. A ile clas in the Hisoy of the lRe-____________________ HotLu che. ectreCouse SwssBel I~ngrs nlstisatl ee vill be limuieduto10 toou-e. ThIETA & CIIANA sellSus and Pats Lectre itniocSubsI-hll tlilers.J-Iat pries to sul everyboy,oe also da -- Fri., Feb. 14-lirst Semester closes. .Applicallouho for mnuiuililai shioul~ repairig, cleninug sad resing. Wlak ' ibeluaniedin itaS early a a pooiihi T.p betaled for and defvered. o. 48 . State St., MUTi' ,gnou. Feb. ]7-Second Senester be- eeud hhor. TUTTLE'S.4$ S. State ft. fusetwturulihg oill bt u on tllueslty, _____________________________ lu-h. ilo clok, in loouuu 7,ela- M MARTIN Fneral Director, Cloth 1Fri., I-eul. 28. 4 p. ii., AWtteriumal. 1 ats1O. and tMetallic Caket and Cmmon ' n- tuItl~ e hmiiilttioin111all all.Further oallgellents oill Colin. FEmbalmig a Specialty. No.. tt I. gyuuutauuu-Waiue o iohi te ~sintnst~o. Opten 1 toet year slu-udntsinall ide- b - ad tenl~tiiculirly as to tule of lieetiigftheretfte.-TTOF IA. SHAVING PALOiI and Ouili lltiirooms.O. U . rom. All ppoltmesir Sst clas. RIESat., Feb. 29-Boston Temuple uar- :AttIE V. 1DOW. la oied anduometi cleas. Ladies artis- tic hatir dresing and bathing parlrs. JR. U~iIUSt.,Marceli7.8 pil.ll illllthi to be absent fronthfle IUiversity freni I7BESYOU SlANT yaneclothes ceend, gylunasili-Iilihliel het, t onilt tial inte 10th to the 24111 of the nont, he rd, reied or rebond gob Mrs. open te all ingerle, over Sheehann book aoha. Lab- Bicycl OIICOto allserolud yere stuenlts in requests all Studeunts who desire to oranry aprosanade to order RESBERINGS. every deprtl ent.Cnfer with in in advance ibout FAE hi okf etsmse ocl ASSTRNNING. IFi YOU EVER VISIT DETROIT. th-ookfrneteletetoclI at Room 4, Tappan Hall, on Wedneg-- And what student does not-you day Thursday of Friday of this week, make a mistake if you fail to look at 4 o'dclc. - through the show rooms of llesss. R. A. HINSDALE . CHO&AU EAECLAR ri enue, adjoining the opera house. Latin Course 10, Roman Atchel MiM SEO'S CycIetEmporium1 Fr twenty-for years this house has gy, will be given at 10 oclock Tes ODENA & PATOKA CUFFS, 11 W WahintonSt. been a synonym for everything fine day, Wednesday, Tursdiy andlFri- 11W ahntnS~ in the line of Prcios Stone Watch- dala, second semester. LATEST STYLES ANN ARBOR. es, etc., ec. F. Wi. KELSEY. _____________