v THE U. OF M. DAILY P'ublished Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, OrrICE: Times, building N. Main t., opposite post office. EIDITORIS C. D. ConP, Ge. L. W. W. ToAvE, 'lb L. S. E. KNAreN, '05. C. It. 0550, '99. W. W. HUossos, '55, E. L., tFiesose, '15 L 0. IANS. '98. EUITOIL-IN-CIIIEFr G. B. Ill11Rs9Nss, '01 L. .i1 INAGINGO EDITOR ,1. F. TuOoAS, '07. BUSINESS MANAGER L. C. XWooEs, 'ill. ASSOCIATE EDITORS L. A. Prott, '96 0. M. Seth, 'Si P. S. t. Smith,'d L. G. E. Sherman, 15. F. Simos, '98. 5. B. Gammon, '98 M. F. A. Focik, 083 E. tR. It. Reilly, '09. It, C. Faolds,'01 M. J. L. OWalsh, 'iS l. C B. Roe, '98 ll. Suoannah Richardson,'18 The subscription price of the Gaily has been reduced to 51.511 in odvance lor the ret of the year. Lease shscriptions at the Danily office or with P. . Meyer, . of M. News Stand. Editor of todlay's paper, J. L.. WALSH, '98 M1. Thle nerxt iiuiiber of (lie Dlaily will be issued Febiruary 13i. Regular pub- lication will be rcsuiied on that late. It is to be 11o15ed that, soinething goodt svili colle oust of thiso fralershity liglO. ovesr tihe annealsl basll. The whles thing is niot a. hatte1r of whlichi the PJniX'1lsily call be p~roudl, yet it is a mtaitr in which thie Uilsessity is 51101e or leos interesied. The lreoclnl slate of affairs shitovs tile existence o1 a: casts feeling svhichi goes furher thian ansythling els;e toward sdestroyinsg anl acive interest iss those orgalitia- glans deiendet upon11 the uinited efforto of the students for their snecess. Luzac's. Oretial iast, Lonidon, loss tile following to say concerning the recent book goten ant by Prof. Jolles A. Craig, hieaud of the Department of Seniltic Langusages: "Prof. S. A. Craig, of the Unsiver- nidy of Mlilgosi, lin lately cosipleted a seides of Assyrian ansd Babylonian religions lexis being chiefly hymns, prayers, oracles, etc., Kioiyunjik 011- letilans in the British Musenim. The first part af tuis work conainis on ei~dbtythree autographed pages, the cuneiform texts, together witls a pee. face and a table of contents. Vol. II 'which, We unnderstassdI, will fotllow in disc course of Ibis year, Xwil supply at fnll traodssiiteratials, English tranlia- tian, a slirt coimmnentary aufd gloss ary; a'tdiionai texts will aso be ap- pended. Dr. Craig's work will he ineartily welcanied by all those XVho unable to finsd tinse to refer to nbe essneiforin origintais, XwIsh to nake th'emselves acquainted swith the re- ligious system of the Babylonians, dhe value of whichl f or the Bible studet In now undisputed.' It is published by the Ilinricknache' Bugialsandiung, Leipzie, Germany. rTOMORROW'S CHURCH SERVICESC Te.RevXIt H1.laboim 511re1tor f St Luke'schurch Kakiiis ou swil ofilcistle iiSt.Andrew's chtreli to- A.lb. .durcha-Preachiiig by Henry Ostroiss. sigisg y Oliver WOeian Isowell both miorning and evening. ,A tuniinil 115951meetichggof young peotle sil be hled at 3 p. n. Evanilgeist Ingels ill preach at the Church of Christ on S. Uiversity ave. net Sundsiy at 11:3 a. m. and. 730 p. nm. Mr. tuges illustrates iis se- miost with cassrt or baekboard. Rx tenisive pretparations ar' being nade for the GterisansiDsay prgram ito be given at 2:45 next Suu:t'y lt the Young Men's Christian Assoelaioli rooms. A stecial atecioss will be a Gernisn trio. Presbyteriain cdiisr'h-0:30 a. i, "lttspoii ibilily in Jtdging Chris'is Rsideiics"; 3 p.i., ;Junioiir C. .; 6:30 p. ii., Senior C. R7., subject. "Christ's earninigs"; 7:30 p. ii., "'fie Tisathsfsictory Natr of ac:Godles Life." tongregalionisilihurch,itt'v. .. W. iiiatsllasX' pastor-1O:3t5 . i..isisrt- 10g Xorsllp, topic, "Te Iriilcec of lbs ClristinLife"; 12ii., Sndisay sehoo; :30 p. in., Y. I. S. C. E.; 7:;') piii. . otng Mci's Sunday Esve'ing tClub, subject, "What is That o 'Thes?" Ruglsh Lthlterain cu~rh-, or. of S. fifth ave. ansd 11b Williuanis., les. W'. L. Tesdrow psstor-ltl:3') . an., st'rmionl, subject, "A Sledidt iOpor- tnity, Htsw= to Impllrvse it." ll1:5 Suindasy school kindt Bible' classs6,30s i. in., meetinsg of the . I. S. C. E.: 7:30 p. u., sernion, stbjet, "NoMais C"tred for My Soul." Rev. l.-1D. Burton, piofessor of Greek Nosy Testament interpretation is the .t'nives'oty of Ciago, sil preach tomorrosv evening at the Fist Baptist hurc. Pnof. Btonrlos5oie of the most acocpished Gtees schal- ai's in this cuntr'y, and is at ereset eiigaged. inXritigg]a. comu~ientry oi St. I'au's ltter to the Galatn. Apha Nu Program The Alpha Nu Society tis arranged the folosing program f or the meet- lug Saturday evening: Vioin solo, Mir. Miller; story, Mr. Hill; debate, "Resolved, That the Alpha Nu sud give its library to he University or Virginia," ailrnat~ve, Messrs. Geis- user, Simons and Dieis, negative, Moesrs. Emmons, Dicinson and Ni- ls; Impiromptu, Mr. Cubb; nusic, Mr. Miller The University School of Dancing will give a prograaa party to pupils and their friends this evening Longevity of Cohlege Graduates. Thie trienniasl esitlogue of Yiale eo~i- lasvis souse lnoiewsorthy sha~il. ;ics ie- toting to the loisgevilty of soliege grastuastes. Tue m lisers of sill class- es prior to 1824 sre us loisger living. the oldost graduatte Iseing laon. Ben- jaulin D. Stilimiant of 1124. Of tus' clss 5of1123 two'ssis's'livisig. Cf 1126, stisich 1usd 101 niesmbers at gvssrtna- lions there ar' Sitsussrviv'ors; of the eighty menmber's of 18127 three are left; tN vbr aore living of the chtlos of 38211 svliiciih numsbered eighity-tsso; 18129 leis live; 11130 fou~r; 1.8t1 six; 1132 stid. 11133 eleveniei; 1834 ansi 1133eight slidteis, respsectis-ely. Frssni11135 the numnbs'r of snirs-isors rapisdly ilicreaises. Of the eba sos graduated in the de- rasts ending ini 18453os-cr onse-fourths of t e lsimsers alo t'sill liviSIg. (Of tie r's'515t551'ssbetwssein 11143 ansi11133 os-er onec-hsilf snrivse, this'exsact figures being 403 living grasutus ssou~t of 954, Thse first clsiss in swhis'huse lisvinigcx- "eesi the de'ad is that of 11131,svhiich grastusted sev'enty3-ines' 1111of sw'hoim fsorty are iring. Of the cs'lebs'ailes class of 18:t sixty-thsree stirs-is-eouit sit 1105; of the is'nilety-osinesumsers, if 11133.sixty-toniuri'm iving;. During thm' decode ensdiig in 11511 thiers' were grads- Snsts's 104118imein, of ss'homs 714 or nhesis- ly 715 per s's't rernsin. Theisess'tatistics a5115'ei'denceuss'of Ills louigs's'ity of coslege-brs's.muini. 'The Worlsd sluanac of 15:)6 pliblishes a list of the oes ivuing g dsisitssssiis'hi is of initere'st01 bearlig oii.ltse suit- ject. The curliest gradute oft' i si- hicist Ish'P'of. Lb. K. Sayre, '211;sit Brown, R1ev. (G. W. tBriggs, '20; of Columubia,Hlailiitoni Morlomi. '24; of Dsirtisonithi. V.X'.I lelciier, '23; of Htarvardt,11ev. «'. I. Furness, '211; of Princeton, WX.('. TWasllace, '2:3; of Uisi- versity of Pennsylvania, SR. B. Dasi-is sons, '2(9; of Washington alS7 sffersoit, 1Rev. J. L. .-isrns, '11, svwso is, proli- ably the oldest tiving graduate of aiiy college of Aiiericsi. Tise av'erage' age to sswhich.Asmerieann college gradtuates, attahin is os-er 600 years, sshichi is remasrtksilesswhen it is noted that the alverage is very notice- abiy lossered by the nuimber svho die early of plnionary and inherited dis- eass's. The statistics seem tost1reugstth ein thte thseory thitt the mentsal activ ity swhich resuits fromi a cotiege esduca- lion is coisdtuctive also to. physical v'igor ant, Goniglife.-Xsite Nesss. FUNNY SKETCiHES WXANTED. Hlaving decided, to om~it shiort, per- sonalh griis in this year's bootk, the Castalian Board is desirouns of getting as many hiusorous sketchies of Univer- sity life its possible. If you ksnow' i ianighiable incidtent or a'anuiisgcharsic- Ier about the University, niake a brezy sketch ansi put it ini tie Gas- taiin contribution boxes on the mailin 9cI4gIrEfFOiR SH(OR1T'STOIIY. The '90 "lRes Gestae" Board offer a cash prize of $13 for the best shtort story on a iegal suibject. Contribu- tions troalai departments are invited and tise Boarit reserve the right to usse all manuscript submnitted. NOTICE TO BASEBALL MIEN. All canstidates for 'V'arsity Baseballi Team must hand in their name, posi- tion they are trying for, and depart- in Unsivernity. Hand namies tol. V. Desans, 44 E. Anst.s, or Red. C. Shields, 311 S. Thayer at, limmuediatchy. RD. C. SHIELDS, Mgr'. All studenstnsvhio itend to take Latin 30 (The Italic Dialects) next semester are requested to notify me as soon as possible, as the books, for the course must be imported from Ger- insny. JOHIN C. ROLFE. LIOST-testleiithier cord case wvith notebook inside; contsined tu'o Chorsil PUisn tickiots amid.-a clinical amuilsii- theatre ticket, besites curds. HRssard for return to 20 S. Uiveroity ave. 91: subscribo for the Daily. GRAND MI -WINTER - '~~~~ CIRGUS! "A Genuine Professional \ One Ring khow. The mash costly' and complete \ ~entertamnment ever -undertaken "~s '\in this vicinity. Circus Canvas, Circus Seats and Circus Lights. A correct representation of the exterior and interior of a circus temnt. A Big Side Show. 42 Foot Ring. 100 New and Novel Features 100 And the best one ring show you have ever seen. PALACE 1RINK, FEB.12 TO15 9 INCLJ.USIVE. Doors Open at 7 p. in., Performance at 8 p. mn. AIDMIS SION. 25 CEN'TS. Matinee Afternoon of the 15th.