THE U. OF M. DAILY. IJGHIGAN GNT Time Table (Revised) Nov. 24 1855 Mail and Ex....35 Mail--------83J8 N. Y. Special-0 00 N. Y. Special--- 7 30 Eastern Ex....10 12 N. S. Limited... 9 25 Atlantic Ex--7 30 -Pacific Es---12 1 D.N.Expi-ess...5 40 WO/etern Es-...2 00 G. R. Express ---11 05 Ohi. Nt. Es-2___0 28 GREx.----5 57 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HATES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Aen Arbor RAILROAD. Tinse Table, Jan. 12, 1896. N0RTH. SOUTH, 7:22 a. m. n:40am. "12:20pm. 11:4 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 8:21P. m, All trains daily except Ssnday .Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G5. F. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 7:10.8:45 and 11:00 a.m.; 12:45,2:15,5:00, 8:45, 9:15 and 10:45 p, . Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40, 0-25 and 11:10 a. in.: 1:15, 2:45, 1:30, 7:15, 045 .nd 11:15 SUNDAY TIRE. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress n., 1:310,3:30, :00, 0:30 and 9:00pH.m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction,i:00,d:00,5:30, 7:10 and 9:30 p. m. Cars rnn on city time Fare: singe trip 1 cents; round trip tickets 25 cents. WM. F. PARKE, Supt. STUDENTS T If yes want peed reliable life i nsurance call oni Fred T McOmber, ollece No. 1, S. Fourth see. NEW MTACHINE SHOP BUNTER BROS,, 9 E. LIBERTY ST. Skates Concaved. Experimental Work. RENTSCHLER, PHCOTOOR®PHE ML! ANN ARBOR. MICSH. HOT LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS Chocolates and Candies -AT-- JOLLY & CO'S. 20 S. State St., Sager Boc. Large Line nr Fine Pipes. Tnbarcos and Cigars. Gibson & Clark, PHOTOGRAPHERS, 12 W5. HURON ST. TOOP & CO01 V_______: Call an them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our-Lunches. COTRELL & LEONARD, Albany, N. Y~. -Makers of Caps~r Gowns for~ Yale'96,Harvard '94, Princeton '96 anti may we not addt Michigan '96?- G ood Tailoring At Moderate Prices. Theat's theo}basis ofo inmess. No better Garments than rs. Nc5 tstock to select from. tOur Spring Stock is Unusually L, Mr. A. E. Rose will be pleased to slhow __________ saomples at the Cook House every Tuesday. I mp o r ta o t4.= St f n s t r ir io n! you1 our Suits to COrder from $20.00u-Up. THE GOLDEN EAGLE CO, DETROIT. A DESPICABLE PRACTICE. THE RONTGEN DISCOVERY. Some Facts Upon Which Students Prints Obtained and a Lecture Should Be Informed.. Civen by Ast. Prof. Reed The folowing communoiicatin ex- Assislit ,Prf. Rtee'd deotleth01: ploses5ill :1 able 1mannller la practtCice hur flth(lierglr lcturel'ill phlysis tha:t is becominig fare toe comonm:ia:: to (le IRoutlgl li scery Wenesdy whieichcannot be leo sronlgly cen- Tue(sday night, Prof. tiClrhat :11nd As- eme:: itns Prof. Reed lsc:-eded:1ill b- Rloli:'fencaoell said lylpoc-tiy isltainig :a ditint iirels~iolltof :0 lew the( hlomage l'whickiceSill ysltoSM01vi- :111 :a peny ir:c:oing to Iorces (lie, alld he' uight havec sidlelatr- lle-illld ifin ts' columnsliln,:fewc-hdays l~latary is t21e l1'erl'lll13igll::~llce sagI.These plints we(1e'sIow lo(:1the Dholws 011 knowled:ge class :1n1d 511:'hlIuldeoedto:exlalin- Thus. forow D:2ldge' 1s Oilqisv-ilg lt' prcest-s. 1T11:1'XOIIilmllt'lper- :11111, 0but 11011 itox7ictes lby "lihir ltrl hereIl-I:'diferedIfrmie one:s1111 livinig waters. 111e'laiy swish 1to bear1, :to ly (oe :1111 iigtltenths : :nlllelc. wcile the current; ulscd at llarvicd they 1:loIt slpeakl, aint, m ober:ler ct:- stood, 1meant115widel-spread tcogn11ition 15115111t'lally 0ovecrian l:hor. ('lose- lack :111d ill':awa:re :ofit. Theyimulst, 115as liiet as:5 lily were :at Ilrcl t, pult on1, :1t least, the smlanlc~lteof The lecture exliig inerce 1~lss auhiitlliy-tlley war formidable' look- 05:15 a.1111:5 :i11retilg; ne. tiof. ing lladlges, Yvlgrly believedl0(t0o ' be ' I 1'Reed l1'eclardh:msif uWllilg 51o symbols of rar i lst-ti(:is :lw:inll "Ira51:1:'hat-1111 )lrO:ltiiiliyithe Iioctrov- b~y societies of ldistinguished'1schlolars. 13 ~illls' a11111to1 the utiiitialtedthe1111' itOilitllAT THlE GRIAND) Ot'E:liA OUSE. 10 V1'r5 illiloellig. orriotuis cmpanll~y swill ho'ellat t' Tile bdge' celsls o reo r 15010- 1f:ur (21-1111 1ope,t 11:l'1'e tnigt i Ityle cal11il1leters Obta~inedl at a111avera'ge' Bollai~r'5s trsilli of (lothe's Ii- price' 1f 1-le societys pulictilonls. lnlt 1:155. new :and11elIgl~t st'lci, Tile baidge doe1s lno ~ ht 0 ta1re1'wonder'1fil 'letri icefets 11111 eak-iu weaerconrib~ltb mch es tht islight,will be gis-cil ipohn ttl' (f kno'wltege andtillit qulify:'ohim tohisneiofihel' it'5:'ilO'f fi'0ilie edctionr:' contilributel'-it similty lmeanls 5t1a10 (11will b' e eiNremb:0eg cahedl'hothir 1101115 puiblic 'faow is not)1bad, and1rendrinl-lg :lpproiatel.'imusi' throuegh- t11a10 le payis for the pulicatl3ions1. 01u5 the' piece. The('"Srcklu'usceel l h:' fortl-et isa :arl ho:in, sstaele Knlowinig this 30 eery miembe~tr de, el-aft wilh its lishohs (f gtiuin light- is it not a defetie morali se'se5thtil; iandit"sthowes of real fir. lier'm1its a,11me)11to puiblishlhisel aif memilber of S. A. F., F. 1t.A. S,I1 A. It. S., miodesly addiig afterse- R A N DA .JI L eral linos of stchl'Ll and tbehold how great I am'" etc., etc?1 lbmkng Photographer posibly of the cosig ver;:e' of thec 15 Washington Block. ((osel of St. Johni as applicable in hinscase toe for onceit daeo10t dwel far froimitIis kandiof Immnoraliy. LoDOC-DAVOS 3Atnri Ttln.C., lincnnati, 0 Ignorance thtat has learnedi to hidetiC cast my vote for the Ulnversity of itoelf from the nmultitude is the most Michgan, Ano Arbor. Mich., In the con- test for the $150 lathe, which 700 ofer miain igipotr to pesent on March, 1, 184, to the techni- A A1EMNBER OF SOM2E SOCIETIES. cal school receiving the greatest nmber _______________of votes. oters Fnll Name. . ..___________ Wanted--A young 1haia to teach StetN--------- three hours aitay for hsbiourd and Stee'N. . . . room. 4.5 Washtecaw .avenue. 92 city----------- Stte -- --- - {Voter mst be a least fifteen yers UNTIL COMMEN CEMIENT - Tbe old. Ladies c'not vote bt may aidW Dally for $1.50. sern votes. Note tbe following canges ini dates: A WR[LL Vornrist, IN UNIYEIIOI3Y ALt, SATURDAY, FEB. 15THr Stubjet-''American Society Up to Date." Admission 50 Cents. HON. HENRY WATTERSON, MARZCH 4. Tbree canges ave benImae necessary by tbe fact tat Max O'Itell sails for Europe erly il April. Tickets for Max (?'Rll's lectre nlow onf sale at Palmr's Driug- Storc~antl Sieelili's, Sate St., Moore & Wetmore's, Main St. Grand Opera House. Friday, Feb. 7th. A ProductionSCeibrae Tr (1 lol:t te Finglish Sp aig World. MORRISON 's Orginal M0onster Irodctioof FAU STr All News this Seson. Tns:f::s e teiicet OcansioI Wnerftiul E 'ects Prices, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1. 2d Semester. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite LAW building. TERMS $5 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR THE KINDERBAROEN BILLIARD HALL WHOLESALE CIGARS TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. Money to loan on pesonal pr::erty. NOTICE On and nater Feb. 4 all I' our $150 U. oh M. Pins will e sold at $1.00 to protect or pattern. WM. ARNOLD'S JEWELRt' STORE This Old Reliable PERFECTION STUDENT LAMP 1. = Has sever been equal- - ed for reading, seiog, { and offcerose . The burneroeins.p arated ions the il fosnt it'is absoutely, safe under all cireum- stances. If yer deal- er does not eep them, upon recelit of $j3.00 this elegant Nicel- Paeed Lamlcd- shade and chimne wil hr sent to anaress b itesoe san- facturers, IManhatan erass C., 3 E. 2at III1fltTERnERr CAE RERg