v Cl e . a , . a tn. VOL. VI. No. 93. UNIVEIISITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1696. .FOUR PACES-6P CENTS. t S ONE GUITAR pesnt j Is enough for onepesnt .play on at one time. One guitar is niot enough, how- 55K Oi ever, to supply 3,000 stu- 3p l dents. That's why we have9 AN constantly in stock several I S dozens of guitars of various IsI + makes and prices. O +BETTER LOOK AT OUR +N {{' U. OF M, GUITAR,. I It's good as its name. ISN 'THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO.Dl" I S. MAtN ST. 1896. 1896. SECOND SEMESTER MU TETBOK1 New and Second-hand will be sold to stu- dents at special reduced rates _.t Sheehan's LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKS AT BARGAINS, TrakeNotice. In-osder to reduce nay stock of Fall Woolens, I will offer all Fancy Sitings at cost for catel and make Aroom for Spring Importations. An early call-will profit yen. At G. H. WILD, The Leading Tailor, 2 Ei. Wasinbgton St., Near MIain. WAH'S__BOOKSTORES, l~e cao supply yes and at the lowest prices, all University Iext Books for the Second Semester. Large stuck of Secondhand Text- Books at Special Prices. LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKS. iWriting Paper by the Pound 15c, 20c and 2tc. Sole ageutfor Water- man's Ideal Fountain Pen. WBAH R'$, Up Tows, news Town, University Bookstore, Oppositeortiiouse 2OS. State St. 4 N. Maln St. ANN ARBOR BALL ASSURED. FOUR FRATERNITIES HAVE BEEN GIVEN USE OF BUILDING. Wiii Dance February 4-Wil Be 00 Coupies In Attendance-Fee- iminary Arrangements Made. lThe our fraternities have lornin i- feoimedl 1w rrtasy Wade thaiteir request ior 11e use oof te(ymniu-sii bid sbein t'graited. A iiictiin g sr~ llat the Dela Ili-ileithouse Ll:5ft iight andi pseliiiuary rraungeuicits iorelipefeted for lolsiig the bal. TIhoir iin charge say that ai least 10o) couples wtlhi- on thecflor. 'fhy asssay thait Delta, Chii, DeltaSigma.i Deltaiwand Xi Phi tat will altesdit he AsnssAhesrhbll if tliy go at all, a- thoug1h it is io lttei' whether they sill attesul indsividua~lly sr, so frtersi- tie's. Dr. Albert , Foote. A lahte snuiibter sof the topula Nows acosntainsatle foloinvsg slibort sketch. of Dr. Aet IE. F-ot, theiis- Iingisheds' sc ienillshutnd iiierlhgst woost diedl tbisinter aill .tiih "D~r. Foofe wa1ls borni iii iiiltoii . Y., Feruasry I0, 1841. Aftes' grai- atiig at CorandtlsiitAcdemsy, Ilasser, N. Y., le esfered Ills elastof 1817 in tiii Usiises'iy of the Sates of Mli- ciin, where le ook the ee~er ofio-- toe f msicinesi. After sol imise' seispotaiii istrictirat AnnsiAror, lie wassi a~po itdasisoit trfessr sf liesistry asduit nessrrslogy iii lis Iowaate-iollege "I 1875 Dr. IFoote remioes to Pia - aitelpisi. Ie 5il a life miesber f 11(0 Acadtemiy of Naturasl Scieces, of tihe Ness York lisisesisi of NstssAl Iti-fory anditheli-AmieiasiAsscisafioni fr ft- Advanseet:i tf Sienee. r. Ftte's extenided tasiels, ottsinitiis counitry sastdIEuroe, sate hiimspaoric- slsrly swell knownin i sciestile circles.'' Will Be Held on Honor System.' 'rie esssisatioi i Physiology Tiseoasy wilt, e cosdtistei o ilii horror system. Prof. Loniard i (1t the qusesfiosn to the Chss yesteritsy mor- ing: "Whititer lthesoulitwatl thesi like atlolicemaitn, or sodihe uy e ptn osn their hionor?"' It svas voteil by a isisge smaoriy that they soustle put on. their honor. Prof. Lomblardt will read ltse ques- tions to ft' cds, renaiing in the roons to answser questions suet to keep orider for a tibe oter which le wll feel t libety to go out, returning in tne to ollet the pper.Tlis will he the first time this systenohhu, been tried! In the medical depatmet. UNTIL COMMENCEMENT -The Daily for $1.50. FIRE AT BROWN. ATTITUDE OF REGENTS. $6,000 Blaze at That Institution Reent Butterfield Interviewed on Tuesday, Homeopathic Question. Broiwtn Unsiviesity snearly lit-fits tigosifButteifriell ias isllrieaaei asir-it lhop' ('llege ad latI d sllilealt (lias i taphla by era crrspontsdti Hall Pb- ist- Te'tsil-yA janior(Iils- oisfto Frei-ssi-I'sis s-cet-iil-i es-asi 'ovt--cied istliey lacsze ii - lasiietiioithe altilitue f list-Boardidof its- f tietCollege' i a lasge stti- trll acoctenig ihe-sremsosval of lihe till's' bis, ind asagener-a alt-iisc lla;hiiitpaaituit- itn-l ssit t liii soi. siesit out; hut leftist- uit usrsrivdt liii'" lsi'elims is siah-Ie hat il(,- Regnts ii'e hatleics-eath-i t'riif. igil tivettiyit f issitllii'lass ilsi-tisg soomswesreibuPneos-lutll.andil aitthe thiemii t resitss've tlth eas-tsu-si t othersroomsiililt'lssiling er- siak-Deitroit" Ire is iutedlitlas lyilg,"'hit ci.Th 'l'ohss is abotsi. $5000tol I lii'thils is a. mistalke. IIvsa,,as nittil so s-a'p1a-uioss andui$1,0t0titho lstudisintsa.of fliii-lass I mltheIisfenidts of it-e s-itvi'ri-l by issausiasss'. iioii' C'olleg.-l tO-illi- lashuld -lconvey to liii- os-tia is lt'h tliest of liie' Browss-si lutsgs ie fits'-abusilisg usn assirotsushi' anid was i''i'i'uly s't'modttiill1ills an 'arsangi'unsii for huelist'usat-oitto ishiloi- exiw-ssiofii$501.00.ltai fiee' o1'chiarge,. 'The-Regunts hut snittfelciall isphitolitike anuiteer,~ Baseball at Pennsylvania. ut i I-isisis loet. 'T'esinltush' unease 'T'l'Peusnsylaniassficulssiyhlass dei- 110ey lihave usatitis t ti-I lls ltinu idita d uhtrsitsrict-ly o lt' inrofce- oa tsis s'e eal u'asu hr u Irt and, u lil-lt oh'lth sushi- debarsruig isis l r 111(th'yhsasuhid l Ilst ohit. s-s-i-i, l, lisy afihli' ti-auiuiwhoisit e -lilud''t ius'iul scrtii'he-uslat'of is iuttahtiii.buh suisusss' niness. This ua siluerislyi' e5i t ofiimp1'iediiiingiliii' 'i'ilrt'uii'iilit' us jutridthl' ou-hu'sof liii- i-sisl-lhscg'iuts ihave itigone (11ut isiir iciy salia.scaat l hss luxi 'year, 'asto hlp "themtosi geti inuto courti ad soet'ssilof thi s'tidpily's'- will bi' settle thureesIt, l (listionts-ivsotlvti-i dei barredt by3'this niu-.sl ietig ol' I is isipossibile'toiremovei the lst is facsuslv cnlls sute and ----r-a- ahstiol 10to heto ilsui cs-i'll ire~t ' il- ti' lsuiti-s- sa- h- hi Iet lil'fto es -ig liihe ui'alea getsixpen lsttf slk oeits-iu-e i'situatlioiin. Tl st isut of liii'sichs litdsi-iucinisg corsesi'pind- liiiesmeseisng 'asuhaInil lil( t-uit c- igl' lhe- 'dthi-sey of l'till s,1ee ii- s-ia- firmssly v iiss's'iitlt liii'offendi- heululileus I ivotll st'e righl it -rssdiiitiol nfinssgi-flit' use hi- u hitsgele igisl~t'e tsIspa i'cl liihe I'ss- igsirsluiu- tutsthlinkling thetytcouulitsvorskl3ansusotulhussily13 rui iiandtoI 1st-i-itwiis ii hie -re=,eited'ih hiuts. ri''tivi'ifi thBosrdof Ihigi' ils td 'heri'iefsire- t -ws dcideduhisllhiat .-sh s"lot I,;i5111115ibt1 fos thesiesto it mssis idid no1 t.iseruveu'theisvuiiege iiiwst-ilstlii-fusnsts nawi usthiirhsuss:h. hsi'lrr reeti-'l'i'i'nlg lit-univesi'ty.l' Unity Cub Entertainment. Allliuusghin li rsarl senssissud st insit, it is fet-haut inithei'ei-sit iitiill ,sus- 'lher' isill lii-inotseiie narlsssuu in i 'sedi it s purpse oftas- issisusg lii'eft'he 'Uni la( us curus'oliiiAhuusihy lillttwailet'it 1153' ijure eliii- cesail liieel erastid 1(3aslect-l'iure I hsi of snsci-sssfu-h1aatletis' lesuis frth- l shssus-uo Sunay3'eeninug 113' Hon. prsenut t ilal phove tf Isstisiglt-st- EdwrdrPt. Alens, ccf psilniti sil liii it toalpirts sit sllhiuids--sarvrd su' tbjet "'T'tre aleal Asseirsuu." 'Ills Crimssons. foltissg hetsri aill b l3talsy evenig. Ft-b. 3, on "'hiss'ltsiontsiof Oratory at Chicago. ('Color to iii'e'Emsotios," y fDr. llallil 'T'e Uivsesiy of,('hiltago tirsuoriesl IWilson, of Ditroif. Assastieu his eliel-ted le foilloiing History of Music Course. otiri-sa: residisit. V. (I. olisisou; III'iof. Sisusihy clsehs' ils-tnlls-os-iiliii sice priesdent, IH.(I.sie se icretary,3 C'. W. Stewvsat; treasustrr, IA. 'T. l'il. l-te-tfMsc3tstrhu sil shoritaill ii 'it'sity hall, gi-- if. P Bualshilies sosPu-s sohitel g se-l1011s fronts Iliiian oeras. ts-sass-e o tisNo-Ihesi ustohah 'sat of "Noesss, " "liT-e Baber of League inrlsce of AbrahasmusBowses-- Seile," 'liliaiii Tell" ad ohirs resxigned, is elsuessr. 'hdss chiusatnofdthis 'Thie questiosi of adniittingr graduIlatsteces.Tecniuaino h sluduosts to the rouing deate withla re et eetrwllb eoe Columbia has besn decidedu in thi-r t h ap prs efavor. February 28 has been selected Prof. . Davis ivis aled frot as this date for the local oratorical cro- this tniverity this first of thus asee-i test and Arch 4 for the preliminaries owvbng to thse death of a nedhew in for Illse. Lakte Forest debate. Saginaws.