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February 07, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-02-07

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Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during
the Collge year, at
Ormtcn Times builing N. Main st., opposite
post office.
C. D. GAisY, Gr. L. W. W. TAYR, '1 L.
S. E. KsNArrn, '9. . I. Sims, 'V.
W. WI. HUiosES'5, F. L. GEissol, '50kL
0. Hots, '.
GL B. HRlSOiss, 'N L.
J. F. TOMAS, '7.
L. . WAfKn, '0.
. A. Pratt, '50 . 1M. Teath, 'Ii P.
S. iti. SmithI,'S L. G. E. Sherman, 'O.
F. Siomons, 'SO. 11. i. am on, '05 5.
F. A. F'ci, '51 E. R. It. Reilly, '9.
tR, . lauds,'Ni M. J. L. Walsh, sO M.
C B. Roe, '8 D. Susanna Rihards, 'S'.
The sbsciptio price of the Daily has
been redced to $1.0 in advance loe the ret
of the yea. Leave sbscriptions at the
Daily sofc orswith P. C. Myer, . of M,
Ritior of today's paler
J. P.F.rThOMAS, '97.
Owiig to hc "exiotig coditinb of
ait'airs i hsbeti houghtisi tat uthile
LUnivirsiy newsaii bic teter civ-
eted by iOsrilg a foirpage Daily to-
mollow' inseadsofs5 ix lillO oday aid
irsiue tisiorrow' is-,lprvioslysaralged.
Coinsequietliyflh, Daily will issue a
foulrpalge edition tomlorrow.
Now' ila. the aniual sbll matite'
promiss isoidevlop alog ie liseof t
"12-count 'cii 2" affair, we may lolt
for sonic tan, which will lit be tsr-
nlsis'd by aillenlaiged eition of
Wirinke on St. V'alcniine' Day. aci
ball will ie, a. gieat scceso aid each
will udotibteuly prove Olin soial
(vet of the seston. vry devotee
of octy will have oppouitiiy to ii-
teiiA the aniiual bll; yet there Swill le
no ertiol, 110 trowd, while those who
do littdace fcai ateni.the miod-
'witer circu:s, and he first senester
will close in a blaze of glory.
Anti 1no it is Mcr. H. D. Plat, of
somewhere in ihigan, whse eager
ness to pose s a reformer lion induced
bin to spelt cocenig 1110t1cs ce-
gardinlg which he is evidently In dec10
ignloance. Mir. Plat exhibiedi him-
self at a meeing of the Iarmers'
Clubs Association at Losing eeness
day, according to the Free Press. He
Is quoted, by that paper as declrhng
Sia "while te SatetUniversiy is
doing goot work:, 't is like tle stae
capiol, a duiiping grudfrA h oi
ticians, who hav~e rendere.d tier party
service." Tis shoud bfing forth a
thoroughs ivestigation. Probably Ar.
-Plat's statement was not made with
reference to the faculties of the LUni-
versiy; but if this Interpretation is to
be taken, it is only necesary to tem
it a. lie, pure and simple, and abs-
ltely wihot truth. But If it canr be
shown that the ieical Students are

furtishbedtwrn-out Ioiiiansfo ils-
sectinig purpoises lure iiay be siie
triiih, lfter all, iii -those blosh-curdlig
lerics about he "muedics" oilcilhlve
beeii atributed heretofre to atluselso
of aentte iiidigstion suffeei by staff
crreslsoldenio of the Detroit New.
(Or piechasteseiss'poliicias are being
dtimiped on ite bus'departmient. Jsht
beit tiree11sidetlil ~lyear tero is
greatiieeil of roiii for new wokess
ill he politcliheld aiid o hi nmay
be tdne the largec inceae in the num-
tier of law- stuilesnts this yar. tiere
10 111 Ixplihnatiiilifor the exitence if
olich organialieons a1, till "Whiskers
Cub" sami the "sons of RItS" Bring
in your proof. Mi.iPlat, and if you
hiasvei't inosigh,11r. t'aspar N. Wll-
hey's asilres- is obtaallsbe 't this
hIs connection wi~lli ihii'rec(nt diii'
lu~iou llof tiiieiadotioiof (le "honor
systemli" at the Uiversity sf ichia,
t'apprioactinig tpeiod of examiiii-
tionss 0110.oii upiecllir llec No
iloiibt the first 51511 towai'Sthe iraugl-
cltion of such a system lere svoldllbihi
tue lsc'rainltleili of whetheii'r 01nmt it
is ueided. if lure tis5systemlatic adi
will-spread cinilg, iie ystemn
shioulid hi'intotuced silisi tii' 0(0111c
the letter. (Oitie other hand if Ile
ri'ivit' of the isi' of unfair iietois
has'lieeii exaggerateidhe led sou
for such so systmn wiih 1 its 'litcte 11111
intricate workings ales ht exist a1111
ag-itatilon for its aloption sloulsi le
stoppled. ''iere'a'eosupportrsof 11011
siks of the quetoin. tObvioulsly, the
only way iii which a Ilesisil ('c10 be
mladl('i151111011facts furniseud bsy el-
soryatioll lt a tiiie weni there is pe-
cuilar temtattioni for tiii'use of liii
iiehiods that nie codemlned 'Thle
tinie of examio fsrniiies 1111 o11
plor'tunity" for such observailoniautd lii
studenitiieed heeafter be.wihout aii
opinion 1111011the case t t,tis Im-sl
upoii facts.
The Remenyl Conrt,
Not as lrge an audience ns might
lisae lbeen exticeed uili'the eiruim-
lmances greeted REdoussl hemenyl at
lis faiew'eli concert hee, Tueshy
nilght but those who were forun-te
enough to be present enjoyed a muasic-
a treat.
iteienyl showed all hs old-tiiie
power and was obliged to respond to
an encore for every nunber. He ws
asisted by Ail~s-c Pauline Stein, so-
prsno, AMiss Louse onosan, solo ion-
lst, notd Mr. Rugene E. Dwsis taitone
and accoimpanist.
The Faculty.Cncert.
The last Faculty Conceit of the firs)
semester was held lash night in Frieze
Memorial Halt It is uninecessary to
comment upon the excellence of he
concert The series for the second se-
mester 1is announced, Theteirs con-
crt will be a rectl by Alxandcw
AlanDowel, Febi. 2. This is an extra
concert with extra charge

Comments Upon His Appointment
hy a Glasgow Paper.
The Glasgow iteraldl of January 25,
1S116, devotes .soise space So the op.
ploilitmlent of Dr. If. -Al. Wenley to
the chctir of tPhilosophiy here. The
following is whast it has to say unde111r
thie head of "Anesiesun Appooinitmlent
folr Dr. Wenley" :
"D~r. Oh .lVsenley, fornierly deasn of
the faculty of alrts in Qileil Mag ire
C'ollege, anl cctusrer oil t'ilosophy ill
the tiverisity of tisgosv, 1101 been
nitfere'd, uhd haOs aecepteld, tile senuioir
plrofe'ssorusipl of thilosophy ill till
h'iveisity of Michligans, il inse'5;loi
to tProfessor Dewey, who has beei
coiled 1o1 the niewv University of Clii.
har o. Th'ei'Z1 iivs'reiiy of Xihlig iidis-
lutl's ithi I-ssrvsird tridl" of1p1aicc ,us
thin ta'ge'st uniiversity initseFUlle
Sltates. Dr. Wenley was educatled tit
the Usiversiiies of Glasgows asdidRlin-
buirghu, aiisotiIi'v e, Italy ansd tes'-
Iiiny. lie grsssussted as 11, A. withi
fist citisslicsoo ,illPi'losophiy 1t
Ghlasowsv in1884. In 1i9he11'toolk the
sis'rs'e of D. Sc. in iins sieneu ato
til'h ' Uiviersity of Rdunrgis. Wbiiie
lsts ye sr, theus'liversiiy of Clisosgowy
cosferrisI ill' sls'rse of 1DPhil. 111001
hisi, hue hisslie sdisinictions of beisug
0111 fir-ftper,.:)o io re-eive this sdegree
froinu a Scottish University. Afte'r' a
coiuse of unsual i dh isinctionlllii in t'e
Uivehrsity of (Glasgow-, isebecii(' is-
se-da-ted wiih, the hail' trofevssor Ve'itch
ill tluewosrk 1ftil icechats' Ini 1886
his wass appsointied lecitsrer' on Phlil-
oophly ius(QiseesiMatrgarset (C'ollege,
andh, ill ,its incorporattioni sithi tir
tssivrersity, wausimn charge of thin phil-
sisoshuicol deiparitmisst. Ini 1588h5 l 50
seeted cxamiiner for ds'grees iss thi-
osophsy :sLutiteratsure illtheUn iues'-
sity' of tbsgosw. SIniss welliknuosvn by
is isooks, 'Socrsst issnS Ch'islt' snot

'Aspuectsof Pes'thiism, swhilcih are
chiefly cess,itsatse for these trestaiucsi
of hilos ,asah smor'ah lprobhlessfroms
thn stiaiiihseilitof suuodnsInqsuiry.
His editin of Professor \'eibeh's
'Dtssslisuu siasd Monismu,' costis 'Ias
effeetionate tribsite to hisisite msuaer.
llh nmes-ouls:cosniribions: to chc
josiusalsofthe dsay liat-c nade hfis
name cfamsilialr to splecialists.."
Commsueninsg eshitos-lly uponi the
above, the Hieralsay05s:
°"lse a~nousceiucit contained us
othec colsussit of Dr,1Wessley's api-
plointmnent as Senior Pcofesoor of Phsil-


osophy in the LUiversity ef Michsigasn,
while gcatifying So his suany friesnds,
susggesis thie qusetiua whethierflue
athforitie who asdsminister the cslisirs
of our ow-. university ore ushiogihuer
wIise. Osue of the msost brilliasjo vhol-
Ills ithe uniersity hass prosduced, wsho
Ihas labored foc tess years as asssistaust,
s'xamsiner and lectu's'ronPhhiiosoishvy
witiuitecsai accep'tiance',lhss bsees
copel~ed to finsd iis splleres in one of
the great unis-eusities of Ameuricss.
Wile his Positionsin ief ~icigsissas tse
hieaslof thin Pliilesoisiinoh hdemirt-
susemot, is osoe' 55htl'l shioulds
g-ratify this' aubiion of anay
teac-her, it filhe 55usvwith all thue
nmore regret thasf his services hsuve
beenll ost to Scottilhlsotsdents. These
fzss'ts s11r gglt tosudenhshclh.and hgrail-
t;i us'esstli et, wiut it iiii ivlcer
th eetat ihis utfrtuoiinices, thinhgs aore bcter sedisisis-
terod~ thssn undeur tile ol cegisuo of
forty' yelrs uago."
Ssvsn Linen for lisle offc etalieon-
cry. 1)2
htsoos andl boar'd with use of lpianho.
Psivsate famihy. It0 S. Thauyer street.
Lh)ST.-h~c ethhercachrd caoe with
notebook isnside; coninediilhtsvo Chsoraul
U'ion tickets and a, clinical anhl-
stseatre ticktet, besisdes cssrds. Rtewvsrd
for return to 20 5S.L'niversoity ave. hR

A Genuine Professional
\ ~One Ring EEhow.
N-The most costly and complete
.\\ > enhertainment over undertaken
~ V~. ~ .,* in Ihis vicimity.
Circus Canvas, Circus Seats and Circus Lights.
A correct representation of the exterior and interior of a chrcus tent.
A Big Side Show. 42 Foot Ring.
100 New and Novel Features 100
And the best one ring show you have ever seen.
Doors Open at 7 p. in.," Performance. at 8 p. m..
Children, l5 Cents. Matinee Afternoon of the 15th.

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