THE U. OF M. DAILY. MIGHIGAN G.mI4 Time Table (Revised) Nov. 24 1895. Mail and Ex--350 Mail--------8)38 N. Y. Special---. 5 00 ,N. Y. Special.... 7 30 Eastern Ex--10 12 N. S. Limited.... 9 25 Atlantic Na.---7 30 Pacific Ex----.12 15 0. N. Expres.--.. 5 40 Western Na.---2 00 G. N. Expreas ---11 05' Chi. Nt. Na----10 28 GR.Ex------5 51 0. W. RUGGLES, 1H. W. HmAES, G1. P. & T..Agt., Chicago. Apt,, Ann Arbor RAILROAD. Time Table, Jan. i3, 15196. se22a.m. soevoa, . *12:20 p. m. 11:40 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 9:215p.M. All trains daily except Sunday' *Traina ran beteen Ann Arbor and Toledo Rny . S. GREENWOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., 7:10.,8:43 Sand 11:00 a. m.; 12:.45, 2:10, 5:00, 0:45,5:15 and 10:45 p. m Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40,90:15 and 11:30 a. in.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:50, 7:55, 0:45 and 51:15 p. m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congreosust., 1:30, 5:30, :00, 6:30 and 0:00 p. m Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:00,5:30, 7:00 and :30 p. m. Cars ran on city time Fare: single trip 15 cents; round trip tickets 15 cents. WM. F. PARKERa, Supt. STUDENTS T If you wcant good reliable lice isurasoce call on Feed T McOmber office INo 1,S b+oarts ave. NEW MTACHINE SHOP HUNTER BROS., 9 E, LIBERTY ST. Skates Concaved. Experimental Work. RENTSCHLER, PHOTOO00AFHEXL! ANN ARBOR. MICHt. HOT LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS Chocolates and Candies -AT-- .JOLLr.Y & COC'S. b205S. State St., Sager Block, AgEe Line of Fine Pipes. Tobacecos sasd Cigars. RANDALL Photographer' 15 Washington Block. SKAWES, KNIVES AND RAZORSi l1svsn,7purchsed thse full line of -amp c-Iskatslknives ad ra-ors. fromn1sry Sears& on at adscount of5U per centwe nowoffer thsem at tbhe same di-sot, JUST ON*4E-HALP OOP. A rsod pasir of slates wortb iscsow Bec A nice pocket knisfe at from 8c to 35c. A good razor ata50cothers 75as.500, and $125. MA &OX & CO IPA1Y, Furnture~. 56. 58 and 60 S.Man St. 'Phione 164. I ave arrived. Tbe Ilsrgest and fsnest assortment evershiown is: Asin Arbo:r. Suits fior $14 to K)t0. Pansofromo81 to 112. We knssss tha~t we csa please you ansd 'twill please you to looik at our samnples before buying siriucluussisbings. FJ.Glen, The State St. Tailor, 20 S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. "I Medical Examinations. _ LAW BOOKS FtOl SALE. For sole chea~p, 17 solo. Westsern Re- Easoisonatiousin the medical s2llart- Sorter; 14 vs l.awysezss Reports an- intist will lielielid as follows: siotated; 7 vols. Uniited St:aes Digest, Seniors- and several text-bsooko. Aihply or asS- lion., Feb. 10, at 9 a.ino., suirgery, dress 1S S. Thlayer St. hospital.- Tis,., Feb. 11, 9 a. in., dis. of sineTr-EN S vows10S0s., hbsilil . Tk orKd okt Wed., Feb., 12, 9i o. iii., gyiiecology, Ts~yu s:dbbsest hspital. 8ERR1(MAN, THlE PHOTOGRA~PH[R, Tihrs., Feb. 13, 9 a.Di., pathbology, Ssifeis ai s id IIi ss iFri., lob. 14, 90a. in., derma+tolog~y hspoital. LiOGE-DAV So hAtsssss TsOsIs CO. Juniors- Ciciati.a I cast my vote for the Cnis-s c-sIy of Mois., isis. 10, 9 a. 55., thseory :11112 Michigan, Assn:Arb~or, Michs., hi:: 1 o lo~iticlississthllosgiciaip11. test fore e$1.50llsh, swsiel,:uofe Tuses., Feb. 11, it a. in., pallology, to recsen~to March,, I, oisI:tIi. eclssi- pahological 0am1). cal schosol receiving tisegreaetst nsumber ' ' 2, . 15., i~atciaisie. of voles. Wesd.,sies. 1,9a . mtrace-Voies Pssll Naissss r. . ..---- ---- icas, losvsr lectusre toom.Stet o------- ------------ Tbtrc.,FOb. 13, 9 a. so., surgery, lostw SretN er lectusse rCoi.ii City . . ..---------- tte .------ Sopiono7's- Voters must bse ars least flees: yeasrs Ssslsllssliss-es-old. Lasies casnnot sole bust sma:y aid is: Mon., Feb. 10, 9 a. i., enmbryology, ucricvts Note the foloving chligoes in dates: A~ 'R LL Iumr~oist, IN UNtIVERISITY MALL, SATURDAY, FEB. 15TH. Stl1jct-" American Society Up to Date." Admission bO Cents. HON. HENRY WATTERSON, IVACH4 These chanesOhase seen mtade necessary Iby the faict thatt Maox Ol'Zell sails for Eu~rope etly in1 April. Tickits for Max ()'Bells leoture now onD sale lit Pslcocis Di-uig Storelindi Sheehan'., Slate ~t.,. Moore ,& Wetnores, Mi4aii St. Grand Opera House. Monday, Feb. 10.. ENtGAGEENOF~0 MINNIE MA D E R NFISKE and heradmisablscompany wll pre- ssst forthefirst posessfoldraa 11 11 lose-croons. Tueo., Feb. 11, 9 a. mi., tphyosily, u11p1er 11)11. ~esI., Feb. 12, 10 a. ni., Ilygis-lis, is~tioislogIsil iamp. Trlitssssl::y., Feb. V, 9 a. in., A. of N. S., upper roiii. Fri., Fib. 14, 9 a. in., reginlil anato- miy, lower room. Freshmlen- Mon., Fib. 10, 9 a. in.,Ositectology, suppser10011. Tsues., Feb. 11, 9t"a. In., gen. clicis:. istr y, lower rooim. WNed., Feb. 12, 9 as. in., osteology, up. ter roomi. Fi., Feb. 14, 9 a. 12., gens. aniatomny, upper room. AT THlE GRAND OPERA ,VHOUSE. "The Queen01 of Lias"" is a stelsisge', yet a oxtssngly :sss geolive namise for a. pl~ay. Misnnise Mosisieclia loswhosel great elionssi.sIwork 1::s les o 10her- beinsg calledtl by leladisig critic., the msost giftsd atress illthsis counltry, findsln ilthis draman. oiieof lthe- ?most origina~l,lpoweful, ansd convsincsing roles knonito the modern sage. Moniday, Feb. 1t0, is 'Mrs. Fiskto slae. THE ICE IS FINE on the Athletic Field rink and now is the time to enjoy it. F. C. WEINBER. 16,0009 MILES. Alwvays ? leader, the Ohio Central. Lines mileage ticket, wiith latest addi- tions ts thu beet. Covering the Big Four, B. & 0., C., H. & D., Ohio Cen- tral and innumerable other systems, it is the favorite Travelers' Companson. Rloosn d board with use of piano. Private family. 30 S. Thayer street. Subscribe for the Dully. ____________~" The Queen of Liars." . Ia 0 RI-PAN-S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. Prices, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1. 2 d Semester. !UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite LAW building. TERMS $5 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. THE KINDERBARBEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL FPROPERtTY. tVbolsaole Gurs, Tobaccos ansd Cigarettes. L { --....,. ®........,,.... ... d ....b. s. I TOOP &CI TET Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunsches. COTRELL & LEONARD, Albany. N. Y., Makers of Caps z Gowo fir Yale '96,Harvard '968, Princeton '96 aiid may we not odid Michigan '96? Oan and slter Fe-b, 4 all T. 0. & C. Ry. K. & M. Ry.o smr $1.50 U. of IN. Pi ns. Solid thsrough traisss between Toledo, Oio will be sold sat $t.0 to and Charleston, W. YVs., via Coslbs, the protect our pattern. shsurt anod only direct eoute. ToledoE0.WM.ARNOLD'S JEWELRf' STORE. Findlays1O. This Old Reliable Renton, 0. Columbus, 0. PERFECTION Athens, 0. STUDENT LM Pomery, 0. lHaosnever been equal--. Fa Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. ed for reading, sexing - and oile purpoes. Richmond. Va. Thse burner being oep- Petershnrg. Va.fortdt fraomtelssi Old Point Comfort, Va. safe undee all circum- stances. If your deal- Williamnsburg, Va. er doea not keep them, Newpot New Va.upon recelsi of$3.50 Newport NesVa icseelegat Nickel- Norfork, Va. Plated Lamp, imclud- shade ansd chimney. And all southeantern points. Elegnt will be snt to sisy siddress by-the sole mans- drawing room cams on all throtagis trains. foessirs, Allsnsttaa s raiss Co., 88N. Isth For further information call on your local St., N. Y. Ticket Agent or write, MOULTON HOUR, Centl Pass. Aft.,CAE R W. A. PETERS, Michigan Pass. Agente, fl. I1.1II fFEfl 10 E. Washing Detroit, Rich I ton as.